83 research outputs found

    Une mĂ©thode d’analyse pour mesurer l’impact des documents d’urbanisme sur la maĂźtrise de l’étalement urbain : L’exemple de La Rochelle, France

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    La Rochelle a connu durant la seconde moitiĂ© du vingtiĂšme siĂšcle un accroissement important de sa population permanente et saisonniĂšre. Depuis 1999, la ville est regroupĂ©e avec 17 autres communes dans une intercommunalité : la communautĂ© d’agglomĂ©ration de La Rochelle (CDA-LR). L’accroissement de population de la CDA-LR s’est manifestĂ© par un fort Ă©talement urbain, contraint par sa situation littorale. Cet Ă©talement est aujourd’hui particuliĂšrement marquĂ© dans les communes pĂ©riphĂ©riques de la CDA-LR qui reçoivent les habitants qui ne peuvent plus se loger Ă  La Rochelle. Entre un littoral trĂšs attractif, mais sous pression car trĂšs rĂ©glementĂ© et dĂ©jĂ  trĂšs construit et un arriĂšre-pays qui accueille de plus en plus d’habitants rejetĂ©s par le prix du foncier, la maĂźtrise de l’étalement urbain de la CDA-LR est un des enjeux du futur schĂ©ma de cohĂ©rence territorial (SCOT), actuellement en cours d’élaboration. Cet article propose une mĂ©thode d’analyse de cet Ă©talement urbain. L’objectif est de reconstituer Ă  l’aide de documents cadastraux numĂ©riques l’étalement de La CDA-LR des annĂ©es 1950 Ă  nos jours. La reprĂ©sentation de cette Ă©volution est effectuĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’outils de visualisation et d’analyses spatio-temporelles dĂ©veloppĂ©s dans un systĂšme d’information gĂ©ographique. Ces outils sont dĂ©crits dans une premiĂšre partie. Ils prĂ©sentent deux indices d’analyse de l’étalement urbain. Dans un second temps, ces indices sont confrontĂ©s aux documents d’urbanisme en vigueur afin de vĂ©rifier qu’il existe bien une cohĂ©rence entre les stratĂ©gies de limitation de l’étalement urbain de la collectivitĂ© et la rĂ©alitĂ© des constructions apparues sur le territoire.La Rochelle, France knew during the second half of the twentieth century an important increase of its permanent and seasonal population. Since 1999, the city is grouped together with 17 others municipalities (communes) into an intercommunality (cooperation group between communes) : La Rochelle’s community of Agglomeration (CDA-LR). Because of an attractive coastal position, the CDA-LR is subjected to a strong growing of population. It showed itself by a massive urban spread. This urban spread is today particularly visible in the peripheral municipalities of the CDA-LR. These municipalities absorb the inhabitants because they cannot find a housing in the city of La Rochelle. The CDA-LR is under a strong land pressure because of its attractive coastal position. .Inhabitants are thrown back towards the peripheral by the price of the housing. The mastery of the urban spreading of the CDA-LR is one of stakes of the future land development plan (schema de coherence territorial : SCOT). The SCOT is at present in progress. This paper present a method to analyse the urban spread. The aim is to model the urban spread phenomenon between 1950 to today. Cadastral dataset is used as an input. This modeling is made with space and time analysis tools implemented in a geographical information system. Theses tools are described in the first part. They also present two indexes to analyse the urban spread. In a second part, theses indexes are compared to planning documents in order to verify the coherence between urban planning strategies and the concrete presence of buildings on the field

    Breastfeeding shows a protective trend toward adolescents with higher abdominal adiposity

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    Objective: The question of whether breastfeeding has a protective effect against the development of overweight or obesity later in life remains controversial, especially during adolescence. The objective was to assess the relationship between breastfeeding and adolescents' body composition. Methods: The HELENA study is a cross-sectional study involving 3,528 adolescents from 10 European cities. The outcome measures were body weight and height, subscapular skinfolds as well as waist circumferences. Breastfeeding, smoking status, and parental socioeconomic status were assessed by self-administered questionnaires. Dietary intake was recorded using two 24 hour recall surveys. Two adjustment approaches were used: i) covariance analysis adjusted for confounding factors (propensity score adjustment) observed between breastfeeding and body composition parameters (BMI Z-score; sum of skinfolds, waist-to-height ratio). An adjusted quantile regression analysis showed a non-significant trend for a protective effect of breastfeeding toward the highest percentiles of adiposity in boys but not in girls. This is of particular interest with respect to the superiority of the waist-to-height ratio over waist circumference and BMI for detecting cardiometabolic risk factors. Conclusion: This first European study, including a large set of factors influencing adolescents body composition, showed a non significant trend toward a protective effect of breastfeeding on highest percentiles of adolescent's abdominal adiposity

