545 research outputs found

    Estructura de inversión tectónica en la Cordillera Oriental de los Andes, entre 23º y 24º S, Provincia de Jujuy, NO de Argentina

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    The Eastern Cordillera and Subandean Ranges betwen 23" and 24" S exhibits an E-verging basement-involved reverse faults and thrusts. Most of the faults are generated by the inversion of the N-S trending extensional faults during compressional tectonics process. Structural and kinematic analysis allow us to distinguish severa1 stages dunng the compressional event. The thrust faulting started at 17 to 14 Ma in westermost tectonics units of the Eastern Cordillera and at 11Ma in eastern thrust sheets. The compressional deformation has been transferred to the Subandean Ranges at 8,5 Ma and lasted, and it probably contemporaneous with the second generation of thrust (out of sequence thrust) in the Eastern Cordillera

    One Dimensional Chain with Long Range Hopping

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    The one-dimensional (1D) tight binding model with random nearest neighbor hopping is known to have a singularity of the density of states and of the localization length at the band center. We study numerically the effects of random long range (power-law) hopping with an ensemble averaged magnitude \expectation{|t_{ij}|} \propto |i-j|^{-\sigma} in the 1D chain, while maintaining the particle-hole symmetry present in the nearest neighbor model. We find, in agreement with results of position space renormalization group techniques applied to the random XY spin chain with power-law interactions, that there is a change of behavior when the power-law exponent σ\sigma becomes smaller than 2


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    Our group has evolved around a small accelerator-based neutron source (ABNS), the 25 million electron Volt (MeV) linear electron accelerator at the Bariloche Atomic Centre. It is dedicated to applications of neutronic methods to tackle problems of basic sciences and to technological applications. Among these, the determination of total cross section of a material as a function of neutron energy by means of transmission experiments for thermal and sub-thermal neutrons is very sensitive to the geometric arrangement and movement of the atoms, over distances ranging from the 'first-neighbour scale' up to the microstructural level or 'grain scale'. This also allowed to test theoretical models of calculated cross sections and scattering kernels. Interest has moved from pulsed neutron diffraction towards deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS), a powerful tool for the determination of atomic momentum distribution in condensed matter and for non-destructive mass spectroscopy. In recent years non-intrusive techniques aimed at the scanning of large cargo containers have started to be developed with this ABNS, testing the capacity and limitations to detect special nuclear material and dangerous substances in thick cargo arrangements. More recently, the use of the ever-present “bremsstrahlung” radiation has been recognized as a useful complement to instrumental neutron activation, as it permits to detect other nuclear species through high-energy photon activation. The facility is also used for graduate and undergraduate students experimental work within the frame of Instituto Balseiro Physics and Nuclear Engineering courses of study, and also MSc and PhD theses work


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    Our group has evolved around a small accelerator-based neutron source (ABNS), the 25 million electron Volt (MeV) linear electron accelerator at the Bariloche Atomic Centre. It is dedicated to applications of neutronic methods to tackle problems of basic sciences and to technological applications. Among these, the determination of total cross section of a material as a function of neutron energy by means of transmission experiments for thermal and sub-thermal neutrons is very sensitive to the geometric arrangement and movement of the atoms, over distances ranging from the 'first-neighbour scale' up to the microstructural level or 'grain scale'. This also allowed to test theoretical models of calculated cross sections and scattering kernels. Interest has moved from pulsed neutron diffraction towards deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS), a powerful tool for the determination of atomic momentum distribution in condensed matter and for non-destructive mass spectroscopy. In recent years non-intrusive techniques aimed at the scanning of large cargo containers have started to be developed with this ABNS, testing the capacity and limitations to detect special nuclear material and dangerous substances in thick cargo arrangements. More recently, the use of the ever-present “bremsstrahlung” radiation has been recognized as a useful complement to instrumental neutron activation, as it permits to detect other nuclear species through high-energy photon activation. The facility is also used for graduate and undergraduate students experimental work within the frame of Instituto Balseiro Physics and Nuclear Engineering courses of study, and also MSc and PhD theses work

    Effect of cryopreservation of sheep semen related to its viability and acrosomal status

