149 research outputs found

    Direccionamiento estratégico desde la gestión del talento humano para la empresa CediMed

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    La presente monografía tuvo como propósito resaltar la importancia tener un modelo de Direccionamiento Estratégico desde la Gestión del Talento Humano como factor clave de éxito de las organizaciones, catalogando a la persona como un instrumento que posee habilidades y características que le dan vida, movimiento y acción a toda organización; factor que se logra mediante el fortalecimiento y desarrollo de las competencias requeridas para el logro de los objetivos establecidos en sus planes estratégicos y de desarrollo, tanto a corto como a mediano y largo plazo. Para esto se identificaron 25 herramientas que complementan el enfoque como factor decisivo en el proceso innovador que garantiza la supervivencia y prosperidad de las Organizaciones. Adicionalmente se realizaron y analizaron 15 encuestas de empresas exitosas, cuyo objetivo era demostrar una vez más que éste modelo de Direccionamiento Estratégico facilitaría a la organización el desglose de competencias, el fortalecimiento de las mismas y por ende el incremento de la productividad empresarial.The following Monograph had as a main purpose to highlight the importance of having a Strategic Addressing from Human Talent Managing as a main factor for Organizations to succeed, thinking about people as an instrument who have abilities and features and those abilities give the organizations movement, action and life. That factor is acquired by strengthening and developing the right capacities to obtain the established targets mentioned on its strategic and development plans, caring them also as short, medium and long term. To do that, 25 toolkits were identified which complete the approach as a decisive factor in the innovating process which guarantees the surviving and prosperity of every Organization. Addition to these factors, 15 surveys of successful factories were analyzed, having as main goal to demonstrate that this model of Strategic Addressing will make easy to the organizations extract the exact abilities, strengthening them and in this way raise organization’s productivity up

    Técnicas difusas para la evaluación de impactos ambientales en el transporte de hidrocarburos en Colombia

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    Context: There are different methodologies to evaluate the environmental impact caused by the transportation of hydrocarbons in Colombia. However, these are linked to a high degree of subjectivity, given by the expert(s) responsible for their valuation. The objective of the work was to apply fuzzy techniques to be used as one of these methodologies to reduce uncertainty and subjectivity. Method: For this article, due to the magnitude of the environmental impacts, we only present the results of applying the fuzzy techniques on the action susceptible to produce impacts (ASPI) "clearing and stripping", belonging to the construction stage of the Project Construction and Operation of the interconnection Caño Limón-Guafita Crossing Sub-River Arauca. The results were validated using CONESA's methodology. Results: Ten impacts were found that affected the physical, biotic and socioeconomic and cultural environments; and the components geology and geomorphology, soils, hydrogeology, water, atmosphere, flora, fauna, and archaeological aspects. By incorporating the fuzzy sets numbers, they are grouped into four broad categories: very possibly moderate with 3 impacts; possibly severe with 2 impacts; possibly moderate with 3 impacts; and little possibly severe with 2 impacts. With the proposed methodology, 40% turned out to be severe (little possibly and possibly), and the remaining percentage, moderate (possibly and very possibly); while with CONESA there are no severe impacts, moderate impacts represented 30%, and the great majority were valued as irrelevant. Conclusions: The proposed methodology highlights the weaknesses of conventional methodology, due to the lack of subjectivity when assessing impacts, which facilitates decision-making. Therefore, this methodology models more accurately the project-environment interaction adjusted to more real-life scenarios.Contexto: Existen diferentes metodologías para evaluar el impacto ambiental causado por el transporte de hidrocarburos en Colombia. Sin embargo, estas se encuentran vinculadas a un alto grado de subjetividad, dado por el(los) experto(s) responsable(s) de su valoración. El objetivo del trabajo fue APLICAR TÉCNICAS DIFUSAS PARA QUE SEAN USADAS COMO UNA DE ESTAS METODOLOGÍAS PARA REDUCIR LA INCERTIDUMBRE Y LA SUBJETIVIDAD. Método: Para este artículo debido a la magnitud de los impactos ambientales, solo se presentan los resultados de aplicar las técnicas difusas sobre la acción susceptible de producir impactos (ASPI) “desmonte y descapote”, perteneciente a la etapa de construcción del Proyecto Construcción y Operación de la interconexión Caño Limón-Guafita Cruce Subfluvial Río Arauca. Los resultados fueron validados utilizando la metodología de CONESA. Resultados: Se encontraron 10 impactos que afectaron los medios físico, biótico y socioeconómico y cultural; y los componentes geología y geomorfología, suelos, hidrogeología, agua, atmósfera, flora, fauna, y aspectos arqueológicos. Al incorporar los conjuntos de números difusos, estos se agrupan en cuatro grandes categorías: muy posiblemente moderado con 3 impactos; posiblemente severo con 2 impactos; posiblemente moderado con 3 impactos; y poco posiblemente severo con 2 impactos. Con la metodología propuesta, el 40% resultó ser severos (poco posiblemente y posiblemente), y el porcentaje restante, moderados (posiblemente y muy posiblemente); mientras que con CONESA no se presentan impactos severos, los impactos moderados representaron el 30%, y en su gran mayoría, fueron valorados como irrelevantes. Conclusiones: La metodología propuesta resalta las debilidades de la metodología convencional, debido a la poca subjetividad al momento de valorar los impactos, lo cual facilita la toma de decisiones. Por lo tanto, esta metodología modela con mayor exactitud la interacción proyecto–ambiente ajustada a escenarios más reales

