205 research outputs found

    Effects of ultrafast laser energy deposition on a hypervelocity boundary layer

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    This paper presents a preliminary study of hypersonic boundary layer phenomena resulting from the energy deposition of an ultrafast laser pulse in proximity to the tip of a 7° half-angle axisymmetric cone within the Oxford High Density Tunnel (HDT) facility. An ultrafast Ti:Sapphire laser was integrated into the facility’s systems, providing temporally precise and synchronous delivery of a single tightly focussed laser pulse to the target location in the HDT test section. This investigation independently assessed the variation of the freestream unit Reynolds number (Reunit,∞) on the disturbed boundary layer for laminar to turbulent conditions bound by the extrema unit Reynolds numbers 5.7 and 24.1 ± 0.9 × 106/m, while keeping laser settings constant. For all test conditions, the boundary layer state was characterised using high-speed schlieren imaging at 1 MHz for visualising the flow field, focussed laser differential interferometry (FLDI) to assess small density fluctuations, and surface-mounted highfrequency bandwidth pressure transducers (PCBs 132A31 and 132B32). Flow features associated with the energy deposition in the boundary layer, included the formation of a spherical shock wave that expanded radially and decayed, an elliptical high-temperature ‘hot spot’ region, and a trailing turbulent wake. The hot spot and turbulent wake density gradients increased linearly with unit Reynolds number, suggesting a relation to the local mean density or pressure. Normalising these values by mean density gave an estimate of turbulence intensity, which appeared independent of unit Reynolds number. The size of the hot spot decreased with unit Reynolds number, which is hypothesised to be caused by the higher mean pressure compressing the hot spot. The increasing instability of the boundary layer with unit Reynolds number led to longer duration turbulent wakes before the laminar boundary layer re-establishes

    Greenhouse gas emission factors associated with rewetting of organic soils

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    Drained organic soils are a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere. Rewetting these soils may reduce GHG emissions and could also create suitable conditions for return of the carbon (C) sink function characteristic of undrained organic soils. In this article we expand on the work relating to rewetted organic soils that was carried out for the 2014 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Wetlands Supplement. We describe the methods and scientific approach used to derive the Tier 1 emission factors (the rate of emission per unit of activity) for the full suite of GHG and waterborne C fluxes associated with rewetting of organic soils. We recorded a total of 352 GHG and waterborne annual flux data points from an extensive literature search and these were disaggregated by flux type (i.e. CO2, CH4, N2O and DOC), climate zone and nutrient status. Our results showed fundamental differences between the GHG dynamics of drained and rewetted organic soils and, based on the 100 year global warming potential of each gas, indicated that rewetting of drained organic soils leads to: net annual removals of CO2 in the majority of organic soil classes; an increase in annual CH4 emissions; a decrease in N2O and DOC losses; and a lowering of net GHG emissions. Data published since the Wetlands Supplement (n = 58) generally support our derivations. Significant data gaps exist, particularly with regard to tropical organic soils, DOC and N2O. We propose that the uncertainty associated with our derivations could be significantly reduced by the development of country specific emission factors that could in turn be disaggregated by factors such as vegetation composition, water table level, time since rewetting and previous land use history

    The spread of marine anoxia on the northern Tethys margin during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum

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    Records of the paleoenvironmental changes that occurred during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) are preserved in sedimentary rocks along the margins of the former Tethys Ocean and Peri-Tethys. This paper presents new geochemical data that constrain paleoproductivity, sediment delivery, and seawater redox conditions, from three sites that were located in the Peri-Tethys region. Trace and major element, iron speciation, and biomarker data indicate that water column anoxia was established during episodes when inputs of land-derived higher plant organic carbon and highly weathered detrital clays and silts became relatively higher. Anoxic conditions are likely to have been initially caused by two primary processes: (i) oxygen consumption by high rates of marine productivity, initially stimulated by the rapid delivery of terrestrially derived organic matter and nutrients, and (ii) phosphorus regeneration from seafloor sediments. The role of the latter process requires further investigation before its influence on the spread of deoxygenated seawater during the PETM can be properly discerned. Other oxygen-forcing processes, such as temperature/salinity-driven water column stratification and/or methane oxidation, are considered to have been relatively less important in the study region. Organic carbon enrichments occur only during the initial stages of the PETM as defined by the negative carbon isotope excursions at each site. The lack of observed terminal stage organic carbon enrichment does not support a link between PETM climate recovery and the sequestration of excess atmospheric CO2 as organic carbon in this region; such a feedback may, however, have been important in the early stages of the PETM

    High on-off conductance switching ratio in optically-driven self-assembled conjugated molecular systems

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    A new azobenzene-thiophene molecular switch is designed, synthesized and used to form self-assembled monolayers (SAM) on gold. An "on/off" conductance ratio up to 7x1E3 (with an average value of 1.5x1E3) is reported. The "on" conductance state is clearly identified to the cis isomer of the azobenzene moiety. The high "on/off" ratio is explained in terms of photo-induced, configuration-related, changes in the electrode-molecule interface energetics (changes in the energy position of the molecular orbitals with respect to the Fermi energy of electrodes) in addition to changes in the tunnel barrier length (length of the molecules). First principles DFT calculations demonstrate a better delocalization of the frontier orbitals, as well as a stronger electronic coupling between the azobenzene moiety and the electrode for the cis configuration over the trans one. Measured photoionization cross-sections for the molecules in the SAM are close to the known values for azobenzene derivatives in solution.Comment: 1 file with main text, figure and suppementary informatio

    Isotopic evidences for microbiologically mediated and direct C input to soil compounds from three different leaf litters during their decomposition

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    We show the potentiality of coupling together different compound-specific isotopic analyses in a laboratory experiment, where 13C-depleted leaf litter was incubated on a 13C-enriched soil. The aim of our study was to identify the soil compounds where the C derived from three different litter species is retained. Three 13C-depleted leaf litter (Liquidambar styraciflua L., Cercis canadensis L. and Pinus taeda L., δ13CvsPDB ≈ −43‰), differing in their degradability, were incubated on a C4 soil (δ13CvsPDB ≈ −18‰) under laboratory-controlled conditions for 8 months. At harvest, compound-specific isotope analyses were performed on different classes of soil compounds [i.e. phospholipids fatty acids (PLFAs), n-alkanes and soil pyrolysis products]. Linoleic acid (PLFA 18:2ω6,9) was found to be very depleted in 13C (δ13CvsPDB ≈ from −38 to −42‰) compared to all other PLFAs (δ13CvsPDB ≈ from −14 to −35‰). Because of this, fungi were identified as the first among microbes to use the litter as source of C. Among n-alkanes, long-chain (C27–C31) n-alkanes were the only to have a depleted δ13C. This is an indication that not all of the C derived from litter in the soil was transformed by microbes. The depletion in 13C was also found in different classes of pyrolysis products, suggesting that the litter-derived C is incorporated in less or more chemically stable compounds, even only after 8 months decomposition

    Identifying forest ecosystem regions for agricultural use and conservation

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    ABSTRACT Balancing agricultural needs with the need to protect biodiverse environments presents a challenge to forestry management. An imbalance in resource production and ecosystem regulation often leads to degradation or deforestation such as when excessive cultivation damages forest biodiversity. Lack of information on geospatial biodiversity may hamper forest ecosystems. In particular, this may be an issue in areas where there is a strong need to reassign land to food production. It is essential to identify and protect those parts of the forest that are key to its preservation. This paper presents a strategy for choosing suitable areas for agricultural management based on a geospatial variation of Shannon's vegetation diversity index (SHDI). This index offers a method for selecting areas with low levels of biodiversity and carbon stock accumulation ability, thereby reducing the negative environmental impact of converting forest land to agricultural use. The natural forest ecosystem of the controversial 1997 Ex-Mega Rice Project (EMRP) in Indonesia is used as an example. Results showed that the geospatial pattern of biodiversity can be accurately derived using kriging analysis and then effectively applied to the delineation of agricultural production areas using an ecological threshold of SHDI. A prediction model that integrates a number of species and families and average annual rainfall was developed by principal component regression (PCR) to obtain a geospatial distribution map of biodiversity. Species richness was found to be an appropriate indicator of SHDI and able to assist in the identification of areas for agricultural use and natural forest management

