373 research outputs found

    Improving Students\u27 Speaking Skills Through Think-pair-share Technique

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    Think-pair-share technique is a cooperative technique which is used to teach in the classroom with emphasized on activities students done at each of the stages. The purpose of this research was to describe how TPS technique improve students\u27 speaking skill on the Eleventh grade students AP1 (Akomodasi Perhotelan) of SMKN 5 Pontianak. This research used classroom action research as the research design. The sample of this research were 28 students of Eleventh grade, Akomodasi Perhotelan class. There was improvement in each cycle after applying TPS technique in the classroom. The students\u27 achievement in the first cycle was categorized as poor to average and students\u27 achievement in the second and third cycle were categorized as average to good. The improvement also can be seen by the activeness of students\u27 involvement in the speaking activities while teaching learning process. TPS technique can be used by the teacher as alternative to improve students\u27 speaking skill

    Kajian Pengembangan USAha Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar Dalam Mina Padi Di Desa a. Widodo Kecamatan Tugumulyo Kabupaten Musi Rawas

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    This research is aimed at estimating the income of mina paddy farmers, identifying the criteria used to develop business, formulating the alternative development business. The data are analyzed by using income analysis and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of the research show that there are three types of fish applied in mina paddy: catfish, tilapia, and goldfish. The income of catfish in mina paddy amounting to Rp. 51.440.607,27,-/year, tilapia amounting to Rp. 35.895.335,-/year, goldfish in mina paddy amounting to Rp. 37.731.957,-/year. While from AHP analysis results, the criterias making an assessment in the development of aquaculture are production, revenues, marketing and third-party support. The highest value weighting results that become an alternative strategy to the development of aquaculture in mina paddy using software Expert Choice 11 is the application of catfish in mina paddy with weights value of 0,493

    Hollow-Core Fiber-Based Biosensor: A Platform for Lab-in-Fiber Optical Biosensors for DNA Detection

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    In this paper, a novel platform for lab-in-fiber-based biosensors is studied. Hollow-core tube lattice fibers (HC-TLFs) are proposed as a label-free biosensor for the detection of DNA molecules. The particular light-guiding mechanism makes them a highly sensitive tool. Their transmission spectrum is featured by alternations of high and low transmittance at wavelength regions whose values depend on the thickness of the microstructured web composing the cladding around the hollow core. In order to achieve DNA detection by using these fibers, an internal chemical functionalization process of the fiber has been performed in five steps in order to link specific peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes, then the functionalized fiber was used for a three-step assay. When a solution containing a particular DNA sequence is made to flow through the HC of the TLF in an ‘optofluidic’ format, a bio-layer is formed on the cladding surfaces causing a red-shift of the fiber transmission spectrum. By comparing the fiber transmission spectra before and after the flowing it is possible to identify the eventual formation of the layer and, therefore, the presence or not of a particular DNA sequence in the solution

    Increased interactions and engulfment of dendrites by microglia precede Purkinje cell degeneration in a mouse model of Niemann Pick Type-C.

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    Niemann Pick Type-C disease (NPC) is an inherited lysosomal storage disease (LSD) caused by pathogenic variants in the Npc1 or Npc2 genes that lead to the accumulation of cholesterol and lipids in lysosomes. NPC1 deficiency causes neurodegeneration, dementia and early death. Cerebellar Purkinje cells (PCs) are particularly hypersensitive to NPC1 deficiency and degenerate earlier than other neurons in the brain. Activation of microglia is an important contributor to PCs degeneration in NPC. However, the mechanisms by which activated microglia promote PCs degeneration in NPC are not completely understood. Here, we are demonstrating that in the Npc1nmf164 mouse cerebellum, microglia in the molecular layer (ML) are activated and contacting dendrites at early stages of NPC, when no loss of PCs is detected. During the progression of PCs degeneration in Npc1nmf164 mice, accumulation of phagosomes and autofluorescent material in microglia at the ML coincided with the degeneration of dendrites and PCs. Feeding Npc1nmf164 mice a western diet (WD) increased microglia activation and corresponded with a more extensive degeneration of dendrites but not PC somata. Together our data suggest that microglia contribute to the degeneration of PCs by interacting, engulfing and phagocytosing their dendrites while the cell somata are still present

    NPC1 deficiency impairs cerebellar postnatal development of microglia and climbing fiber refinement in a mouse model of Niemann-Pick disease type C.

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    Little is known about the effects of NPC1 deficiency in brain development and whether these effects contribute to neurodegeneration in Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC). Degeneration of cerebellar Purkinje cells occurs at an earlier stage and to a greater extent in NPC; therefore, we analyzed the effect of NPC1 deficiency on microglia and on climbing fiber synaptic refinement during cerebellar postnatal development using th

    PSORTb 3.0: improved protein subcellular localization prediction with refined localization subcategories and predictive capabilities for all prokaryotes

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    Motivation: PSORTb has remained the most precise bacterial protein subcellular localization (SCL) predictor since it was first made available in 2003. However, the recall needs to be improved and no accurate SCL predictors yet make predictions for archaea, nor differentiate important localization subcategories, such as proteins targeted to a host cell or bacterial hyperstructures/organelles. Such improvements should preferably be encompassed in a freely available web-based predictor that can also be used as a standalone program

    Neurologic complications of acute hepatitis E virus infection.

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    To assess the prevalence and clinical features of neurologic involvement in patients with acute hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in Southern Switzerland. Among 1,940 consecutive patients investigated for acute hepatitis E, we identified 141 cases of acute of HEV infection (anti-HEV immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G both reactive and/or HEV RNA positive) between June 2014 and September 2017. Neurologic cases were followed up for 6 months. We compared patients with and without neurologic symptoms. Neurologic symptoms occurred in 43 acute HEV cases (30.4%) and consisted of neuralgic amyotrophy (NA, n = 15, 10.6%) and myalgia (n = 28, 19.8%). All NA cases were immunocompetent. Men had higher odds (OR = 5.2, CI 1.12-24.0, p = 0.03) of developing NA after infection with HEV, and in 3 couples simultaneously infected with HEV, only men developed NA. Bilateral involvement of NA was predominant (2:1) and occurred only in men. Seven NA cases were viremic (all genotype 3), but HEV was undetectable in their CSF. In the acute phase of NA, 9 patients were treated with intravenous immunoglobulin and 4 with prednisone, reporting no side effects and improvement in pain and strength. Myalgia occurred both without (n = 16) or with (n = 12) concomitant elevated serum creatinine kinase. Seven cases with myalgia in the shoulder girdle did not have muscle weakness ("forme fruste" of NA). Neurologic symptoms occurred in one-third of acute HEV infections and consisted of NA and myalgia. NA seems to occur more frequently in men infected by HEV and has a predominant (but not exclusive) bilateral involvement