283 research outputs found

    Oblique Shocks As The Origin Of Radio To Gamma-ray Variability In AGN

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    The `shock in jet' model for cm-waveband blazar variability is revisited, allowing for arbitrary shock orientation with respect to the jet flow direction, and both random and ordered magnetic field. It is shown that oblique shocks can explain events with swings in polarization position angle much less than the 90 deg. associated with transverse structures, while retaining the general characteristics of outbursts, including spectral behavior and level of peak percentage polarization. Models dominated by a force-free, minimum energy magnetic field configuration (essentially helical) display a shallow rise in percentage polarization and frequency dependent swing in polarization position angle not in agreement with the results of single-dish monitoring observations, implying that the field is predominantly random in the quiescent state. Outbursts well-explained by the `shock in jet' model are present during gamma-ray flaring in several sources, supporting the idea that shock events are responsible for activity from the radio to gamma-ray bands.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Long-term changes in extreme temperatures and precipitation in Spain

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    La creació de les bases de dades de temperatura i precipitació diàries anomenades, respectivament, Spanish Daily Adjusted Temperature Series (SDATS) i Spanish Daily Adjusted Precipitation Series (SDAPS), en el marc del projecte finançat per la Comissió Europea EMULATE (European and North Atlantic daily to MULtidecadal climATE variability), ha permès als autors analitzar el canvi a llarg termini que s'ha produït en el comportament anual dels extrems climàtics a l'Espanya peninsular durant el període 1901-2005. El conjunt de procediments desenvolupats pels autors per tal de crear registres homogenis de la temperatura i de la precipitació diàries són descrits de manera breu abans d'analitzar els canvis observats en l'ocurrència d'extrems climàtics. S'han utilitzat els indicadors se - güents per a dur a terme aquest estudi: excedències dels percentils inferiors i superiors de les temperatures màximes (Tmax) i mínimes (Tmin) diàries, excedències de la precipitació diària per sobre dels percentils 95è i 99è, l'índex simple d'intensitat diària (SDII) i els indicadors d'1 i 5 dies amb la precipitació més alta de l'any. Tant l'anàlisi dels percentils superiors de les temperatures com la dels inferiors mostren que s'ha produït un escalfament important sobre l'Espanya peninsular al llarg del segle XX, i que aquest ha estat més important en les temperatures màximes que en les temperatures mínimes. No obstant això, aquest patró presenta un lleuger canvi en el període més recent d'escalfament, en el qual la tendència d'ambdues variables presenta valors similars. Els canvis en els indicadors pluviomètrics no són tan clars com els estimats per la temperatura, però s'ha detectat una tendència cap a l'ocurrència de pluges més intenses.The development of the Spanish daily adjusted temperature series (SDATS) and the Spanish daily adjusted precipitation series (SDAPS) datasets in the framework of the European Community (EC)-funded project EMULATE (European and North Atlantic daily to MULtidecadal climATE variability) enabled the assessment of long-term annual changes of extreme temperature and precipitation indices over peninsular Spain for the period 1901–2005. Within this framework, a set of procedures was developed to generate long-term (1850–2005) daily adjusted temperature and precipitation series and to use them to assess changes in climatic extremes. The present report describes details of the data employed to analyze the behavior of Spanish climate extremes and discusses the results of investigations into the annual changes in selected indices that occurred during the 20th century: exceedances of upper and lower percentiles of daily maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) temperatures, cold-spell duration index (CSDI), warm-spell duration index (WSDI), daily rainfall (R) exceeding the 95th and 99th percentiles, simple daily intensity index (SDII), and greatest 1- and 5-day total precipitation. Upper and lower temperature percentiles increased during the 20th century over mainland Spain, but changes in daytime extreme temperatures were larger than changes in night-time extreme temperatures. This pattern, however, shifted slightly in the recent period of strong warming, with more similar rates of change among daytime and night-time extreme temperatures. Changes in extreme precipitation indices were not as evident as those in extremetemperature indices, but there was a tendency towards heavier precipitation

    A new daily observational record from Grytviken, South Georgia: exploring 20th century extremes in the South Atlantic

