1,194 research outputs found

    Hydraulic analysis of a mangrove planting zone for mitigation of typhoon-induced coastal erosion

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    Fully-grown mangroves provide natural protection to the coasts against waves and currents and stabilize the shorelines. However, young mangrove saplings transplanted onto coastal areas often die when immediately exposed to the natural wave environment. To increase the survival rate of mangrove transplants, engineering solutions are incorporated into traditional mangrove rehabilitation program. This study involves the analysis of the wave loading on protective structures for a typhoon-frequented coastal mangrove area, which is the pilot site for a planting zone of a community-engaged mangrove rehabilitation program. Engineering design and implementation of the solution are also discussed

    Investigation of Co(OH)2 formation during cobalt electrodeposition using a chemometric procedure

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    AbstractThe mechanism of Co electrodeposition in sulphate solutions containing boric acid was investigated using the EQCM technique and potentiostatic measurements. The effects of solution composition, temperature and deposition potential were studied using factorial design as a chemometric procedure. The boric acid was used as a buffer to prevent pH changes due to the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) during electrodeposition. The results showed that Co(OH)2 was formed as a parallel reaction to metallic Co formation under some experimental conditions. The analysis of the factorial design revealed that temperature and [Co2+:H3BO3] molar ratio were the critical variables that affect the mechanism of cobalt electrodeposition. At high temperatures (48°C) and using a 5:1 molar ratio of [Co2+:H3BO3], the formation of cobalt hydroxide was detected simultaneously with cobalt deposition

    High wave hazards on a seawall infrastructure along typhoon-frequented Manila bay

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    Manila Bay is an important host of several physical infrastructures of Metro Manila. During recent strong typhoons, the Roxas Boulevard seawall has been damaged and overtopped by huge waves from Manila Bay. The economic and other costs of the damage have been attributed to the inundation of the road and other infrastructures due to the overtopped seawall. In order to find suitable engineering interventions, it is important to understand and quantify the waves and water levels that may be induced near the seawall by offshore meteorological conditions. Initial results synthesized from the application of a nonlinear wave model are discussed in this paper based on available data of water levels and met-ocean forcing. The simulations indicate the critical importance of historical storm surge values and offshore wave approach conditions in determining the overtopping potential of waves on the seawall. Proposed mitigating solutions are also discussed

    Fatigue strength improvement of AISI E52100 bearing steel by induction heating and repeated quenching

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    Martensitic high carbon high strength AISI E52100 steel (JIS SUJ2) is one of the main alloys used in rolling contact applications when high wear and fatigue resistance are required. In this work, repeated induction heating and quenching of AISI E52100 is proposed and the refinement of the martensite structure and consequently improvement of the fatigue properties measured by rotating bending fatigue tests of steel parts is reported.Високовуглецеву високоміцну мартенситну сталь AISI E52100 (JIS SUJ2) найчастіше використовують за умов контактного кочення, де необхідні підвищені зносотривкість та втомна міцність. Запропоновано методи повторного індукційного нагріву та гартування сталі, внаслідок чого подрібнюється структура мартенситу та поліпшуються втомні властивості під час випробувань сталевих зразків за циклічного згину.Высокоуглеродистую высокопрочную мартенситную сталь AISI E52100 (JIS SUJ2) наиболее часто используют в условиях контактного качения, когда необходимы повышенные износостойкость и усталостная прочность. Предложены методы повторного индукционного нагрева и закаливания стали, вследствие чего измельчается структура мартенситна и улучшаются усталостные свойства во время испытаний стальных образцов при циклическом изгибе

    Recurrent hepatitis C treatment with direct acting antivirals : a real life study at a brazilian liver transplant center

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    Recurrent hepatitis C (HCV) after liver transplantation (LT) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Antiviral treatment is recommended to avoid unfavorable outcomes. Direct-acting antivirals (DAA) have transformed HCV treatment, with higher efficacy and fewer side-effects than interferon-based therapies traditionally used. To evaluate DAA treatment outcomes at a Brazilian transplant unit, data of patients who finished HCV treatment at the Liver Transplant Unit of the University of Campinas were analyzed. Treatment consisted of sofosbuvir, daclatasvir, and ribavirin, for 12 or 24 weeks, according to the national guidelines. Fifty-five patients completed antiviral treatment and 54 had HCV-viral load results available. The majority of patients were male (78%), 58 years old on average, 65% had hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) before LT, and 67% were interferon treatment-experienced. Most patients had HCV genotype 1 (65%), 35% had genotype 3, and started treatment on an average of 38 months after LT (range: 2–228). Fifty-eight percent were treated for 12 weeks and 42% for 24 weeks, using a mean dose of ribavirin of 10.1 mg/kg (4.2–16.1). There were no treatment interruptions due to serious side effects. The sustained virological response rate was 98%. Only one patient relapsed, a genotype 3 cirrhotic treated for 12 weeks. The average follow-up after starting antivirals was 20 months. There were no recurrences of HCC, but there was one rejection episode and one cirrhosis decompensation episode, both 12 weeks after treatment. DAA treatment is safe and effective in the post-LT setting and was not associated to HCC recurrence in the cohort studied52

    Harmonic analysis and practical implementation of a two-phase microgrid system

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    Potential contribution of beneficial microbes to face the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The year 2020 will be remembered by a never before seen, at least by our generation, global pandemic of COVID-19. While a desperate search for effective vaccines or drug therapies is on the run, nutritional strategies to promote immunity against SARS-CoV-2, are being discussed. Certain fermented foods and probiotics may deliver viable microbes with the potential to promote gut immunity. Prebiotics, on their side, may enhance gut immunity by selectively stimulating certain resident microbes in the gut. Different levels of evidence support the use of fermented foods, probiotics and prebiotics to promote gut and lungs immunity. Without being a promise of efficacy against COVID-19, incorporating them into the diet may help to low down gut inflammation and to enhance mucosal immunity, to possibly better face the infection by contributing to diminishing the severity or the duration of infection episodes.Fil: Antunes, Adriane E.C.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Vinderola, Celso Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Lactología Industrial. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Lactología Industrial; ArgentinaFil: Xavier-Santos, Douglas. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Sivieri, Katia. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; Brasi

    Bethe Ansatz solution for quantum spin-1 chains with boundary terms

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    The procedure for obtaining integrable open spin chain Hamiltonians via reflection matrices is explicitly carried out for some three-state vertex models. We have considered the 19-vertex models of Zamolodchikov-Fateev and Izergin-Korepin, and the Z2Z_{2}-graded 19-vertex models with sl(21)sl(2|1) and osp(12)osp(1|2) invariances. In each case the eigenspectrum is determined by application of the coordinate Bethe Ansatz.Comment: 24 pages, LaTex, some misprints remove

    Rhinolithiasis as cause of oronasal fistula

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    Rhinolithiasis is a disease caused by deposition of organic and inorganic compounds in the nasal cavity, leading to unilateral nasal obstruction, fetid rhinorrhea, epistaxis, and it may cause complications. The authors present a case of rhinolithiasis with oronasal fistula and literature review.A Rinolitíase é uma doença na qual ocorre a deposição de compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos em torno de um núcleo na cavidade nasal, causando rinorréia, obstrução nasal unilateral, odor fétido, epistaxe, podendo haver complicações. Os autores apresentam um caso de rinolitíase com fístula oronasal e revisão de literatura.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Setor de RinologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Setor de RinologiaSciEL