240 research outputs found

    The Justice Thread: A Curriculum for Ghanaian Churches on Biblical Justice and Child Trafficking

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    The goal of this project is to support the work of International Justice Mission in Ghana to end child trafficking by developing a compelling curriculum on biblical justice. The Justice Thread is an eight-week Bible study tracing the theme of biblical justice as it unfolds throughout the Bible. The curriculum aims to be a practical and contextually appropriate tool for churches in Ghana, which currently lack resources, training, and emphasis on justice-related ministry. The Justice Thread seeks to introduce participants to the God of justice while also educating them about the injustice of child trafficking in their midst. Ultimately, participants are urged toward action on behalf of the oppressed in their community. This study demonstrates the prominence and prevalence of the theme of justice throughout the various sections of the Bible. It is argued that justice in human affairs is of utmost importance to God and therefore to the Christian mission of the church. The exegetical study introduces concepts related to justice such as shalom, holistic ministry, the purpose of authority, the role of a prophet, and God’s particular concern for the vulnerable. The study seeks to inspire greater familiarity with God’s heart for justice, increased commitment to the oppressed, and growing courage to stand up to oppressors. Recognizing the importance of contextualization, the study includes cultural exegesis and ministry context analysis drawn from the author’s two years of experience in the field and input from Ghanaian scholars and International Justice Mission national staff. The curriculum was field tested with approximately two hundred pastors and church leaders from fishing villages along the shores of Lake Volta, an area with a high prevalence of child trafficking. The curriculum has been well received by churches from many different denominations making plans for implementation

    Annotated checklist and biogeographic composition of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) of Trinidad, West Indies

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    A revised annotated checklist for the butterfl y family Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) of Trinidad is presented, updating nomenclature, and indicating synonyms from earlier lists and papers. The checklist includes 131 species of Lycaenidae, comprising 127 species of 49 genera of Eumaeini, Theclinae, and four species of three genera of Polyommatinae. There are more than 30 new island records. No lycaenid species is endemic to Trinidad, and the fauna consists primarily of widespread species (71%) that occur from Central America to the Amazon Basin. However, the primary biogeographic affi nity is the Amazon Region, where 94% of the Trinidad lycaenid fauna also occurs. Corrections are made to the literature cited in the fi rst author’s earlier checklists on other Trinidad butterfl ies. Resumen. Se presenta una lista anotada para la familia de mariposas Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) de Trinidad, actualizando la nomenclatura e indicando sinĂłnimos de listas y artĂ­culos prĂ©vios. La lista incluye 131 especies de Lycaenidae, que comprende 127 especies de 49 gĂ©neros de Eumaeini, Theclinae, y cuatro especies de tres gĂ©neros de Polyommatinae. Se presentan mĂĄs de 30 nuevo registros procedente de la isla. Ninguna especies de lycaenido es endĂ©mico de Trinidad, y la fauna consiste principalmente de especies de amplia distribuciĂłn (71%) que ocurren desde CentroamĂ©rica hasta la Cuenca del Amazonas. Sin embargo, la principal afi nidad biogeogrĂĄfi ca es la RegiĂłn AmazĂłnica, donde el 94% de la fauna de lycaenidos de Trinidad ocurren. Se hacen correcciones en la literatura citada de las listas anotadas anteriores del primer autor sobre otras mariposas de Trinidad

