31 research outputs found

    Learning Warps Object Representations in the Ventral Temporal Cortex.

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    The human ventral temporal cortex (VTC) plays a critical role in object recognition. Although it is well established that visual experience shapes VTC object representations, the impact of semantic and contextual learning is unclear. In this study, we tracked changes in representations of novel visual objects that emerged after learning meaningful information about each object. Over multiple training sessions, participants learned to associate semantic features (e.g., "made of wood," "floats") and spatial contextual associations (e.g., "found in gardens") with novel objects. fMRI was used to examine VTC activity for objects before and after learning. Multivariate pattern similarity analyses revealed that, after learning, VTC activity patterns carried information about the learned contextual associations of the objects, such that objects with contextual associations exhibited higher pattern similarity after learning. Furthermore, these learning-induced increases in pattern information about contextual associations were correlated with reductions in pattern information about the object's visual features. In a second experiment, we validated that these contextual effects translated to real-life objects. Our findings demonstrate that visual object representations in VTC are shaped by the knowledge we have about objects and show that object representations can flexibly adapt as a consequence of learning with the changes related to the specific kind of newly acquired information.This project has received funding to LKT from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 669820), from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007 - 2013)/ERC Grant agreement n° 249640, and a Guggenheim Fellowship to CR.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from MIT Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_0095

    Adapting effects of emotional expression in anxiety: evidence for an enhanced late positive potential

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    An adaptation paradigm was used to investigate the influence of a previously experienced visual context on the interpretation of ambiguous emotional expressions. Affective classification of fear-neutral ambiguous expressions was performed following repeated exposure to either fearful or neutral faces. There was a shift in the behavioural classification of morphs towards ‘fear’ following adaptation to neutral compared to adaptation to fear with a non-significant trend towards the high anxiety group compared to the low being more influenced by the context. The event-related potential (ERP) data revealed a more pronounced late positive potential (LPP), beginning at ~400 ms post-stimulus onset, in the high but not the low anxiety group following adaptation to neutral compared to fear. In addition, as the size of the behavioural adaptation increased there was a linear increase in the magnitude of the late-LPP. However, context-sensitivity effects are not restricted to trait anxiety, with similar effects observed with state anxiety and depression. These data support the proposal that negative moods are associated with increased sensitivity to visual contextual influences from top-down elaborative modulations, as reflected in an enhanced late positive potential deflection

    Evaluation of a national smoke-free prisons policy using medication dispensing: an interrupted time-series analysis

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    Background Internationally, smoking prevalence among people in prison custody (ie, people on remand awaiting trial, awaiting sentencing, or serving a custodial sentence) is high. In Scotland, all prisons implemented a comprehensive smoke-free policy in 2018 after a 16-month anticipatory period. In this study, we aimed to use data on medication dispensing to assess the impact of this policy on cessation support, health outcomes, and potential unintended consequences among people in prison custody. Methods We did an interrupted time-series analysis using dispensing data for 44 660 individuals incarcerated in 14 closed prisons in Scotland between March 30, 2014, and Nov 30, 2019. We estimated changes in dispensing rates associated with the policy announcement (July 17, 2017) and full implementation (Nov 30, 2018) using seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models. Medication categories of primary interest were treatments for nicotine dependence (as an indicator of smoking cessation or abstinence attempts), acute smoking-associated illnesses, and mental health (antidepressants). We included antiepileptic medications as a negative control. Findings A 44% step increase in dispensing of treatments for nicotine dependence was observed at implementation (2250 items per 1000 people in custody per fortnight, 95% CI 1875 to 2624) due primarily to a 42% increase in dispensing of nicotine replacement therapy (2109 items per 1000 people in custody per fortnight, 1701 to 2516). A 9% step decrease in dispensing for smoking-related illnesses was observed at implementation, largely accounted for by respiratory medications (−646 items per 1000 people in custody per fortnight, −1111 to −181). No changes associated with announcement or implementation were observed for mental health dispensing or antiepileptic medications (control). Interpretation Smoke-free prison policies might improve respiratory health among people in custody and encourage smoking abstinence or cessation without apparent short-term adverse effects on mental health dispensing

