
Our group has evolved around a small accelerator-based neutron source (ABNS), the 25 million electron Volt (MeV) linear electron accelerator at the Bariloche Atomic Centre. It is dedicated to applications of neutronic methods to tackle problems of basic sciences and to technological applications. Among these, the determination of total cross section of a material as a function of neutron energy by means of transmission experiments for thermal and sub-thermal neutrons is very sensitive to the geometric arrangement and movement of the atoms, over distances ranging from the 'first-neighbour scale' up to the microstructural level or 'grain scale'. This also allowed to test theoretical models of calculated cross sections and scattering kernels. Interest has moved from pulsed neutron diffraction towards deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS), a powerful tool for the determination of atomic momentum distribution in condensed matter and for non-destructive mass spectroscopy. In recent years non-intrusive techniques aimed at the scanning of large cargo containers have started to be developed with this ABNS, testing the capacity and limitations to detect special nuclear material and dangerous substances in thick cargo arrangements. More recently, the use of the ever-present “bremsstrahlung” radiation has been recognized as a useful complement to instrumental neutron activation, as it permits to detect other nuclear species through high-energy photon activation. The facility is also used for graduate and undergraduate students experimental work within the frame of Instituto Balseiro Physics and Nuclear Engineering courses of study, and also MSc and PhD theses work

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