31 research outputs found

    Nuevo puente de La Barca sobre el río Ter

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    The new La Barca bridge, over the river Ter, is on the northern approach to Gerona, and carries the CN II road from Madrid to France, passing through Barcelona. It substitutes another bridge of the same name, which was inadequate for the heavy increase in traffic, during recent years. The bridge is 128 m long, consisting of two lateral spans, each 37 m long, and a central span of 54 m. The superstructure consists of ten hollow metal girders, of variable depth, arranged as three-part cantilevered structures. The lateral sections are cantilevered towards the centre, and the middle part of the span rests on their extremities. The girders support a reinforced concrete slab of 16 cm thickness and 14 m width: 8 m for the roadway, and 3 m for each of the sidewalks. The structure rests on two piles and two abutments of reinforced concrete, based on caisson foundations, except for one of the abutments, which is a reinforced concrete block. The project is completed by the approach roads and stonemasonry.El nuevo puente de La Barca, sobre el río Ter, está situado en el acceso norte a Gerona de la C. N. II de Madrid a Francia por Barcelona. Sustituye a otro del mismo nombre que resultaba insuficiente para la elevada intensidad de tráfico de esta vía. La luz del puente es de 128 m, dividida en dos tramos laterales, de 37 m de luz, y un tramo central, de 54 m. La superestructura está constituida por cinco vigas metálicas, huecas, de canto variable, dispuestas como vigas cantilever de tres elementos. Los elementos laterales se prolongan hacia el centro en voladizo, apoyándose sobre ellos el elemento central. Las vigas soportan una losa de hormigón armado de 16 cm de espesor, y 14 m de anchura: 8 m para la calzada y 3 m para cada uno de los andenes laterales. El conjunto se apoya sobre dos pilas y dos estribos, de hormigón armado, cimentados sobre cajones indios, excepto uno de los estribos, que está cimentado sobre macizo de hormigón armado. Completan la obra los accesos fábrica

    Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Regulates the CD4/CD8 T Cell Differentiation Ratio

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    AbstractThe signaling pathways that control T cell differentiation have only begun to be elucidated. Using T cell lines, it has been shown that class IA phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), a heterodimer composed of a p85 regulatory and a p110 catalytic subunit, is activated after TCR stimulation. Nonetheless, the contribution of p85/p110 PI3K isoforms in T cell development has not been described. Mice deficient in the other family of class I PI3K, p110γ, which is regulated by G protein-coupled receptors, exhibit reduced thymus size. Here we examine T cell development in p110γ-deficient mice and in mice expressing an activating mutation of the p85 regulatory subunit, p65PI3K, in T cells. We show that p110γ-deficient mice have a partial defect in pre-TCR-dependent differentiation, which is restored after expression of the p65PI3K activating mutation. Genetic alteration of both PI3K isoforms also affects positive selection; p110γ deletion decreased and p65PI3K expression augmented the CD4+/CD8+ differentiation ratio. Finally, data are presented showing that both PI3K isoforms influenced mature thymocyte migration to the periphery. These observations underscore the contribution of PI3K in T cell development, as well as its implication in determining the CD4+/CD8+ T cell differentiation ratio in vivo

    Puente Guadalquivir España

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    The interesting solution used for substituting this bridge is described and is considered unique amongst the many similar jobs carried out by the same authors, who were awarded the project RENFE has offered in this regard. All these jobs had the basic condition that they had to be carried out without interrupting traffic as the existing track was the only line available. This article explains the difficulties which arose and the steps adopted to build-up the cutwaters and abutments, as well as construction of the new planking, which was more resistant, and which was used for a while jointly with the old. The scrapping and load operation was also a delicate job. Finally, we wish to point out that a rust-resistant material, which does not require exterior painting, was used. However, this requires a strict material and welding quality control. The result has been very satisfactory as far as speed, effectiveness and economy are concerned.Se describe la interesante solución adoptada en la sustitución del citado puente, como caso singular entre otros muchos semejantes de los mismos autores, que fueron favorecidos en el concurso convocado, al efecto, por RENFE. Todos ellos tenían el condicionamiento fundamental de tener que ser llevados a cabo sin interrumpir el tráfico en la línea, que es de vía única. Se explican las dificultades surgidas y las medidas adoptadas para recrecer las pilas y estribos, así como la construcción del nuevo tablero, más resistente, que durante algún tiempo trabajó conjuntamente con el antiguo. La operación de desguace y puesta en carga ha representado asimismo, una labor delicada. Resaltamos, por último, que se ha utilizado material resistente a la corrosión que no necesita pintura exterior, lo cual exige, en cambio, un riguroso control del material y de la soldadura. El resultado ha sido muy satisfactorio en rapidez, efectividad y economía