    How Psychological Stress Affects Emotional Prosody

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    We explored how experimentally induced psychological stress affects the production and recognition of vocal emotions. In Study 1a, we demonstrate that sentences spoken by stressed speakers are judged by naive listeners as sounding more stressed than sentences uttered by non-stressed speakers. In Study 1b, negative emotions produced by stressed speakers are generally less well recognized than the same emotions produced by non-stressed speakers. Multiple mediation analyses suggest this poorer recognition of negative stimuli was due to a mismatch between the variation of volume voiced by speakers and the range of volume expected by listeners. Together, this suggests that the stress level of the speaker affects judgments made by the receiver. In Study 2, we demonstrate that participants who were induced with a feeling of stress before carrying out an emotional prosody recognition task performed worse than non-stressed participants. Overall, findings suggest detrimental effects of induced stress on interpersonal sensitivity

    Teaching Access, or Freedom of Information Law

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    Based on the author\u27s experience developing and administering the course and materials, this article provides an introduction and resources to teach a graduate journalism or professional law school course on access to government, commonly called freedom of information law , which may be constructed as a capstone course in law school. The appendices provide supporting material and references

    The first OSCE; Does students' experience of performing in public affect their results? Assessment and evaluation of admissions, knowledge, skills and attitudes

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    Background: Personal qualities have been shown to affect students' exam results. We studied the effect of experience, and level, of public performance in music, drama, dance, sport, and debate at the time of admission to medical school as a predictor of student achievement in their first objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Methods: A single medical school cohort (n=265) sitting their first clinical exam in 2011 as third year students were studied. Pre-admission statements made at the time of application were coded for their stated achievements in the level of public performance; participation in each activity was scored 0-3, where 0 was no record, 1=leisure time activity, 2=activity at school or local level, 3=activity at district, regional or national level. These scores were correlated to OSCE results by linear regression and t-test. Comparison was made between the highest scoring students in each area, and students scoring zero by t-test. Results: There was a bell shaped distribution in public performance score in this cohort. There was no significant linear regression relationship between OSCE results and overall performance score, or between any subgroups. There was a significant difference between students with high scores in theatre, debate and vocal music areas, grouped together as verbal performance, and students scoring zero in these areas. (p<0.05, t-test) with an effect size of 0.4. Conclusions: We found modest effects from pre-admission experience of verbal performance on students' scores in the OSCE examination. As these data are taken from students' admission statements, we call into question the received wisdom that such statements are unreliable


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    This study contributes to the literature on supply-side adjustments to insurance expansions by examining the effect of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on ambulance response times. Exploiting temporal and geographic variation in the implementation of the ACA as well as pre-treatment differences in uninsured rates, we estimate that the expansions of private and Medicaid coverage under the ACA combined to slow ambulance response times by an average of 19%. We conclude that, through extending coverage to individuals who, in its absence, would not have availed themselves of emergency medical services, the ACA added strain to emergency response systems

    Phenome-wide association analysis of LDL-cholesterol lowering genetic variants in PCSK9

