427 research outputs found

    A Census of the Chamaeleon I Star-Forming Region

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    Optical spectroscopy has been obtained for 179 objects that have been previously identified as possible members of the cluster, that lack either accurate spectral types or clear evidence of membership, and that are optically visible (I<18). I have used these spectroscopic data and all other available constraints to evaluate the spectral classifications and membership status of a total sample of 288 candidate members of Chamaeleon I that have appeared in published studies of the cluster. The latest census of Chamaeleon I now contains 158 members, 8 of which are later than M6 and thus are likely to be brown dwarfs. I find that many of the objects identified as members of Chamaeleon I in recent surveys are actually field stars. Meanwhile, 7 of 9 candidates discovered by Carpenter and coworkers are confirmed as members, one of which is the coolest known member of Chamaeleon I at a spectral type of M8 (~0.03 M_sun). I have estimated extinctions, luminosities, and effective temperatures for the members and used these data to construct an H-R diagram for the cluster. Chamaeleon I has a median age of ~2 Myr according to evolutionary models, and hence is similar in age to IC 348 and is slightly older than Taurus (~1 Myr). The measurement of an IMF for Chamaeleon I from this census is not possible because of the disparate methods with which the known members were originally selected, and must await an unbiased, magnitude-limited survey of the cluster.Comment: 59 pages, 22 figure

    Constraining the Environment of CH+ Formation with CH3+ Observations

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    The formation of CH+ in the interstellar medium has long been an outstanding problem in chemical models. In order to probe the physical conditions of the ISM in which CH+ forms, we propose the use of CH3+ observations. The pathway to forming CH3+ begins with CH+, and a steady state analysis of CH3+ and the reaction intermediary CH2+ results in a relationship between the CH+ and CH3+ abundances. This relationship depends on the molecular hydrogen fraction, f_H2, and gas temperature, T, so observations of CH+ and CH3+ can be used to infer the properties of the gas in which both species reside. We present observations of both molecules along the diffuse cloud sight line toward Cyg OB2 No. 12. Using our computed column densities and upper limits, we put constraints on the f_H2 vs. T parameter space in which CH+ and CH3+ form. We find that average, static, diffuse molecular cloud conditions (i.e. f_H2>0.2, T~60 K) are excluded by our analysis. However, current theory suggests that non-equilibrium effects drive the reaction C+ + H_2 --> CH+ + H, endothermic by 4640 K. If we consider a higher effective temperature due to collisions between neutrals and accelerated ions, the CH3+ partition function predicts that the overall population will be spread out into several excited rotational levels. As a result, observations of more CH3+ transitions with higher signal-to-noise ratios are necessary to place any constraints on models where magnetic acceleration of ions drives the formation of CH+.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Evidence for dust evolution within the Taurus Complex from Spitzer images

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    We present Spitzer images of the Taurus Complex (TC) and take advantage of the sensitivity and spatial resolution of the observations to characterize the diffuse IR emission across the cloud. This work highlights evidence of dust evolution within the translucent sections of the archetype reference for studies of quiescent molecular clouds. We combine Spitzer 160 um and IRAS 100 um observations to produce a dust temperature map and a far-IR dust opacity map at 5' resolution. The average dust temperature is about 14.5K with a dispersion of +/-1K across the cloud. The far-IR dust opacity is a factor 2 larger than the average value for the diffuse ISM. This opacity increase and the attenuation of the radiation field (RF) both contribute to account for the lower emission temperature of the large grains. The structure of the TC significantly changes in the mid-IR images that trace emission from PAHs and VSGs. We focus our analysis of the mid-IR emission to a range of ecliptic latitudes where the zodiacal light residuals are small. Within this cloud area, there are no 8 and 24 um counterparts to the brightest 160 um emission features. Conversely, the 8 and 24 um images reveal filamentary structure that is strikingly inconspicuous in the 160 um and extinction maps. The IR colors vary over sub-parsec distances across this filamentary structure. We compare the observed colors with model calculations quantifying the impact of the RF intensity and the abundance of stochastically heated particles on the dust SED. To match the range of observed colors, we have to invoke variations by a factor of a few of both the interstellar RF and the abundance of PAHs and VSGs. We conclude that within this filamentary structure a significant fraction of the dust mass cycles in and out the small size end of the dust size distribution.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Do Proto-Jovian Planets Drive Outflows?

