310 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan ulos sebagai salah satu ciri khas suku Batak Toba. Setiap upacara adat Batak Toba menggunakan ulos. Kajian ini berfokus pada Ulos Hela dan Mandar Hela, dua ulos yang digunakan dalam upacara pernikahan adat Batak Toba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengingatkan generasi milenial agar lebih memahami dan menghargai budayanya. Informasi yang dikumpulkan diambil langsung dari tempat kejadian. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Penulis mengkaji signifikansi semiotika Ulos Hela dan Madar Hela di Kecamatan Ambul Pegagan dengan menggunakan pendekatan analitis Charles Sanders Piere. Ulos, menurut suku Batak Toba, merupakan karya budaya praktis yang menangkap semua kepercayaan masyarakat yang mendukungnya. Proses pemberian ulos hela dan mandar hela hanya dilakukan pada saat akad nikah. Mandar hela diserahkan setelah hela ulos, yaitu barang pertama yang diberikan kepada calon suami. Suku Batak Toba di Kecamatan Sumbul Pegagan menganut nilai-nilai Ulos Hela dan Mandar Hela sebagai nilai kasih sayang, kepercayaan, pengharapan,  berkat, kedewasaan dan pelayanan

    Exploring the effects of personality traits on the perception of emotions from prosody

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    It has repeatedly been argued that individual differences in personality influence emotion processing, but findings from both the facial and vocal emotion recognition literature are contradictive, suggesting a lack of reliability across studies. To explore this relationship further in a more systematic manner using the Big Five Inventory, we designed two studies employing different research paradigms. Study 1 explored the relationship between personality traits and vocal emotion recognition accuracy while Study 2 examined how personality traits relate to vocal emotion recognition speed. The combined results did not indicate a pairwise linear relationship between self-reported individual differences in personality and vocal emotion processing, suggesting that the continuously proposed influence of personality characteristics on vocal emotion processing might have been overemphasized previously

    Tune in to your emotions: a robust personalized affective music player

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    The emotional power of music is exploited in a personalized affective music player (AMP) that selects music for mood enhancement. A biosignal approach is used to measure listeners’ personal emotional reactions to their own music as input for affective user models. Regression and kernel density estimation are applied to model the physiological changes the music elicits. Using these models, personalized music selections based on an affective goal state can be made. The AMP was validated in real-world trials over the course of several weeks. Results show that our models can cope with noisy situations and handle large inter-individual differences in the music domain. The AMP augments music listening where its techniques enable automated affect guidance. Our approach provides valuable insights for affective computing and user modeling, for which the AMP is a suitable carrier application


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    Professors from the University of California at Berkeley were administered a 90-min test battery of cognitive performance that included measures of reaction time, paired-associate learning, working memory, and prose recall. Age effects among the professors were observed on tests of reaction time, paired-associate memory, and some aspects of working memory. Age effects were not observed on measures of proactive interference and prose recall, though age-related declines are generally observed in standard groups of elderly individuals. The findings suggest that age-related decrements in certain cognitive functions may be mitigated in intelligent, cognitively active individualsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72229/1/j.1467-9280.1995.tb00510.x.pd

    Understanding the relationship between suicidality, current depressed mood, personality, and cognitive factors

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    Objectives: Links between suicidality and depressed mood are well established. There is, however, little information about the emotional regulation processes that underlie the relationship between suicidality and current low mood, and how these processes differ between groups of never-suicidal (NS), suicidal ideators, and suicide attempters. As suicidality and depression are heterogeneous constructs, this study aimed to conduct within- and between-group comparisons of known suicide risk factors that are associated with emotion regulation (neuroticism, trait aggression, brooding, impulsivity, and overgeneral autobiographical memories). Design: Correlational design using between- and within-group comparisons from self-report measures. Methods: Inter- and intragroup differences were identified using Pearson's correlation coefficients and tests of difference. An analysis of indirect effects was used to investigate whether the relationship between suicidality and current low mood was mediated by neuroticism, trait aggression, brooding, impulsivity, and overgeneral autobiographical memories, and if this relationship varied according to group type. Results:  Brooding appeared to be a consistent feature of all three groups and was closely related to current low mood. Compared to the NS group, the relationship between suicide attempts and current low mood showed greater associations with brooding, trait aggression, and overgeneral autobiographical memories. Compared to the NS group, the suicidal ideation group showed stronger associations with neuroticism and impulsivity, but these factors did not correlate with low mood. Conclusion: These results suggest a need for larger studies to focus on heterogeneity within suicidal populations and consider how different combinations of risk factors may heighten or reduce suicide risk. Practitioner points: * It is well known that the severity and intensity of suicide and depressed presentations vary because of underlying dispositional and contextual factors (Fried & Nesse, ) which, in turn, affect how events are interpreted and responded to. Despite this, there is little research about how these mechanisms operate in different types of suicide groups, and their influence on the relationship between suicidality and current low mood. * Understanding interrelationships that affect current low mood is of clinical significance because past suicidal history and deteriorations in already negative mood are linked to repeated suicide attempts and completion. * Our findings show that ruminative brooding, defined as a tendency to repeatedly think about emotional aspects of an event, consistently correlates with current low mood across different types of suicidal groups (NS, suicidal ideators, and suicide attempters), and across analyses. * Findings also show that suicidal ideation and attempt groups were associated with specific personality characteristics that increased the propensity of emotional responding and interpretation compared to the NS group. The relationship between suicide attempt and current low mood had a higher propensity to be influenced by trait aggression, brooding, and overgenerality compared to the NS group. In contrast, although the suicidal ideation group correlated more strongly with neuroticism and impulsivity, these factors did not influence current low mood. * In terms of clinical practice, these findings imply that specific styles of interpretation and thinking may maintain the relationship between suicidality and current low mood. Given the cross-sectional nature of the study, however, it is not possible to imply causality. Nevertheless, the findings obtained provide some support for transdiagnostic models of cognitive-behavioural processes that could be developed further.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Context Modulation of Facial Emotion Perception Differed by Individual Difference

