19 research outputs found

    A Reversible Gene-Targeting Strategy Identifies Synthetic Lethal Interactions between MK2 and p53 in the DNA Damage Response In Vivo

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    A fundamental limitation in devising new therapeutic strategies for killing cancer cells with DNA damaging agents is the need to identify synthetic lethal interactions between tumor-specific mutations and components of the DNA damage response (DDR) in vivo. The stress-activated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/MAPKAP kinase-2 (MK2) pathway is a critical component of the DDR network in p53-deficient tumor cells in vitro. To explore the relevance of this pathway for cancer therapy in vivo, we developed a specific gene targeting strategy in which Cre-mediated recombination simultaneously creates isogenic MK2-proficient and MK2-deficient tumors within a single animal. This allows direct identification of MK2 synthetic lethality with mutations that promote tumor development or control response to genotoxic treatment. In an autochthonous model of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), we demonstrate that MK2 is responsible for resistance of p53-deficient tumors to cisplatin, indicating synthetic lethality between p53 and MK2 can successfully be exploited for enhanced sensitization of tumors to DNA-damaging chemotherapeutics in vivo.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant ES015339)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM60594)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM59281)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant CA112967)Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Environmental Health Sciences (Core Grant P30-CA14051)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Environmental Health Sciences (Core Grant ES-002109

    Insensitivity of chloroplast gene expression to DNA methylation

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    Presence and possible functions of DNA methylation in plastid genomes of higher plants have been highly controversial. While a number of studies presented evidence for the occurrence of both cytosine and adenine methylation in plastid genomes and proposed a role of cytosine methylation in the transcriptional regulation of plastid genes, several recent studies suggested that at least cytosine methylation may be absent from higher plant plastid genomes. To test if either adenine or cytosine methylation can play a regulatory role in plastid gene expression, we have introduced cyanobacterial genes for adenine and cytosine DNA methyltransferases (methylases) into the tobacco plastid genome by chloroplast transformation. Using DNA cleavage with methylation-sensitive and methylation-dependent restriction endonucleases, we show that the plastid genomes in the transplastomic plants are efficiently methylated. All transplastomic lines are phenotypically indistinguishable from wild-type plants and, moreover, show no alterations in plastid gene expression. Our data indicate that the expression of plastid genes is not sensitive to DNA methylation and, hence, suggest that DNA methylation is unlikely to be involved in the transcriptional regulation of plastid gene expression

    The Sariçiçek Howardite Fall in Turkey: Source Crater of HED Meteorites on Vesta and İmpact Risk of Vestoids

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    The Sariçiçek howardite meteorite shower consisting of 343 documented stones occurred on 2 September 2015 in Turkey and is the first documented howardite fall. Cosmogenic isotopes show that Sariçiçek experienced a complex cosmic ray exposure history, exposed during ~12–14 Ma in a regolith near the surface of a parent asteroid, and that an ~1 m sized meteoroid was launched by an impact 22 ± 2 Ma ago to Earth (as did one third of all HED meteorites). SIMS dating of zircon and baddeleyite yielded 4550.4 ± 2.5 Ma and 4553 ± 8.8 Ma crystallization ages for the basaltic magma clasts. The apatite U-Pb age of 4525 ± 17 Ma, K-Ar age of ~3.9 Ga, and the U,Th-He ages of 1.8 ± 0.7 and 2.6 ± 0.3 Ga are interpreted to represent thermal metamorphic and impact-related resetting ages, respectively. Petrographic, geochemical and O-, Cr- and Tiisotopic studies confirm that Sariçiçek belongs to the normal clan of HED meteorites. Petrographic observations and analysis of organic material indicate a small portion of carbonaceous chondrite material in the Sariçiçek regolith and organic contamination of the meteorite after a few days on soil. Video observations of the fall show an atmospheric entry at 17.3 ± 0.8 kms-1 from NW, fragmentations at 37, 33, 31 and 27 km altitude, and provide a pre-atmospheric orbit that is the first dynamical link between the normal HED meteorite clan and the inner Main Belt. Spectral data indicate the similarity of Sariçiçek with the Vesta asteroid family (V-class) spectra, a group of asteroids stretching to delivery resonances, which includes (4) Vesta. Dynamical modeling of meteoroid delivery to Earth shows that the complete disruption of a ~1 km sized Vesta family asteroid or a ~10 km sized impact crater on Vesta is required to provide sufficient meteoroids ≤4 m in size to account for the influx of meteorites from this HED clan. The 16.7 km diameter Antonia impact crater on Vesta was formed on terrain of the same age as given by the 4He retention age of Sariçiçek. Lunar scaling for crater production to crater counts of its ejecta blanket show it was formed ~22 Ma ago

