228 research outputs found

    Reference Data for the Ruff Figural Fluency Test Stratified by Age and Educational Level

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    The Ruff Figural Fluency Test (RFFT) was developed to avoid the difficulties that were encountered in earlier tests of figural fluency. Although the test characteristics of the RFFT seem to be good and it is a valuable addition to neuropsychological assessments, reference data are still scarce. To this aim, we required 2,404 community dwelling persons in Groningen, the Netherlands to perform the RFFT. All 1,651 persons with a complete RFFT and known educational level formed the reference sample. Their age ranged from 35 to 82 years and their educational level from primary school to university grade. Ninety-six percent of the persons were of Western European descent. All tests were analyzed by two independent examiners and subsequently three measures were calculated: number of unique designs, number of perseverative errors and error ratio. The main finding was that performance on the RFFT was dependent on age and educational level. This was not only observed in older persons but also in young and middle-aged persons. Reference data for the three RFFT measures are presented in groups of five years of age ranging from 35–39 years to 75 years or older

    Correlation of adrenomedullin gene expression in peripheral blood leukocytes with severity of ischemic stroke

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    Human adrenomedullin (ADM), a 52-amino acid peptide, belongs to the calcitonin/calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)/amylin peptide family. ADM acts as a multifunctional regulatory peptide and is upregulated in response to hypoxia. Previous microarray studies have found increased ADM gene (ADM) expression in peripheral blood cells of patients with stroke, however, it is unknown if an increased ADM level is correlated with severity of human ischemic stroke. This study investigated ADM expression in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of healthy controls and subjects at day 1, week 1 and week 3 postacute ischemic stroke using rtPCR methodology. We found that ADM expression was significantly upregulated on the first day of stroke compared to the healthy subjects and the disease controls; the levels remained elevated for up to week 3. Further, ADM expression at day 1 was correlated with stroke severity measured by the National Institute of Healthy Stroke Scale (NIHSS), the modified Barthel Index (mBI) and the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). This could indicate that ADM expression level is related to the severity of tissue damage. We suggest that increased ADM expression in PBL after acute ischemic stroke is most likely to indicate that these cells have been subjected to hypoxia and that the magnitude of expression is likely to be related to the volume of hypoxic tissue. Hypoxia can affect lymphocytes function and could affect the immune response to stroke. The correlation of ADM expression level with the measures of stroke severity implicates ADM - a potential blood bio-marker in studies of ischemic stroke

    Broadening Exposure to Socio-Political Opinions via a Pushy Smart Home Device

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    Motivated by the effects of the filter bubble and echo chamber phenomena on social media, we developed a smart home device, Spkr, that unpredictably “pushes” socio-political discussion topics into the home. The device utilised trending Twitter discussions, categorised by their socio-political alignment, to present people with a purposefully assorted range of viewpoints. We deployed Spkr in 10 homes for 28 days with a diverse range of participants and interviewed them about their experiences. Our results show that Spkr presents a novel means of combating selective exposure to socio-political issues, providing participants with identifiably diverse viewpoints. Moreover, Spkr acted as a conversational prompt for discussion within the home, initiating collective processes and engaging those who would not often be involved in political discussions. We demonstrate how smart home assistants can be used as a catalyst for provocation by altering and pluralising political discussions within households

    Elevated circulating levels of succinate in human obesity are linked to specific gut microbiota

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    Gut microbiota-related metabolites are potential clinical biomarkers for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Circulating succinate, a metabolite produced by both microbiota and the host, is increased in hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. We aimed to analyze systemic levels of succinate in obesity, a major risk factor for CVD, and its relationship with gut microbiome. We explored the association of circulating succinate with specific metagenomic signatures in cross-sectional and prospective cohorts of Caucasian Spanish subjects. Obesity was associated with elevated levels of circulating succinate concomitant with impaired glucose metabolism. This increase was associated with specific changes in gut microbiota related to succinate metabolism: a higher relative abundance of succinate-producing Prevotellaceae (P) and Veillonellaceae (V), and a lower relative abundance of succinate-consuming Odoribacteraceae (O) and Clostridaceae (C) in obese individuals, with the (P + V/O + C) ratio being a main determinant of plasma succinate. Weight loss intervention decreased (P + V/O + C) ratio coincident with the reduction in circulating succinate. In the spontaneous evolution after good dietary advice, alterations in circulating succinate levels were linked to specific metagenomic signatures associated with carbohydrate metabolism and energy production with independence of body weight change. Our data support the importance of microbe-microbe interactions for the metabolite signature of gut microbiome and uncover succinate as a potential microbiota-derived metabolite related to CVD risk

    Exercise and bone health across the lifespan

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    With ageing, bone tissue undergoes significant compositional, architectural and metabolic alterations potentially leading to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the most prevalent bone disorder, which is characterised by progressive bone weakening and an increased risk of fragility fractures. Although this metabolic disease is conventionally associated with ageing and menopause, the predisposing factors are thought to be established during childhood and adolescence. In light of this, exercise interventions implemented during maturation are likely to be highly beneficial as part of a long-term strategy to maximise peak bone mass and hence delay the onset of age- or menopause-related osteoporosis. This notion is supported by data on exercise interventions implemented during childhood and adolescence, which confirmed that weight-bearing activity, particularly if undertaken during peripubertal development, is capable of generating a significant osteogenic response leading to bone anabolism. Recent work on human ageing and epigenetics suggests that undertaking exercise after the fourth decade of life is still important, given the anti-ageing effect and health benefits provided, potentially occurring via a delay in telomere shortening and modification of DNA methylation patterns associated with ageing. Exercise is among the primary modifiable factors capable of influencing bone health by preserving bone mass and strength, preventing the death of bone cells and anti-ageing action provided

    Biogeography of Amazonian fishes: deconstructing river basins as biogeographic units

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    Coastal staircase sequences reflecting sea-level oscillations and tectonic uplift during the Quaternary and Neogene

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