    Intestinal antiinflammatory effect of 5-aminosalicylic acid is dependent on peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor-γ

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    5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) is an antiinflammatory drug widely used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. It is known to inhibit the production of cytokines and inflammatory mediators, but the mechanism underlying the intestinal effects of 5-ASA remains unknown. Based on the common activities of peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) ligands and 5-ASA, we hypothesized that this nuclear receptor mediates 5-ASA therapeutic action. To test this possibility, colitis was induced in heterozygous PPAR-γ+/− mice and their wild-type littermates, which were then treated with 5-ASA. 5-ASA treatment had a beneficial effect on colitis only in wild-type and not in heterozygous mice. In epithelial cells, 5-ASA increased PPAR-γ expression, promoted its translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, and induced a modification of its conformation permitting the recruitment of coactivators and the activation of a peroxisome-proliferator response element–driven gene. Validation of these results was obtained with organ cultures of human colonic biopsies. These data identify PPAR-γ as a target of 5-ASA underlying antiinflammatory effects in the colon

    : Recueil de fiches pédagogiques du réseau MAPS

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    DoctoralLe réseau thématique MAPS «Modélisation multi-Agent appliquée aux Phénomènes Spatialisés » propose depuis 2009 des évènements scientifiques ayant pour but de diffuser les pratiques de modélisations multi-agents au sein des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (SHS). Ce collectif pluridisciplinaire de chercheurs, d’enseignants-chercheurs et de doctorants est labellisé en tant que â‰Ș réseau thématique » par le Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes (GIS RNSC) et bénéficie du soutien du CNRS au titre de la Formation Permanente. Depuis 2009, plusieurs modĂšles ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s au cours d'Ă©vĂ©nements MAPS. Ces modĂšles ont fait l'objet de fiches pĂ©dagogiques dĂ©taillĂ©es destinées aux communautés éducatives et universitaires et en particulier aux enseignants qui souhaiteraient faire découvrir la modélisation à leurs étudiants, mais aussi à ceux qui envisagent d’approfondir certains aspects avec un public plus averti. Elles sont également destinées à tous les curieux qui souhaiteraient découvrir ce que la modélisation apporte aux SHS, du point de vue heuristique et du point de vue opérationnel. Enfin, elles sont aussi des supports pour toutes les personnes qui souhaiteraient diffuser les réflexions scientifiques sur la modélisation et la simulation qui ont présidé à la rédaction de ces fiches


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    National audienceLe projet Rosenhy vise Ă  Ă©tudier l’impact de l’occupation du sol sur la modĂ©lisation mĂ©tĂ©orologique et hydrologique en termes de flux Ă©nergĂ©tiques et hydriques, en milieu urbain et pĂ©riurbain. Trois sites appartenant aux observatoires français OTHU et ONEVU sont au centre de ce projet. Le quartier urbain hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne du Pin sec (Nantes), impermĂ©abilisĂ© Ă  environ 45%, a fait l’objet d’une campagne expĂ©rimentale durant le mois de juin 2012, visant Ă  estimer les flux de chaleur sensible et latente avec une haute rĂ©solution spatiale et temporelle par rapport aux mesures rĂ©alisĂ©es en continu sur ce site depuis 5 ans. Deux bassins versant pĂ©riurbains (La ChĂ©zine Ă  Nantes et l’Yzeron Ă  Lyon), avec un taux d’impermĂ©abilisation moins important (environ 10%) mais grandissant depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies, sont aussi Ă©tudiĂ©s. Ces deux derniers sites bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’un suivi hydromĂ©tĂ©orologique depuis 10 ans pour la ChĂ©zine et 15 ans pour l’Yzeron. Sur ces trois sites, diffĂ©rentes sources de donnĂ©es d’occupation du sol Ă  diffĂ©rentes rĂ©solutions sont disponibles :diffĂ©rentes bases de donnĂ©es gĂ©ographiques communĂ©ment utilisĂ©es par la communautĂ© scientifique et les collectivitĂ©s et des donnĂ©es tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tectĂ©es (multispectrales et hyperspectrales). L’utilisation de ces donnĂ©es en entrĂ©e de diffĂ©rents modĂšles mĂ©tĂ©orologiques et hydrologiques implique un travail d’analyse et de classification pour adapter les informations aux besoins des modĂšles. Dans ce projet, les diffĂ©rents modĂšles adaptĂ©s au milieu urbain ou pĂ©rirubain sont Ă©valuĂ©s et amĂ©liorĂ©s. Ainsi, les modĂšles hydrologiques pĂ©rirubains sont en dĂ©veloppement pour prendre en compte les diffĂ©rentes pratiques de gestion des eaux pluviales existantes (noues, toitures vĂ©gĂ©talisĂ©es, ...). L’utilisation conjointe des donnĂ©es simulĂ©es par les diffĂ©rents modĂšles aidera Ă  dĂ©terminer le rĂŽle de la part des surfaces naturelles et artificielles sur les bilans Ă©nergĂ©tique et hydrique en milieu plus ou moins urbanisĂ©. Le milieu pĂ©riurbain Ă©tant en Ă©volution, le projet s’intĂ©ressera aussi Ă  des scĂ©narios d’urbanisation prospectifs en regardant d’une part l’impact de la densification sur les scĂ©narios construits pour l’Yzeron lors du projet AVuPUR (ANR-VMCS, 2008-2011) et d’autre part, en rĂ©flĂ©chissant conjointement avec Nantes MĂ©tropole, aux possibles voies d’évolution sur le bassin de la ChĂ©zine

