9 research outputs found

    The global impact of adverse childhood experiences on criminal behavior: A cross-continental study

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    Background: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been associated with a greater risk of later criminal offending. However, existing research in this area has been primarily conducted in Western developed countries and cross-cultural studies are rare. Objectives: This study examined the relationship between ACEs and criminal behaviors in young adults living in 10 countries located across five continents, after accounting for sex, age, and cross-national differences. Participants and setting: In total, 3797 young adults aged between 18 and 20 years (M = 18.97; DP = 0.81) were assessed locally in community settings within the 10 countries.Method: The ACE Questionnaire was used to assess maltreatment and household dysfunction during childhood and a subset of questions derived from the Deviant Behavior Variety Scale (DBVS) was used to determine past-year criminal variety pertaining to 10 acts considered crime across participating countries. Results: Physical and sexual abuse, physical neglect, and household substance abuse were related to criminal variety, globally, and independently across sexes and countries ranked differently in the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). In addition, three out of five experiences of household dysfunction were related to criminal variety, but subsequent analyses indicate that some forms of household dysfunction only hold statistical significance among males or females, or in countries ranking lower in the HDI. Conclusions: This research strengthens the finding that there are cross-cultural mechanisms perpetuating the cycle of violence. It also indicates that forms of household dysfunction have an impact on criminal behavior that is shaped by gender and the country's levels of social well-being.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Logic of Homicidal Acts : a Study Conducted Among Patients Hospitalized in a French Secure Forensic Psychiatric Unit (1963 to 2020)

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    Cette thĂšse propose une exploration multidimensionnelle et plurifactorielle du phĂ©nomĂšne homicidaire, en portant la focale sur les auteurs d'homicides hospitalisĂ©s au sein de l’UnitĂ© pour Malades Difficiles du Centre Hospitalier de Cadillac. Notre mĂ©thodologie repose sur un recueil de donnĂ©es effectuĂ© Ă  partir d'une grille de collecte spĂ©cialement Ă©laborĂ©e pour exploiter et codifier de maniĂšre structurĂ©e le contenu des dossiers patients archivĂ©s de 1963 Ă  2020. Au total, 442 cas d'homicides ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s, avec une dĂ©marche analytique dĂ©clinĂ©e en quatre Ă©tapes. La premiĂšre se situait Ă  un niveau purement descriptif. L’ensemble de la population investiguĂ©e s’est vu photographiĂ©, Ă  la lumiĂšre des diffĂ©rentes variables opĂ©rationnalisĂ©es : Ă©lĂ©ments d’ordre sociodĂ©mographique ; situation mĂ©dico-lĂ©gale ; pourtour du passage Ă  l’acte (mode opĂ©ratoire, Ă©tats psychopathologiques, mĂ©canismes psychiques prĂ©cipitants, Ă©vĂšnements existentiels dĂ©clencheurs, etc.), tableau criminologique (d’un point de vue synchronique et diachronique), antĂ©cĂ©dents psychiatriques personnels et familiaux ; histoire de vie (avec expĂ©riences d’adversitĂ©) ; troubles durant l’enfance ; suicidalitĂ©, etc. Le deuxiĂšme niveau consistait Ă  opĂ©rer une comparaison systĂ©matique entre les auteurs d’homicides intra- et extrafamiliaux : l’enjeu Ă©tait somme toute de cerner les spĂ©cificitĂ©s plurielles de chacune de ces deux formes de passage Ă  l’acte. Nous visions avec le troisiĂšme niveau Ă  identifier et hiĂ©rarchiser les facteurs de risque sous-jacents Ă  l’homicidesuicide. Des rĂ©gressions logistiques multivariĂ©es ont ici Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es, avec comme groupe de rĂ©fĂ©rence les auteurs d’homicide n’ayant pas tentĂ© de mettre fin Ă  leurs jours dans les 24 heures suivant la commission du meurtre. Nous avons enfin dans un quatriĂšme temps cherchĂ© Ă  dresser plusieurs profils holistiques rattachĂ©s aux types d’homicide reprĂ©sentĂ©s dans notre Ă©chantillon (infanticide, filicide, matricide, patricide, parricide, fratricide, aviolicide, uxoricide, homicide simple [non spĂ©cifiant], double homicide, crimes en sĂ©rie, meurtre de masse, et homicide incendiaire). Des analyses des correspondances multiples (ACM) ainsi que des classifications ascendantes hiĂ©rarchiques (CAH) ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont pour finir articulĂ©s et discutĂ©s Ă  l’aune d’un appareillage conceptuel empruntant Ă  la psychiatrie classique, Ă  la criminologie clinique, au rĂ©fĂ©rentiel analytique et Ă  la psychopathologie phĂ©nomĂ©nologique. Les enjeux prĂ©ventifs – et plus largement interventionnels, en matiĂšre de repĂ©rage prĂ©coce et de profilage – sont abordĂ©s en dĂ©tails.This thesis offers a multidimensional and multifactorial exploration of the homicidal phenomenon, focusing on forensic patients in secure psychiatric units, specifically those hospitalized for homicide within the Cadillac Hospital Center. Our methodology relies on data collected using a specifically designed data matrix which exploits and codifies in a structured way the content of archived patient records from 1963 to 2020. In total, 442 homicide cases were examined, using a four-stage analytical approach. The first stage focused on descriptive studies, the entire investigated population was analyzed using various operationalized variables: sociodemographic factors, medico-legal situation, act perpetration circumstances (modus operandi, psychopathological states, precipitating psychological mechanisms, triggering existential events, etc.), criminological overview (from a synchronic and diachronic perspective), personal and familial psychiatric background, life history (including adversity experiences), childhood disorders, suicidality, etc. The second stage involved a systematic comparison between perpetrators of intrafamilial and extrafamilial homicides, using Chi-square tests for categorical variables and independent t-tests for continuous variables. The aim was to determine the different characteristics of each form of perpetration. The third stage aimed to identify and rank the underlying risk factors for homicide-suicide. Multivariate logistic regressions were conducted, with homicide perpetrators who did not attempt suicide within 24 hours following the murder, as the reference group. Finally, in the fourth stage, we sought to construct multiple holistic profiles associated to the types of homicides represented in our sample (infanticide, filicide, matricide, patricide, parricide, fratricide, aviolicide, uxoricide, simple homicide [non-specific], double homicide, serial killings, mass murder, and arson homicide). Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were performed. The resulting outcomes were then synthesized and discussed using a conceptual framework inspired by classical psychiatry, clinical criminology, analytical paradigm, and phenomenological psychopathology. Preventive and, more broadly, interventional implications concerning early identification and profiling are thoroughly addressed