    The geomorphological heritage of Peña Ubiña Massif: proposal of geomorphosites in a protected natural area

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    El Macizo de Peña Ubiña es uno de los enclaves montañosos de mayor elevación y con valores naturales más destacados de las Montañas Cantábricas, lo que ha sido un aspecto clave para su declaración como Parque Natural y Reserva de la Biosfera. Entre los procesos y formas de relieve identificados en dicho macizo se encuentran morfologías de génesis glaciar, periglaciar y nival, gravitacional, fluviotorrencial, lacustre, kárstica, mixta y de origen antropogénico. La variedad de geoformas mencionada y la diversidad litológica de Peña Ubiña, definida por el predominio de calizas y en menor medida, dolomías, cuarcitas, areniscas cuarcíticas, areniscas y pizarras, que abarcan todos los periodos geológicos del Paleozoico a excepción del Pérmico, generan una rica geodiversidad merecedora de protección específica, estudio y divulgación. La identificación del patrimonio geomorfológico es clave para una correcta planificación y gestión de este espacio natural protegido, así como su revalorización como recurso científico y didáctico. A partir de una metodología empleada en trabajos precedentes y adaptada a las características del área de estudio, en este trabajo se han identificado diecisiete geomorfositios que representan los valores citados, y cuyo conocimiento puede contribuir a la adecuada gestión de esta área singular en el contexto de las Montañas Cantábricas.The Peña Ubiña Massif is one of the highest mountain areas with most outstanding natural values in the Cantabrian Mountains, which has been a key aspect for its declaration as a Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve. Among the processes and landforms identified are features of glacial, periglacial, nival, gravitational, fluvio-torrential, lacustrine, karstic, mixed genesis and anthropogenic origin. These landforms and the lithological diversity of this massif are characterized by a predominance of limestones and, to a lesser extent, dolomites, quartzites, sandstones and slates, covering all the geological periods of the Paleozoic with the exception of the Permian. They generate a rich geodiversity deserving of specific protection, study and dissemination. The identification of the geomorphological heritage is fundamental for the proper planning and management of this protected natural area, as well as its enhancement as a scientific and educational resource. Based on a methodology used in previous works and adapted to the characteristics of the study area, in this contribution, seventeen geomorphosites that represent the aforementioned values have been identified. A more in-depth knowledge of them can contribute to the proper management of this unique area in the context of the Cantabrian Mountains.Esta contribución aborda parte de los temas de investigación tratados en el proyecto de investigación PID2020-115269GB-I00 (MICINN, Gobierno de España)

    Environmental criteria in the Spanish Public Works Procurement Process

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    [EN] Green Public Procurement (GPP) is defined as a process of contracting products, services, and works with the least possible damage to the environment during their life cycle. In order to improve the knowledge about GPP, a study of the use of environmental tendering criteria in the Spanish public construction sector has been performed. The results of this study show that the use of environmental criteria in Spanish public sector construction procurement is low in comparison to a certain group of countries, known as Green 7 , in the European Union. Environmental criteria is the fourth criterion in importance, but its weight in the global of the process is much lower than other criteria such as price, memory of the construction process and the delivery time. National administrations use environmental criteria more frequently because they have more resources and staff training about environmental issues. Environmental criteria are more used in the tendering of civil projects and works whose budget exceeds ten million euro due to the environmental impact of these kind and/or size of projects.This paper was funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València and UNED, both of Spain.Fuentes Bargues, JL.; González-Cruz, M.; González-Gaya, C. (2017). Environmental criteria in the Spanish Public Works Procurement Process. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health. 14(2):1-18. doi:10.3390/ijerph14020204S11814

    Uncontrolled donation programs after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. An estimation of potential donors.