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    We discuss the possibility that gaseous giant planets drive strong outflows during early phases of their formation. We consider the range of parameters appropriate for magneto-centrifugally driven stellar and disk outflow models and find that if the proto-Jovian planet or accretion disk had a magnetic field of >~ 10 Gauss and moderate mass inflow rates through the disk of less than 10^-7 M_J/yr that it is possible to drive an outflow. Estimates based both on scaling from empirical laws observed in proto-stellar outflows and the magneto-centrigugal disk and stellar+disk wind models suggest that winds with mass outflow rates of 10^-8 M_J/yr and velocities of order ~ 20 km/s could be driven from proto-Jovian planets. Prospects for detection and some implications for the formation of the solar system are briefly discussed.Comment: AAS Latex, accepted for Ap

    Lifting the Veil of Dust from NGC 0959: The Importance of a Pixel-Based 2D Extinction Correction

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    We present the results of a study of the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 0959, before and after application of the pixel-based dust extinction correction described in Tamura et al. 2009 (Paper I). Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) far-UV (FUV) and near-UV (NUV), ground-based Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) UBVR, and Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 micron images are studied through pixel Color-Magnitude Diagrams (pCMDs) and pixel Color-Color Diagrams (pCCDs). We define groups of pixels based on their distribution in a pCCD of (B - 3.6 micron) versus (FUV - U) colors after extinction correction. In the same pCCD, we trace their locations before the extinction correction was applied. This shows that selecting pixel groups is not meaningful when using colors uncorrected for dust. We also trace the distribution of the pixel groups on a pixel coordinate map of the galaxy. We find that the pixel-based (two-dimensional) extinction correction is crucial to reveal the spatial variations in the dominant stellar population, averaged over each resolution element. Different types and mixtures of stellar populations, and galaxy structures such as a previously unrecognized bar, become readily discernible in the extinction-corrected pCCD and as coherent spatial structures in the pixel coordinate map.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX2e requires 'emulateapj.cls', 'graphicx.sty', and 'natbib.sty' (included), 9 postscript figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in AJ

    The Efficiency of Grain Alignment in Dense Interstellar Clouds: A Reassessment of Constraints from Near Infrared Polarization

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    A detailed study of interstellar polarization efficiency toward molecular clouds is used to attempt discrimination between grain alignment mechanisms in dense regions of the ISM. Background field stars are used to probe polarization efficiency in quiescent regions of dark clouds, yielding a dependence on visual extinction well-represented by a power law. No significant change in this behavior is observed in the transition region between the diffuse outer layers and dense inner regions of clouds, where icy mantles are formed, and we conclude that mantle formation has little or no effect on the efficiency of grain alignment. Young stellar objects generally exhibit greater polarization efficiency compared with field stars at comparable extinctions, displaying enhancements by factors of up to 6. Of the proposed alignment mechanisms, that based on radiative torques appears best able to explain the data. The attenuated external radiation field accounts for the observed polarization in quiescent regions, and radiation from the embedded stars themselves may enhance alignment in the lines of sight to YSOs. Enhancements in polarization efficiency observed in the ice features toward several YSOs are of greatest significance, as they demonstrate efficient alignment in cold molecular clouds associated with star formation

    The ortho-to-para ratio of ammonia in the L1157 outflow

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    We have measured the ortho-to-para ratio of ammonia in the blueshifted gas of the L1157 outflow by observing the six metastable inversion lines from (J, K) = (1, 1) to (6, 6). The highly excited (5, 5) and (6, 6) lines were first detected in the low-mass star forming regions. The rotational temperature derived from the ratio of four transition lines from (3, 3) to (6, 6) is 130-140 K, suggesting that the blueshifted gas is heated by a factor of ~10 as compared to the quiescent gas. The ortho-to-para ratio of the NH3 molecules in the blueshifted gas is estimated to be 1.3--1.7, which is higher than the statistical equilibrium value. This ratio provides us with evidence that the NH3 molecules have been evaporated from dust grains with the formation temperature between 18 and 25 K. It is most likely that the NH3 molecules on dust grains have been released into the gas phase through the passage of strong shock waves produced by the outflow. Such a scenario is supported by the fact that the ammonia abundance in the blueshifted gas is enhanced by a factor of ~5 with respect to the dense quiescent gas.Comment: 16 pages, including 3 PS figures. To appear in the ApJ (Letters). aastex macro

    Polarization in young open cluster NGC 6823

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    We present multiwavelength linear polarimetric observations of 104 stars towards the region of young open cluster NGC 6823. The polarization towards NGC 6823 is dominated by foreground dust grains and we found the evidence for the presence of several layers of dust towards the line of sight. The first layer of dust is located approximately within 200 pc towards the cluster, which is much closer to the Sun than the cluster (~ 2.1 kpc). The radial distribution of the position angles for the member stars are found to show a systematic change while the polarization found to reduce towards the outer parts of the cluster and the average position angle of coronal region of the cluster is very close to the inclination of the Galactic parallel (~ 32 degree). The size distribution of the grains within NGC 6823 is similar to those in general interstellar medium. The patchy distribution of foreground dust grains are suggested to be mainly responsible for the both differential reddening and polarization towards NGC 6823. The majority of the observed stars do not show the evidence of intrinsic polarization in their light.Comment: 16 pages, 6 tables, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Ices in the Quiescent IC 5146 Dense Cloud

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    This paper presents spectra in the 2 to 20 micron range of quiescent cloud material located in the IC 5146 cloud complex. The spectra were obtained with NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) SpeX instrument and the Spitzer Space Telescope's Infrared Spectrometer. We use these spectra to investigate dust and ice absorption features in pristine regions of the cloud that are unaltered by embedded stars. We find that the H2O-ice threshold extinction is 4.03+/-0.05 mag. Once foreground extinction is taken into account, however, the threshold drops to 3.2 mag, equivalent to that found for the Taurus dark cloud, generally assumed to be the touchstone quiescent cloud against which all other dense cloud and embedded young stellar object observations are compared. Substructure in the trough of the silicate band for two sources is attributed to CH3OH and NH3 in the ices, present at the ~2% and ~5% levels, respectively, relative to H2O-ice. The correlation of the silicate feature with the E(J-K) color excess is found to follow a much shallower slope relative to lines of sight that probe diffuse clouds, supporting the previous results by Chiar et al. (2007).Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures with multiple parts, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, Feb. 201

    The Stellar Population of the Chamaeleon I Star-Forming Region

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    I present a new census of the stellar population in the Chamaeleon I star-forming region. Using optical and near-IR photometry and followup spectroscopy, I have discovered 50 new members of Chamaeleon I, expanding the census of known members to 226 objects. Fourteen of these new members have spectral types later than M6, which doubles the number of known members that are likely to be substellar. I have estimated extinctions, luminosities, and effective temperatures for the known members, used these data to construct an H-R diagram for the cluster, and inferred individual masses and ages with the theoretical evolutionary models of Baraffe and Chabrier. The distribution of isochronal ages indicates that star formation began 3-4 and 5-6 Myr ago in the southern and northern subclusters, respectively, and has continued to the present time at a declining rate. The IMF in Chamaeleon I reaches a maximum at a mass of 0.1-0.15 M_sun, and thus closely resembles the IMFs in IC 348 and the Orion Nebula Cluster. In logarithmic units where the Salpeter slope is 1.35, the IMF is roughly flat in the substellar regime and shows no indication of reaching a minimum down to a completeness limit of 0.01 M_sun. The low-mass stars are more widely distributed than members at other masses in the northern subcluster, but this is not the case in the southern subcluster. Meanwhile, the brown dwarfs have the same spatial distribution as the stars out to a radius of 3 deg (8.5 pc) from the center of Chamaeleon I
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