678 research outputs found

    Els efectes de l'estructura d'edats en el creixement de la població

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    L'article analitza les característiques de la distribució per edats de la població que contribueixen al seu desenvolupament. Aquesta influència s'ha estudiat en uns quants països desenvolupats, a través de l'efecte i la dinàmica de factors com el potencial demogràfic, la distribució per edats de les poblacions estables, els índexs d'inestabilitat i els components de la taxa de creixement natural. D'aquesta manera, s'ha demostrat que l'estructura d'edats crea inèrcia, estabilitza el desenvolupament demogràfic i afecta, de manera important, el creixement de la població.En este artículo se ha analizado como contribuyen las características de la distribución de la población por edades a su desarrollo. Esta influencia se ha estudiado a través del efecto y la dinámica de factores como el potencial demográfico, la distribución por edades de las poblaciones estables, los índices de inestabilidad y los componentes de la tasa de crecimiento natural, para algunos países desarrollados. De esta manera, se ha demostrado que la estructura por edades crea inercia, estabiliza el desarrollo demográfico y afecta, de manera importante, el crecimiento de la población.Cet article analyse comment les caractéristiques de la distribution de la population par âges contribuent à son développement. Cette influence a été étudiée au travers de l'effet et de la dynamique des facteurs tels que le potentiel démographique, la distribution par âges des populations stables, les indices d'instabilité et les composantes de la taxe de croissance naturelle, pour certains pays développés. De cette façon, il a été démontré que la structuration par âges crée l'inertie, stabilise le développement démographique et affecte, de manière importante, la croissance de la population.Age distribution characteristics reflecting the contribution of age composition to the population development, such as demographic potentials, stable age distributions, instability indexes, components of the rate of natural increase for a number of developed countries, and their dynamics have been analysed. The role of age structure as an inertial and stabilising factor of demographic development affecting significantly population growth has been demonstrated


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    The article discusses the features of the development of leasing, taking into account international experience. Based on the experience of the American and Western European leasing market, analysis of the operating activities of foreign leasing companies, the theoretical foundations of investment financing from external financial sources using the international leasing mechanism are presented. The article reveals the features of the investment financing mechanism based on the international leasing scheme, taking into account the acceptability of financing conditions, both for the enterprise-lessee and for the company-lessor. Attention is drawn to the possibility of external financing of such a leasing transaction with the involvement of investors and the issue of bonds on the open securities market. Leasing will allow not only to update the fixed assets of a number of leading industries, but also to solve the problem of financing this process at the same time. International experience of leasing application plays an important role in this. Without requiring large one-time expenses of their own funds from enterprises, leasing at the same time guarantees the purposeful development of financial resources, which ultimately will allow attracting into the industry the opportunities of the Russian capital market that have not been fully utilized so far, as well as funds from foreign investors.    The article discusses the features of the development of leasing, taking into account international experience. Based on the experience of the American and Western European leasing market, analysis of the operating activities of foreign leasing companies, the theoretical foundations of investment financing from external financial sources using the international leasing mechanism are presented. The article reveals the features of the investment financing mechanism based on the international leasing scheme, taking into account the acceptability of financing conditions, both for the enterprise-lessee and for the company-lessor. Attention is drawn to the possibility of external financing of such a leasing transaction with the involvement of investors and the issue of bonds on the open securities market. Leasing will allow not only to update the fixed assets of a number of leading industries, but also to solve the problem of financing this process at the same time. International experience of leasing application plays an important role in this. Without requiring large one-time expenses of their own funds from enterprises, leasing at the same time guarantees the purposeful development of financial resources, which ultimately will allow attracting into the industry the opportunities of the Russian capital market that have not been fully utilized so far, as well as funds from foreign investors. &nbsp