    Ann Med Psychol (Paris)

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    RĂ©sumĂ© L’objectif de cette Ă©tude exploratoire Ă©tait d’apprĂ©hender les facteurs de risque de rĂ©cidive violente auprĂšs d’une population d’hommes incarcĂ©rĂ©s (n=21), Ă  travers une investigation du rĂŽle des traits psychopathiques, de l’hĂ©tĂ©ro-agressivitĂ© pro et rĂ©active, de l’auto-agressivitĂ© et des tentatives de suicide. L’analyse de nos rĂ©sultats permet de mettre en exergue diffĂ©rents facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© associĂ©s Ă  une probabilitĂ© accrue de rĂ©cidive. Facteurs parmi lesquels nous retrouvons : (1) une prĂ©dominance de la sphĂšre comportementale de la psychopathie (Facteur 2) ; (2) la prĂ©sence de comportements hĂ©tĂ©ro-agressifs, et plus particuliĂšrement (3) de types rĂ©actifs ; et pour finir, (4) la prĂ©sence d’antĂ©cĂ©dent(s) de tentative de suicide. Cette Ă©tude rĂ©pond Ă  son objectif principal en cernant certaines modalitĂ©s psychopathologiques jouant un rĂŽle clĂ© dans le processus de rĂ©cidive violente. En ce sens, une focalisation sur les diffĂ©rentes expressions de l’agressivitĂ© ainsi que sur les traits psychopathiques se rĂ©vĂšle ĂȘtre un prisme intĂ©ressant pour apprĂ©hender la problĂ©matique de la rĂ©cidive de nature violente. Une lecture clinique de nos donnĂ©es nous conduit Ă  formuler l’hypothĂšse selon laquelle des carences des reprĂ©sentations et des processus mentaux d’élaboration constitueraient des Ă©lĂ©ments cruciaux permettant de comprendre la rĂ©pĂ©tition d’un agir violent. The objective of this exploratory study was to understand the risk factors for violent recidivism in a population of incarcerated men (n=21), through an investigation of the role of psychopathic traits, proactive and reactive hetero-aggressiveness, self-aggressiveness and suicide attempts. The analysis of our results highlights various vulnerability factors associated with an increased probability of recidivism. Factors among which we find: (1) a predominance of the behavioural sphere of psychopathy (Factor 2); (2) the presence of hetero-aggressive behaviours, and more particularly (3) reactive types; and finally, (4) the presence of a history of suicide attempt(s). This study fulfills its main objective by identifying certain psychopathological modalities that play a key role in the process of violent recidivism. In this sense, a focus on the different expressions of aggressiveness and on psychopathic traits is an interesting prism for understanding the problem of violent recidivism. A clinical reading of our data leads us to formulate the hypothesis: deficiencies in representations and mental elaboration processes are crucial elements in understanding the repetition of violent action

