208 research outputs found

    Contenido de aminoácidos libres en frutos de chirimoyo durante la maduración

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    El chirimoyo es un fruto tropical que crece en algunos países de América y en una serie de selectivas áreas del sur de España, siendo una fuente rica de aminoácidos libres. Los efectos de las temperaturas después de la postrecolección de este fruto han sido estudiadas. La firmeza del fruto se ha determinado con un medidor de textura y los aminoácidos libres se determinaron por cromatografía en columna de intercambio iónico, utilizando un autoanalizador de aminoácidos. El chirimoyo se caracterizó por un alto contenido en prolina y citrulina. El ácido glutámico y la glutamina estaban también presentes pero en pequeñas cantidades. La citrulina y la prolina se incrementaron durante la maduración; el aumento dependió de la temperatura de almacenamiento

    Changes in the content of free amino acids In cherimoya fruits at various ripening temperatures

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    The variations in the content of free amino acids in fruits during ripening is a matter of interest since these compounds are related to their flavour, taste and structure. This study was designed to determine the changes of free amino acids in ripening cherimoya fruits (Annona cherimolia var. Fino de Jete, evaluating the influence of the storage temperature afier harvesting. Methanolic fruit extracts of epicarp and mesocarp were used for quantification of free amino acids which were analyzed by ion-exchange chromatography. Citrulline and proline were detected in relatively high amounts. Glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, asparagine and the non proteinogenic taurine, y-aminobutyric and y-aminoadipic acids were found in concentrations that varied between 2-6% of the total free amino acids content. Ripening increased the contents of amino acids, mainly proline, citrulline and glutamate when cherimoya storage at 20 oC or 80 oC. These increases did not occur when the storage temperature was maintained at 4 oC suggesting that chilling injury markedly affects the synthesis pathway of proline from glutamateLas variaciones en el contenido de aminoácidos libres en frutos durante la maduración es un tema de interés debido a la relación de estos compuestos con su olor, sabor y estructura. Este estudio se ha diseñado para determinar los cambios en aminoácidos libres durante la maduración de los frutos del chirimoyo (Annona cherimolia varo Fino de Jete), evaluando la influencia de la temperatura de almacenamiento después de la recolección. Extractos metanólicos de epicarpio y mesocarpio del fruto se usaron para la cuantificación de los aminoácidos libres, los cuales fueron analizados por cromatografia de intercambio iónico. Citrulina y prolina se detectaron en cantidades relativamente altas. Glutamato, glutamine, aspartato, asparragina y los no proteinogenéticos taurina, ácido y-aminobutírico y ácido Y-aminoadípico fueron encontrados en concentraciones que variaron entre 2-6% del total del contenido de aminoácidos libres. La maduración incrementó el contenido de aminoácidos, sobre todo de prolina, citrulina y glutamato, cuando los chirimoyos se almacenaron a 20 oC o 8 oc. Este incremento no ocurrió cuando la temperatura de almacenamiento se mantuvo a 4 oC, sugiriendo que el daño por frío afecta marcadamente a la vía de síntesis de la prolina a partir de glutamat

    The Right Tool for the Job: Detection of Soil-Transmitted Helminths in Areas Co-endemic for Other Helminths

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    Due to the recent increased use of the McMaster (MM) fecal egg counting method for assessing benzimidazole drug efficacy for treating soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections, the aim of the current study was to determine the operational value of including the MM method alongside the Kato-Katz (KK) fecal thick smear to increase the diagnostic sensitivity when STHs are co-endemic with trematode helminths (e.g., Schistosoma mansoni). Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in school-aged children aged 4-18 years in the northeastern region of the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil), where Necator americanus, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and S. mansoni are co-endemic. One fecal sample from each participant was collected and transported to the field laboratory for analysis. Coprological diagnosis was performed on each fecal sample by three different methods: Formalin-Ether Sedimentation (FES), KK and the MM technique. The diagnostic sensitivity and negative predictive value (NPV) of each technique was calculated using the combination of all three techniques as the composite standard. In order to determine the agreement between the three techniques Fleiss´ kappa was used. Both the Cure Rate (CR) and the Fecal Egg Count Reduction (FECR) were calculated using the two quantification techniques (i.e., the MM and KK). Results Fecal samples from 1260 children were analyzed. The KK had higher diagnostic sensitivity than the MM for the detection of both A. lumbricoides (KK 97.3%, MM 69.5%) and hookworm (KK 95.1%, MM 80.8%). The CR of a single dose of mebendazole varied significantly between the KK and MM for both A. lumbricoides (p = 0.016) and hookworm (p = 0.000), with lower rates obtained with the KK. On the other hand, the FECR was very similar between both techniques for both A. lumbricoides and hookworm. Conclusion The MM did not add any diagnostic value over the KK in areas where both STHs and trematodes were co-endemic. The lower sensitivity of the MM would have an important impact on the administration of selective school-based treatment in this area since if only the MM were used, 36 (13.9%) children diagnosed with A. lumbricoides would have gone untreated. Author Summary Diagnosis of intestinal helminths and Schistosoma mansoni infections is based on the detection of eggs in feces. There are many techniques available for both detection and quantification of infection. For the quantification of helminth infections, the methods traditionally used are the Kato-Katz (KK) fecal think smear in humans, and the McMaster (MM) counting method in animals. Recently, the MM has been used for assessing the efficacy of benzimidazole drugs for treating soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections in humans. In most parts of the world, however, STHs occur simultaneously with other helminth species, and the MM does not detect other helminth eggs. Therefore, in this study we sought to determine if the use of the MM in an area of Brazil were both STHs and S. mansoni are co-endemic, added any value to the current standard of diagnosis using the KK

