455 research outputs found

    Assessing nitrate levels in the private well water of the Albuquerque and Espanola Basins

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    This study analyzed the nitrate-nitrogen readings from three decades of data provided by the New Mexico Environment Department, New Mexico Tech, Bernalillo County, and the USGS. The purpose of this study was to assess the nitrate-nitrogen levels in the groundwater of the Albuquerque and Española Basin. First the data were compared to a USGS model on nitrate-nitrogen in aquifers of the southwest United States (which include the Albuquerque and Española Basins). Next the data were run through an interpolation model where nitrate-nitrogen levels were calculated for areas of the Albuquerque and Española Basin that had not previously been sampled. Finally, population density for the two basins was incorporated into a map with the NMPWND and with dairy locations in order to locate points of high health concern. The different ways in which the data were analyzed showed that there were areas of both the Albuquerque and Española Basins where the nitrate-nitrogen in the groundwater is very high. The final task found ten areas that should be of high priority for testing in the future, as well as for the need to educate the water users living in those areas

    Rural children are more likely to live in cohabiting-couple households

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    As cohabiting increases nationwide, new data show that the growing rate of children in these households is most pronounced in rural areas. This brief analyzes recent U.S. Census Bureau data to explore these trends and patterns

    A Moderately Intensive Functional Treatment For Severe Auditory Comprehension Deficits Associated with Aphasia

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    Severe, chronic, auditory comprehension deficits secondary to aphasia can adversely impact an individual’s quality of life by limiting successful communication interactions (Bose et al., 2009). Furthermore, individuals lacking awareness of comprehension deficits may be less inclined to compensate for communication breakdowns (Knollman-Porter, Dietz, & Groh, 2012). Interventions utilizing intense and repetitive stimulation are recommended to promote neuroplasticity, and therefore, language function following a stroke (Kleim & Jones, 2008; Kurland et al., 2012). More specifically, highly intensive treatment protocols (two hours a day, five days a week for three weeks) for severe comprehension deficits have demonstrated promising gains in word comprehension and awareness with corrective feedback and researcher-selected stimuli (Knollman-Porter et al., 2012). However, not all clients and caregivers can tolerate intensive treatment protocols. Additionally, the importance of stimuli type, particularly personally relevant stimuli, has been suggested in promoting treatment outcomes (Hinckley & Carr, 2005; McKelvey et al., 2010). Therefore, further research is needed to examine more functional treatment options for individuals with comprehension deficits. This study investigated the impact of a moderately intensive treatment protocol using personally relevant stimuli and corrective feedback on auditory comprehension and self-awareness in individuals with severe, chronic, aphasia

    NH Medicaid Today and Tomorrow Summary Booklet

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    Development and reproducibility of a computed tomography-based measurement of renal sinus fat

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    BACKGROUND: Renal sinus fat may mediate obesity-related vascular disease, although this fat depot has not been assessed in a community-based sample. We sought to develop a protocol to quantify renal sinus fat accumulation using multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT). METHODS: Protocol development was performed in participants in the Framingham Offspring cohort who underwent MDCT. Volumetric renal sinus fat was measured separately within the right and left kidneys, and renal sinus fat area within a single MDCT scan slice was measured in the right kidney. Due to the high correlation of volumetric and single-slice renal sinus fat in the right kidney (Pearson correlation [r] = 0.85, p < 0.0001), we optimized a single-slice protocol to capture renal sinus fat in the right kidney alone. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to compare to assess the correlation of volumetric and single-slice renal sinus fat in the right kidney with other measures of adiposity. Inter- and intra-reader reproducibility was assessed using intra-class correlation coefficients. RESULTS: Single-slice measurements were obtained in 92 participants (mean age 60 years, 49% women, median renal sinus fat 0.43 cm(2)). Intra- and inter-reader intra-class correlation coefficients were 0.93 and 0.86, respectively. Single-slice renal sinus fat was correlated with body mass index (r = 0.35, p = 0.0006), waist circumference (r = 0.31, p = 0.003), and abdominal visceral fat (r = 0.48, p < 0.0001). Similar correlations were observed for volumetric renal sinus fat in the right kidney. CONCLUSIONS: Measuring renal sinus fat is feasible and reproducible using MDCT scans in a community-based sample