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    Objective To determine the number of potential deceased organ donors from out-of- hospital cardiac arrest cases (OHCA) attended by public physician-led emergency medical services in Spain, based on data recorded in the nationwide Spanish OHCA Registry (OHSCAR). Material and methods We analysed OHSCAR data on deceased OHCA patients in Spain during 13 months (1/10/2013 to 31/10/ 2014). Variables included age, sex, estimated OHCA time, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) start time and outcome. Inclusion criteria were: age 16–60 years, witnessed OHCA, no return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and time interval <15 min between OHCA occurrence and CPR initiation. Results Of a total 8789 cases, 3290 met the age criteria; of these, CPR was not witnessed in 745 cases. Among the remaining 2545 patients, 141 were included in uncontrolled donation after cardiac death (uDCD) programs, 902 arrived at the hospital with ROSC, 64 arrived with ongoing CPR and 15 cases were lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 1423 without ROSC, CPR initiation time was not recorded in 454 cases and 398 did not meet the time criteria <15 min between OHCA and CPR initiation. Finally, 571 met all the criteria and could have been potential donors. There were significant differences in the actual donors percentage from potential donors percentage between provinces with and without donor programs (141/322 = 43.8% versus 0/390 = 0%), but there were no differences in ROSC between the two types of provinces (418/1320 = 31.7% versus 652/1970 = 33.4%). Conclusions Many potential donors are missed in current clinical practice. uDCD programs are few and underused even in a country with high rates of organs transplantation.pre-print820 K

    Heterogenous presence of neutrophil extracellular traps in human solid tumours is partially dependent on IL-8

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    Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are webs of extracellular nuclear DNA extruded by dying neutrophils infiltrating tissue. NETs constitute a defence mechanism to entrap and kill fungi and bacteria. Tumours induce the formation of NETs to the advantage of the malignancy via a variety of mechanisms shown in mouse models. Here, we investigated the presence of NETs in a variety of human solid tumours and their association with IL-8 (CXCL8) protein expression and CD8+ T-cell density in the tumour microenvironment. Multiplex immunofluorescence panels were developed to identify NETs in human cancer tissues by co-staining with the granulocyte marker CD15, the neutrophil marker myeloperoxidase and citrullinated histone H3 (H3Cit), as well as IL-8 protein and CD8+ T cells. Three ELISA methods to detect and quantify circulating NETs in serum were optimised and utilised. Whole tumour sections and tissue microarrays from patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC; n = 14), bladder cancer (n = 14), melanoma (n = 11), breast cancer (n = 31), colorectal cancer (n = 20) and mesothelioma (n = 61) were studied. Also, serum samples collected retrospectively from patients with metastatic melanoma (n = 12) and NSCLC (n = 34) were ELISA assayed to quantify circulating NETs and IL-8. NETs were detected in six different human cancer types with wide individual variation in terms of tissue density and distribution. At least in NSCLC, bladder cancer and metastatic melanoma, NET density positively correlated with IL-8 protein expression and inversely correlated with CD8+ T-cell densities. In a series of serum samples from melanoma and NSCLC patients, a positive correlation between circulating NETs and IL-8 was found. In conclusion, NETs are detectable in formalin-fixed human biopsy samples from solid tumours and in the circulation of cancer patients with a considerable degree of individual variation. NETs show a positive association with IL-8 and a trend towards a negative association with CD8+ tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes

    Frequency and Characteristics of familial melanoma in Spain: the FAM-GEM-1 Study.

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    Familial history of melanoma is a well-known risk factor for the disease, and 7% melanoma patients were reported to have a family history of melanoma. Data relating to the frequency and clinical and pathological characteristics of both familial and non-familial melanoma in Spain have been published, but these only include patients from specific areas of Spain and do not represent the data for the whole of Spain. PATIENTS AND METHODS: An observational study conducted by the Spanish Group of Melanoma (GEM) analyzed the family history of patients diagnosed with melanoma between 2011 and 2013 in the dermatology and oncology departments. RESULTS: In all, 1047 patients were analyzed, and 69 (6.6%) fulfilled criteria for classical familial melanoma (two or more first-degree relatives diagnosed with melanoma). Taking into account other risk factors for familial melanoma, such as multiple melanoma, pancreatic cancer in the family or second-degree relatives with melanoma, the number of patients fulfilling the criteria increased to 165 (15.8%). Using a univariate analysis, we determined that a Breslow index of less than 1 mm, negative mitosis, multiple melanoma, and a history of sunburns in childhood were more frequent in familial melanoma patients, but a multivariate analysis revealed no differences in any pathological or clinical factor between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Similar to that observed in other countries, familial melanoma accounts for 6.6% of melanoma diagnoses in Spain. Although no differences in the multivariate analysis were found, some better prognosis factors, such as Breslow index, seem more frequent in familial melanoma, which reflect a better early detection marker and/or a different biological behavior

    Evidence for classification of c.1852_1853AA>GC in MLH1 as a neutral variant for Lynch syndrome

