187 research outputs found

    An analytical model for the accretion of dark matter subhalos

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    An analytical model is developed for the mass function of cold dark matter subhalos at the time of accretion and for the distribution of their accretion times. Our model is based on the model of Zhao et al. (2009) for the median assembly histories of dark matter halos, combined with a simple log-normal distribution to describe the scatter in the main-branch mass at a given time for halos of the same final mass. Our model is simple, and can be used to predict the un-evolved subhalo mass function, the mass function of subhalos accreted at a given time, the accretion-time distribution of subhalos of a given initial mass, and the frequency of major mergers as a function of time. We test our model using high-resolution cosmological NN-body simulations, and find that our model predictions match the simulation results remarkably well. Finally, we discuss the implications of our model for the evolution of subhalos in their hosts and for the construction of a self-consistent model to link galaxies and dark matter halos at different cosmic times.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures (caption for figure 10 fixed). Accepted for publication in Ap

    The size evolution of galaxy discs formed within Lambda Cold Dark Matter haloes

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    By means of galaxy evolutionary models, we explore the direct consequences of the LCDM cosmogony on the size evolution of galactic discs, avoiding intentionally the introduction of intermediate (uncertain) astrophysical processes. Based on the shape of the rotation curves and guided by a simplicity criterion, we adopt an average galaxy mass baryon fraction of 0.03. In order to study general behaviors, only models with the average initial conditions are analyzed. The stellar and B-band effective radii, R* and RB, of individual galaxies grow significantly with time (inside-out disc formation) with laws that are weakly dependent on mass, M*,or luminosity, LB. However, the change of R* with z at fixed M* is slow; for z<2.5, R*(M*=const) ~ (1+z)^-0.4. On the other hand, the change of RB with z at a fixed LB is strong and resembles the RB decreasing law of the individual models; roughly RB(LB=const) ~ (1+z)^-0.85 for z0.75. We find also that at z=0, R* ~ M*^0.38 and RB ~ LB^0.40, remaining the slopes of these relations almost the same up to z ~ 3. Our predictions are in reasonable agreement with observational inferences on the typical radius change with z of late-type galaxies more luminous (massive) than high values imposed by the selection effects. The models seem also to be consistent, within the large scatter, with the RB and LB values obtained from non complete samples of sub-L* late-type galaxies with available rest-frame photometric information at different z's. The properties and evolution of the LCDM haloes seem to be the main drivers of galaxy disc size evolution. Nevertheless, the models reveal a potential difficulty in explaining the observed steepening of the RB-LB relation with respect to the R*-M* one, an effect related to the well established color-magnitude relation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. MNRAS in press. A few typos corrected in the text, references corrected and updated, 1 more adde

    On the Angular Correlation Function of SZ Clusters : Extracting cosmological information from a 2D catalog

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    We discuss the angular correlation function of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ)-detected galaxy clusters as a cosmological probe. As a projection of the real-space cluster correlation function, the angular function samples the underlying SZ catalog redshift distribution. It offers a way to study cosmology and cluster evolution directly with the two-dimensional catalog, even before extensive follow-up observations, thereby facilitating the immediate scientific return from SZ surveys. As a simple illustration of the information content of the angular function, we examine its dependence on the parameter pair Om_m, sigma_8 in flat cosmologies. We discuss sources of modeling uncertainty and consider application to the future Planck SZ catalog, showing how these two parameters and the normalization of the SZ flux-mass relation can be simultaneously found when the local X-ray cluster abundance constraint is included.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. A&A, 410, 767; corrected typo, published versio