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    Although recent work has highlighted a host of significant late 20th century environmental changes across the mid to high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, the sparse nature of observational records limits our ability to place these changes in the context of long-term (multi-decadal and centennial) variability. Historical records from sub-Antarctic islands offer considerable potential for developing highly resolved records of change. In 1905, a whaling and meteorological station was established at Grytviken on sub-Antarctic South Georgia in the South Atlantic (54°S, 36°W) providing near-continuous daily observations through to present day. Here we report a new, daily observational record of temperature and precipitation from Grytviken, which we compare to regional datasets and historical reanalysis (Twentieth Century Reanalysis; 20CR version 2c). We find a shift towards increasingly warmer daytime extremes commencing from the mid-20th century and accompanied by warmer night-time temperatures, with an average rate of temperature rise of 0.13°C per decade over the period 1907-2016 (p<0.0001). Analysis of these data, and reanalysis products, suggest a change of particular synoptic conditions across the mid to high-latitudes since the mid-20th century, characterised by stronger westerly airflow and associated warm föhn winds across South Georgia. This rapid rate of warming and associated declining habitat suitability has substantial negative implications for biodiversity levels and survival of key marine biota in the region

    The Australia Telescope 20GHz (AT20G) Survey: analysis of the extragalactic source sample

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    The Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) survey is a blind survey of the whole Southern sky at 20 GHz with follow-up observations at 4.8, 8.6, and 20 GHz carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). In this paper we present an analysis of radio spectral properties in total intensity and polarisation, sizes, optical identifications, and redshifts of the sample of the 5808 extragalactic sources in the survey catalogue of confirmed sources over the whole Southern sky excluding the strip at Galactic latitude |b|<1.5deg. The sample has a flux density limit of 40 mJy. Completeness has been measured as a function of scan region and flux density. Averaging over the whole survey area the follow-up survey is 78% complete above 50mJy and 93% complete above 100mJy. 3332 sources with declination <-15deg have good quality almost simultaneous observations at 4.8, 8.6, and 20GHz. The spectral analysis shows that the sample is dominated by flat-spectrum sources. The fraction of flat-spectrum sources decreases from 81% for 20GHz flux densities S>500mJy, to 60% for S<100mJy. There is also a clear spectral steepening at higher frequencies with the median spectral index decreasing from -0.16 between 4.8 and 8.6GHz to -0.28 between 8.6 and 20GHz. Simultaneous observations in polarisation are available for all the sources at all the frequencies. 768 sources have a good quality detection of polarised flux density at 20GHz; 467 of them were also detected in polarisation at 4.8 and/or at 8.6GHz so that it has been possible to compare the spectral behaviour in total intensity and polarisation. We have found that the polarised fraction increases slightly with frequency and decreases with flux density. Cross matches and comparisons have been made with other catalogues at lower radio frequencies, and in the optical, X-ray and gamma-ray bands. Redshift estimates are available for 825 sources.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evidence for increased expression of the Amundsen Sea Low over the South Atlantic during the late Holocene

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    The Amundsen Sea Low (ASL) plays a major role in the climate and environment of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, including surface air temperature and sea ice concentration changes. Unfortunately, a relative dearth of observational data across the Amundsen and Bellingshausen seas prior to the satellite era (post-1979) limits our understanding of the past behaviour and impact of the ASL. The limited proxy evidence for changes in the ASL are primarily restricted to the Antarctic where ice core evidence suggests a deepening of the atmospheric pressure system during the late Holocene. However, no data have previously been reported from the northern side of the ASL. Here we report a high-resolution, multi-proxy study of a 5000-year-long peat record from the Falkland Islands, a location sensitive to contemporary ASL dynamics which modulates northerly and westerly airflow across the southwestern South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. In combination with climate reanalysis, we find a marked period of wetter, colder conditions most likely the result of enhanced southerly airflow between 5000 and 2500 years ago, suggesting limited ASL influence over the region. After 2500 years ago, drier and warmer conditions were established, implying more westerly airflow and the increased projection of the ASL onto the South Atlantic. The possible role of the equatorial Pacific via atmospheric teleconnections in driving this change is discussed. Our results are in agreement with Antarctic ice core records and fjord sediments from the southern South American coast, and suggest that the Falkland Islands provide a valuable location for reconstructing high southern latitude atmospheric circulation changes on multi-decadal to millennial timescales

    Fostering Program Comprehension in Novice Programmers - Learning Activities and Learning Trajectories

