59 research outputs found

    Inhibition of Effector Function but Not T Cell Activation and Increase in FoxP3 Expression in T Cells Differentiated in the Presence of PP14

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    Background: T-helper polarization of naïve T cells is determined by a complex mechanism that involves many factors, eventually leading to activation of Th1, Th2, or Th17 responses or alternatively the generation of regulatory T cells. Placental Protein 14 (PP14) is a 28 kDa glycoprotein highly secreted in early pregnancy that is able to desensitize T cell receptor (TCR) signaling and modulate T cell activation. Methodology/Principal Findings: Prolonged antigen-specific stimulation of T cells in the presence of PP14 resulted in an impaired secretion of IFN-c, IL-5 and IL-17 upon restimulation, although the cells proliferated and expressed activation markers. Furthermore, the generation of regulatory CD4 + CD25 high Foxp3 + T cells was induced in the presence of PP14, in both antigen-specific as well as polyclonal stimulation. In accordance with previous reports, we found that the induction of FoxP3 expression by PP14 is accompanied by down regulation of the PI3K-mTOR signaling pathway. Conclusions/Significance: These data suggest that PP14 arrests T cells in a unique activated state that is not accompanied with the acquisition of effector function, together with promoting the generation of regulatory T cells. Taken together, our results may elucidate the role of PP14 in supporting immune tolerance in pregnancy by reducing T cell effector function

    Variation in Size and Growth of the Great Scallop Pecten maximus along a Latitudinal Gradient

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    Understanding the relationship between growth and temperature will aid in the evaluation of thermal stress and threats to ectotherms in the context of anticipated climate changes. Most Pecten maximus scallops living at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere have a larger maximum body size than individuals further south, a common pattern among many ectotherms. We investigated differences in daily shell growth among scallop populations along the Northeast Atlantic coast from Spain to Norway. This study design allowed us to address precisely whether the asymptotic size observed along a latitudinal gradient, mainly defined by a temperature gradient, results from differences in annual or daily growth rates, or a difference in the length of the growing season. We found that low annual growth rates in northern populations are not due to low daily growth values, but to the smaller number of days available each year to achieve growth compared to the south. We documented a decrease in the annual number of growth days with age regardless of latitude. However, despite initially lower annual growth performances in terms of growing season length and growth rate, differences in asymptotic size as a function of latitude resulted from persistent annual growth performances in the north and sharp declines in the south. Our measurements of daily growth rates throughout life in a long-lived ectothermic species provide new insight into spatio-temporal variations in growth dynamics and growing season length that cannot be accounted for by classical growth models that only address asymptotic size and annual growth rate

    Identification of Novel Genetic Loci Associated with Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and Clinical Thyroid Disease

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    Chronic exposure in vivo to thyrotropin receptor stimulating monoclonal antibodies sustains high thyroxine levels and thyroid hyperplasia in thyroid autoimmunity-prone HLA-DRB1*0301 transgenic mice

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    We have examined the induction of autoimmunity and the maintenance of sustained hyperthyroidism in autoimmunity-prone human leucocyte antigen (HLA) DR3 transgenic non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice following chronic stimulation of the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) by monoclonal thyroid-stimulating autoantibodies (TSAbs). Animals received weekly injections over the course of 9 weeks of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with strong thyroid-stimulating properties. Administration of the mAbs KSAb1 (IgG2b) or KSAb2 (IgG2a), which have similar stimulating properties but different TSH-binding blocking activity, resulted in significantly elevated serum thyroxine (T4) levels and thyroid hyperplasia. After the first injection, an initial surge then fall in serum T4 levels was followed by sustained elevated levels with subsequent injections for at least 63 days. Examination of KSAb1 and KSAb2 serum bioactivity showed that the accumulation of the TSAbs in serum was related to their subclass half-lives. The thyroid glands were enlarged and histological examination showed hyperplastic follicles, with minimal accompanying thyroid inflammation. Our results show that chronic in vivo administration of mAbs with strong thyroid-stimulating activity resulted in elevated T4 levels, suggesting persistent stimulation without receptor desensitization, giving a potential explanation for the sustained hyperthyroid status in patients with Graves' disease. Moreover, despite the presence of HLA disease susceptibility alleles and the autoimmune prone NOD background genes, chronic stimulation of the thyroid gland did not lead to immune cell-mediated follicular destruction, suggesting the persistence of immunoregulatory influences to suppress autoimmunity

    A genome-wide screen in 1119 relative pairs with autoimmune thyroid disease

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    CONTEXT: Autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD), comprising Graves' disease and autoimmune hypothyroidism, are characterized by loss of immunological self-tolerance to thyroid antigens. These are complex diseases arising from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. An understanding of the genetic susceptibility factors for AITD could help to target treatments more effectively and identify people at risk for these conditions. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to identify regions of genetic linkage to AITD that could potentially harbor genetic susceptibility factors for these conditions. DESIGN: The study design was a genome-wide screen performed on affected relative pairs with AITD. SETTING: Patients were recruited through hospital endocrinology clinics. PARTICIPANTS: Some 1119 Caucasian relative pairs affected with AITD (Graves' disease or autoimmune hypothyroidism) were recruited into the study. INTERVENTION: Blood samples were obtained from each participant for DNA analysis, and clinical questionnaires were completed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The study aimed to identify regions of genetic linkage to AITD. RESULTS: Three regions of suggestive linkage were obtained on chromosomes 18p11 (maximum LOD score, 2.5), 2q36 (maximum LOD score, 2.2), and 11p15 (maximum LOD score, 2.0). No linkage to human leukocyte antigen was found. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of significant evidence of linkage at any one locus in such a large dataset argues that genetic susceptibility to AITD reflects a number of loci, each with a modest effect. Linkage analysis may be limited in defining such loci, and large-scale association studies may prove to be more useful in identifying genetic susceptibility factors for AITD

    Complexity dynamics: managerialism and undesirable emergence in healthcare organisations

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    Managerialist approaches to change have been applied to many public sector organizations including health care, but little attention has been given to how complexity dynamics can lead to undesirable emergences in such contexts to the detriment of motivation, commitment, performance and long term organizational adaptiveness. This article describes complexity dynamics and explains why and how they can lead to undesirable and unethical emergences in top-down driven change programmes. In particular it considers the problem of toxic workplace cultures, a phenomenon which has flourished in some health care environments. Complexity dynamics can explain why such cultures emerge. Complexity theory suggests alternative management approaches which can deliver adaptive change without the human and organizational costs of such undesirable side-effects