    Impact of Supernova feedback on the Tully-Fisher relation

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    Recent observational results found a bend in the Tully-Fisher Relation in such a way that low mass systems lay below the linear relation described by more massive galaxies. We intend to investigate the origin of the observed features in the stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relations and analyse the role played by galactic outflows on their determination. Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations which include Supernova feedback were performed in order to follow the dynamical evolution of galaxies. We found that Supernova feedback is a fundamental process in order to reproduce the observed trends in the stellar Tully-Fisher relation. Simulated slow rotating systems tend to have lower stellar masses than those predicted by the linear fit to the massive end of the relation, consistently with observations. This feature is not present if Supernova feedback is turned off. In the case of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, we also detect a weaker tendency for smaller systems to lie below the linear relation described by larger ones. This behaviour arises as a result of the more efficient action of Supernovae in the regulation of the star formation process and in the triggering of powerful galactic outflows in shallower potential wells which may heat up and/or expel part of the gas reservoir.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A Bayesian approach to the semi-analytic model of galaxy formation: methodology

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    We believe that a wide range of physical processes conspire to shape the observed galaxy population but we remain unsure of their detailed interactions. The semi-analytic model (SAM) of galaxy formation uses multi-dimensional parameterisations of the physical processes of galaxy formation and provides a tool to constrain these underlying physical interactions. Because of the high dimensionality, the parametric problem of galaxy formation may be profitably tackled with a Bayesian-inference based approach, which allows one to constrain theory with data in a statistically rigorous way. In this paper we develop a SAM in the framework of Bayesian inference. We show that, with a parallel implementation of an advanced Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo algorithm, it is now possible to rigorously sample the posterior distribution of the high-dimensional parameter space of typical SAMs. As an example, we characterise galaxy formation in the current Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology using the stellar mass function of galaxies as an observational constraint. We find that the posterior probability distribution is both topologically complex and degenerate in some important model parameters, suggesting that thorough explorations of the parameter space are needed to understand the models. We also demonstrate that because of the model degeneracy, adopting a narrow prior strongly restricts the model. Therefore, the inferences based on SAMs are conditional to the model adopted. Using synthetic data to mimic systematic errors in the stellar mass function, we demonstrate that an accurate observational error model is essential to meaningful inference.Comment: revised version to match published article published in MNRA

    Fingerprints of the hierarchical building up of the structure on the gas kinematics of galaxies

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    Recent observational and theoretical works have suggested that the Tully-Fisher Relation might be generalised to include dispersion-dominated systems by combining the rotation and dispersion velocity in the definition of the kinematical indicator. Mergers and interactions have been pointed out as responsible of driving turbulent and disordered gas kinematics, which could generate Tully-Fisher Relation outliers. We intend to investigate the gas kinematics of galaxies by using a simulated sample which includes both, gas disc-dominated and spheroid-dominated systems. Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations which include a multiphase model and physically-motivated Supernova feedback were performed in order to follow the evolution of galaxies as they are assembled. Both the baryonic and stellar Tully-Fisher relations for gas disc-dominated systems are tight while, as more dispersion-dominated systems are included, the scatter increases. We found a clear correlation between σ/Vrot\sigma / V_{\rm rot} and morphology, with dispersion-dominated systems exhibiting the larger values (>0.7> 0.7). Mergers and interactions can affect the rotation curves directly or indirectly inducing a scatter in the Tully-Fisher Relation larger than the simulated evolution since z3z \sim 3. Kinematical indicators which combine rotation velocity and dispersion velocity can reduce the scatter in the baryonic and the stellar mass-velocity relations. Our findings also show that the lowest scatter in both relations is obtained if the velocity indicators are measured at the maximum of the rotation curve. Moreover, the rotation velocity estimated at the maximum of the gas rotation curve is found to be the best proxy for the potential well regardless of morphology.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Cluster abundances and S-Z power spectra: effects of non-Gaussianity and early dark energy

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    In the standard Lambda CDM cosmological model with a Gaussian primordial density fluctuation field, the relatively low value of the mass variance parameter (sigma_8=0.74{+0.05}{-0.06}, obtained from the WMAP 3-year data) results in a reduced likelihood that the measured level of CMB anisotropy on the scales of clusters is due to the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (S-Z) effect. To assess the feasibility of producing higher levels of S-Z power, we explore two alternative models which predict higher cluster abundance. In the first model the primordial density field has a chi^2_1 distribution, whereas in the second an early dark energy component gives rise to the desired higher cluster abundance. We carry out the necessary detailed calculations of the levels of S-Z power spectra, cluster number counts, and angular 2-point correlation function of clusters, and compare (in a self-consistent way) their predicted redshift distributions. Our results provide a sufficient basis upon which the viability of the three models may be tested by future high quality measurements.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Impact of Cooling and Feedback on Disc Galaxies

