310 research outputs found

    The location, clustering, and propagation of massive star formation in giant molecular clouds

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    Massive stars are key players in the evolution of galaxies, yet their formation pathway remains unclear. In this work, we use data from several galaxy-wide surveys to build an unbiased dataset of ~700 massive young stellar objects (MYSOs), ~200 giant molecular clouds (GMCs), and ~100 young (<10 Myr) optical stellar clusters (SCs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We employ this data to quantitatively study the location and clustering of massive star formation and its relation to the internal structure of GMCs. We reveal that massive stars do not typically form at the highest column densities nor centers of their parent GMCs at the ~6 pc resolution of our observations. Massive star formation clusters over multiple generations and on size scales much smaller than the size of the parent GMC. We find that massive star formation is significantly boosted in clouds near SCs. Yet, whether a cloud is associated with a SC does not depend on either the cloud's mass or global surface density. These results reveal a connection between different generations of massive stars on timescales up to 10 Myr. We compare our work with Galactic studies and discuss our findings in terms of GMC collapse, triggered star formation, and a potential dichotomy between low- and high-mass star formation.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, in pres

    Distribution and mass of diffuse and dense CO gas in the Milky Way

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from American Astronomical Society and IOP Publishing via the DOI in this record.Emission from carbon monoxide (CO) is ubiquitously used as a tracer of dense star-forming molecular clouds. There is, however, growing evidence that a significant fraction of CO emission originates from diffuse molecular gas. Quantifying the contribution of diffuse CO-emitting gas is vital for understanding the relation between molecular gas and star formation. We examine the Galactic distribution of two CO-emitting gas components, a high column density component detected in 13CO and 12CO, and a low column density component detected in 12CO, but not in 13CO. The “diffuse” and “dense” components are identified using a combination of smoothing, masking, and erosion/dilation procedures, making use of three large-scale 12CO and 13CO surveys of the inner and outer Milky Way. The diffuse component, which globally represents 25% (1.5 × 108M⊙) of the total molecular gas mass (6.5 × {10}8 M⊙), is more extended perpendicular to the Galactic plane. The fraction of diffuse gas increases from ∼10%–20% at a galactocentric radius of 3–4 kpc to 50% at 15 kpc, and increases with decreasing surface density. In the inner Galaxy, a yet denser component traced by CS emission represents 14% of the total molecular gas mass traced by 12CO emission. Only 14% of the molecular gas mass traced by 12CO emission is identified as part of molecular clouds in 13CO surveys by cloud identification algorithms. This study indicates that CO emission not only traces star-forming clouds, but also a significant diffuse molecular ISM component.R.S. and R.S.K. acknowledge support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for funding through the SPP 1573 “The Physics of the Interstellar Medium” as well as via SFB 881 “The Milky Way System” (sub-projects B12, and B8). R.S.K. also receives funding from the European Research Council under the European Communitys Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) via the ERC Advanced Grant “STARLIGHT” (project number 339177)

    Dust emission at 8-mic and 24-mic as Diagnostics of HII Region Radiative Transfer

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    We use the Spitzer SAGE survey of the Magellanic Clouds to evaluate the relationship between the 8-mic PAH emission, 24-mic hot dust emission, and HII region radiative transfer. We confirm that in the higher-metallicity Large Magellanic Cloud, PAH destruction is sensitive to optically thin conditions in the nebular Lyman continuum: objects identified as optically thin candidates based on nebular ionization structure show 6 times lower median 8-mic surface brightness (0.18 mJy arcsec^-2) than their optically thick counterparts (1.2 mJy arcsec^-2). The 24-mic surface brightness also shows a factor of 3 offset between the two classes of objects (0.13 vs 0.44 mJy arcsec^-2, respectively), which is driven by the association between the very small dust grains and higher density gas found at higher nebular optical depths. In contrast, PAH and dust formation in the low-metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud is strongly inhibited such that we find no variation in either 8-mic or 24-mic emission between our optically thick and thin samples. This is attributable to extremely low PAH and dust production together with high, corrosive UV photon fluxes in this low-metallicity environment. The dust mass surface densities and gas-to-dust ratios determined from dust maps using Herschel HERITAGE survey data support this interpretation.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, May 15, 2017. 10 pages, 9 figure

    Mass reservoirs surrounding massive infrared dark clouds: A view by near-infrared dust extinction