    A Nationally Representative Survey Assessing Restorative Sleep in US Adults

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    Restorative sleep is a commonly used term but a poorly defined construct. Few studies have assessed restorative sleep in nationally representative samples. We convened a panel of 7 expert physicians and researchers to evaluate and enhance available measures of restorative sleep. We then developed the revised Restorative Sleep Questionnaire (REST-Q), which comprises 9 items assessing feelings resulting from the prior sleep episode, each with 5-point Likert response scales. Finally, we assessed the prevalence of high, somewhat, and low REST-Q scores in a nationally representative sample of US adults (n= 1,055) and examined the relationship of REST-Q scores with other sleep and demographic characteristics. Pairwise correlations were performed between the REST-Q scores and other self-reported sleep measures. Weighted logistic regression analyses were conducted to compare scores on the REST-Q with demographic variables. The prevalence of higher REST-Q scores (4 or 5 on the Likert scale) was 28.1% in the nationally representative sample. REST-Q scores positively correlated with sleep quality (r=0.61) and sleep duration (r=0.32), and negatively correlated with both difficulty falling asleep (r=-0.40) and falling back asleep after waking (r=-0.41). Higher restorative sleep scores (indicating more feelings of restoration upon waking) were more common among those who were: ≄60 years of age (OR=4.20, 95%CI: 1.92-9.17); widowed (OR=2.35, 95%CI:1.01-5.42), and retired (OR=2.02, 95%CI:1.30-3.14). Higher restorative sleep scores were less frequent among those who were not working (OR=0.36, 95%CI: 0.10-1.00) and living in a household with two or more persons (OR=0.51,95%CI:0.29-0.87). Our findings suggest that the REST-Q may be useful for assessing restorative sleep

    Dysregulation of DAF-16/FOXO3A-mediated stress responses accelerates T oxidative DNA damage induced aging

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    DNA damage is presumed to be one type of stochastic macromolecular damage that contributes to aging, yet little is known about the precise mechanism by which DNA damage drives aging. Here, we attempt to address this gap in knowledge using DNA repair-deficient C. elegans and mice. ERCC1-XPF is a nuclear endonuclease required for genomic stability and loss of ERCC1 in humans and mice accelerates the incidence of age-related pathologies. Like mice, ercc-1 worms are UV sensitive, shorter lived, display premature functional decline and they accumulate spontaneous oxidative DNA lesions (cyclopurines) more rapidly than wild-type worms. We found that ercc-1 worms displayed early activation of DAF-16 relative to wild-type worms, which conferred resistance to multiple stressors and was important for maximal longevity of the mutant worms. However, DAF- 16 activity was not maintained over the lifespan of ercc-1 animals and this decline in DAF-16 activation cor- responded with a loss of stress resistance, a rise in oxidant levels and increased morbidity, all of which were cep- 1/ p53 dependent. A similar early activation of FOXO3A (the mammalian homolog of DAF-16), with increased resistance to oxidative stress, followed by a decline in FOXO3A activity and an increase in oxidant abundance was observed in Ercc1-/- primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Likewise, in vivo, ERCC1-deficient mice had transient activation of FOXO3A in early adulthood as did middle-aged wild-type mice, followed by a late life decline. The healthspan and mean lifespan of ERCC1 deficient mice was rescued by inactivation of p53. These data indicate that activation of DAF-16/FOXO3A is a highly conserved response to genotoxic stress that is important for suppressing consequent oxidative stress. Correspondingly, dysregulation of DAF-16/FOXO3A appears to underpin shortened healthspan and lifespan, rather than the increased DNA damage burden itself

    Quantifying humpback whale song sequences to understand the dynamics of song exchange at the ocean basin scale

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    Humpback whales have a continually evolving vocal sexual display, or "song," that appears to undergo both evolutionary and "revolutionary" change. All males within a population adhere to the current content and arrangement of the song. Populations within an ocean basin share similarities in their songs; this sharing is complex as multiple variations of the song (song types) may be present within a region at any one time. To quantitatively investigate the similarity of song types, songs were compared at both the individual singer and population level using the Levenshtein distance technique and cluster analysis. The highly stereotyped sequences of themes from the songs of 211 individuals from populations within the western and central South Pacific region from 1998 through 2008 were grouped together based on the percentage of song similarity, and compared to qualitatively assigned song types. The analysis produced clusters of highly similar songs that agreed with previous qualitative assignments. Each cluster contained songs from multiple populations and years, confirming the eastward spread of song types and their progressive evolution through the study region. Quantifying song similarity and exchange will assist in understanding broader song dynamics and contribute to the use of vocal displays as population identifiers