    Identification of Novel Genetic Loci Associated with Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and Clinical Thyroid Disease

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    A Reversible Gene-Targeting Strategy Identifies Synthetic Lethal Interactions between MK2 and p53 in the DNA Damage Response In Vivo

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    A fundamental limitation in devising new therapeutic strategies for killing cancer cells with DNA damaging agents is the need to identify synthetic lethal interactions between tumor-specific mutations and components of the DNA damage response (DDR) in vivo. The stress-activated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/MAPKAP kinase-2 (MK2) pathway is a critical component of the DDR network in p53-deficient tumor cells in vitro. To explore the relevance of this pathway for cancer therapy in vivo, we developed a specific gene targeting strategy in which Cre-mediated recombination simultaneously creates isogenic MK2-proficient and MK2-deficient tumors within a single animal. This allows direct identification of MK2 synthetic lethality with mutations that promote tumor development or control response to genotoxic treatment. In an autochthonous model of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), we demonstrate that MK2 is responsible for resistance of p53-deficient tumors to cisplatin, indicating synthetic lethality between p53 and MK2 can successfully be exploited for enhanced sensitization of tumors to DNA-damaging chemotherapeutics in vivo

    Modular Wear Facet Nomenclature for mammalian post-canine dentitions

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    <p>Dental wear facets on the occlusal surface of premolars and molars are traces of their main function, the mastication and therefore reflect masticatory movements and also paramasticatory (i.e. non-dietary use of teeth) behavior. Here we present the Modular Wear Facet Nomenclature applicable to most mammalian dentitions. Topographic positions of wear facets in relation to the major cusps and crests of the teeth are used to designate the areas of the occlusal surface the facets occupy (e.g. their mesial, distal, lingual, or buccal position). Previous published systems for labeling wear facets have been inconsistent with each other. Therefore, we provide a synoptic review of the most widely-used terminologies, and introduce the alternative Modular Wear Facet Nomenclature. This nomenclature aims to overcome the difficulties caused by the existing inconsistent wear facet terminologies. Our new approach is applicable to dentitions where the occlusal morphology does not change significantly for most of the lifetime of the animal. In those dentitions, the primary occlusal surfaces are not significantly modified as wear facets become more extensive with wearing. This appears to be a common pattern in pre-tribosphenic, tribosphenic molars, and the teeth derived from tribosphenic precursors (e.g. bunodont molar morphologies). In teeth where the secondary occlusal surface is functionally intensely modified (i.e. high-crowned and evergrowing teeth with large areas of dentine exposed) any facet labeling system appears to be challenging, since the identification of individual facets is blurred and their spatial position may be indeterminable.</p

    Investigation of Pressure Effects in the Bimetallic Transplutonium Tetrazolate Complexes [(An(pmtz)<sub>2</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(μ-pmtz)]<sub>2</sub>(pmtz)<sub>2</sub>·<i>n</i>H<sub>2</sub>O (An<sup>3+</sup> = Cm<sup>3+</sup>, Bk<sup>3+</sup>, and Cf<sup>3+</sup>)