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    En la presente investigación, se analizaron los efectos de la criopreservación sobre la viabilidad y el estado acrosomal de espermatozoides ovinos. Se obtuvieron 45 eyaculados por el método de vagina artificial para el análisis, evaluando en semen fresco las siguientes características: volumen (Vol), motilidad progresiva (MP), porcentaje de viabilidad (Viab), morfología normal (NM), concentración espermática (Concentr); así como su viabilidad y el estado acrosomal, Los dos últimos parámetros se evaluaron usando tinción con isotiocianato de fluoresceína conjugada con Arachis hypogaea lectina y yoduro de propidio (FITC-PNA/IP),en los que había diferentes patrones de tinción: espermatozoides vivos sin reacción acrosomal (VsRA), vivos con reacción acrosomal (VcRA), muertos sin reacción acrosomal (MsRA) y muertos con reacción acrosomal (McRA), obteniéndose un promedio de: 1,2 ± 0,3 mL 88,0 ± 3,4%, 91,4 ± 3,8%, 94,2 ± 2,9%, 1768,1 ± 5,5x106/mL 76,7 ± 5,5%, 7,6 ± 2,7%, 11,2 ± 4,1% y 4,5 ± 2,6%, respectivamente. El semen se congeló en un diluyente comercial (Triladyl ®) y se empacó en pajuelas de 0,5 mL a una concentración de 150x106/ml en nitrógeno líquido durante 8 días, descongeladas a 37°C durante 60 segundos. En la post-evaluación del semen descongelado, se determinaron los valores siguientes: MP = 37,4 ± 5,3%, Viab = 67,5 ± 4,7, NM = 79,5 ± 5.7, VsRA = 26,9 ± 7,3%, VcRA = 29,2 ± 6,4%, MsRA = 27,7 ± 7% y McRA = 15,9 ± 6,2%, obteniéndose diferenciasestadísticamente significativas (p <0,05) causadas por los efectos de la criopreservación. Se concluye que, a pesar de que la viabilidad y el estado acrosomal de los espermatozoides se ven afectado por la criopreservación. Los espermatozoides vivos sin reacción del acrosomal se pueden utilizar en las técnicas de reproducción asistida

    "Author! Author!" : Shakespeare and biography

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t714579626~db=all Copyright Informa / Taylor & Francis Group. DOI: 10.1080/17450910902764454Since 1996, not a year has passed without the publication of at least one Shakespeare biography. Yet for many years the place of the author in the practice of understanding literary works has been problematized, and even on occasions eliminated. Criticism reads the “works”, and may or may not refer to an author whose “life” contributed to their meaning. Biography seeks the author in the works, the personality that precedes the works and gives them their characteristic shape and meaning. But the form of literary biography addresses the unusual kind of “life” that puts itself into “works”, and this is particularly challenging where the “works” predominate massively over the salient facts of the “life”. This essay surveys the current terrain of Shakespeare biography, and considers the key questions raised by the medium: can we know anything of Shakespeare's “personality” from the facts of his life and the survival of his works? What is the status of the kind of speculation that inevitably plays a part in biographical reconstruction? Are biographers in the end telling us as much about themselves as they tell us about Shakespeare?Peer reviewe

    Reef fish assemblages and fisheries in Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic

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    Parque National del Este is the second largest protected area in the Dominican Republic, comprising 110 km2 of terrestrial habitats located in the southeastern Dominican Republic. Established in 1975, the park delineation did not include the adjacent marine area, despite its long history of commercial fisheries. Since 1994, several U.S. and Dominican partner organizations have conducted scientific investigations of the marine resources of the area. This paper provides data on the status of snapper and groupers reef assemblages and finfish fisheriescollected during 1995 1997. Methods used in the study included: 1) visual transects (20 m x 5 m) of predatory fishes in coral reef habitats and 2) fishermen interviews to obtain data on fishing methods and catch composition. Predatory fishes, particularly groupers and snappers, are rare and generally small (\u3c 30 cm TL). Larger size snappers (Lutjanus griseus, L. analis) and groupers (Mycreroperca bonaci, M. tigris and M. venenosa) were absent in the visualtransect surveys. Only two Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) were found in 142 transects among 7 reef areas. Among groupers, red hind (E. guttatus), coney (E. fulvus) and graysby (E. cr ue nt atu s) dominated the grouper assemblage in visual transect surveys, as well as in fishermen’s catch. Yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus) was the most abundant snapper species in reefs and in fishermen’s catch. Fishermen interviews (n = 120) showed that hook-and-line, traps, and spears were the most commonly used methods. The catch composition reflects the artisanal nature of the fishery. A significant alteration of the park’s fish assemblages due to overfishing is apparent. The designation of zones with different degree of protection (including a no-take zone) is recommended. This plan includes specific regulations on the use of fishing gears, and others regarding minimum size, closed season. These measures should be included in the oncoming Coastal Management Plan, and will allow to: i) evaluate the potential for fisheries recovery ii) protect what little spawning stock biomass remains in the area, and iii) protect nursery grounds important for juvenile stages. There are few data on the potential contribution of up-current areas (Eastern Caribbean) to reef fish recruitment in the park. A research program addressed to this subject is also recommended