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    Abstract: Background: We characterised the phenotypic consequence of genetic variation at the PCSK9 locus and compared findings with recent trials of pharmacological inhibitors of PCSK9. Methods: Published and individual participant level data (300,000+ participants) were combined to construct a weighted PCSK9 gene-centric score (GS). Seventeen randomized placebo controlled PCSK9 inhibitor trials were included, providing data on 79,578 participants. Results were scaled to a one mmol/L lower LDL-C concentration. Results: The PCSK9 GS (comprising 4 SNPs) associations with plasma lipid and apolipoprotein levels were consistent in direction with treatment effects. The GS odds ratio (OR) for myocardial infarction (MI) was 0.53 (95% CI 0.42; 0.68), compared to a PCSK9 inhibitor effect of 0.90 (95% CI 0.86; 0.93). For ischemic stroke ORs were 0.84 (95% CI 0.57; 1.22) for the GS, compared to 0.85 (95% CI 0.78; 0.93) in the drug trials. ORs with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) were 1.29 (95% CI 1.11; 1.50) for the GS, as compared to 1.00 (95% CI 0.96; 1.04) for incident T2DM in PCSK9 inhibitor trials. No genetic associations were observed for cancer, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or Alzheimer’s disease – outcomes for which large-scale trial data were unavailable. Conclusions: Genetic variation at the PCSK9 locus recapitulates the effects of therapeutic inhibition of PCSK9 on major blood lipid fractions and MI. While indicating an increased risk of T2DM, no other possible safety concerns were shown; although precision was moderate

    Cross-emotion facial expression aftereffects

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    Increasing evidence suggests that the visual representations of different emotional facial expressions overlap. Here we used an adaptation paradigm to investigate overlap of anger, disgust and fear expressions. In Experiment 1, participants categorized faces morphed from neutral to anger or neutral to disgust after adaptation to expressions of anger, disgust, and fear. Adaptation to expressions of both anger and disgust was found to bias perception of anger expressions away from anger. For disgust expressions, adaptation to disgust biased perception away from disgust, whereas fear adaptation biased perception towards disgust. Adaptation to anger had no measurable effect. In Experiment 2, covering the mouth-region of the disgust adaptation face was found to severely diminish the disgust-anger aftereffect, whereas covering the nose- or eye-region had no effect. In Experiment 3, a substantial anger-anger aftereffect was found when the mouth-region of the anger face was covered; indicating that the results of Experiment 2 are not an artefact of the stimuli and procedures used. These results indicate that the visual representations of anger, disgust and fearful expressions overlap to a considerable degree. Furthermore, the nature of this overlap appears related to their communicative functions

    Adaptation effects of emotional expressions in anxiety: evidence for an enhanced late positive potential

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    Prolonged exposure to a stimulus biases perception of a subsequent stimulus away from the adapting stimulus (Clifford & Rhodes, 2005). These aftereffects have been observed with a wide variety of stimuli, including facial identity (Rhodes & Jeffery, 2006) and emotional facial expression (e.g., Webster et al., 2004). In the current experiment, we used this paradigm to examine the effect of anxiety on the perception of emotional expression. Photographs of a male and a female model from the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces set (KDEF; Lundqvist et al. 1998) were selected and a series of morphs created by interpolating a fear exemplar with a neutral exemplar for each model. A pilot study established a range of morphed expressions falling on either side of the fear/neutral boundary, and these were then used in the main study. There were 16 adaptation blocks in the experiment proper, and each block began with an adapting phase in which participants viewed (and categorized) 35 presentations of one endpoint from the morph continuum. This was immediately followed by a test phase, during which participants viewed and categorized 33 images of the same model (8 dummy trials, 5 top-up trials and 20 test trials – 10 from either side of the categorical boundary). We predicted that all test trials would be perceived as having an emotional expression opposite to that of the adapting stimulus (e.g., adaptation to fear would produce ‘neutral’ classifications for the test stimuli that were originally on the ‘fear’ side of the boundary). EEG was recorded using a NeuroScan NuAmps system, and stimulus presentation was controlled using E-Prime. An analysis of the behavioural classification data revealed that adaptation to fear created a shift in the classification of morphs towards ‘neutral’ and adaptation to neutral created a shift towards ‘fear’. This shift was equivalent in high and low anxiety. An analysis of the ERP data, however, revealed a more pronounced late positive potential in the high, but not the low, anxiety group following adaptation to neutral compared to fear, and this effect was particularly enhanced for male than female expressions