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    Understanding the effects of pressure on actinide compounds is an integral part of safe nuclear waste storage in deep geologic repositories and provides a means of systematically altering the structure and properties. However, detailing how the effects of pressure evolve across the actinide series in the later elements is not typically undertaken because of the challenges of conducting research on these unstable isotopes. Here, a family of bimetallic actinide complexes, [(An(pmtz)2(H2O)3)2(μ-pmtz)]2(pmtz)2·nH2O (An3+ = Cm3+, Bk3+, and Cf3+, pmtz– = 5-(pyrimidyl)tetrazolate; Cm1, Bk1, and Cf1), are reported and represent the first structurally characterized bimetallic berkelium and californium compounds. The pressure response as determined from UV–vis–NIR transitions varies for Cm1, Bk1, and Cf1. The 5f → 5f transitions in Cm1 are notably more sensitive to pressure compared to those in Bk1 and Cf1 and show substantial bathochromic shifting of several 5f → 5f transitions. In the case of Bk1, an ingrowth of a metal-to-ligand charge-transfer transition occurs at elevated pressures because of the accessible Bk3+/Bk4+ couple. For Cf1, no substantial transition shifting or emergence of MLCT transitions is observed at elevated pressures because of the prohibitive energetics of the Cf3+/Cf4+ couple and reduced sensitivity of the 5f → 5f transitions to the local coordination environment because of the more contracted 5f shell versus Cm3+ and Bk3+

    Toward evidence-based diagnosis of myocarditis in children and adolescents: Rationale, design, and first baseline data of MYKKE, a multicenter registry and study platform

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    Aims The aim of this registry is to provide data on age-related clinical features of suspected myocarditis and to create a study platform allowing for deriving diagnostic criteria and, at a later stage, testing therapeutic interventions in patients with myocarditis. Study design and results After an initial 6-month pilot phase, MYKKE was opened in June 2014 as a prospective multicenter registry for patients from pediatric heart centers, university hospitals, and community hospitals with pediatric cardiology wards in Germany. Inclusion criteria consisted of age 12 years), show higher proportions of males, and document a high prevalence of severe disease courses in pediatric patients with suspected myocarditis. Severe clinical courses and early adverse events were more prevalent in younger patients and were related to severely impaired leftventricular ejection fraction at initial presentation. Summary MYKKE represents a multicenter registry and research platform for children and adolescents with suspected myocarditis that achieve steady recruitment and generate a wide range of real-world data on clinical course, diagnostic workup, and treatment of this group of patients. The baseline data reveal the presence of 2 age peaks and provide important insights into the severity of disease in children with suspected myocarditis. In the future, MYKKE might facilitate interventional substudies by providing an established collaborating network using common diagnostic approaches

    Simultaneous EEG and fMRI reveals a causally connected subcortical-cortical network during reward anticipation

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have been used to study the neural correlates of reward anticipation, but the interrelation of EEG and fMRI measures remains unknown. The goal of the present study was to investigate this relationship in response to a well established reward anticipation paradigm using simultaneous EEG-fMRI recording in healthy human subjects. Analysis of causal interactions between the thalamus (THAL), ventral-striatum (VS), and supplementary motor area (SMA), using both mediator analysis and dynamic causal modeling, revealed that (1) THAL fMRI blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) activity is mediating intermodal correlations between the EEG contingent negative variation (CNV) signal and the fMRI BOLD signal in SMA and VS, (2) the underlying causal connectivity network consists of top-down regulation from SMA to VS and SMA to THAL along with an excitatory information flow through a THAL→VS→SMA route during reward anticipation, and (3) the EEG CNV signal is best predicted by a combination of THAL fMRI BOLD response and strength of top-down regulation from SMA to VS and SMA to THAL. Collectively, these findings represent a likely neurobiological mechanism mapping a primarily subcortical process, i.e., reward anticipation, onto a cortical signature