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    Context: Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs) harbor progenitors of high-mass stars. Little is known of the parental molecular clouds of the IRDCs. Aims: We demonstrate the feasibility of the near-infrared (NIR) dust extinction mapping in tracing the parental molecular clouds of IRDCs at the distances of D = 2.5 - 8 kpc. Methods: We derive NIR extinction maps for 10 prominent IRDC complexes using a color-excess mapping technique and NIR data from the UKIDSS/Galactic Plane Survey. We compare the resulting maps to the 13CO emission line data, to the 8 \mu m dust opacity data, and to the millimeter dust emission data. We derive distances for the clouds by comparing the observed NIR source densities to the Besancon stellar distribution model and compare them to the kinematic distance estimates. Results: The NIR extinction maps provide a view to the IRDC complexes over the dynamical range of Av = 2 - 40 mag, in spatial resolution of 30". The NIR extinction data correlate well with the 13CO data and probe a similar gas component, but also extend to higher column densities. The NIR data reveal a wealth of extended structures surrounding the dense gas traced by the 8 \mu m shadowing features and sub-mm dust emission, showing that the clouds contain typically > 10 times more mass than traced by those tracers. The IRDC complexes of our sample contain relatively high amount of high-column density material, and their cumulative column density distributions resemble active nearby star-forming clouds like Orion rather than less active clouds like California. Conclusions: NIR dust extinction data provide a new powerful tool to probe the mass distribution of the parental molecular clouds of IRDCs up to the distances of D = 8 kpc. This encourages for deeper NIR observations of IRDCs, because the sensitivity and resolution of the data can be directly enhanced with dedicated observations.Comment: 22 pages, 24 figures, accepted to A&A. A version with full resolution figures can be downloaded from http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/homes/jtkainul/NexusI/NexusI_v1.pd

    Non-standard grain properties, dark gas reservoir, and extended submillimeter excess, probed by Herschel in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Context. Herschel provides crucial constraints on the IR SEDs of galaxies, allowing unprecedented accuracy on the dust mass estimates. However, these estimates rely on non-linear models and poorly-known optical properties. Aims. In this paper, we perform detailed modelling of the Spitzer and Herschel observations of the LMC, in order to: (i) systematically study the uncertainties and biases affecting dust mass estimates; and to (ii) explore the peculiar ISM properties of the LMC. Methods. To achieve these goals, we have modelled the spatially resolved SEDs with two alternate grain compositions, to study the impact of different submillimetre opacities on the dust mass. We have rigorously propagated the observational errors (noise and calibration) through the entire fitting process, in order to derive consistent parameter uncertainties. Results. First, we show that using the integrated SED leads to underestimating the dust mass by ≃50% compared to the value obtained with sufficient spatial resolution, for the region we studied. This might be the case, in general, for unresolved galaxies. Second, we show that Milky Way type grains produce higher gas-to-dust mass ratios than what seems possible according to the element abundances in the LMC. A spatial analysis shows that this dilemma is the result of an exceptional property: the grains of the LMC have on average a larger intrinsic submm opacity (emissivity index β ≃ 1.7 and opacity κ_(abs)(160 μm) = 1.6 m^2   kg^(-1)) than those of the Galaxy. By studying the spatial distribution of the gas-to-dust mass ratio, we are able to constrain the fraction of unseen gas mass between ≃10, and ≃100% and show that it is not sufficient to explain the gas-to-dust mass ratio obtained with Milky Way type grains. Finally, we confirm the detection of a 500 μm extended emission excess with an average relative amplitude of ≃15%, varying up to 40%. This excess anticorrelates well with the dust mass surface density. Although we do not know the origin of this excess, we show that it is unlikely the result of very cold dust, or CMB fluctuations

    The Spitzer discovery of a galaxy with infrared emission solely due to AGN activity