    Tratamiento de regeneración endodóntica en pulpa vital y necrótica, utilizando fibrina rica en plaquetas y Biodentine: reporte de caso

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    Endodontic regeneration is an inductive and reparative biological treatment indicated to replace cell damage at the level of the dentinopulp complex. The objective of this study is to report a case of Endodontic Regenerative Therapy, in young permanent first molars, in a 10-year-old patient, using platelet-rich fibrin and Biodentine, applying two different protocols for combined diagnoses of irreversible pulpitis and pulp necrosis. The patient attended consultation due to extensive carious lesions. Clinical and imaging evaluations (X-rays and Cone Beam) were performed. The protocol in the necrotic canal consisted of disinfection with a bi-antibiotic paste and placement of a second-generation autologous scaffold matrix, made of biodegradable platelet-rich fibrin which is also , biocompatible and therefore without risk of immune rejection. The protocol in the canals with irreversible pulpitis consisted in a complete pulpotomy and placement of Biodentine calcium silicate cement, a material considered as first choice for pulp-conserving treatments, with properties similar to dentin. Eight weeks after the end of the treatment, a clinical control was conducted revealing an asymptomatic chart and negative palpation without the presence of fistula or abscess. This result indicated regeneration of the pulp tissues and success of the applied protocols. Controls will be carried out at 6, 12 and 18 months. Conclusion: The application of endodontic regenerative treatments, as performed in this reported case, is a favorable and innovative option to preserve, restore or replace the dental pulp. In comparison with conventional treatments, this procedure allows to return pulp functionality, complete development of the root, thickening of the dentinal walls and closure of the apical foramen of young permanent teeth affected by pulp pathologies. It is important that regenerative therapies are publicized and applied by dental professionalsLa regeneración endodóntica es un tratamiento inductivo y reparativo con bases biológicas, indicado para reemplazar los daños celulares a nivel del complejo dentinopulpar. El objetivo de este estudio es reportar un caso de Terapia Regenerativa Endodóntica, en primeros molares permanentes jóvenes, en un paciente de 10 años, a través del uso de fibrina rica en plaquetas y Biodentine, se aplicaron dos protocolos diferentes por diagnósticos combinados de pulpitis irreversible y necrosis pulpar. El paciente acude a consulta por presentar lesiones cariosas extensas; se realizaron evaluaciones clínicas e imagenológicas (radiografías y Cone Beam), el protocolo en el conducto necrótico consistió en la desinfección con pasta biantibiótica y la colocación de una matriz de andamiaje autóloga de segunda generación, elaborada de fibrina rica en plaquetas que es biodegradable, biocompatible y no existe riesgo de rechazo inmunológico. El protocolo en los conductos con pulpitis irreversibles consistió en pulpotomía total y colocación de cemento de silicato de calcio Biodentine, el cual se considera el material de primera elección para los tratamientos conservadores de la pulpa, con propiedades similares a la dentina. A 8 semanas de finalizado el tratamiento se realizó control clínico y el paciente mostró un cuadro asintomático, palpación negativa sin presencia de fístula o absceso lo que podría indicar regeneración de los tejidos pulpares y éxito de los protocolos aplicados. Los siguientes controles se realizán a los 6, 12 y 18 meses. Conclusión: la aplicación de los tratamientos regenerativos endodónticos como se realizó en el caso reportado, es una opción favorable e innovadora para preservar, restaurar o sustituir la pulpa dental, que en comparación con los tratamientos convencionales nos permiten devolver la funcionalidad pulpar, finalizar el desarrollo radicular, engrosamiento de las paredes dentinales y cierre del foramen apical de dientes permanentes jóvenes que han sido afectados por patologías pulpares. Es importante que las terapias regenerativas sean divulgadas y aplicadas por los profesionale

    The exposure of the hybrid detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is a detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It consists of a surface array to measure secondary particles at ground level and a fluorescence detector to measure the development of air showers in the atmosphere above the array. The "hybrid" detection mode combines the information from the two subsystems. We describe the determination of the hybrid exposure for events observed by the fluorescence telescopes in coincidence with at least one water-Cherenkov detector of the surface array. A detailed knowledge of the time dependence of the detection operations is crucial for an accurate evaluation of the exposure. We discuss the relevance of monitoring data collected during operations, such as the status of the fluorescence detector, background light and atmospheric conditions, that are used in both simulation and reconstruction.Comment: Paper accepted by Astroparticle Physic