939 research outputs found

    Evolution of Asylum Legislation in the EU: Insights from Regulatory Competition Theory

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    The paper proposes to use regulatory competition theory in order to better understand the evolution of the EU member States' asylum legislation. It argues that regulatory competition theory can explain the rapid trend of legislative amendments from the mid-80's onwards, the progressive yet incomplete convergence of the EU member States' legislation, and the spiral of restrictions of legal norms originally enacted to protect asylum seekers. Competition among legal norms also explains EU Member States' reticence to collaborate and share the burden. The first argument of the paper is that a phenomenon of competition developed because Member States were convinced that generous asylum policies would be a pull factor for asylum seekers. They feared that regulatory arbitrage (i.e. asylum shopping) would lead asylum seekers to select their destination State on the basis of the level of protection offered. States have entered into a process of de-regulation and, because of their interdependence, national measures have become instruments of a general race to externalise. The result has turned out to be negative and corresponds to a 'race-to-the-bottom'. This negative result can be observed at two levels : competition was detrimental to both asylum seekers and States; the rules enacted were suboptimal.The paper then explains why the first cooperation instruments introduced at the end of the 80's and onwards have failed to meet their objective. The effects of cooperation schemes like the Dublin Convention or burden sharing projects are negligible and there was no shift from costly and unilateral aylum policies towards fairer and more efficient collective action. It is an example of cooperation in the shadow of competition.Finally the paper evaluates the communautarisation of the competence to act in the field of asylum. It is unlikely to permit the emergence of a federal and centralised regulation able to change the nature of the game. In conclusion, the paper seeks to assess if a good combination of cooperation and competition is likely to produce 'good' asylum policy in Europe and investigates the 'co-opetition' model promoted by Esty and Gerardin.enlargement; European identity; identity

    Aristippus and Xenophon as Plato’s contemporary literary rivals and the role of gymnastikĂš (ÎłÏ…ÎŒÎœÎ±ÏƒÏ„ÎčÎșÎź)

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    Plato was a Socrates’ friend and disciple, but he wasn’t the only one. No doubt, Socrates had many followers, however, the majority of their work is lost. Was there any antagonism among his followers? Who succeeded in interpreting Socrates? Who could be considered as his successor? Of course, we don’t know if these questions emerged after the death of Socrates, but the Greek doxography suggests that there was a literary rivalry. As we underlined earlier, most unfortunately, we can’t examine all of them thoroughly due to the lack of their work, but we can scrutinize Xenophon’s and Aristippus’ work. All of them, Plato, Xenophon and Aristippus, presented to a certain extent their ideas concerning education. Furthermore, they have not neglected the matter of gymnastikù, but what is exactly the role of physical education in their work? Are there any similarities or any differences between them? Since, Xenophon and Aristippus (as well as Plato) seem to be in favor of gymnastikù, it is necessary to understand its role

    The noise-lovers: cultures of speech and sound in second-century Rome

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    This chapter provides an examination of an ideal of the ‘deliberate speaker’, who aims to reflect time, thought, and study in his speech. In the Roman Empire, words became a vital tool for creating and defending in-groups, and orators and authors in both Latin and Greek alleged, by contrast, that their enemies produced babbling noise rather than articulate speech. In this chapter, the ideal of the deliberate speaker is explored through the works of two very different contemporaries: the African-born Roman orator Fronto and the Syrian Christian apologist Tatian. Despite moving in very different circles, Fronto and Tatian both express their identity and authority through an expertise in words, in strikingly similar ways. The chapter ends with a call for scholars of the Roman Empire to create categories of analysis that move across different cultural and linguistic groups. If we do not, we risk merely replicating the parochialism and insularity of our sources.Accepted manuscrip

    Les Transitions dans le Style d???Eus??be de C??sar??e Apologiste

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    Le texte de la Vie de Pythagore de Porphyre

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    12. Miscellanea Guillaume de Jerphanion (Orientalia Christiana periodica, vol. XIII). Rome, Institut pontifical oriental, 1947

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    Des Places Édouard. 12. Miscellanea Guillaume de Jerphanion (Orientalia Christiana periodica, vol. XIII). Rome, Institut pontifical oriental, 1947. In: Revue des Études Grecques, tome 61, fascicule 284-285, Janvier-juin 1948. pp. 322-324

    13. Bardy (G.). La thĂ©ologie de l'Église, de saint IrĂ©nĂ©e au concile de NicĂ©e. ("Unam Sanctam", 14). Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 1947

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    Des Places Édouard. 13. Bardy (G.). La thĂ©ologie de l'Église, de saint IrĂ©nĂ©e au concile de NicĂ©e. ("Unam Sanctam", 14). Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 1947. In: Revue des Études Grecques, tome 61, fascicule 284-285, Janvier-juin 1948. pp. 324-325

    W. D. Ross, Aristotelis PolĂ­tica

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    des Places Edouard. W. D. Ross, Aristotelis Política. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 27, fasc. 1, 1958. p. 171

    Michael Frede, PrÀdikation und Existenzaussage. Piatons von' ...ist...' und' ...ist nicht...' im Sophistes

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    des Places Edouard. Michael Frede, PrÀdikation und Existenzaussage. Piatons von' ...ist...' und' ...ist nicht...' im Sophistes. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 37, fasc. 2, 1968. p. 680