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    This working group asserts that Program Comprehension (ProgComp) plays a critical part in the process of writing programs. For example, this paper is written from a basic draft that was edited and revised until it clearly presented our idea. Similarly, a program is written incrementally, with each step tested, debugged and extended until the program achieves its goal. Novice programmers should develop program comprehension skills as they learn to code so that they are able both to read and reason about code created by others, and to reflect on their code when writing, debugging or extending it. To foster such competencies our group identified two main goals: (g1) to collect and define learning activities that explicitly address key components of program comprehension and (g2) to define tentative theoretical learning trajectories that will guide teachers as they select and sequence those learning activities in their CS0/CS1/CS2 or K-12 courses. The WG has completed the first goal and laid down a strong foundation towards the second goal as presented in this report. After a thorough literature review, a detailed description of the Block Model is provided, as this model has been used with a dual purpose, to classify and present an extensive list of ProgComp tasks, and to describe a possible learning trajectory for a complex task, covering different cells of the Block Model matrix. The latter is intended to help instructors to decompose complex tasks and identify which aspects of ProgComp are being fostered

    SAMPLE III SC.02 - Studying, sampling and measuring of Aircraft ParticuLate Emissions III: Specific Contract 02

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    The objectives of this specific contract were: - to provide support to the SAE E-31 in drafting the Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) on the measurement of aircraft engine non-volatile particulate matter (nvPM) mass and number emissions; and - to improve the sampling system that was manufactured during SAMPLE III SC.01 according to the preliminary specifications of the draft ARP, to assess its operating parameters at the SR Technics engine testing facility in Zürich and to perform a comparison with the sampling line installed at this facility. In order to deliver the aforementioned objectives numerous design, experimental and desk based studies were performed: - coordination of and contribution to SAE E-31 meetings and teleconferences; - manufacture of a sampling system to allow remote operation and monitoring and simultaneous sampling within SR Technics test cell; and - conduct numerous piggy back and dedicated engine test campaigns at SR Technics

    The Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) Survey: The Bright Source Sample

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    The Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) Survey is a blind survey of the whole Southern sky at 20 GHz (with follow-up observations at 4.8 and 8.6 GHz) carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) from 2004 to 2007. The Bright Source Sample (BSS) is a complete flux-limited subsample of the AT20G Survey catalogue comprising 320 extragalactic (|b|>1.5 deg) radio sources south of dec = -15 deg with S(20 GHz) > 0.50 Jy. Of these, 218 have near simultaneous observations at 8 and 5 GHz. In this paper we present an analysis of radio spectral properties in total intensity and polarisation, size, optical identifications and redshift distribution of the BSS sources. The analysis of the spectral behaviour shows spectral curvature in most sources with spectral steepening that increases at higher frequencies (the median spectral index \alpha, assuming S\propto \nu^\alpha, decreases from \alpha_{4.8}^{8.6}=0.11 between 4.8 and 8.6 GHz to \alpha_{8.6}^{20}=-0.16 between 8.6 and 20 GHz), even if the sample is dominated by flat spectra sources (85 per cent of the sample has \alpha_{8.6}^{20}>-0.5). The almost simultaneous spectra in total intensity and polarisation allowed us a comparison of the polarised and total intensity spectra: polarised fraction slightly increases with frequency, but the shapes of the spectra have little correlation. Optical identifications provided an estimation of redshift for 186 sources with a median value of 1.20 and 0.13 respectively for QSO and galaxies.Comment: 34 pages, 19 figures, tables of data included, replaced with version published in MNRA

    The Australia Telescope 20 GHz Survey: The Source Catalogue

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    We present the full source catalogue from the Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) Survey. The AT20G is a blind radio survey carried out at 20 GHz with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) from 2004 to 2008, and covers the whole sky south of declination 0 deg. The AT20G source catalogue presented here is an order of magnitude larger than any previous catalogue of high-frequency radio sources, and includes 5890 sources above a 20 GHz flux-density limit of 40 mJy. All AT20G sources have total intensity and polarisation measured at 20 GHz, and most sources south of declination -15 deg also have near-simultaneous flux-density measurements at 5 and 8 GHz. A total of 1559 sources were detected in polarised total intensity at one or more of the three frequencies. We detect a small but significant population of non-thermal sources that are either undetected or have only weak detections in low-frequency catalogues. We introduce the term Ultra-Inverted Spectrum (UIS) to describe these radio sources, which have a spectral index alpha(5, 20) > +0.7 and which constitute roughly 1.2 per cent of the AT20G sample. The 20 GHz flux densities measured for the strongest AT20G sources are in excellent agreement with the WMAP 5-year source catalogue of Wright et al. (2009), and we find that the WMAP source catalogue is close to complete for sources stronger than 1.5 Jy at 23 GHz.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA