Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University

DSpace@FSM Vakif University
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    4737 research outputs found

    Kütüphane Bülteni, 5

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    Kütüphane kelimesi Arapça ktb kökünden gelen kutub “kitaplar” ve Farsça xâne “ev” sözcüklerinin bir araya gelmesinden oluşmuştur. Kütüphane kelimesinin aslı Eski Yunanca bibliotheke, Latince’ye bibliotheca olarak geçmiştir. Bibliotheke kelimesi iki ayrı kelime Biblos veya byblos ile theke kelimelerinin bir araya gelmesiyle oluşmuştur. Byblos, papirüs yapraklarının oluşmasını sağlayan, bitkinin özüne denmektedir. Bu kelime daha sonra bir kitap şekli olan papirüs rulosu ve daha sonraları bulunacak olan parşömen kodeksi içinde kullanılmıştır. Theke kelimesi ise herhangi bir şeyi içine alan koruyan, saklayan eşya anlamındadır. Ortaya çıkan bybliontheke kitapların muhafaza edildiği yer olarak düşünülebilir. Sonraları libraria kelimesi de kullanılmıştır. Bu kelime kitap anlamına gelen liber kelimesi ile bağlantılıdır. Kütüphane kelimesinin bu günkü anlamda ilk kullanımı İskenderiye Kütüphanesiyle beraber olmuştur

    Investigation of Industrial Structure Performances in The Hatay and Gaziantep Provinces During the Türkiye Eearthquakes on February 6, 2023

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    The seismic events of magnitudes 7.7 and 7.6 that occurred in the Pazarcik and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaras, respectively, resulted in a disastrous aftermath characterized by a substantial loss of life, injuries affecting a multitude of individuals, and extensive structural failures. The present investigation encompasses the comprehensive assessments carried out by research team pertaining to industrial structures in the wake of these catastrophic seismic events. These evaluations were centered on various categories of structures, including liquid storage tanks, silos designed for the storage of grain-like materials, prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, and low-rise steel industrial buildings. Wall buckling damage caused by the impulsive and convective effects of the fluid has been detected in liquid storage tanks. Additionally, one of the tanks at the oil storage facility has toppled on account of inadequate anchoring. Maize silos, displaying variations in design such as columnsupported and ground-supported configurations, displayed noticeable structural damage at their base connections. Additionally, the internal pressure generated on the silo walls during the seismic event led to structural rupture, causing the discharge of grain-like agricultural commodities. Various types of damage were also determined in precast structures. Inadequate connections between columns and beams, plastic hinges in columns, and collapse of infill walls are examples of such damage. The significance of connections in low-rise steel structures was also demonstrated in this earthquake. Furthermore, one contributing factor to structural damage is the significant discrepancy in stiffness between different orientations of such structures. The study clarifies both the manifestations of structural damages and their underlying causative factors related to strong ground motion, while also delineating recommended precautionary measures

    The Architecture of Visual Narrative: Can Text-to-image Algorithms Enhance The Power of Stylistic Narrative for Architecture

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    Architecture has always been a means of communicating stories through its design, with its structures and spaces serving as visual narratives. However, recent advancements in technology have created opportunities for architects to enhance their storytelling capabilities through the use of text-to-image algorithms. These algorithms have the potential to improve visual narratives by enabling architects to translate written descriptions into tangible visual representations. This article explores the architecture of visual narrative and how text-to-image algorithms can enhance it in diverse styles. This inquiry aims to help architectural epistemology understand and foresee the potential impact of this technology on the field of architecture. To understand the limits of AI in generating styles to enhance architectural narrative, six distinct styles were chosen for experimentation. The styles were selected based on their unique features, including an architect’s style, movement, or era. These styles include Zaha Hadid, Brutalist, modern-minimalistic, Peter Zumthor, Gothic, and Gaudi. The narrative was kept the same for each style while observing the changes in AIgenerated visuals. The results were evaluated by comparing AI’s interpretations in terms of stylistic, environmental, material, form-based, and atmospheric features. While the results showed promise in terms of variations in each category, AI was not successful in implementing all stylistic features while keeping the narrative stable. In particular, after the second environment layer, the modern-minimalistic, Zumthor, and Brutalist styles lost their distinct features, while Gothic and Gaudi-inspired visuals were hardly generated even in the second environment layer. As a result, AI performed well in generating detailed environmental features without any given narrative and creating an atmospheric environment with enlightening the environment for the last layer

    Investigation of the Relationship Between Akkermansia Genomic Diversity in Gut Microbiota and Parkinson’s Disease Dementia

