187 research outputs found

    Vaccine potential of lena and lcpa proteins of leptospira interrogans in combination with escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin, b subunit (LTB)

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    Background and Objectives: Leptospirosis is a zooanthroponosis caused by the genus of Leptospira. It is an emerging public health problem due to its increasing incidence. The achievement to a vaccine that prevent from entrance of Leptospira interrogans to the deeper tissues of the host is needed. This study aimed to investigate the immunogenicity of LcpA (rLcpA) and LenA (rLenA) recombinant proteins in combination with LTB (rLTB) recombinant protein as an adjuvant against leptospiral infection in hamsters. Materials and Methods: The genes encoding these proteins were cloned into pGH cloning vector and then lenA, lcpA and ltb genes subcloned into pET-15b and pET-28a expression vectors, respectively. The hamsters were immunized with the purified recombinant proteins and challenged with Leptospira interrogans for evaluation of their survival. The antibody responses to the recombinant proteins were determined by ELISA. Then, data entered into SPSS software. Statistical Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the significant differences among different groups. The groups with significant differences were further analyzed by post hoc tests. The p value < 0.05 statistically was considered significant. Results: Immunized hamsters with rLenA-plus-rLTB, rLcpA-plus-rLTB and rLenA-plus-rLcpA-plus-rLTB proteins showed 60, 74, and 80 survival rates, respectively. A significant amount of interleukin-17 (IL-17), interleukin-4 (IL-4) and gamma interferon (IFNγ) cytokines were produced in immunized hamsters. Conclusion: Based on our findings, rLcpA and rLenA proteins in combination with rLTB can protect the hamsters against L. interrogans and effectively induce a protective antibody response. Thus, these proteins can be used as an additional prophylactic tool against leptospira. © 2018, Tehran University of Medical Science. All rights reserved

    Twelve thousand years of dust: The Holocene global dust cycle constrained by natural archives

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    Mineral dust plays an important role in the climate system by interacting with radiation, clouds, and biogeochemical cycles. In addition, natural archives show that the dust cycle experienced variability in the past in response to global and local climate change. The compilation of the DIRTMAP paleodust datasets in the last two decades provided a target for paleoclimate models that include the dust cycle, following a time slice approach. We propose an innovative framework to organize a paleodust dataset that moves on from the positive experience of DIRTMAP and takes into account new scientific challenges, by providing a concise and accessible dataset of temporally resolved records of dust mass accumulation rates and particle grain-size distributions. We consider data from ice cores, marine sediments, loess/paleosol sequences, lake sediments, and peat bogs for this compilation, with a temporal focus on the Holocene period. This global compilation allows investigation of the potential, uncertainties and confidence level of dust mass accumulation rates reconstructions, and highlights the importance of dust particle size information for accurate and quantitative reconstructions of the dust cycle. After applying criteria that help to establish that the data considered represent changes in dust deposition, 43 paleodust records have been identified, with the highest density of dust deposition data occurring in the North Atlantic region. Although the temporal evolution of dust in the North Atlantic appears consistent across several cores and suggest that minimum dust fluxes are likely observed during the Early to mid-Holocene period (6000–8000 years ago), the magnitude of dust fluxes in these observations is not fully consistent, suggesting that more work needs to be done to synthesize datasets for the Holocene. Based on the data compilation, we used the Community Earth System Model to estimate the mass balance and variability of the global dust cycle during the Holocene, with dust load ranging from 17.1 to 20.5 Tg between 2000 and 10 000 years ago, and a minimum in the Early to Mid-Holocene (6000–8000 years ago)

    Introducing global peat-specific temperature and pH calibrations based on brGDGT bacterial lipids

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) are membrane-spanning lipids from Bacteria and Archaea that are ubiquitous in a range of natural archives and especially abundant in peat. Previous work demonstrated that the distribution of bacterial branched GDGTs (brGDGTs) in mineral soils is correlated to environmental factors such as mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and soil pH. However, the influence of these parameters on brGDGT distributions in peat is largely unknown. Here we investigate the distribution of brGDGTs in 470 samples from 96 peatlands around the world with a broad mean annual air temperature (−8 to 27 °C) and pH (3–8) range and present the first peat-specific brGDGT-based temperature and pH calibrations. Our results demonstrate that the degree of cyclisation of brGDGTs in peat is positively correlated with pH, pH = 2.49 x CBTpeat + 8.07 (n = 51, R2 65 = 0.58, RMSE = 0.8) and the degree of methylation of brGDGTs is positively correlated with MAAT, MAATpeat (°C) = 52.18 x MBT5me’ – 23.05 (n = 96, R2 67 = 0.76, RMSE = 4.7 °C). 3 These peat-specific calibrations are distinct from the available mineral soil calibrations. In light of the error in the temperature calibration (~ 4.7 °C), we urge caution in any application to reconstruct late Holocene climate variability, where the climatic signals are relatively small, and the duration of excursions could be brief. Instead, these proxies are well-suited to reconstruct large amplitude, longer-term shifts in climate such as deglacial transitions. Indeed, when applied to a peat deposit spanning the late glacial period (~15.2 kyr), we demonstrate that MAATpeat yields absolute temperatures and relative temperature changes that are consistent with those from other proxies. In addition, the application of MAATpeat to fossil peat (i.e. lignites) has the potential to reconstruct terrestrial climate during the Cenozoic. We conclude that there is clear potential to use brGDGTs in peats and lignites to reconstruct past terrestrial climateThis research was funded through the advanced ERC grant “the greenhouse earth system” (T-GRES, project reference 340923), awarded to RDP. All authors are part of the “T-GRES Peat Database collaborators” collective. RDP also acknowledges the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. We thank D. Atkinson for help with the sample preparation. We acknowledge support from Labex VOLTAIRE (ANR-10- 22 LABX-100-01). Peat from Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego were collected thanks to a Young Researcher Grant of the Agence National de la Recherche (ANR) to FDV, project ANR-2011-JS56-006-01 “PARAD” and with the help of Ramiro Lopez, Andrea Coronato and Veronica Pancotto (CADIC-CONICET, Ushuaia). Peat from Brazil was collected with the context of CNPq project 482815/2011-6. Samples from France (Frasne and La Guette) were collected thanks to the French Observatory of Peatlands. The Canadian peat was collected in the context of the NSERC-Discovery grant of L. Rochefort. Peats from China were obtained under a National Natural Science Foundation of China grant (No. 41372033), awarded to Y. Zheng