    Contenido de aminoácidos libres en frutos de chirimoyo durante la maduración

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    Cherimoya, a subtropical fruit growing in sorne American countries and restricted areas of the south of Spain, is one of the richest sources of free amino acids. The effects of post-harvest temperatures on the texture and free amino acid profile of this fruit were studied. Fruit firmness was determined with a pressure tester, and free amino acids were measured by ion-exchange colum chromatography using an automatic amino acid analyzer. Cherimoya was characterized by high contents of proline and citrulline. Glutamic acid and glutamine were also present but at lower levels. Citrulline and proline increased during ripening; the increases depended on the temperature of storage.El chirimoyo es un fruto tropical que crece en algunos países de América y en una serie de selectivas áreas del sur de España, siendo una fuente rica de aminoácidos libres. Los efectos de las temperaturas después de la postrecolección de este fruto han sido estudiadas. La firmeza del fruto se ha determinado con un medidor de textura y los aminoácidos libres se determinaron por cromatografía en columna de intercambio iónico, utilizando un autoanalizador de aminoácidos. El chirimoyo se caracterizó por un alto contenido en prolina y citrulina. El ácido glutámico y la glutamina estaban también presentes pero en pequeñas cantidades. La citrulina y la prolina se incrementaron durante la maduración; el aumento dependió de la temperatura de almacenamiento

    A new method to trace colloid transport pathways in macroporous soils using X‐ray computed tomography and fluorescence macrophotography

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    The fast and deep percolation of particles through soil is attributed to preferential flow pathways, and their extent can be critical in the filtering of particulate pollutants in soil. Particle deposition on the pore walls and transport between the pores and matrix modulate the preferential flow of particulate pollutants. In the present research, we developed a novel method of combining fluorescence macrophotography and X‐ray computed tomography (CT) to track preferential pathways of colloidal fluorescent microspheres (MS) in breakthrough experiments. We located accumulations of MS by fluorescence imaging and used them to delimit the deposition structures along the preferential colloid pathways by superimposing these images on the 3‐D pore network obtained from CT. Advection–diffusion with transport parameters from the dual‐porosity equation correlated with preferential pathway features across different soil management techniques. However, management did not influence the morphology of the MS preferential pathways. Preferential flow occurred in only a small fraction of the total pore network and was controlled by pores connected to the soil surface and by matrix density

    Microproteinuria during Opisthorchis viverrini infection: A biomarker for advanced renal and hepatobiliary pathologies from chronic Opisthorchiasis

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    Approximately 680 million people are at risk of infection with Opisthorchis viverrini (OV) andClonorchis sinensis, with an estimated 10 million infected with OV in Southeast Asia alone. While opisthorchiasis is associated with hepatobiliary pathologies, such as advanced periductal fibrosis (APF) and cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), animal models of OV infection show that immune-complex glomerulonephritis is an important renal pathology that develops simultaneously with hepatobiliary pathologies. A cardinal sign of immune-complex glomerulonephritis is the urinary excretion of immunoglobulin G (IgG) (microproteinuria). In community-based studies in OV endemic areas along the Chi River in northeastern Thailand, we observed that over half of the participants had urine IgG against a crude OV antigen extract (OV antigen). We also observed that elevated levels of urine IgG to OV antigen were not associated with the intensity of OV infection, but were likely the result of immune-complex glomerulonephritis as seen in animal models of OV infection. Moreover, we observed that urine IgG to OV antigen was excreted at concentrations 21 times higher in individuals with APF and 158 times higher in individuals with CCA than controls. We also observed that elevated urine IgG to OV antigen could identify APF+ and CCA+ individuals from non-cases. Finally, individuals with urine IgG to OV antigen had a greater risk of APF as determined by Odds Ratios (OR = 6.69; 95%CI: 2.87, 15.58) and a greater risk of CCA (OR = 71.13; 95%CI: 15.13, 334.0) than individuals with no detectable level of urine IgG to OV antigen. Herein, we show for the first time the extensive burden of renal pathology in OV endemic areas and that a urine biomarker could serve to estimate risk for both renal and hepatobiliary pathologies during OV infection, i.e., serve as a “syndromic biomarker” of the advanced pathologies from opisthorchiasis

    An opinion paper: emphasis on white muscle development and growth to improve farmed fish flesh quality