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    Parkinson hastalığında (PH), genellikle sağlıkla ilişkilendirilen bir bakteri cinsi olan Akkermansia’nın bağırsak mikrobiyotasında artış gösterdiği bilinse de bu artışın nedeni tam olarak anlaşılamamıştır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’deki PH hastalarında, bağırsak mikrobiyotasındaki muhtemel Akkermansia değişimlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, ilk kez shotgun metagenomik ve Akkermansia cinsine özgül bir yeni nesil dizileme (NGS) tekniği kullanılarak PH’de bilişsel bozukluk evreleriyle ilişkili olabilecek belirli Akkermansia suşlarının varlığı ve bu suşlarda bulunan potansiyel genler incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda Türkiye’de toplanmış dört bağırsak mikrobiyotası örneği -üç demanslı PH (PHD) ve bir bilişsel bozukluğu olmayan sağlıklı kontrol (SK)- shotgun metagenomik dizileme yoluyla analiz edilmiş ve örneklerdeki Akkermansia cinsine ait genomlar yeniden inşa edilmiştir. Bu genomlar, veri tabanlarındaki Akkermansia cinsine ait genomlarla bir araya getirilerek özel bir veri tabanı oluşturulmuş ve Akkermansia cinsine özgül NGS uyumlu primerler bu veri tabanı kullanılarak tasarlanmıştır. Hedef gen bölgesinin çoğaltılması ve cins özgül yeni nesil dizileme için kütüphane hazırlama basamaklarının optimize edilmesinden sonra, 64 PH hastası [32 PHD ve 32 hafif bilişsel bozukluk gösteren PH (PH-MCI)] ile 26 SK’ye ait bağırsak mikrobiyotası örnekleri cins özgül amplikon dizileme ile analiz edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda, bağırsak mikrobiyotası örneklerinde Akkermansia muciniphila türüne ait oldukları belirlenen yedi suşun varlığı tespit edilmiş ve iki suşun demanslı (PHD) ve demansı olmayan (PH-MCI, HC) gruplar arasındaki dağılımının anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği (p< 0.05) belirlenmiştir. Tespit edilen suşlara ait genomların gen içerikleri, karşılaştırmalı genomik analizler yoluyla incelediğinde yalnızca dağılımı demanslı ve demansı olmayan gruplar arasında anlamlı farklılık gösteren iki suşta bulunan 12 genin varlığı tahmin edilmiştir. Bu genlerin annotasyonları yapıldığında ise daha önce rapor edilmemiş ve işlevi bilinmeyen genler oldukları görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, ilk kez Türkiye’de toplanmış PH hastalarına ait bağırsak mikrobiyotası örneklerinin shotgun metagenomik analizleri gerçekleştirilmiş, özel olarak Akkermansia cinsinin analizi için cins-özgül bir amplikon dizileme yöntemi geliştirilmiş ve bu yöntem kullanılarak PH’de bilişsel bozukluk evreleriyle ile ilişkili olabilecek Akkermansia suşları ve genleri tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, tür ya da suş düzeyindeki farklılıkların araştırılmasının, bağırsak mikrobiyotasındaki PH ile ilişkili değişimlerin daha iyi anlaşılmasına yardımcı olabileceğine işaret etmektedir.Although it is known that the relative abundance of Akkermansia, a bacterial genus commonly associated with health, increases in the gut microbiota of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, the exact reason for this increase remains unclear. This study was aimed to identify potential changes in Akkermansia within the gut microbiota of PD patients in Türkiye. For this purpose, shotgun metagenomics and a novel Akkermansia genus-specific amplicon sequencing technique was used to investigate the presence of specific Akkermansia strains associated with cognitive impairment (CI) stages in PD and to examine potential genes within these strains. In this context, four gut microbiota samples from Türkiye -three PD with dementia (PDD) and one healthy control without CI (HC)- were analyzed by shotgun metagenomics and metagenome-assembled genomes assigned to Akkermansia genus were reconstructed. Then, a custom database was created by combining these genomes with the Akkermansia genomes in public databases and next generation sequencing (NGS) compatible primers specific to the genus Akkermansia were designed using this database. After optimization of amplification and library preparation steps for genus-specific next generation sequencing, gut microbiota samples from 64 PD patients [32 PDD and 32 PD with mild CI (PD-MCI)] and 26 HCs were analyzed by genus-specific amplicon sequencing. The results revealed the presence of seven strains assigned to Akkermansia muciniphila in gut microbiota samples, two of which showed significant distribution differences (p< 0.05) between demented (PDD) and non-demented groups (PD-MCI, HC). When gene contents of the detected Akkermansia genomes were examined through comparative genomic analysis, the presence of 12 genes only in Akkermansia genomes specific to non-demented groups were predicted. The annotations of these genes showed that they were not reported before with unknown functions. In this study, for the first time, gut microbiota samples from PD patients in Türkiye were analyzed using shotgun metagenomics, a novel genus-specific amplicon sequencing method was developed specifically for the analysis of Akkermansia genus, and then Akkermansia strains and genes potentially associated with CI stages in PD were identified using this method. The results underscore that investigating the species or strain level differences could help better understanding of the changes associated with PD in the human gut microbiota