    : Psychiatry Res

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    International audienceBinge drinking is a major public health problem associated with various negative short-term and long-term clinical and social outcomes. If there is evidence to suggest a relationship between ADHD and alcohol use in college students, no study has investigated the role of ADHD symptomatology in binge drinking. Thus, this research was designed to explore the relative contributions of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms to binge drinking in a sample of French college students while controlling for effects of perceived stress. Participants (N = 7011; mean age = 20.9; 74.9% of females) completed self-report surveys assessing ADHD symptoms, perceived stress, sociodemographic characteristics, and binge drinking frequency. Multinomial logistic regression revealed significant associations between higher levels of ADHD symptoms in general, but not perceived stress, and increasing frequency of binge drinking. Moreover, higher levels of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms were independently associated with greater frequency of binge drinking. The association was stronger between high rates of binge drinking and inattention than for hyperactivity/impulsivity. These findings, which remained statistically significant after adjusting for a range of potential confounders (including perceived stress), suggest that the presence of ADHD symptoms may be an important factor related to binge drinking

    : Psychiatry Res

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    International audienceBinge drinking is a major public health problem associated with various negative short-term and long-term clinical and social outcomes. If there is evidence to suggest a relationship between ADHD and alcohol use in college students, no study has investigated the role of ADHD symptomatology in binge drinking. Thus, this research was designed to explore the relative contributions of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms to binge drinking in a sample of French college students while controlling for effects of perceived stress. Participants (N = 7011; mean age = 20.9; 74.9% of females) completed self-report surveys assessing ADHD symptoms, perceived stress, sociodemographic characteristics, and binge drinking frequency. Multinomial logistic regression revealed significant associations between higher levels of ADHD symptoms in general, but not perceived stress, and increasing frequency of binge drinking. Moreover, higher levels of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms were independently associated with greater frequency of binge drinking. The association was stronger between high rates of binge drinking and inattention than for hyperactivity/impulsivity. These findings, which remained statistically significant after adjusting for a range of potential confounders (including perceived stress), suggest that the presence of ADHD symptoms may be an important factor related to binge drinking

    Ann Med Psycho

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Le prĂ©sent article recense les Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es entre 1992 et 2017 ayant pour objet d’étude la relation entre psychopathie et risque de rĂ©cidive sexuelle. Si la majoritĂ© des recherches semble faire Ă©tat d’une association positive entre la personnalitĂ© psychopathique et le risque de rĂ©cidive, la nature de cette relation est beaucoup plus complexe en ce qui concerne les recours Ă  l’acte sexuel rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s. Aussi avons-nous procĂ©dĂ© Ă  un examen approfondi des Ă©tudes dĂ©jĂ  rĂ©alisĂ©es, ceci afin de clarifier l’état actuel des connaissances relatives Ă  cette relation. Ainsi, Ă  l’aide de diffĂ©rents mots-clĂ©s (« psychopathy » OR « psychopathic traits » OR « psychopathic personality » OR « PCL-R » AND « sexual recidivism » OR « persistent sexual offenders ») et Ă  partir de plusieurs bases de donnĂ©es bibliographiques (PubMed, Science Direct et PsycInfo), nous avons retenu 24 études effectuĂ©es sur cette thĂ©matique. Les rĂ©sultats confirment que la psychopathie apparaĂźt comme un facteur de risque du rĂ©cidivisme sexuel important mais seulement pour une partie des Ă©tudes. En effet, certaines ont Ă©galement soulignĂ© la prĂ©sence d’autres facteurs de risque souvent trop peu considĂ©rĂ©s tels que la dĂ©viance sexuelle, le mĂ©susage d’alcool, l’échec au traitement, ou encore les dysfonctionnements cĂ©rĂ©braux. Notons Ă©galement une diversitĂ© des mĂ©thodologies employĂ©es pouvant participer Ă  l’explication des rĂ©sultats contrastĂ©s. En conclusion, la personnalitĂ© psychopathique est importante Ă  prendre en compte dans la prĂ©vention du risque de rĂ©cidive sexuelle, mais elle n’est pas suffisante pour constituer un indice prĂ©dicteur unique. Dans cette perspective, nous discuterons des liens entre psychopathie et facteurs associĂ©s au risque de rĂ©cidive sexuelle tant d’un point thĂ©rapeutique que prĂ©ventif. Objectives For the past twenty years, sexual violence is a major subject in the legal and criminological fields. Moreover, this phenomenon is becoming a major public health issue and becomes an important topic in termes of prevention. The main objective of this article is to clarify the current state of the litterature about the relationship between the psychopathy and the risk of sexual recidivism. Indeed, the relationship between both of them are debated among the studies right now. So, it's in this context that we wanted to expose the international studies on this topic and to discuss it. Methods A review of literature was conducted from 1992 to 2017 from three databases: ScienceDirect, PsycInfo and PubMed. The selection process of the articles was carried out from the methodological recommendations of the « Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses » grid (PRISMA). Thus, 24 articles identifying the relationship between psychopathy and risk of sexual recidivism, or psychopathy as a predictor of sexual recidivism were selected. These 24 articles include fields studies and meta-analyzes. The diversity of the methodologies used didn’t allow the realization of meta-analysis of the results of the studies. Results The results show that psychopathy appears as a risk factor for sexual recidivism or in relationship with risk of sexual recidivism or sexual recidivism only for some of the studies. The other part of them nuance these results or show an absence of relationship between psychopathy and sexual recidivism. This can be explained by the presence of other risk factors, but especially by the diversity of the methodologies used by the studies. Effectively, we can observe that researches identified in this article include different populations, that the environment of people recruted is not the same, or that different population comparisons were realised between studies. We also observe that the nature of the studies isn’t the same: some of them are longitudinal studies, others retrospective studies. This doesn’t allow us to make the same conclusions. Conclusions To conclude, psychopathic personality seems important to take into account in the prevention of the risk of sexual recidivism, but doesn’t appear sufficient. Indeed, it's important to consider other life factors may represent risk factors such individual characteristics, environment of the people or the nature of offenses, for example. In this perspective, the review of the literature discussed in this article aims to provide clinicians with elements of thought in the prevention of sexual recidivism. Moreover, this review aims to provide additional knowledge in psychocriminology for clinical research

