2,213 research outputs found

    Epigenetics and Language: The Minimalist Program, Connectionism and Biology

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    Chomsky claims that linguistics should be thought of as a branch of biology. Lorenzo and Longa claim that the Minimalist Program is better than previous approaches at connecting language to biology because it relies on epigenetic processes in development, which is the current trend in biology. Epigenetic processes alter gene expression in a heritable manner without changing DNA sequence. Recently, biologists have come to see epigenetics as extremely important to development. We agree with Lorenzo and Longa that inclusion of epigenetic processes in linguists' theories of language development is important if linguists desire unification with biology. However, Lorenzo and Longa do not discuss processes that alter gene expression in a heritable manner without altering DNA. A close examination of their position illuminates a large gap between the Minimalist Program and epigenetics. In contrast, there is a relatively small gap between connectionism and epigenetics. Language development in connectionist systems involves modifications of neural connections. Research shows that modification of neural connections involves processes that alter gene expression without altering DNA. It follows that connectionism is the superior paradigm for researchers interested in unification between biology and linguistics

    In Vivo Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity in the Optic Tectum of Xenopus Laevis

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    Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is found in vivo in a variety of systems and species, but the first demonstrations of in vivo STDP were carried out in the optic tectum of Xenopus laevis embryos. Since then, the optic tectum has served as an excellent experimental model for studying STDP in sensory systems, allowing researchers to probe the developmental consequences of this form of synaptic plasticity during early development. In this review, we will describe what is known about the role of STDP in shaping feed-forward and recurrent circuits in the optic tectum with a focus on the functional implications for vision. We will discuss both the similarities and differences between the optic tectum and mammalian sensory systems that are relevant to STDP. Finally, we will highlight the unique properties of the embryonic tectum that make it an important system for researchers who are interested in how STDP contributes to activity-dependent development of sensory computations

    Optogenetic activation of parvalbumin and somatostatin interneurons selectively restores theta-nested gamma oscillations and oscillation-induced spike timing-dependent long-term potentiation impaired by amyloid β oligomers

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    BACKGROUND: Abnormal accumulation of amyloid β1-42 oligomers (AβO1-42), a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, impairs hippocampal theta-nested gamma oscillations and long-term potentiation (LTP) that are believed to underlie learning and memory. Parvalbumin-positive (PV) and somatostatin-positive (SST) interneurons are critically involved in theta-nested gamma oscillogenesis and LTP induction. However, how AβO1-42 affects PV and SST interneuron circuits is unclear. Through optogenetic manipulation of PV and SST interneurons and computational modeling of the hippocampal neural circuits, we dissected the contributions of PV and SST interneuron circuit dysfunctions on AβO1-42-induced impairments of hippocampal theta-nested gamma oscillations and oscillation-induced LTP. RESULTS: Targeted whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and optogenetic manipulations of PV and SST interneurons during in vivo-like, optogenetically induced theta-nested gamma oscillations in vitro revealed that AβO1-42 causes synapse-specific dysfunction in PV and SST interneurons. AβO1-42 selectively disrupted CA1 pyramidal cells (PC)-to-PV interneuron and PV-to-PC synapses to impair theta-nested gamma oscillogenesis. In contrast, while having no effect on PC-to-SST or SST-to-PC synapses, AβO1-42 selectively disrupted SST interneuron-mediated disinhibition to CA1 PC to impair theta-nested gamma oscillation-induced spike timing-dependent LTP (tLTP). Such AβO1-42-induced impairments of gamma oscillogenesis and oscillation-induced tLTP were fully restored by optogenetic activation of PV and SST interneurons, respectively, further supporting synapse-specific dysfunctions in PV and SST interneurons. Finally, computational modeling of hippocampal neural circuits including CA1 PC, PV, and SST interneurons confirmed the experimental observations and further revealed distinct functional roles of PV and SST interneurons in theta-nested gamma oscillations and tLTP induction. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal that AβO1-42 causes synapse-specific dysfunctions in PV and SST interneurons and that optogenetic modulations of these interneurons present potential therapeutic targets for restoring hippocampal network oscillations and synaptic plasticity impairments in Alzheimer's disease

    Distinct roles of parvalbumin and somatostatin interneurons in gating the synchronization of spike-times in the neocortex

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    Synchronization of precise spike times across multiple neurons carries information about sensory stimuli. Inhibitory interneurons are suggested to promote this synchronization, but it is unclear whether distinct interneuron subtypes provide different contributions. To test this, we examined single-unit recordings from barrel cortex in vivo and used optogenetics to determine the contribution of parvalbumin (PV)– and somatostatin (SST)–positive interneurons to the synchronization of spike times across cortical layers. We found that PV interneurons preferentially promote the synchronization of spike times when instantaneous firing rates are low (<12 Hz), whereas SST interneurons preferentially promote the synchronization of spike times when instantaneous firing rates are high (>12 Hz). Furthermore, using a computational model, we demonstrate that these effects can be explained by PV and SST interneurons having preferential contributions to feedforward and feedback inhibition, respectively. Our findings demonstrate that distinct subtypes of inhibitory interneurons have frequency-selective roles in the spatiotemporal synchronization of precise spike times

    Correlation function of quasars in real and redshift space from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7