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    Language is the major means of communication among people however it impacts the acquisition of the language. This current article making use of an authentic text sheds light upon the classification of set expressions and their property of enhancing unity and stability. The words and word combinations are the main source of enriching vocabulary of a language. Some of them refer to free word combinations while the others are called set expressions. There is a staple unity used for both of them which is called the term phraseological units. Phraseological units are word-groups which comprise proverbs, sayings, clichés, quotations as well as various kinds of allusions may be used for stylistic purpose. Being crystallized metaphors phraseological units enhance the exits expressiveness of which is often intensified by parallelism, antithesis, and alliteration. The basic characteristics of phraseological units are that they exist in the language as ready-made units. It should be noted that they cannot be made in the process of speech. The criterion that assists to distinguish set expressions from free phrases with variable context is the stability of such word-groups which is viewed in terms of statistical probability of co-occurrence for the member words. The whole meaning of a phraseological unit doesn’t depend on the meaning of its components which is explained by the feature of a phraseological unit having a fully and partial figurative meaning being a stable, cohesive and fixed combination of words. Phraseology is supposed to merge into an agreed set of terms and frameworks which has captured a considerable interest from a wide range of language related disciplines. Despite the fact that, a number of miscellaneous approaches have been put forward, and the boundaries of this set, its classification and the place of phraseology in the vocabulary still appears as one of the controversial issues of cutting-edge linguistics. The term set expression is on more definite and self-explanatory vice-versa since the first element points out the most significant characteristic of these units, more precisely, their stability, their fixed and ready-made nature. The word "expression" is relevant in this case, because it is deployed as a general term – the words, groups of words and sentences inclusive.Language is the major means of communication among people however it impacts the acquisition of the language. This current article making use of an authentic text sheds light upon the classification of set expressions and their property of enhancing unity and stability. The words and word combinations are the main source of enriching vocabulary of a language. Some of them refer to free word combinations while the others are called set expressions. There is a staple unity used for both of them which is called the term phraseological units. Phraseological units are word-groups which comprise proverbs, sayings, clichés, quotations as well as various kinds of allusions may be used for stylistic purpose. Being crystallized metaphors phraseological units enhance the exits expressiveness of which is often intensified by parallelism, antithesis, and alliteration. The basic characteristics of phraseological units are that they exist in the language as ready-made units. It should be noted that they cannot be made in the process of speech. The criterion that assists to distinguish set expressions from free phrases with variable context is the stability of such word-groups which is viewed in terms of statistical probability of co-occurrence for the member words. The whole meaning of a phraseological unit doesn’t depend on the meaning of its components which is explained by the feature of a phraseological unit having a fully and partial figurative meaning being a stable, cohesive and fixed combination of words. Phraseology is supposed to merge into an agreed set of terms and frameworks which has captured a considerable interest from a wide range of language related disciplines. Despite the fact that, a number of miscellaneous approaches have been put forward, and the boundaries of this set, its classification and the place of phraseology in the vocabulary still appears as one of the controversial issues of cutting-edge linguistics. The term set expression is on more definite and self-explanatory vice-versa since the first element points out the most significant characteristic of these units, more precisely, their stability, their fixed and ready-made nature. The word "expression" is relevant in this case, because it is deployed as a general term – the words, groups of words and sentences inclusive

    Características de la identidad étnica entre estudiantes

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    The paper shows the characteristics that influence the ethnic identity of students educated in the Azerbaijani and Russian languages.The thoughts related to the study about  ethnic identity within the studies conducted in this way, as well as the psychological features of this process in youthful individuals are analyzed.Analysis of the results demonstrates that learners, studying in Azerbaijani department have indicators of the cognitive element of the ethnic identity higher than those of the learners studying in Russian department. This means that the level of self-awareness of their belonging to this ethnic group, opinions about the features of their own ethnic group are higher among students of the Azerbaijani Department. Analysis of the results also reveals the fact that students, studying in Azerbaijani language have indicators of the affective component of ethnic identity higher than students studying in Russian language. This considers a positive attitude towards their ethnos as a group, as well as the fact that young people have a definite emotional feel of acceptance to their ethnic group, a high sensitivity towards their ethnos.El documento muestra las características que influyen en la identidad étnica de los estudiantes educados en los idiomas azerbaiyano y ruso. Los pensamientos relacionados con el estudio sobre la identidad étnica dentro de los estudios realizados de esta manera, así como las características psicológicas de este proceso en individuos jóvenes son El análisis de los resultados demuestra que los alumnos que estudian en el departamento de Azerbaiyán tienen indicadores del elemento cognitivo de la identidad étnica superior a los de los alumnos que estudian en el departamento ruso. Esto significa que el nivel de autoconciencia de su pertenencia a este grupo étnico, las opiniones sobre las características de su propio grupo étnico son más altas entre los estudiantes del Departamento de Azerbaiyán. El análisis de los resultados también revela el hecho de que los estudiantes que estudian en idioma azerbaiyano tienen indicadores del componente afectivo de la identidad étnica más altos que los estudiantes que estudian en idioma ruso. Esto considera una actitud positiva hacia su etnia como grupo, así como el hecho de que los jóvenes tienen una clara sensación emocional de aceptación hacia su grupo étnico, una alta sensibilidad hacia su etnia