    Klinische Effekte der katheterbasierten Nierennervenablation bei therapieresistenter Hypertonie

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    Background: High blood pressure is one of the most common chronic cardiovascular diseases. Despite a plethora of drugs to lower blood pressure, adequate blood pressure reduction cannot be achieved in many patients with high blood pressure. Ablation of the nerves of the renal arteries is used in these patients. Methods: Renal nerve ablation is a catheter-based, minimally-invasive method which, with the appropriate experience, is relatively easy to carry out, and has already demonstrated very promising results in patients with treatment-resistant hypertension. Results: The data presented in this article confirm that catheter-based renal nerve ablation, used in 38 patients with treatment-resistant hypertension, is a safe and highly effective method of achieving optimal blood pressure stabilisation. Conclusion: It remains to be seen whether the promising results of current studies will be confirmed in the long-term progress and lead to a reduction of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality

    Dynamic Control of Nanoprecipitation in a Nanopipette

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    Studying the earliest stages of precipitation at the nanoscale is technically challenging but quite valuable as such phenomena reflect important processes such as crystallization and biomineralization. Using a quartz nanopipette as a nanoreactor, we induced precipitation of an insoluble salt to generate oscillating current blockades. The reversible process can be used to measure both kinetics of precipitation and relative size of the resulting nanoparticles. Counter ions for the highly water-insoluble salt zinc phosphate were separated by the pore of a nanopipette and a potential applied to cause ion migration to the interface. By analyzing the kinetics of pore blockage, two distinct mechanisms were identified: a slower process due to precipitation from solution, and a faster process attributed to voltage-driven migration of a trapped precipitate. We discuss the potential of these techniques in studying precipitation dynamics, trapping particles within a nanoreactor, and electrical sensors based on nanoprecipitation

    Highly-multiplexed barcode sequencing: an efficient method for parallel analysis of pooled samples

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    Next-generation sequencing has proven an extremely effective technology for molecular counting applications where the number of sequence reads provides a digital readout for RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, Tn-seq and other applications. The extremely large number of sequence reads that can be obtained per run permits the analysis of increasingly complex samples. For lower complexity samples, however, a point of diminishing returns is reached when the number of counts per sequence results in oversampling with no increase in data quality. A solution to making next-generation sequencing as efficient and affordable as possible involves assaying multiple samples in a single run. Here, we report the successful 96-plexing of complex pools of DNA barcoded yeast mutants and show that such ‘Bar-seq’ assessment of these samples is comparable with data provided by barcode microarrays, the current benchmark for this application. The cost reduction and increased throughput permitted by highly multiplexed sequencing will greatly expand the scope of chemogenomics assays and, equally importantly, the approach is suitable for other sequence counting applications that could benefit from massive parallelization

    Compartmental Genomics in Living Cells Revealed by Single-Cell Nanobiopsy

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    The ability to study the molecular biology of living single cells in heterogeneous cell populations is essential for next generation analysis of cellular circuitry and function. Here, we developed a single-cell nanobiopsy platform based on scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) for continuous sampling of intracellular content from individual cells. The nanobiopsy platform uses electrowetting within a nanopipette to extract cellular material from living cells with minimal disruption of the cellular milieu. We demonstrate the subcellular resolution of the nanobiopsy platform by isolating small subpopulations of mitochondria from single living cells, and quantify mutant mitochondrial genomes in those single cells with high throughput sequencing technology. These findings may provide the foundation for dynamic subcellular genomic analysis

    Stock assessment of the bony fishes in Iranian coastal waters of the Caspian Sea (2007-2010)

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    In the years 2007-2007, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 the exploitation of bony fishes resources (by 131 beach seines) started on 12 October but finished on 9 April, 9 April and 13 April, respectively. During these periods the total catch of bony fishes were 23537.8, 20045.5 and 18664.8 tonnes, respevtively. During these periods, kutum predominated and represented the highest proportion of total catch at 73.1, 74.0 and 66.9% , followed by golden grey mullet at 18.3, 13.9 and 18.7%, respectively. K values calculated 0.22, 0.15 and 0.14 year-1 and L∞ were 66.0, 62.7 and 70.0 cm for kuttum, golden grey mullet and common carp, respectively. The instantaneous coefficient natural mortality were estimated as 0.386 and 0.35 year-1 for kutum and golden grey mullet, respectively. During three periods, the exploitation rates were 0.789, 0.584 and 0.614 for kutum and 0.71, 0.75 and 0.61 for golden grey mullet, respectively. In the years 2007-2007, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, the total biomass, from the biomass-based cohort analysis were 56600, 62090 and 61590 tonnes for kutum and and MSY estimated about 24733.7 and 8550.4 tones for kuttum and 11040, 11900 and 14460 tonnes for golden grey mullet, respectively. The ABC (acceptable biological catch) were estimated as 8000 and 2200 tonnes