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    Due to rapid depletion of wild stocks, the necessity to cultivate fish is eminent. Current fish farming practices seek to improve flesh quality. The notion that white muscles are the main target of the fishing industry is emphasized. A novel approach is suggested based on the development of white muscles in wild fish from eggs to adults. A compilation of facts about white muscle structure, function and ontogeny is followed by an account of the changes in swimming behaviour and performance related to the use of white muscle during growth from larva to adult. Ecological data narrate early swimming performance with white muscle development and growth, unveiling some of the important natural selection factors eliminating weak swimmers and poor growers from the breeding stock. A comparison between fish culture practise and natural conditions reveals fundamental differences. New approaches following wild breeding processes promise several important advantages regarding the quality of white muscle

    A comprehensive review on carotenoids in foods and feeds: status quo, applications, patents, and research needs

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    Carotenoids are isoprenoids widely distributed in foods that have been always part of the diet of humans. Unlike the other so-called food bioactives, some carotenoids can be converted into retinoids exhibiting vitamin A activity, which is essential for humans. Furthermore, they are much more versatile as they are relevant in foods not only as sources of vitamin A, but also as natural pigments, antioxidants, and health-promoting compounds. Lately, they are also attracting interest in the context of nutricosmetics, as they have been shown to provide cosmetic benefits when ingested in appropriate amounts. In this work, resulting from the collaborative work of participants of the COST Action European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health (EUROCAROTEN, www.eurocaroten.eu, https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA15136/#tabs|Name:overview) research on carotenoids in foods and feeds is thoroughly reviewed covering aspects such as analysis, carotenoid food sources, carotenoid databases, effect of processing and storage conditions, new trends in carotenoid extraction, daily intakes, use as human, and feed additives are addressed. Furthermore, classical and recent patents regarding the obtaining and formulation of carotenoids for several purposes are pinpointed and briefly discussed. Lastly, emerging research lines as well as research needs are highlighted.This article is based upon work from COST Action (European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health, EUROCAROTEN, CA15136, www.eurocaroten.eu, https://www. cost.eu/actions/CA15136/#tabsjName:overview) supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, http://www.cost. eu/).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Comparison of the Sensitivity and Fecal Egg Counts of the McMaster Egg Counting and Kato-Katz Thick Smear Methods for Soil-Transmitted Helminths

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    Currently, in public health, the reduction in the number of eggs excreted in stools after drug administration is used to monitor the efficacy of drugs against parasitic worms. Yet, studies comparing diagnostic methods for the enumeration of eggs in stool are few. We compared the Kato-Katz thick smear (Kato-Katz) and McMaster egg counting (McMaster) methods, which are commonly used diagnostic methods in public and animal health, respectively, for the diagnosis and enumeration of eggs of roundworms, whipworms and hookworms in 1,536 stool samples from children in five trials across Africa, Asia and South America. The Kato-Katz method was the most sensitive for the detection of roundworms, but there was no significant difference in sensitivity between the methods for hookworms and whipworms. The sensitivity of the methods differed across the trials and magnitude of egg counts. The Kato-Katz method resulted in significantly higher egg counts, but these were subject to lack of accuracy caused by intrinsic properties of this method. McMaster provided more reliable estimates of drug efficacies. We conclude that the McMaster is an alternative method for monitoring large-scale treatment programs. It allows accurate monitoring of drug efficacy and can be easily performed under field conditions

    Impact of the “Law on promotion of personal autonomy and care for people dependent” in population with severe mental disorder

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    Law 39/2006, known as Dependence Law, has generated skepticism since its approval, for being focused on dependancy and barely promoting personal autonomy, treating it as a secondary issue. As it relates to people with severe mental disorder, a major concern to mental health professional organizations and family associations has been the compatibility of the law with the services provided by the National health service and whether the established selection criteria for qualifying for the service fits the needs of this group. This article reflects the work done across several Spanish autonomous regions by different professionals in an attempt to convince the administration to make the necessary adjustment to suit the characteristics of people with serious mental disorders. After discussing its strengths and weaknesses, it outlines three different ways to offset their risks in three different regions, Extremadura, Andalucia and Madrid. Finally it addresses the key aspects of the law which need to be worked on, in order to become a benefit for people with severe mental disorder, and not a barrierLa Ley 39/2006, conocida como Ley de Dependencia, ha generado, desde su aprobación, desconfianza por estar enfocada a la atención a la dependencia, siendo la promoción de la autonomía personal un elemento apenas desarrollado y secundario. En el caso de las personas con trastorno mental grave, lo que mayor preocupación ha causado a las organizaciones de profesionales de la salud mental y a las asociaciones de familiares ha sido la compatibilidad de dicha Ley con las prestaciones del Sistema Nacional de Salud y si el baremo establecido se ajustaba a las necesidades de este colectivo. Este artículo recoge el trabajo realizado desde diferentes comunidades autónomas por diferentes profesionales en un intento de, tras un análisis de la Ley, plantear a la administración responsable de la misma el necesario ajuste para adaptarla a las características de las personas con trastorno mental grave. Se analizan, en primer lugar, sus fortalezas y debilidades. Posteriormente se exponen tres formas diferentes de contrarrestar sus riesgos, en tres comunidades autónomas diferentes, Extremadura, Andalucía y Madrid. Finalmente se dan las claves de los aspectos de la Ley sobre los que hay que seguir trabajando para que sea una oportunidad para las personas con trastorno mental grave, y no una barrer