    A comparison of biomarker records of northeast African vegetation from lacustrine and marine sediments (ca. 3.40 Ma)

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Organic Geochemistry 38 (2007): 1607-1624, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2007.06.008.Integrated terrestrial and marine records of northeast African vegetation are needed to provide long, high resolution records of environmental variability with established links to specific terrestrial environments. In this study, we compare records of terrestrial vegetation preserved in marine sediments in the Gulf of Aden (DSDP Site 231) and an outcrop of lacustrine sediments in the Turkana Basin, Kenya, part of the East African Rift System. We analyzed higher plant biomarkers in sediments from both deposits of known equivalent age, corresponding to a ca. 50 – 100 ka humid interval prior to the β-Tulu Bor eruption ca. 3.40 Ma, when the Lokochot Lake occupied part of the Turkana Basin. Molecular abundance distributions indicate that long chain n-alkanoic acids in marine sediments are the most reliable proxy for terrestrial vegetation (Carbon Preference Index, CPI, = 4.5), with more cautious interpretation needed for n-alkanes and lacustrine archives. Marine sediments record carbon isotopic variability in terrestrial biomarkers of 2 – 3‰, roughly equivalent to 20% variability in the C3/C4 vegetation contribution. The proportion of C4 vegetation apparently increased at times of low terrigenous dust input. Terrestrial sediments reveal much larger (2 – 10‰) shifts in n-alkanoic acid δ13C values. However, molecular abundance and isotopic composition suggest that microbial sources may also contribute fatty acids, contaminating the lacustrine sedimentary record of terrestrial vegetation.Funding was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation HOMINID Grant 0218511

    14C and 13C characteristics of higher plant biomarkers in Washington margin surface sediments

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2012. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 105 (2013): 14-30, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2012.11.034.Plant wax lipids and lignin phenols are the two most common classes of molecular markers that are used to trace vascular plant-derived OM in the marine environment. However, their 13C and 14C compositions have not been directly compared, which can be used to constrain the flux and attenuation of terrestrial carbon in marine environment. In this study, we describe a revised method of isolating individual lignin phenols from complex sedimentary matrices for 14C analysis using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and compare this approach to a method utilizing preparative capillary gas chromatography (PCGC). We then examine in detail the 13C and 14C compositions of plant wax lipids and lignin phenols in sediments from the inner and mid shelf of the Washington margin that are influenced by discharge of the Columbia River. Plant wax lipids (including n-alkanes, n-alkanoic (fatty) acids, n-alkanols, and n-aldehydes) displayed significant variability in both δ13C (-28.3 to -37.5 ‰) and ∆14C values (-204 to +2 ‰), suggesting varied inputs and/or continental storage and transport histories. In contrast, lignin phenols exhibited similar δ13C values (between -30 to -34 ‰) and a relatively narrow range of ∆14C values (-45 to -150 ‰; HPLC-based mesurement) that were similar to, or younger than, bulk OM (-195 to -137 ‰). Moreover, lignin phenol 14C age correlated with the degradation characteristics of this terrestrial biopolymer in that vanillyl phenols were on average ~500 years older than syringyl and cinnamyl phenols that degrade faster in soils and sediments. The isotopic characteristics, abundance, and distribution of lignin phenols in sediments suggest that they serve as promising tracers of recently biosynthesized terrestrial OM during supply to, and dispersal within the marine environment. Lignin phenol 14C measurements may also provide useful constraints on the vascular plant end member in isotopic mixing models for carbon source apportionment, and for interpretation of sedimentary records of past vegetation dynamics. Key words: 14C and 13C composition, radiocarbon age, plant wax lipids, lignin phenols, Washington margin, marine carbon cycling, terrestrial organic matterGrants OCE-9907129, OCE-0137005, and OCE-0526268 (to TIE) from the National Science Foundation (NSF) supported this research