    Características de la identidad étnica entre estudiantes

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    The paper shows the characteristics that influence the ethnic identity of students educated in the Azerbaijani and Russian languages.The thoughts related to the study about  ethnic identity within the studies conducted in this way, as well as the psychological features of this process in youthful individuals are analyzed.Analysis of the results demonstrates that learners, studying in Azerbaijani department have indicators of the cognitive element of the ethnic identity higher than those of the learners studying in Russian department. This means that the level of self-awareness of their belonging to this ethnic group, opinions about the features of their own ethnic group are higher among students of the Azerbaijani Department. Analysis of the results also reveals the fact that students, studying in Azerbaijani language have indicators of the affective component of ethnic identity higher than students studying in Russian language. This considers a positive attitude towards their ethnos as a group, as well as the fact that young people have a definite emotional feel of acceptance to their ethnic group, a high sensitivity towards their ethnos.El documento muestra las características que influyen en la identidad étnica de los estudiantes educados en los idiomas azerbaiyano y ruso. Los pensamientos relacionados con el estudio sobre la identidad étnica dentro de los estudios realizados de esta manera, así como las características psicológicas de este proceso en individuos jóvenes son El análisis de los resultados demuestra que los alumnos que estudian en el departamento de Azerbaiyán tienen indicadores del elemento cognitivo de la identidad étnica superior a los de los alumnos que estudian en el departamento ruso. Esto significa que el nivel de autoconciencia de su pertenencia a este grupo étnico, las opiniones sobre las características de su propio grupo étnico son más altas entre los estudiantes del Departamento de Azerbaiyán. El análisis de los resultados también revela el hecho de que los estudiantes que estudian en idioma azerbaiyano tienen indicadores del componente afectivo de la identidad étnica más altos que los estudiantes que estudian en idioma ruso. Esto considera una actitud positiva hacia su etnia como grupo, así como el hecho de que los jóvenes tienen una clara sensación emocional de aceptación hacia su grupo étnico, una alta sensibilidad hacia su etnia

    Lexico-semantical features of borrowed words from French language to English

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    The article provides an in-depth analysis of the lexical and semantic features of words translated from French into English. Examples are given and studied lexically and semantically. The problem that many students, especially adults, face is why many words in English do not lend themselves to reading rules. It's all about their origin, namely, borrowed from other languages

    Research and modeling of oil refining technological processes operating in the condition of stochastic uncertainty

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    As it is known, one of the initial and important stages in the creation of optimal control systems of oil refining technological units is the development of a mathematical model that can adequately record the processes at any time. The operative and accurate measurement of all input and output variables is one of the important conditions in the development of a mathematical model of technological processes. Studies have shown that the lack of information about the state of complex oil refining processes in many cases reduces their efficiency and effectiveness. On the other hand, the wide range of both quality and quantity of raw materials for processing makes their efficiency even more unsatisfactory. Under these conditions, it is difficult to develop mathematical models that can adequately describes the static modes of technological processes; the development of mathematical models is relevant both in scientific and practical terms. A priori information required on input and output variables during normal operation of the technological complex in order to implement mathematical models identification for the vacuum block of the oil refining process unit is provided in the article. On the basis of this static information, mathematical dependencies were constructed between the variables characterizing the static mode of technological processes and the adequacy of the obtained mathematical models was confirmed through the statistical apparatus In order to solve the problems, the research was determined to be able adequately describe the current technological conditions, which can quickly adapt to current technological situations and ensure the production of oil fractions with relatively stable quality, regardless of the disturbing effects of the syste

    Generalized metric spaces and hyperspaces

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    In this paper, we investigate the heredity of some kind of generalized metric spaces to ecX and enX. We will study the connection between a σ-space, Σ-space, a stratifiable space, ℵ-space, ℵ0-space and its hyperspace

    Методичні рекомендації для проходження виробничої практики з бухгалтерського обліку

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    Подано методичні рекомендації для проходження виробничої практики з бухгалтерського обліку для студентів напрямів підготовки 6.030509 „Облік і аудит", 6.030508 „Фінанси і кредит". Рекомендовано студентам економічного факультету денної та заочної форм навчання

    The Discourse Function of Final Rises in French dialogues

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    We report the results of an empirical study which aims to describe the discourse function of rises at right edge intonation boundaries in French. A Map-Task corpus containing two dialogues was annotated for IP boundaries and pitch transition points with the INTSINT intonational alphabet. The transcripts of the dialogues were labeled for dialogue structure and dialogue acts, using form and function tags. The relation between rises at IP boundaries with types of dialogue acts and topic shifts was statistically evaluated. As expected, the results show a positive correlation between rises and polar questions and between rises and discourse topic openings. Interestingly, the second correlation was stronger than the first, suggesting that the association of rises with topic openings is not simply due to the effect of questions as introducing new topics