    Insecure attachment style is associated with chronic widespread pain

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    Individuals with "insecure" adult attachment styles have been shown to experience more pain than people with secure attachment, though results of previous studies have been inconsistent. We performed a cross-sectional study on a large population-based sample to investigate whether, compared to pain free individuals, subjects with chronic widespread pain were more likely to report insecure adult attachment style. Subjects in a population-based cross-sectional study completed a self-rated assessment of adult attachment style. Attachment style was categorised as secure (i.e., normal attachment style); or preoccupied, dismissing or fearful (insecure attachment styles). Subjects completed a pain questionnaire from which three groups were identified: pain free; chronic widespread pain; and other pain. Subjects rated their pain intensity and pain-related disability on an 11 point Likert scale. Subjects (2509) returned a completed questionnaire (median age 49.9 years (IQR 41.2-50.0); 59.2% female). Subjects with CWP were more likely to report a preoccupied (RRR 2.6; 95%CI 1.8-3.7), dismissing (RRR 1.9; 95%CI 1.2-3.1) or fearful attachment style (RRR 1.4; 95%CI 1.1-1.8) than those free of pain. Among CWP subjects, insecure attachment style was associated with number of pain sites (Dismissing: RRR 2.8; 95%CI 1.2-2.3, Preoccupied: RRR=1.8, 95%CI 0.98-3.5) and degree of pain-related disability (Preoccupied: RRR=2.1, 95%CI 1.0-4.1), but not pain intensity. These findings suggest that treatment strategies based on knowledge of attachment style, possibly using support and education, may alleviate distress and disability in people at risk of, or affected by, chronic widespread pain

    Suffering as a Means to Enhance Experiential Learning

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    Abstract Background: There is a need for nursing curriculum to not only reflect content (the knowing) as an outcome but to also embrace the creation of safe places to foster dialogue (the being) as process; recognizing that both process and outcome are intertwined as pedagogical goals. Challenging students to think about how they would be (ontological), recognizing there are no right or wrong (black and white) answers, that life is often lived in the &quot;grey&quot; can be fostered through narratives as a learning strategy. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the efficacy of a combined teaching and learning strategy (vodcast and narratives) to replace a traditional lecture to enhance experiential learning focusing on the concepts of caring, suffering, and ethical dilemmas. Results: Out of the 135 students enrolled in the course a total of 109 participated in the research study for a response rate of 80.7%. The plural teaching strategy (the vodcast, journal articles, and case studies) introduced for the research study was overwhelmingly beneficial for many students; the opportunity to review the content multiple times, peer inspired content, and convenience to balance school and life responsibilities were seen as advantages by participants. Conclusions: What began as an initial discussion between nursing students (who were struggling to ensure their practice was safe, ethical, and competent) and faculty initiated a journey which provided richness of practice, both education and clinical, to all who were involved. Increased awareness by faculty to intentionally integrate caring, suffering, and ethical dilemmas concepts into a classroom setting may enhance the student&apos;s future practice by preparing them as competent, conscientious, and compassionate nurses

    Can incarcerated felons be (re)integrated into the political system? Results from a field experiment

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    How does America’s high rate of incarceration shape political participation? Few studies have examined the direct effects of incarceration on patterns of political engagement. Answering this question is particularly relevant for the 93% of formerly incarcerated individuals who are eligible to vote. Drawing on new administrative data from Connecticut, we present evidence from a field experiment showing that a simple informational outreach campaign to released felons can recover a large proportion of the reduction in participation observed following incarceration. The treatment effect estimates imply that efforts to reintegrate released felons into the political process can substantially reduce the participatory consequences of incarceration
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