25 research outputs found

    Correlation Effects in Nuclear Transparency

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    The Glauber approximation is used to calculate the contribution of nucleon correlations in high-energy A(e,eN)A(e,e'N) reactions. When the excitation energy of the residual nucleus is small, the increase of the nuclear transparency due to correlations between the struck nucleon and the other nucleons is mostly compensated by a decrease of the transparency due to the correlations between non detected nucleons. We derive Glauber model predictions for nuclear transparency for the differential cross section when nuclear shell level excitations are measured. The role of correlations in color transparency is briefly discussed.Comment: 24 pages revtex, 4 uuencoded PostScript Figures as separate fil

    Color Transparency Effects in Electron Deuteron Interactions at Intermediate Q^2

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    High momentum transfer electrodisintegration of polarized and unpolarized deuterium targets, d(e,ep)nd(e,e'p)n is studied. We show that the importance of final state interactions-FSI, occuring when a knocked out nucleon interacts with the other nucleon, depends strongly on the momentum of the spectator nucleon. In particular, these FSI occur when the essential contributions to the scattering amplitude arise from internucleon distances 1.5 fm\sim 1.5~fm. But the absorption of the high momentum γ\gamma^* may produce a point like configuration, which evolves with time. In this case, the final state interactions probe the point like configuration at the early stage of its evolution. The result is that significant color transparency effects, which can either enhance or suppress computed cross sections, are predicted to occur for 4GeV2Q2 10 (GeV/c)2\sim 4 GeV^2 \ge Q^2\leq~10~(GeV/c)^2.Comment: 37 pages LaTex, 12 uuencoded PostScript Figures as separate file, to be published in Z.Phys.

    Operation and performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter in Run 1

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    The Tile Calorimeter is the hadron calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Approximately 10,000 photomultipliers collect light from scintillating tiles acting as the active material sandwiched between slabs of steel absorber. This paper gives an overview of the calorimeter’s performance during the years 2008–2012 using cosmic-ray muon events and proton–proton collision data at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8TeV with a total integrated luminosity of nearly 30 fb−1. The signal reconstruction methods, calibration systems as well as the detector operation status are presented. The energy and time calibration methods performed excellently, resulting in good stability of the calorimeter response under varying conditions during the LHC Run 1. Finally, the Tile Calorimeter response to isolated muons and hadrons as well as to jets from proton–proton collisions is presented. The results demonstrate excellent performance in accord with specifications mentioned in the Technical Design Report


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    The aim of this article is to analyze and assess the scientific collaboration between the Republic of Armenia (RA) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member-states.In the Introduction, the article dwells into the integration processes that started right after the collapse of the Soviet Union with a main emphasis on the EAEU. The situation in the scientific sphere in Armenia is presented briefly, followed by highlighting the role of international scientific collaboration as a way to overcome a crisis in the science field.The role of the Committee of Sciences of the RA in the development of international collaboration is emphasized. The first steps in the framework of EAEU to activate scientific-technical cooperation are stressed.The Materials and Methods Section outlines the databases on which the study is based, that are the Web of Science Core Collection (WOS CC) and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The timeframe for the data retrieved from the WOS CC is 1991–2016, while for the RSCI — 2005–2016. The types of collaborations, as well as five stages of research — data retrieval from the WOS CC and the RSCI, data cleaning, quantitative analysis of citation, quantitative analysis of co-authored papers of the RA with each EAEU member-state and the distribution of the co-authored papers by the scientific fields — are mentioned.The Results Section presents the results of the study by the five mentioned stages and the relevant analysis.The Discussion and Conclusion Section presents the main conclusions of the study. It mainly stresses that Russia is the main scientific partner of Armenia, followed by Belarus. Scientific collaboration of Armenia with Kazakhstan and Kirgizia are on a very low level. Physics was recognized to be the leading field of collaboration. Generally, the article concludes that it is too early to speak about the role of the EAEU in the development of scientific collaboration between the member-states. In order to assure a stable growth of collaboration among the EAEU member-states a huge work should be done

    Non-invasive assessment of the effective dose of lamotrigine and topiramate for the treatment of epileptiform states in rats