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    Background: Certain facial configurations are believed to be associated with distinct affective meanings (i.e. basic facial expressions), and such associations are common across cultures (i.e. universality of facial expressions). However, recently, many studies suggest that various types of contextual information, rather than facial configuration itself, are important factor for facial emotion perception. Methodology/Principal Findings: To examine systematically how contextual information influences individuals ’ facial emotion perception, the present study estimated direct observers ’ perceptual thresholds for detecting negative facial expressions via a forced-choice psychophysical procedure using faces embedded in various emotional contexts. We additionally measured the individual differences in affective information-processing tendency (BIS/BAS) as a possible factor that may determine the extent to which contextual information on facial emotion perception is used. It was found that contextual information influenced observers ’ perceptual thresholds for facial emotion. Importantly, individuals ’ affectiveinformation tendencies modulated the extent to which they incorporated context information into their facial emotion perceptions. Conclusions/Significance: The findings of this study suggest that facial emotion perception not only depends on facial configuration, but the context in which the face appears as well. This contextual influence appeared differently wit

    Bright light in elderly subjects with nonseasonal major depressive disorder: a double blind randomised clinical trial using early morning bright blue light comparing dim red light treatment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Depression frequently occurs in the elderly. Its cause is largely unknown, but several studies point to disturbances of biological rhythmicity. In both normal aging, and depression, the functioning of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is impaired, as evidenced by an increased prevalence of day-night rhythm perturbations, such as sleeping disorders. Moreover, the inhibitory SCN neurons on the hypothalamus-pituitary adrenocortical axis (HPA-axis) have decreased activity and HPA-activity is enhanced, when compared to non-depressed elderly. Using bright light therapy (BLT) the SCN can be stimulated. In addition, the beneficial effects of BLT on seasonal depression are well accepted. BLT is a potentially safe, nonexpensive and well accepted treatment option. But the current literature on BLT for depression is inconclusive.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This study aims to show whether BLT can reduce non-seasonal major depression in elderly patients. Randomized double blind placebo controlled trial in 126 subjects of 60 years and older with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD, DSM-IV/SCID-I). Subjects are recruited through referrals of psychiatric outpatient clinics and from case finding from databases of general practitioners and old-people homes in the Amsterdam region. After inclusion subjects are randomly allocated to the active (bright blue light) vs. placebo (dim red light) condition using two Philips Bright Light Energy boxes type HF 3304 per subject, from which the light bulbs have been covered with bright blue- or dim red light- permitting filters. Patients will be stratified by use of antidepressants. Prior to treatment a one-week period without light treatment will be used. At three time points several endocrinological, psychophysiological, psychometrically, neuropsychological measures are performed: just before the start of light therapy, after completion of three weeks therapy period, and three weeks thereafter.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>If BLT reduces nonseasonal depression in elderly patients, then additional lightning may easily be implemented in the homes of patients to serve as add-on treatment to antidepressants or as a stand-alone treatment in elderly depressed patients. In addition, if our data support the role of a dysfunctional biological clock in depressed elderly subjects, such a finding may guide further development of novel chronobiological oriented treatment strategies.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00332670</p

    Happiness through leisure

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    Happiness is important to individuals. If one were to make a judgment based on the vast amount of self-help books available in any bookstore, the conclusion would have to be that happiness is a very important aspect of people’s lives. Whether such books actually provide any solutions to increase happiness is doubtful (Bergsma, 2008). Nevertheless, many are clearly interested in happiness