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    We analyze the quasar two-point correlation function (2pCF) within the redshift interval 0.8<z<2.20.8<z<2.2 using a sample of 52303 quasars selected from the recent 7th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Our approach to 2pCF uses a concept of locally Lorentz (Fermi) frame for determination of the distance between objects and permutation method of the random catalogue generation. Assuming the spatially flat cosmological model with given ΩΛ=0.726\Omega_{\Lambda}=0.726, we found that the real-space 2pCF is fitted well with the power-low model within the distance range 1<σ<351<\sigma<35 h1h^{-1} Mpc with the correlation length r0=5.85±0.33r_{0}=5.85\pm0.33 h1h^{-1} Mpc and the slope γ=1.87±0.07\gamma=1.87\pm0.07. The redshift-space 2pCF is approximated with s0=6.43±0.63s_{0}=6.43\pm0.63 h1h^{-1} Mpc and γ=1.21±0.24\gamma=1.21\pm0.24 for 1<s<101<s<10 h1h^{-1} Mpc, and s0=7.37±0.81s_{0}=7.37\pm0.81 h1h^{-1} Mpc and γ=1.90±0.24\gamma=1.90\pm0.24 for 1010h11010\,h^{-1} Mpc the parameter describing the large-scale infall to density inhomogeneities is β=0.63±0.10\beta=0.63\pm0.10 with the linear bias b=1.44±0.22b=1.44\pm0.22 that marginally (within 2σ\sigma) agrees with the linear theory of cosmological perturbations. We discuss possibilities to obtain a statistical estimate of the random component of quasars velocities (different from the large-scale infall). We note rather slight dependence of quasars velocity dispersion upon the 2pCF parameters in the region r<2r<2 Mpc.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, online published in MNRAS; final version to match the published versio

    Measuring large-scale structure with quasars in narrow-band filter surveys

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    We show that a large-area imaging survey using narrow-band filters could detect quasars in sufficiently high number densities, and with more than sufficient accuracy in their photometric redshifts, to turn them into suitable tracers of large-scale structure. If a narrow-band optical survey can detect objects as faint as i=23, it could reach volumetric number densities as high as 10^{-4} h^3 Mpc^{-3} (comoving) at z~1.5 . Such a catalog would lead to precision measurements of the power spectrum up to z~3-4. We also show that it is possible to employ quasars to measure baryon acoustic oscillations at high redshifts, where the uncertainties from redshift distortions and nonlinearities are much smaller than at z<1. As a concrete example we study the future impact of J-PAS, which is a narrow-band imaging survey in the optical over 1/5 of the unobscured sky with 42 filters of ~100 A full-width at half-maximum. We show that J-PAS will be able to take advantage of the broad emission lines of quasars to deliver excellent photometric redshifts, \sigma_{z}~0.002(1+z), for millions of objects.Comment: Matches version published in MNRAS (2012

    The SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Quasar Target Selection for Data Release Nine

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    The SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), a five-year spectroscopic survey of 10,000 deg^2, achieved first light in late 2009. One of the key goals of BOSS is to measure the signature of baryon acoustic oscillations in the distribution of Ly-alpha absorption from the spectra of a sample of ~150,000 z>2.2 quasars. Along with measuring the angular diameter distance at z\approx2.5, BOSS will provide the first direct measurement of the expansion rate of the Universe at z > 2. One of the biggest challenges in achieving this goal is an efficient target selection algorithm for quasars over 2.2 < z < 3.5, where their colors overlap those of stars. During the first year of the BOSS survey, quasar target selection methods were developed and tested to meet the requirement of delivering at least 15 quasars deg^-2 in this redshift range, out of 40 targets deg^-2. To achieve these surface densities, the magnitude limit of the quasar targets was set at g <= 22.0 or r<=21.85. While detection of the BAO signature in the Ly-alpha absorption in quasar spectra does not require a uniform target selection, many other astrophysical studies do. We therefore defined a uniformly-selected subsample of 20 targets deg^-2, for which the selection efficiency is just over 50%. This "CORE" subsample will be fixed for Years Two through Five of the survey. In this paper we describe the evolution and implementation of the BOSS quasar target selection algorithms during the first two years of BOSS operations. We analyze the spectra obtained during the first year. 11,263 new z>2.2 quasars were spectroscopically confirmed by BOSS. Our current algorithms select an average of 15 z > 2.2 quasars deg^-2 from 40 targets deg^-2 using single-epoch SDSS imaging. Multi-epoch optical data and data at other wavelengths can further improve the efficiency and completeness of BOSS quasar target selection. [Abridged]Comment: 33 pages, 26 figures, 12 tables and a whole bunch of quasars. Submitted to Ap

    HI intensity mapping : a single dish approach

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    We discuss the detection of large scale HI intensity fluctuations using a single dish approach with the ultimate objective of measuring the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations and constraining the properties of dark energy. We present 3D power spectra, 2D angular power spectra for individual redshift slices, and also individual line-of-sight spectra, computed using the S^3 simulated HI catalogue which is based on the Millennium Simulation. We consider optimal instrument design and survey strategies for a single dish observation at low and high redshift for a fixed sensitivity. For a survey corresponding to an instrument with T_sys=50 K, 50 feed horns and 1 year of observations, we find that at low redshift (z \approx 0.3), a resolution of 40 arc min and a survey of 5000 deg^2 is close to optimal, whereas at higher redshift (z \approx 0.9) a resolution of 10 arcmin and 500 deg^2 would be necessary. Continuum foreground emission from the Galaxy and extragalactic radio sources are potentially a problem. We suggest that it could be that the dominant extragalactic foreground comes from the clustering of very weak sources. We assess its amplitude and discuss ways by which it might be mitigated. We then introduce our concept for a single dish telescope designed to detect BAO at low redshifts. It involves an under-illumintated static 40 m dish and a 60 element receiver array held 90 m above the under-illuminated dish. Correlation receivers will be used with each main science beam referenced against an antenna pointing at one of the Celestial Poles for stability and control of systematics. We make sensitivity estimates for our proposed system and projections for the uncertainties on the power spectrum after 1 year of observations. We find that it is possible to measure the acoustic scale at z\approx 0.3 with an accuracy 2.4% and that w can be measured to an accuracy of 16%.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures, submitted to MNRA