106 research outputs found

    Surgical Strategy in Patients with Complete Transposition of Internal Organs in Cancer of the Biliopancreatoduodenal Zone

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    Аim: to present two clinical cases of successful surgical treatment of patients with a combination of complete transposition of internal organs and cancer of the biliopancreatoduodenal zone.Key points. A 65-year-old man underwent gastropancreatoduodenal resection for cancer of the large duodenal papilla. In addition to the situs vicserum inversus, this patient revealed a special variant of vascular anatomy, namely: separate separation of the left and right hepatic arteries from the ventral trunk. A 70-year-old man, in addition to complete transposition of internal organs, had a combination of cancer of the terminal part of the common bile duct and heterotaxy syndrome in the form of polysplenia, aplasia of the hepatic segment of the inferior vena cava, agenesis of the dorsal pancreatic rudiment (“short” pancreas), intrapancreatic course of the right hepatic artery extending from the superior mesenteric arteries, rotational abnormalities of intestinal development. This patient underwent a total pancreatectomy. In both cases, the main difficulties in mobilizing the pancreatoduodenal complex arose due to anatomical disorientation and the absence of standard (familiar) topographic and anatomical landmarks for the surgeon.Conclusion. In all patients with tumors of the biliopancreatoduodenal zone, a detailed assessment of the vascular anatomy of this area is required before surgery, with the study of the course of the main visceral vessels and their large branches using multispiral computed tomography in vascular mode. If heterotaxy syndrome is suspected, additional examination is necessary to identify hidden developmental anomalies, which allows surgeons to be prepared for an unusual situation. Gastropancreatoduodenal resection or total pancreatectomy in situs viscerum inversus is a technically complex intervention and should be performed in large multidisciplinary medical institutions, and the operating team should have extensive experience in operations on the organs of the biliopancreatoduodenal zone

    Дифференциальная диагностика холангиокарцином внутрипечёночной локализации

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    On biopsy and surgical material of greatest difficulty in terms of differential morphological diagnosis of metastatic adenocarcinoma of various localizations are cholangiocellular carcinoma (CCK) and gepatocholangiocellular cancer (GCCK). Patients no history of myocardial indicated last parasitic or viral hepatitis. However, it should be noted that our observations both forms of cancer developing on the background cirrhosis.На биопсийном и хирургическом материале наибольшую трудность в плане дифференциальной морфологической диагностики с метастазами аденокарцином различных локализаций представляют холангиоцеллюлярная карцинома (ХЦК) и гепатохолангиоцеллюлярный рак (ГХЦР). Пациенты в анамнезе не указывали на перенесенный в прошлом вирусный или паразитарный гепатит. Однако следует отметить, что в наших наблюдениях обе формы рака развивались на фоне крупноузлового цирроза печени

    Иммуногистохимический анализ первичного рака печени

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    The paper presents the basic principles of performing immunohistochemical study biopsies in patients with focal lesions of the liver. The results of a comprehensive study of its own morphology and histogenesis of primary malignant liver tumors. The study immunogenotipa liver tumors has enabled us not only to clarify the histogenesis of the tumor, differential diagnosis of primary and metastatic tumors, but also in a number of observations to establish the localization of the primary tumor, which ensured the implementation of adequate surgery and determine the tactics of therapy.В работе представлены основные принципы выполнения иммуногистохимического исследования биопсийного материала у пациентов с очаговым образованием печени. В работе приведены результаты собственного комплексного изучения морфо- и гистогенеза первичных злокачественных опухолей печени. Проведенное исследование иммуногенотипа опухолей печени позволило нам не только уточнить гистогенез опухоли, провести дифференциальную диагностику первичной и метастатической опухоли, но и в ряде наблюдений установить локализацию первичной опухоли, что обеспечило выполнение адекватного хирургического вмешательства и определило тактику терапии

    Quantification of C1 esterase inhibitor in human serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: Correlation with turbidimetric immunoassay

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    C1 inhibitor of serine proteases (C1-INH) performs a regulatory function in the complement system and vascular permeability. Deficiency of C1-INH leads to various forms of angioedema, including hereditary angioedema (HAE). The cause of HAE is a genetically determined violation of the synthesis of C1-INH. A decrease in the level of C1-INH to 50% relative to the norm leads to an increase in the production of bradykinin, which is the basis for the diagnosis of HAE. The development of affordable ELISA for the quantitative determination of C1-INH is a popular direction for clinicians. During the development of a new kit for quantitative determination of C1-INH, two mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with different epitope specificities were obtained. On their basis, a sandwich-type ELISA was developed. The specificity of the obtained mAb's was confirmed using the medical device “Berinert”. To prepare calibrators, C1-INH was affinity purified from human blood plasma using a sorbent with immobilized mAbs. The identity of the C1-INH protein was confirmed by PAGE electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and mass spectrometry on MALDI-TOF/TOF UltrafleXtreme mass spectrometer. To assess the quality indicators of developed reagents kit, studies were carried out in accordance with GOST R 51352-2013 and TU 21.20.23-041-01967164-2022. Values of quality indicators: accuracy — 93.53%; measurement linearity interval — 22.00-176.07 ng/mL. Using the developed ELISA test system, we examined 28 blood sera from healthy donors and 7 blood sera from patients with confirmed HAE. In the same samples, the content of C1-INH was determined by turbidimetric method, using the "Diagnostic reagents for in vitro immunochemical studies of specific blood proteins. Model: C1-esterase inhibitor (C1 EsteraseInhibitor)" (Aptec, Belgium). The correlation coefficient was 0.94 (p < 0.05). It was found that the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the developed ELISA is 100%. As a result of the study, an original ELISA test system for the quantitative determination of C1-INH was developed "Reagent kit for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of human C1-inhibitor (C1-inh PS)"