    Mujeres solas en la posguerra española (1939-1949). Estrategias frente al hambre y la represión

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    Resumen: El artículo tiene como objetivo fundamental el análisis del protagonismo adquirido por las mujeres españolas durante la posguerra (1939-1949) en la supervivencia de la unidad familiar. Mucha de ellas fueron “mujeres solas” que, con sus maridos en las cárceles o muertos en la guerra o a consecuencia de la represión del régimen vencedor, tuvieron que sacar adelante a sus familias. Prácticamente su único objetivo en estos años era sobrevivir, para lo que utilizaron numerosas estrategias. Entre ellas, la principal fue la del robo y el hurto hacia la propiedad. A través de las fuentes judiciales, se estudia la “delincuencia femenina” en un escenario principal, Castilla-La Mancha, siempre con un método comparado con otros territorios ya investigados por especialistas del franquismo. Además, se comparan los delitos contra la propiedad cometidos por las mujeres en la posguerra con los sucedidos antes de la guerra civil, con el fin de explicar las posibles similitudes y diferencias.Palabras clave: Represión franquista, Posguerra, Hambre, Mujeres, DelincuenciaAbstract: This paper aims chiefly to analyze the prominence achieved by Spanish women during the post-war period (1939-1949) in regards to the survival of the family unit. Many of them were “single women” who had to help their families succeed, while their husbands were imprisoned, killed at war or even repressed by the victorious regime. At that time, the principal aim was survival, and many strategies were used by those single women for this purpose. They included mainly theft and burglary but not exclusively. Using legal sources, “women’s delinquency” is analyzed with the provinces of Castilla-La Mancha being the principal geographical frame, yet without straying from a comparative approach in order to keep in mind other territories already researched by specialists of Francoist History. Moreover, crimes against property committed by those single women during the post-war period are compared to the “female criminality” of the period before the civil war, with a view to exploring any similarities and differences.Key words: Franquismo repression, post-war Spain, hunger, women, criminality doi: https://doi.org/10.20318/revhisto.2017.3706

    Dose-dependent improvement of cardiac function in a swine model of acute myocardial infarction after intracoronary administration of allogeneic heart-derived cells

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    Allogeneic cardiac-derived progenitor cells (CPC) without immunosuppression could provide an effective ancillary therapy to improve cardiac function in reperfused myocardial infarction. We set out to perform a comprehensive preclinical feasibility and safety evaluation of porcine CPC (pCPC) in the infarcted porcine model, analyzing biodistribution and mid-term efficacy, as well as safety in healthy non-infarcted swine.This work was mainly supported by the European FP7-HEALTH-2009-1.4-3, Grant Agreement 242038. In addition, it was partially supported by FEDER funds and grants from the Ministerio de Economia industria y Competitividad ISCIII (PI16/01172) co-funded by ERDF/ESF, “Investing in your future” and Junta de Extremadura Consejeria de Economía e Infraestructuras (IB16201) to VC, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF2015-70882-R; AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RETICS-RD12/0019/0018) to AB.Peer reviewe

    T cell metabolism drives immunity

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    Lymphocytes must adapt to a wide array of environmental stressors as part of their normal development, during which they undergo a dramatic metabolic remodeling process. Research in this area has yielded surprising findings on the roles of diverse metabolic pathways and metabolites, which have been found to regulate lymphocyte signaling and influence differentiation, function and fate. In this review, we integrate the latest findings in the field to provide an up-to-date resource on lymphocyte metabolism