    Mining regulatory 5â€ČUTRs from cDNA deep sequencing datasets

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    Regulatory 5â€Č untranslated regions (r5â€ČUTRs) of mRNAs such as riboswitches modulate the expression of genes involved in varied biological processes in both bacteria and eukaryotes. New high-throughput sequencing technologies could provide powerful tools for discovery of novel r5â€ČUTRs, but the size and complexity of the datasets generated by these technologies makes it difficult to differentiate r5â€ČUTRs from the multitude of other types of RNAs detected. Here, we developed and implemented a bioinformatic approach to identify putative r5â€ČUTRs from within large datasets of RNAs recently identified by pyrosequencing of the Vibrio cholerae small transcriptome. This screen yielded only ∌1% of all non-overlapping RNAs along with 75% of previously annotated r5â€ČUTRs and 69 candidate V. cholerae r5â€ČUTRs. These candidates include several putative functional homologues of diverse r5â€ČUTRs characterized in other species as well as numerous candidates upstream of genes involved in pathways not known to be regulated by r5â€ČUTRs, such as fatty acid oxidation and peptidoglycan catabolism. Two of these novel r5â€ČUTRs were experimentally validated using a GFP reporter-based approach. Our findings suggest that the number and diversity of pathways regulated by r5â€ČUTRs has been underestimated and that deep sequencing-based transcriptomics will be extremely valuable in the search for novel r5â€ČUTRs

    A multi-decade record of high quality fCO2 data in version 3 of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT)

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    The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) is a synthesis of quality-controlled fCO2 (fugacity of carbon dioxide) values for the global surface oceans and coastal seas with regular updates. Version 3 of SOCAT has 14.7 million fCO2 values from 3646 data sets covering the years 1957 to 2014. This latest version has an additional 4.6 million fCO2 values relative to version 2 and extends the record from 2011 to 2014. Version 3 also significantly increases the data availability for 2005 to 2013. SOCAT has an average of approximately 1.2 million surface water fCO2 values per year for the years 2006 to 2012. Quality and documentation of the data has improved. A new feature is the data set quality control (QC) flag of E for data from alternative sensors and platforms. The accuracy of surface water fCO2 has been defined for all data set QC flags. Automated range checking has been carried out for all data sets during their upload into SOCAT. The upgrade of the interactive Data Set Viewer (previously known as the Cruise Data Viewer) allows better interrogation of the SOCAT data collection and rapid creation of high-quality figures for scientific presentations. Automated data upload has been launched for version 4 and will enable more frequent SOCAT releases in the future. High-profile scientific applications of SOCAT include quantification of the ocean sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide and its long-term variation, detection of ocean acidification, as well as evaluation of coupled-climate and ocean-only biogeochemical models. Users of SOCAT data products are urged to acknowledge the contribution of data providers, as stated in the SOCAT Fair Data Use Statement. This ESSD (Earth System Science Data) “living data” publication documents the methods and data sets used for the assembly of this new version of the SOCAT data collection and compares these with those used for earlier versions of the data collection (Pfeil et al., 2013; Sabine et al., 2013; Bakker et al., 2014). Individual data set files, included in the synthesis product, can be downloaded here: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.849770. The gridded products are available here: doi:10.3334/CDIAC/OTG.SOCAT_V3_GRID

    Lymphoid Organ-Resident Dendritic Cells Exhibit Unique Transcriptional Fingerprints Based on Subset and Site

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    Lymphoid organ-resident DC subsets are thought to play unique roles in determining the fate of T cell responses. Recent studies focusing on a single lymphoid organ identified molecular pathways that are differentially operative in each DC subset and led to the assumption that a given DC subset would more or less exhibit the same genomic and functional profiles throughout the body. Whether the local milieu in different anatomical sites can also influence the transcriptome of DC subsets has remained largely unexplored. Here, we interrogated the transcriptional relationships between lymphoid organ-resident DC subsets from spleen, gut- and skin-draining lymph nodes, and thymus of C57BL/6 mice. For this purpose, major resident DC subsets including CD4 and CD8 DCs were sorted at high purity and gene expression profiles were compared using microarray analysis. This investigation revealed that lymphoid organ-resident DC subsets exhibit divergent genomic programs across lymphoid organs. Interestingly, we also found that transcriptional and biochemical properties of a given DC subset can differ between lymphoid organs for lymphoid organ-resident DC subsets, but not plasmacytoid DCs, suggesting that determinants of the tissue milieu program resident DCs for essential site-specific functions