    Une mĂ©thode d’analyse pour mesurer l’impact  des documents d’urbanisme sur la maĂźtrise de l’étalement urbain : l’exemple de La Rochelle, France

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    La Rochelle, France knew during the second half of the twentieth century an important increase of its permanent and seasonal population. Since 1999, the city is grouped together with 17 others municipalities (communes) into an intercommunality (cooperation group between communes) : La Rochelle’s community of Agglomeration (CDA-LR). Because of an attractive coastal position, the CDA-LR is subjected to a strong growing of population. It showed itself by a massive urban spread. This urban spread is today particularly visible in the peripheral municipalities of the CDA-LR. These municipalities absorb the inhabitants because they cannot find a housing in the city of La Rochelle. The CDA-LR is under a strong land pressure because of its attractive coastal position. .Inhabitants are thrown back towards the peripheral by the price of the housing. The mastery of the urban spreading of the CDA-LR is one of stakes of the future land development plan (schema de coherence territorial : SCOT). The SCOT is at present in progress. This paper present a method to analyse the urban spread. The aim is to model the urban spread phenomenon between 1950 to today. Cadastral dataset is used as an input. This modeling is made with space and time analysis tools implemented in a geographical information system.  Theses tools are described in the first part. They also present two indexes to analyse the urban spread. In a second part, theses indexes are compared to planning documents in order to verify the coherence between urban planning strategies and the concrete presence of buildings on the field

    CovisibilitĂ© et peuplement aux Açores. Estimation de l’importance du facteur de covisibilitĂ© dans la rĂ©partition des populations aux Açores

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    This article uses co-visibility analysis to study the relationships between different islands in the Archipelago of the Azores, in the context of a geographical analysis of the distribution of populations. The issue of whether “to see” or “to be seen” is a relevant factor influencing the choice of zones of habitation in the specific setting of the Archipelago of the Azores. The literature often focuses on the relationships of co-visibility maintained between the different islands. Using an analytical method based on an algorithm of co-visibility, we propose a quantification of these connections using a method based on a co-visibility algorithm. The computing of co-visibility algorithms is time-consuming. To overcome this problem, we propose in the first section a method of computing time based on the reduction of the number and the optimization of the placement of the viewpoints used for the calculation. The results show a significant drop in computing time. A second section of the paper presents a method of spatial analysis that makes it possible to determine and to quantify the grouping of inhabitants that can be seen from one island to another. The results are then analysed, and a chart is drawn up, and the chart is then discussed in a final section. Contributions to the study are on two levels. The first is related to the methodology, and is described before the second one. The second one, more geographical, points to the co-visibility factor: of course the co-visibility factor on its own does not explain the distribution of populations, but it sheds new light on the question. It also facilitates an understanding of the complex relationships that motivate these islands, in the very contemporary perspective of a reflection on new planning issues in the Azores Archipelago
