13 research outputs found


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    Ayurveda practitioners have managed and cured physical as well as mental health related disorders when there was no other stream of medicine evolved. The science of Ayurveda has evolved and emerged from ancient times to contemporary era as one of the most significant approach in medicine to treat various diseases. Ayurveda scholars from ancient times have invented and documented various medicinal herbs and their preparation and formulations to be used for the treatment. All Samhita Granths, Chikitsa Granths and Nighantus have quoted many such drugs with their specific uses and indications in particular diseases. Various Nighantus are rich source of knowledge regarding identification, place of origin and indications of various medicinal plants. Later on, with the evolution of technology, more researches were done on the medicinal plants and their utilities in specific disorders were re-evaluated. Mandukparni is one such drug which has been quoted many times in ancient texts as well as in various Nighantus and then more research work was done regarding the medicinal properties of the plants in different ailments. The herb is indicated as Medhya and Rasayana primarily by nearly all Ayurvedic texts including Nighantus. Mandukparni is named Centella asiatica in binomial system of nomenclature. Modern researches have also signified the use of this herb as a potent cognitive drug and having anti-oxidant properties. Alongside, the herb is indicated in many other diseases in ancient and modern texts. This article is an attempt to throw a light on the mentions, formulations and indications of this herb as described in all available texts and research works.


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    India is enriched in diversity of flora since ages. The ancient professionals have kept records of their work related to the plants and their works are a source of research today. Shankhpushpi is a well known herb since the most primitive works on Ayurveda have its therapeutic uses well elaborated and its morphological features well described. Later on, controversies erupt as locals in different parts of India used different plant species in the name of Shankhpushpi. Mainly four different plant species are considered in the name Shankhpushpi across India. These are Convolvulus pluricaulis, Clitorea ternatea, Evolvulus alsenoides and Canscora decussata. Shankhpushpi is a widely used herbal drug in the management of cognitive disorders from the times of Acharya Charak (200 BC) till today. Shankhpushpi has been categorized as a Medhya drug i.e. an efficient brain tonic by all ancient texts with no exceptions. Modern researches have established Shankhpushpi as an effective drug to be used either single or in combination, in the treatment of central nervous system disorders and boosting intellect. This article is an attempt to review the morphological features of the plant taken as Shankhpushpi along with the review of literature regarding the therapeutic values described from 200 BC to 20th century.


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    Aragvadh (Cassia Fistula Linn) also known as Purging Cassia or Indian Laburnum is an important medicinal plant used in Indian system of medicine The Purging Cassia also called Cassia fistula Linn. is a moderate to medium sized deciduous tree which is very common in Indian continent. The fruit pulp contains the anthraquinone and rhein(I) in the free state as well as in the form of glycoside, responsible for significant mild purgative action. The oldest record of its medicinal use can be traced as far as 3000 years when Charak and Sushruta used Aragvadh in the treatment of different kinds of skin diseases (Kushthas). The present article gives an account of updated information on this important plant which is highly beneficial for different ailments. The review reveals about different activities of plant like purgative, diuretic, laxative, anti-asthmatic, hepato protective, anti-allergic and various other important medicinal properties. This will also provide valuable information which will assist the scientists in getting more advanced knowledge about this plant species


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    Nagakesara though have no mentioning in Vedic literature is a widely mentioned drug in the Ayurvedic classics both in Brihattrayees and Laghutrayees. In Nighantukaala Nagakesara included in almost all Nighantus which mentions its prime importance and wide utility in therapeutics especially in disorders of GIT, skin and bleeding disorders. It has more than 20 synonyms. Modern literature mentions its considerable role in bleeding disorders and explanation regarding its morphological characters, habitat, chemical composition, characters and action. There is a need to study the position of Nagakesara in the crude drug market. It was found that there is a lot of confusion regarding the acceptance of genuine drug under the name Nagakesara. As there is scarcity and unavailability of Nagkeshara, also due to lack of awareness, instead of Nagkeshara, the Pratinidhidravya like Surpunnag, Punnag, Tamalpatra are used commonly. And gradually the use of real Nagkesara is diminished and the Ayurvedic Vaidya, teachers and students also understood the Pratinidhidravyas of it as real Nagkeshara


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    Uttarakhand has been known as a place for best medicinal plants since ancient times as referred in original Ayurvedic classics i.e. Charaka Samhita (1000 BC). In recent years the pharmaceutical industries have realized its potential medicinal flora because of diversified agro climatic zone as well as less environmental pollution as 63% of the land belongs to forest. Thus the state has immense potential area to cater the demand to produce best Ayurvedic products nutraceuticals, cosmoceuticals and Agro-chemical based industrial products. Herb based Pharmaceutical industry is having great potential and opportunities for development in future because of acetate demand of the medicinal plants & their value added products are well accepted in Domestic & International Market as Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha, Homoeopathic medicines, Herbal Nutraceuticals, Herbal Cosmoceutical, Herbal Health drinks, Dietary Health Supplements, Medicinal Plants / Crude Drugs, Herbal Extracts / Concentrates, Veterinary Medicines, Health Foods. Various issues & challenges of Herbal Pharmaceutical Industries in Uttarakhand need proper attention of policy makers in favour of small industries. If, the challenges & issues related to development of Herbal sector in Uttarakhand is addressed the State could be the capital of Herbs in India


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    Kanchnara also called Mountain Ebony in English has been used in Ayurvedic system of Medicine since a long period. Different species of Bauhinia are known and used as Kanchnara in Ayurvedic medicine. It is a moderate sized deciduous tree with greyish colored stem found in Sub Himalayan tract from the Indus eastwards and throughout the forests of India and Burma. Maharishi Charaka and Sushruta have mentioned the properties of Kovidara and Karbudara in their Samhitas (Treatise). Both flower and bark of Kanchnara are used as medicine because of the important chemical constituents present in them which are hentriacontane, octacosanol, b-sitasterol, stigmasterol, lupeol and amino acids. The drug has been described as Grahi, Krimighna, Kushtaghna, Gandamalanashaka, Vranaropaka, Mehaghna and Raktapittashamak. Considerable efforts have been made by researchers to study the chemical and biological potential of the plant. The reported pharmacological activities of Bauhinia variegata Linn. are anti-diabetic, anti-ulcer, anti-oxidant, nephroprotective, anti-cancer, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial. Kanchanara is one of the major ingredient of many important formulations used in Ayurveda system of medicine such as Kanchanara Guggulu, Kanchan gutika, Gandamala kundan rasa, Gulkand Kanchanara and Kanchanaradi Kwatha,Ushirasava, Chandanasava, Vidangarishta, Kanchanara drava, Kanchnara Varuna Kwatha. So this review paper is an endeavour of the author to provide details of this medicinal plant Kanchnara about its classical references, synonyms, botanical description, phytochemicals, pharmacological activity and classical medicinal uses

    Biodiversity of Woody Species in Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical & Social Sciences, Sultanpur U.P. India

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    A study was conducted to explore the woody species diversity of Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical & Social Sciences (KNIPSS) main campus spreading over approx. 45 acre of land area. Data was derived from extensive field survey. Identification of the woody species was done using local floras and various external resources. A total of 43 woody species belonging to 24 families is represented in study area. The 39 species were represented as angiosperm and 04 species as represented as gymnosperm respectably. Result showed that 17 families consists of only 1 species each, 2 families have 2 species each respectively. Of the total species, available in campus 30 are native and 13 are exotic.  The Apocynaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Moraceae were the dominant families of the woody species on the KNIPSS main campus

    Synergy of biofuel production with waste remediation along with value-added co-products recovery through microalgae cultivation: A review of membrane-integrated green approach

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