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    We present detailed, analytical models for the formation of disc galaxies to investigate the impact that cooling and feedback have on their structural properties. In particular, we investigate which observables extracted directly from the models are best suited as virial mass estimators, and to what extent they allow the recovery of the model input parameters regarding the feedback and cooling efficiencies. Contrary to naive expectations, the luminosities and circular velocities of disc galaxies are extremely poor indicators of total virial mass. Instead, we show that the product of disc scale length and rotation velocity squared yields a much more robust estimate. We show that feedback can cause a narrow correlation between galaxy mass fraction and halo spin parameter, similar to that found recently by van den Bosch, Burkert and Swaters from an analysis of dwarf galaxy rotation curves. Finally we investigate the impact that cooling and feedback have on the colors, metallicities, star formation histories and Tully-Fisher relation of disc galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. To be published in MNRA

    Galaxy Formation in Preheated Intergalactic Media

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    We outline a scenario of galaxy formation in which the gas in galaxy-forming regions was preheated to high entropy by vigorous energy feedback associated with the formation of stars in old ellipticals and bulges and with AGN activity. Such preheating likely occurred at redshifts z ~ 2-3, and can produce the entropy excess observed today in low-mass clusters of galaxies without destroying the bulk of the Lyman alpha forest. Subsequent galaxy formation is affected by the preheating, because the gas no longer follows the dark matter on galaxy scales. The hot gas around galaxy haloes has very shallow profiles and emits only weakly in the X-ray. Cooling in a preheated halo is not inside-out, because the cooling efficiency does not change significantly with radius. Only part of the gas in a protogalaxy region can cool and be accreted into the final galaxy halo. The accreted gas is likely in diffuse clouds and so does not lose angular momentum to the dark matter. Cluster ellipticals are produced by mergers of stellar systems formed prior to the preheating, while large galaxy disks form in low-density environments where gas accretion can continue to the present time.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS submitte

    The Atomic to Molecular Transition and its Relation to the Scaling Properties of Galaxy Disks in the Local Universe

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    We extend existing semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to track atomic and molecular gas in disk galaxies. Simple recipes for processes such as cooling, star formation, supernova feedback, and chemical enrichment of the stars and gas are grafted on to dark matter halo merger trees derived from the Millennium Simulation. Each galactic disk is represented by a series of concentric rings. We assume that surface density profile of infalling gas in a dark matter halo is exponential, with scale radius r_d that is proportional to the virial radius of the halo times its spin parameter λ\lambda. As the dark matter haloes grow through mergers and accretion, disk galaxies assemble from the inside out. We include two simple prescriptions for molecular gas formation processes in our models: one is based on the analytic calculations by Krumholz, McKee & Tumlinson (2008), and the other is a prescription where the H_2 fraction is determined by the kinematic pressure of the ISM. Motivated by the observational results of Leroy et al. (2008), we adopt a star formation law in which ΣSFRΣH2\Sigma_{SFR}\propto\Sigma_{H_2} in the regime where the molecular gas dominates the total gas surface density, and ΣSFRΣgas2\Sigma_{SFR}\propto \Sigma_{gas}^2 where atomic hydrogen dominates. We then fit these models to the radial surface density profiles of stars, HI and H_2 drawn from recent high resolution surveys of stars and gas in nearby galaxies. We explore how the ratios of atomic gas, molecular gas and stellar mass vary as a function of global galaxy scale parameters, including stellar mass, stellar surface density, and gas surface density. We elucidate how the trends can be understood in terms of three variables that determine the partition of baryons in disks: the mass of the dark matter halo, the spin parameter of the halo, and the amount of gas recently accreted from the external environment.Comment: Made some minor changes according to the reviewer's suggestion. Accepted by MNRA