    Puente sobre el río Jarama, España

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    As the previous bridge connecting Barajas with Paracuellos, on the 5th km of the road joining these villages, had been destroyed, a new one has been built. It is made of steel, has five spans, with a total length of 178.85 ms, has a 7 m wide pavement, and two 1.10 m wide sidewalks. The main feature of this bridge is a continuous girder, running over the three central spans, one 36.9 m long, and the other two 24.2 m each. This girder has a continuous web, of double T section. It has two halves, 6.2 ms apart, suitably linked together. The depth varies, and increases slightly over the central supports. The central piles rest on new foundations, consisting of caissons. The rest of the old foundations have been preserved. At the central pile the attachment is fixed, and on the two adjacent piles roller bearings have been fitted. At the end supports the deck structure rests on neoprene plates, 12 mm thick. To ensure the stability of the deck slab, a number of adequately spaced dilation joints have been provided.Por haber sido socavado y destruido el puente primitivo, situado en el punto kilométrico 4,800, y con objeto de restablecer el tráfico en la carretera de Barajas a Paracuellos, se ha construido uno nuevo, de estructura metálica, de cinco tramos, con una longitud total de 178,85 m, calzada de 7 m y dos andenes de 1,10 m de anchura cada uno. La parte principal de esta obra consiste en una viga continua que salva los tres tramos centrales, uno de 36,90 m de luz y los dos adyacentes a él de 24,20 m. Esta viga está constituida por dos de alma llena, de sección en forma de doble T, espaciadas a 6,20 m y convenientemente arriostradas entre ellas. Su canto es variable, aumentando linealmente en las proximidades de los dos apoyos centrales, hasta estos mismos. Las pilas de los tres tramos centrales se apoyan sobre nuevos cimientos, realizados con cajones, conservando los demás cimientos existentes. El apoyo sobre la pila central es fijo, y de rodillos el de las dos adyacentes. En los estribos y las dos pilas extremas laterales, el entramado metálico del tablero se apoya sobre sus soportes por el intermedio de placas de neopreno de 12 mm de espesor. Para asegurar la estabilidad de la losa se han previsto varias juntas de dilatación convenientemente espaciadas

    Hangar metálico, en Getafe-Madrid

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    El hangar que vamos a describir es, en líneas generales, una gran nave en diente de sierra

    Puente sobre el río Ferreira (España)

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    The purpose of this bridge is to improve the intersection of the CN.540 road, from Lugo to Orense, with the 547 road. The chosen structural type meets the conditions of quick construction and cheapness that were paramount in this case. The superstructure of the bridge consists of six intermediate piles, and two abutments, which support seven straight spans with metallic longerons and reinforced concrete deck. The span over the river is 21 m long, and de others, all equal, are 15 m long.The total deck width is 9 m, of which 7 m are for road pavement, and 1 m on each side is reserved for pedestrians sidewalks. The reinforced concrete piles form portal frames, and have circular supports and rectangular dintels. The foundations consist of reinforced concrete blocks, and rest on layers of metamorphic slate into which the foundations penetrate sufficiently deeply to reach sound rock. The project is completed with approach roads to the bridge and the intersections of the roads that converge on the bridge.Su objeto es mejorar la intersección de la CN-540 de Lugo a Orense, con la C-547. La solución estructural elegida responde a las necesidades de rapidez de ejecución y economía exigidas a esta obra. La superestructura del puente la forman seis pilas intermedias y dos estribos que soportan siete tramos rectos con largueros metálicos y losa de hormigón armado. El tramo situado sobre el cauce normal del río tiene una luz de 21 m, y los tramos restantes son todos ellos iguales y de 15 m de luz. El ancho total del tablero es de 9 m, de los que corresponden 7 a la calzada y 1 m a cada uno de los andenes laterales. Las pilas de hormigón armado son aporticadas con soportes circulares y dintel rectangular. La cimentación, a base de macizos de hormigón armado, se apoya sobre una capa de pizarras metamórficas en la que se ha profundizado hasta alcanzar la zona sana. Completan la obra los accesos al puente y las intersecciones de las carreteras que afluyen a él

    Pasarela metálica sobre la C. N. III, Madrid-Valencia

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    The footbridge over the C. N. Ill , Madrid-Valencia road, near Madrid, enables pedestrians to cross the motor road where the latter runs between Moratalaz and Vallecas, without impeding the road traffic. The adoption of an elevated pass is convenient, since at this section the road runs along a deep trench. The structure of the footpath is a continuous metallic box girder, resting on five rectangular metal supports, and two end concrete abutments. The total length of the bridge is 100 m, and the width of the platform is 2.40 m. The project took one month to complete.La pasarela sobre la C. N. III, Madrid-Valencia, en la autopista de acceso a Madrid, permite el paso de peatones entre los barrios de Moratalaz y Vallecas sin interferir el tráfico rodado. La solución de paso superior resulta conveniente, ya que la autopista discurre en trinchera en el lugar de ubicación de esta obra. La estructura está formada por una viga metálica continua de sección en cajón, apoyada sobre cinco soportes rectangulares metálicos y dos estribos de hormigón armado. La obra tiene una longitud total de aproximadamente 100 m y el ancho de la plataforma es de 2,40 metros. El plazo de realización de la obra ha sido de un mes aproximadamente