10 research outputs found

    A transatlantic perspective on 20 emerging issues in biological engineering

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    Advances in biological engineering are likely to have substantial impacts on global society. To explore these potential impacts we ran a horizon scanning exercise to capture a range of perspectives on the opportunities and risks presented by biological engineering. We first identified 70 potential issues, and then used an iterative process to prioritise 20 issues that we considered to be emerging, to have potential global impact, and to be relatively unknown outside the field of biological engineering. The issues identified may be of interest to researchers, businesses and policy makers in sectors such as health, energy, agriculture and the environment

    Code and data used for the study: 'BioDeepTime: a database of biodiversity time series for modern and fossil assemblages'

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    The repository includes code and data to reproduce the results in the manuscript ‘BioDeepTime: a database of biodiversity time series for modern and fossil assemblages' by Smith et al. (analysis_biodeeptime.zip)

    BioDeepTime: database and compilation code

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    The archive includes copies, compilation code, documentation and temporary data files for the BioDeepTime database. Deposited files: Relational database in SQLite format: biodeeptime_sqlite.zip. Denormalized database in zipped .csv format: biodeeptime_csv.zip Denormalized database in zipped .parquet (v1.0) format: biodeeptime_parquet.zip. Denormalized database in .rds (R version 4.0) format: biodeeptime.rds. Description of tables and columns: biodeeptime.md. Database schema: schema.pdf. Synonymy of sources: Synonymy of sources.xlsx. Change log and known issues: NEWS.md Compilation files: bdt_compilation.zip References in .csv format: references.csv Bchron ages calculated for Neotoma: neotoma_bchron.rds This repository accompanies the study BioDeepTime: a database of biodiversity time series for modern and fossil assemblages by Smith et al. (pending publication) and will be updated after a successful peer-review


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