    Weak Localization Effect in Superconductors by Radiation Damage

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    Large reductions of the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} and the accompanying loss of the thermal electrical resistivity (electron-phonon interaction) due to radiation damage have been observed for several A15 compounds, Chevrel phase and Ternary superconductors, and NbSe2\rm{NbSe_{2}} in the high fluence regime. We examine these behaviors based on the recent theory of weak localization effect in superconductors. We find a good fitting to the experimental data. In particular, weak localization correction to the phonon-mediated interaction is derived from the density correlation function. It is shown that weak localization has a strong influence on both the phonon-mediated interaction and the electron-phonon interaction, which leads to the universal correlation of TcT_{c} and resistance ratio.Comment: 16 pages plus 3 figures, revtex, 76 references, For more information, Plesse see http://www.fen.bilkent.edu.tr/~yjki

    Екологічні аспекти термічного знешкодження непридатних отрутохімікатів

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    В монографії проаналізовані термічні методи знешкодження непридатних отрутохімікатів, стаціонарні печі та пересувні (мобільні) комплекси по переробці некондиційних пестицидів, а також проведені експериментальні дослідження процесів розкладу пестицидних препаратів, за матеріалами патентного пошуку наведено нові способи термічного знезараження та шляхи практичного викорис-ання продуктів переробки непридатних пестицидів.В монографії проаналізовані термічні методи знешкодження непридатних отрутохімікатів, стаціонарні печі та пересувні (мобільні) комплекси по переробці некондиційних пестицидів, а також проведені експериментальні дослідження процесів розкладу пестицидних препаратів, за матеріалами патентного пошуку наведено нові способи термічного знезараження та шляхи практичного викорис-ання продуктів переробки непридатних пестицидів.The monograph analyzed by thermal methods of disposal of obsolete pesticides, ovens, fixed and mobile (mobile) systems for the processing of substandard pesticides and conducted experimental research of processes of decomposition pesticides, based patent search are the new ways of thermal disinfection and ways of practical use-processed products unsuitable Reference pesticides

    Immune Boosting Explains Regime-Shifts in Prevaccine-Era Pertussis Dynamics

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    Understanding the biological mechanisms underlying episodic outbreaks of infectious diseases is one of mathematical epidemiology’s major goals. Historic records are an invaluable source of information in this enterprise. Pertussis (whooping cough) is a re-emerging infection whose intermittent bouts of large multiannual epidemics interspersed between periods of smaller-amplitude cycles remain an enigma. It has been suggested that recent increases in pertussis incidence and shifts in the age-distribution of cases may be due to diminished natural immune boosting. Here we show that a model that incorporates this mechanism can account for a unique set of pre-vaccine-era data from Copenhagen. Under this model, immune boosting induces transient bursts of large amplitude outbreaks. In the face of mass vaccination, the boosting model predicts larger and more frequent outbreaks than do models with permanent or passively-waning immunity. Our results emphasize the importance of understanding the mechanisms responsible for maintaining immune memory fo

    Athlome Project Consortium: a concerted effort to discover genomic and other "omic" markers of athletic performance.

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    Despite numerous attempts to discover genetic variants associated with elite athletic performance, injury predisposition, and elite/world-class athletic status, there has been limited progress to date. Past reliance on candidate gene studies predominantly focusing on genotyping a limited number of single nucleotide polymorphisms or the insertion/deletion variants in small, often heterogeneous cohorts (i.e., made up of athletes of quite different sport specialties) have not generated the kind of results that could offer solid opportunities to bridge the gap between basic research in exercise sciences and deliverables in biomedicine. A retrospective view of genetic association studies with complex disease traits indicates that transition to hypothesis-free genome-wide approaches will be more fruitful. In studies of complex disease, it is well recognized that the magnitude of genetic association is often smaller than initially anticipated, and, as such, large sample sizes are required to identify the gene effects robustly. A symposium was held in Athens and on the Greek island of Santorini from 14-17 May 2015 to review the main findings in exercise genetics and genomics and to explore promising trends and possibilities. The symposium also offered a forum for the development of a position stand (the Santorini Declaration). Among the participants, many were involved in ongoing collaborative studies (e.g., ELITE, GAMES, Gene SMART, GENESIS, and POWERGENE). A consensus emerged among participants that it would be advantageous to bring together all current studies and those recently launched into one new large collaborative initiative, which was subsequently named the Athlome Project Consortium

    Protection from ultraviolet damage and photocarcinogenesis by vitamin d compounds

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. Exposure of skin cells to UV radiation results in DNA damage, which if inadequately repaired, may cause mutations. UV-induced DNA damage and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species also cause local and systemic suppression of the adaptive immune system. Together, these changes underpin the development of skin tumours. The hormone derived from vitamin D, calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) and other related compounds, working via the vitamin D receptor and at least in part through endoplasmic reticulum protein 57 (ERp57), reduce cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and oxidative DNA damage in keratinocytes and other skin cell types after UV. Calcitriol and related compounds enhance DNA repair in keratinocytes, in part through decreased reactive oxygen species, increased p53 expression and/or activation, increased repair proteins and increased energy availability in the cell when calcitriol is present after UV exposure. There is mitochondrial damage in keratinocytes after UV. In the presence of calcitriol, but not vehicle, glycolysis is increased after UV, along with increased energy-conserving autophagy and changes consistent with enhanced mitophagy. Reduced DNA damage and reduced ROS/RNS should help reduce UV-induced immune suppression. Reduced UV immune suppression is observed after topical treatment with calcitriol and related compounds in hairless mice. These protective effects of calcitriol and related compounds presumably contribute to the observed reduction in skin tumour formation in mice after chronic exposure to UV followed by topical post-irradiation treatment with calcitriol and some, though not all, related compounds