    Microstructural, Hardness, and Wear Properties of Mg2Si-reinforced Al Matrix in-situ Composites Produced by Low Superheat Casting

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    In this study, Mg2Si-reinforced A356 and A413 aluminum matrix composites were fabricated by low superheat casting using AM50 magnesium alloy as a source for the in-situ formation of Mg2Si particles. AM50 was added to each Al alloy at 5 %, 10 %, and 15 % ratios, respectively. Casting temperatures for these composites were 650 ◦C for A356 and 620 ◦C for A413. After the production, the as-cast samples were reheated to 580 ◦C and quenched. The microstructure and hardness properties of both as-cast and reheated samples were investigated and wear tests were carried out on the as-cast specimens. As the AM50 ratio increased, the morphology of Mg2Si became finer, and polygonal primary particles were precipitated in the A356 and A413 matrix as-cast composites. The formation of in-situ Mg2Si particles improved the hardness of the composites by up to 47 %. The hardness values reached 94 and 93 HB in the A356–5 and A413–15 specimens, respectively. Besides, wear rates were decreased by up to 55 % in the Mg2Si-reinforced composites compared to the unreinforced alloys

    Investigation of the Effect of Process Parameters and Geometry-Related Variations on Residual Stress for Aluminum 7050 Alloy Produced via Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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    Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), one of the additive manufacturing methods, has gained an important place in several fields like aviation, space biomedical, etc., due to its advantages, such as producing complex shaped parts with high quality in shorter times. On the contrary, disadvantages such as high surface roughness, low dimensional accuracy, problems in reproducibility, and residual stress may induce difficulties during the production of the part or usage of the final product. To reduce the residual stress on the parts manufactured by the L-PBF technique, methods such as optimizing geometry-related variations and printing process parameters or applying post-processes can be implemented. This study applied different process parameters and geometry-related variations to investigate the residual stress for aluminum 7050- RAM2 (2% ceramic added) alloy prepared by L-PBF. Laser power, scanning speed, re-melting (double scan) as the process parameters and dimensional variations of the sample (surface area), and different print orientations (0°, 45°) as the geometry-related variations were examined. Minor differences in the process parameters and geometry-related variations affected the residual stress significantly. Especially up-skin scan parameters, build orientation, and size of the top surface area may entirely change the residual stress characteristics

    A simple 90° Hybrid Branchline Coupler with Wideband Phase Balance for 5G Applications

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    A 90° hybrid coupler operating at a central frequency of 5.40 GHz is introduced, offering high-performance characteristics with compact dimensions of 616.65 mm² (33.3 mm × 18.5 mm). These features are achieved while maintaining a design that makes it easy to produce. The unique aspect of this microstrip FR4 substrate-based design is the consistent S-parameters, which remain steady despite changes in structural dimensions, thereby making it adaptable to fabrication variations. The reported S-parameters measured in 5.4 GHz are as follows: |S11|= –29.46 dB, |S21|= –4.11 dB, |S31|= –3.96 dB, and |S41|= –21.23 dB. This hybrid coupler operates over a bandwidth of 0.8 GHz (16%), demonstrating remarkable performance within this spectrum. In addition to its design, the coupler exhibits robust resilience against changes in substrate parameters and structural dimensions, ensuring reliability during the fabrication process. Following thorough simulation studies, a physical prototype of the coupler was constructed and subjected to laboratory measurements. The experimental results align closely with the simulation data, validating the accuracy and predictability of the design. In comparison with other studies and designs documented in the literature, this compact, high-performance 90° hybrid coupler exhibits clear advantages in terms of size, isolation, phase deviation, and structural complexity. Therefore, the benefits and applicability of this presented structure in the context of microwave circuits and systems are underscored. It's noteworthy to mention that the central frequency of 5.4 GHz falls within the sub-6 GHz 5G band range