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    Background: Lynch syndrome (LS) is an autosomal dominant inherited cancer syndrome characterized by early onset cancers of the colorectum, endometrium and other tumours. A significant proportion of DNA variants in LS patients are unclassified. Reports on the pathogenicity of the c.1852_1853AA>GC (p.Lys618Ala) variant of the MLH1 gene are conflicting. In this study, we provide new evidence indicating that this variant has no significant implications for LS. Methods: The following approach was used to assess the clinical significance of the p.Lys618Ala variant: frequency in a control population, case-control comparison, co-occurrence of the p.Lys618Ala variant with a pathogenic mutation, co-segregation with the disease and microsatellite instability in tumours from carriers of the variant. We genotyped p.Lys618Ala in 1034 individuals (373 sporadic colorectal cancer [CRC] patients, 250 index subjects from families suspected of having LS [revised Bethesda guidelines] and 411 controls). Three well-characterized LS families that fulfilled the Amsterdam II Criteria and consisted of members with the p.Lys618Ala variant were included to assess co-occurrence and co-segregation. A subset of colorectal tumour DNA samples from 17 patients carrying the p.Lys618Ala variant was screened for microsatellite instability using five mononucleotide markers. Results: Twenty-seven individuals were heterozygous for the p.Lys618Ala variant; nine had sporadic CRC (2.41%), seven were suspected of having hereditary CRC (2.8%) and 11 were controls (2.68%). There were no significant associations in the case-control and case-case studies. The p.Lys618Ala variant was co-existent with pathogenic mutations in two unrelated LS families. In one family, the allele distribution of the pathogenic and unclassified variant was in trans, in the other family the pathogenic variant was detected in the MSH6 gene and only the deleterious variant co-segregated with the disease in both families. Only two positive cases of microsatellite instability (2/17, 11.8%) were detected in tumours from p.Lys618Ala carriers, indicating that this variant does not play a role in functional inactivation of MLH1 in CRC patients. Conclusions: The p.Lys618Ala variant should be considered a neutral variant for LS. These findings have implications for the clinical management of CRC probands and their relatives.Generalitat Valenciana in Spain (AP140/08) and the Biomedical Research Foundation from the Hospital of Elche, Spain (FIBElx0902). Conselleria de Educació (Generalitat Valenciana); Fundacion Juan Peran-Pikolinos; Fundacion Carolina-BBVA and Fondo Investigación Sanitaria (FI07/00303). Instituto de Salud Carlos III (INT09/208)

    Mutational spectrum of GNAL, THAP1 and TOR1A genes in isolated dystonia: study in a population from Spain and systematic literature review

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    [Objective] We aimed to investigate the prevalence of TOR1A, GNAL and THAP1 variants as the cause of dystonia in a cohort of Spanish patients with isolated dystonia and in the literature.[Methods] A population of 2028 subjects (including 1053 patients with different subtypes of isolated dystonia and 975 healthy controls) from southern and central Spain was included. The genes TOR1A, THAP1 and GNAL were screened using a combination of high-resolution melting analysis and direct DNA resequencing. In addition, an extensive literature search to identify original articles (published before 10 August 2020) reporting mutations in TOR1A, THAP1 or GNAL associated to dystonia was performed.[Results] Pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in TOR1A, THAP1 and GNAL were identified in 0.48%, 0.57% and 0.29% of our patients, respectively. Five patients carried the variation p.Glu303del in TOR1A. A very rare variant in GNAL (p.Ser238Asn) was found as a putative risk factor for dystonia. In the literature, variations in TOR1A, THAP1 and GNAL accounted for about 6%, 1.8% and 1.1% of published dystonia patients, respectively.[Conclusions] There is a different genetic contribution to dystonia of these three genes in our patients (about 1.3% of patients) and in the literature (about 3.6% of patients), probably due the high proportion of adult-onset cases in our cohort. As regards age at onset, site of dystonia onset, and final distribution, in our population there is a clear differentiation between DYT-TOR1A and DYT-GNAL, with DYT-THAP1 likely to be an intermediate phenotype.This work was supported by the Carlos III Health Institute-European Regional Development Fund (ISCIII-FEDER) [PI14/01823, PI16/01575, PI18/01898, PI19/01576], the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Economics, Innovation, Science and Employment [CVI-02526, CTS-7685], the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health and Welfare [PI-0741-2010, PI-0471-2013, PE-0210-2018, PI-0459-2018, PE-0186-2019], and the Alicia Koplowitz and Mutua Madrileña Foundations. Pilar Gómez-Garre was supported by the "Miguel Servet" program [MSII14/00018] (from ISCIII-FEDER) and “Nicolás Monardes” program [C-0048-2017] (from the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health). Silvia Jesús was supported by the "Juan Rodés" program [B-0007-2019] and Daniel Macías-García by the “Río Hortega” program [CM18/00142] (both from ISCIII-FEDER). María Teresa Periñán was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education [FPU16/05061]. Cristina Tejera was supported by VPPI-US from the University of Seville.Peer reviewe