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    Aim. This study was aimed to test the instrumental complex called «Bioscope» for its ability to determine the optimal dose of the anticonvulsant drugs lamotrigine and topiramate in the treatment of epileptiform states.Materials and methods. The experiments were conducted with 40 mongrel white male rats weighing 180-220g. In total, there were 5 series of experiments where different doses of lamotrigine and topiramate were used. The integrative state of the animals (as determined with the Bioscope) was monitored, first at the baseline and then after the anti-epileptic drug administration and subsequently after the administration of corazol.Results. The Bioscope signals changed with changing doses of the anticonvulsant drugs. Low doses did not affect the integrative indicators, while the increasing doses caused these indicators to change. In dependence on the anticonvulsant drug dose, the administration of corasol either brought the integrative indicators back to the baseline or did not change them at all.Conclusion. The Bioscope instrumental complex can be used for the non-invasive evaluation of the effective dose of anticonvulsant drugs needed to suppress the epileptiform states in rats

    Shock Wave Generated Megahertz Radiation of Atmosphere

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    Применение en-bloc резекции стенки мочевого пузыря с опухолью при лечении немышечно-инвазивного рака мочевого пузыря

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    Background. Bladder cancer is in the top ten most common onco-urological diseases. Its most common form – non-muscle invasive bladder cancer – is one of the most expensive for healthcare and requires many resources for diagnosis and treatment.Aim. To evaluate safety and effectiveness of en bloc transurethral resection (eTUBRT) of bladder wall with tumor compared to conventional transurethral resection (cTUBRT) in context of recurrence-free survival and perspectives of widespread implementation in onco-urological practice.Materials and methods. We have performed a search and analysis of Russian and international literature in the PubMed database on “en-bloc resection of bladder cancer” regarding information about recurrence-free survival in patients after eTURBT and cTURBT, intraand perioperative complications, overall survival, disease progression, and different surgical techniques. References in the sources were also analyzed to identify additional potentially relevant studies.Results. The analysis of the data showed that eTURBT is safer in regards to intraand postoperative complications, and it has better long-term oncological outcomes and quality of extracted histological material. Additionally, no significant differences in treatment outcomes with different instruments (monopolar, bipolar electric current, different laser equipment) were discovered.Conclusion. eTURBT has several advantages compared to cTURBT in treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer and is a potential alternative to cTURBT. However, further research is required to evaluate the place and capabilities of eTURBT in the arsenal of an onco-urologist.Введение. Рак мочевого пузыря входит в первую десятку по распространенности онкоурологических заболеваний. Наиболее часто встречаемая его форма – немышечно-инвазивный рак мочевого пузыря – является одним из самых ресурсоемких и дорогостоящих для здравоохранения в плане диагностики и лечения.Цель исследования – оценка безопасности и эффективности трансуретральной резекции (ТУР) стенки мочевого пузыря с опухолью единым блоком (еТУР) по сравнению со стандартной ТУР (сТУР) в отношении показателей безрецидивной выживаемости пациентов, а также перспективы ее широкого внедрения в онкоурологическую практику.Материалы и методы. Выполнены поиск и анализ зарубежной и отечественной литературы в базе PubMed по запросу “en-bloc resection of bladder cancer” касательно данных о безрецидивной выживаемости пациентов после еТУР и сТУР, интраи послеоперационных осложнениях, общей выживаемости, прогрессировании заболевания, а также различных техниках операции. Проведен анализ источников литературы для выявления дополнительных потенциально релевантных исследований.Результаты. Выявлено, что еТУР представляется более безопасной в отношении интраи послеоперационных осложнений, при этом обладает лучшими отдаленными онкологическими результатами и качеством полученного гистологического материала. Значительных различий в результатах лечения при применении различного инструментария (монополярный, биполярный электрический ток, различное лазерное оборудование) не выявлено.Заключение. При лечении немышечно-инвазивного рака мочевого пузыря еТУР обладает рядом преимуществ перед сТУР и является весьма перспективной альтернативой сТУР. Для оценки места еТУР в арсенале онкоуролога и ее возможностей необходимы дальнейшие исследования

    Large-amplitude nuclear motion formulated in terms of dissipation of quantum fluctuations

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