    Comprehensive Assessment of PLGA/nHAp Combined with Hemp Oil Bionanocomposites: Revealing the in Vitro Behavior and Features

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    This study aims to develop PLGA/nHAp (poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid/ nano-hydroxyapatite)) bionanocomposites combined with industrial hemp oil (Ho) for use in bone tissue engineering applications. FT-IR, SEM, TGA-DSC, XRD, GC-MS and Raman spectroscopy analyses were performed to characterize the PLGA/nHAp/Ho bionanocomposite. The elasticity module: 12.673 MPa, tensile strength: 3.22 MPa, Electrophoretic: −71×10−6±5×10−6 cm2/Vs, Conductivity: 0.133 mS/cm, Encapsulation efficiency: %88.57±2.53, Zeta potential: 35.6±1.2 mV of PLGA/nHAp/Ho were found. As a result of Franz diffusion release kinetics modelling, the release kinetic model of Ho was determined as zero-order, with a high correlation coefficient (R2: 0.98). Furthermore, the phase transitions of Ho were modelled with 2D (“Wolfram Mathematica 13.2”) and Minitab 19 programmes. In addition, bionanocomposite samples containing Ho showed a strong effect against E. coli and S. epidermidis microorganisms. The zone of inhibition formed around the PLGA/nHAp/Ho sample had the largest diameter (> 20 mm). Moreover, a proliferation assay on the bionanocomposites was performed using MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells. In this way, cell culturing was performed on PLGA/nHAp/Ho for 7 days and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) images of PLGA/nHAp/Ho were obtained after culturing. The results indicated that the number of cells adhering to all samples reached about 100% by the end of the first day. Cell proliferation substantially rose at the end of days 3 and 7. The PLGA/nHAp/Ho bionanocomposite sample exhibited the most notable increase in cell density. Overall, the results obtained demonstrate the promising potential of Ho in the development of bionanocomposites for applications in bone tissue engineering and related biological sectors in the future

    Fabrication and characterization of Graphene oxide/Fucoidan/Chitosan reinforced Poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposites

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    This study aimed to create nanocomposite films (NCFs) by combining various bioactive substances, including conductive and biocompatible carbon nano-based graphene oxide (GrO), bioactive material Fucoidan (Fuc), Chitosan (Cs) biopolymer, and PVA polymer. The objective was to develop a novel biomaterial that could be used in biomedical applications. The developed NCFs were characterized using SEM, FTIR, TGA-DSC, and XRD analysis. Structural studies confirmed the successful production of the NCFs, while morphological examination demonstrated the uniform and smooth character of the NCFs. Furthermore, the tensile test results indicated that NCFs, characterized by a novel composition, had the highest recorded value for tensile strength. The NCFs that were constructed have been modified to fit mathematical models, which have yielded results related to Franz diffusion. These results indicate that the addition of GrO supplements significantly enhances conductivity. Furthermore, the presence of GrO supplements affects the biodegradation periods at different pH levels and the kinetics of Franz diffusion. In addition, biocompatibility and cell attachment tests were conducted throughout 1, 3, 5, and 7 days of incubation with the fibroblast cell line. The results demonstrated that the inclusion of Fuc enhanced the bioactivity of NCFs. In general, the results of the cell investigation indicated that GrO-loaded NCFs exhibited the best level of cell viability at all incubation durations compared to the other samples

    Sahand: A Software Fault-Prediction Method Using Autoencoder Neural Network and K-Means Algorithm

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    Software is playing a growing role in many safety-critical applications, and software systems dependability is a major concern. Predicting faulty modules of software before the testing phase is one method for enhancing software reliability. The ability to predict and identify the faulty modules of software can lower software testing costs. Machine learning algorithms can be used to solve software fault prediction problem. Identifying the faulty modules of software with the maximum accuracy, precision, and performance are the main objectives of this study. A hybrid method combining the autoencoder and the K-means algorithm is utilized in this paper to develop a software fault predictor. The autoencoder algorithm, as a preprocessor, is used to select the effective attributes of the training dataset and consequently to reduce its size. Using an autoencoder with the K-means clustering method results in lower clustering error and time. Tests conducted on the standard NASA PROMIS data sets demonstrate that by removing the inefficient elements from the training data set, the proposed fault predictor has increased accuracy (96%) and precision (93%). The recall criteria provided by the proposed method is about 87%. Also, reducing the time necessary to create the software fault predictor is the other merit of this study


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