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    We present a galaxy (SAGE1CJ053634.78-722658.5) at a redshift of 0.14 of which the IR is entirely dominated by emission associated with the AGN. We present the 5-37 um Spitzer/IRS spectrum and broad wavelength SED of SAGE1CJ053634, an IR point-source detected by Spitzer/SAGE (Meixner et al 2006). The source was observed in the SAGE-Spec program (Kemper et al., 2010) and was included to determine the nature of sources with deviant IR colours. The spectrum shows a redshifted (z=0.14+-0.005) silicate emission feature with an exceptionally high feature-to-continuum ratio and weak polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) bands. We compare the source with models of emission from dusty tori around AGNs from Nenkova et al. (2008). We present a diagnostic diagram that will help to identify similar sources based on Spitzer/MIPS and Herschel/PACS photometry. The SED of SAGE1CJ053634 is peculiar because it lacks far-IR emission and a clear stellar counterpart. We find that the SED and the IR spectrum can be understood as emission originating from the inner ~10 pc around an accreting black hole. There is no need to invoke emission from the host galaxy, either from the stars or from the interstellar medium, although a possible early-type host galaxy cannot be excluded based on the SED analysis. The hot dust around the accretion disk gives rise to a continuum, which peaks at 4 um, whereas the strong silicate features may arise from optically thin emission of dusty clouds within ~10 pc around the black hole. The weak PAH emission does not appear to be linked to star formation, as star formation templates strongly over-predict the measured far-IR flux levels. The SED of SAGE1CJ053634 is rare in the local universe but may be more common in the more distant universe. The conspicuous absence of host-galaxy IR emission places limits on the far-IR emission arising from the dusty torus alone.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 7 pages, 6 figure

    Galilean Conformal and Superconformal Symmetries

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    Firstly we discuss briefly three different algebras named as nonrelativistic (NR) conformal: Schroedinger, Galilean conformal and infinite algebra of local NR conformal isometries. Further we shall consider in some detail Galilean conformal algebra (GCA) obtained in the limit c equal to infinity from relativistic conformal algebra O(d+1,2) (d - number of space dimensions). Two different contraction limits providing GCA and some recently considered realizations will be briefly discussed. Finally by considering NR contraction of D=4 superconformal algebra the Galilei conformal superalgebra (GCSA) is obtained, in the formulation using complex Weyl supercharges.Comment: 16 pages, LateX; talk presented at XIV International Conference "Symmetry Methods in Physics", Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, August 16-22, 201

    Star formation towards the Scutum tangent region and the effects of Galactic environment

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    By positional matching to the catalogue of Galactic Ring Survey molecular clouds, we have derived distances to 793 Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS) sources out of a possible 806 located within the region defined by Galactic longitudes l = 28.5 degr to 31.5 degr and latitudes |b| < 1 degr. This section of the Galactic Plane contains several major features of Galactic structure at different distances, mainly mid-arm sections of the Perseus and Sagittarius spiral arms and the tangent of the Scutum-Centarus arm, which is coincident with the end of the Galactic Long Bar. By utilising the catalogued cloud distances plus new kinematic distance determinations, we are able to separate the dense BGPS clumps into these three main line-of-sight components to look for variations in star-formation properties that might be related to the different Galactic environments. We find no evidence of any difference in either the clump mass function or the average clump formation efficiency (CFE) between these components that might be attributed to environmental effects on scales comparable to Galactic-structure features. Despite having a very high star-formation rate, and containing at least one cloud with a very high CFE, the star formation associated with the Scutum-Centarus tangent does not appear to be in any way abnormal or different to that in the other two spiral-arm sections. Large variations in the CFE are found on the scale of individual clouds, however, which may be due to local triggering agents as opposed to the large-scale Galactic structure.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    The Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA). VI. The distribution and properties of molecular cloud associations in M31

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    In this paper we present a catalog of Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) in the An- dromeda (M31) galaxy extracted from the Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy An- dromeda (HELGA) dataset. GMCs are identified from the Herschel maps using a hierarchical source extraction algorithm. We present the results of this new catalog and characterise the spatial distribution and spectral energy properties of its clouds based on the radial dust/gas properties found by Smith et al (2012). 326 GMCs in the mass range 104 − 107 M⊙ are identified, their cumulative mass distribution is found to be proportional to M −2.34 in agreement with earlier studies. The GMCs appear to follow the same cloud mass to LCO correlation observed in the Milky Way. However, comparison between this catalog and interferometry studies also shows that the GMCs are substructured below the Herschel resolution limit suggesting that we are observing associations of GMCs. Following Gordon et al. (2006), we study the spatial structure of M31 by splitting the observed structure into a set of spiral arms and offset rings. We fit radii of 10.3 and 15.5 kpc to the two most prominent rings. We then fit a logarithmic spiral with a pitch angle of 8fdg9 to the GMCs not associated with either ring. Last, we comment on the effects of deprojection on our results and investigate the effect different models for M31's inclination will have on the projection of an unperturbed spiral arm system