    Origin and significance of lamination in Lower Cretaceous stromatolites and proposal for a quantitative approach

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    Stromatolite lamination is typically defined as alternation of dark and light laminae. Study of Lower Cretaceous stromatolites fromthe Leza Fm(N Spain) supports this statement, but recognises additional complexities in lamination that have implications for interpreting accretion processes. These stromatolites are partial analogues of present-day coarse-grained carbonate stromatolites in the Bahamas and Shark Bay (Australia) that mainly form by trapping and binding carbonate sand. The Leza examples contain both grain-rich and micrite-rich laminae with scarce particles, suggesting that they accreted both by trapping and not trapping grains. Lamination in modern and ancient coarse-grained stromatolites is commonly defined by thinmicritic crusts that formed during interruptions in accretion and separate contiguous grainy laminae (repetitive lamination). Leza examples also contain these thin hiatal crusts and locally showrepetitive lamination, but their conspicuous macroscopic lamination is defined by thicker alternating grain-rich and micrite-rich laminae (alternating lamination). This indicates that, although hiatuses in accretion occurred, change in accretion process was the main cause of macroscopic lamination. These differences in accretion processes and lamination styles between Leza examples and modern coarse-grained stromatolites may reflect differences in their environmental settings. Modern examples occur in shallow marine tidal environments, whereas Leza Fm coarse-grained stromatolites developed in ideinfluencedwater-bodies in coastal-wetlands that experienced fluctuations inwater salinity and hydrochemistry. Analysis of lamina-thickness in these Cretaceous stromatolites and similar published examples provides a quantitative approach to the processes that underlie stromatolite lamination

    : Psychiatry Res

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    International audienceBinge drinking is a major public health problem associated with various negative short-term and long-term clinical and social outcomes. If there is evidence to suggest a relationship between ADHD and alcohol use in college students, no study has investigated the role of ADHD symptomatology in binge drinking. Thus, this research was designed to explore the relative contributions of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms to binge drinking in a sample of French college students while controlling for effects of perceived stress. Participants (N = 7011; mean age = 20.9; 74.9% of females) completed self-report surveys assessing ADHD symptoms, perceived stress, sociodemographic characteristics, and binge drinking frequency. Multinomial logistic regression revealed significant associations between higher levels of ADHD symptoms in general, but not perceived stress, and increasing frequency of binge drinking. Moreover, higher levels of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms were independently associated with greater frequency of binge drinking. The association was stronger between high rates of binge drinking and inattention than for hyperactivity/impulsivity. These findings, which remained statistically significant after adjusting for a range of potential confounders (including perceived stress), suggest that the presence of ADHD symptoms may be an important factor related to binge drinking