45 research outputs found

    Neraberaroan adimen emozionala hobetzeko programa baten ebaluazioa

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    348 p.ABSTRACT Currently, academic research attention is focused on the importance of implementing psycho-educational programmes which promote socio-emotional development, life skills, etc. with the aim of preventing society¿s problems (such as bullying, depression, stress, etc.) as well as to strengthen health protection factors. In this way, this study had two objectives: 1) to evaluate the effects of a programme to improve emotional intelligence; and 2) to explore whether the programme results were affected differentially by gender and socio-economic level. The sample comprised 148 adolescents (between 13-16 years old). The study used a quasi-experimental design with repeated pretest¿posttest measures and control groups. Twelve assessment instruments were administered before and after the programme, as well as in the follow-up phase one year after the intervention concluded. The pretest¿posttest ANCOVAs showed that the programme significantly increased emotional intelligence, positive social behaviours, assertive cognitive social interaction strategies, empathy, internal anger control, ability to analyze negative feelings and subjective perception of change, whilst psychosomatic symptoms decreased in experimental participants. These results remained stable in the follow-up phase, except for social behaviours and anger control. Moreover, variables that did not significantly improve at the posttest such as negative social behaviours, happiness, aggressive strategies of social interaction, stress management and emotional instability did improve significantly at the follow-up phase. Overall, no significant differences were found by gender or socio-economic level. The importance of implementing programmes to promote socio-emotional development has been discussed. LABURPENA Egun, garapen sozioemozionala, bizitzarako gaitasunak¿ bultzatzen dituzten esku-hartze psikoedukatiboak ezartzearen garrantzia indarra hartzen ari da. Izan ere, modu honetan gizartean dauden arazoei (bullying-a, depresioa, estresa¿) aurre egin eta osasuna babesten duten faktoreak indartzen dira. Hau kontuan harturik, ikerketa honek bi helburu izan zituen: 1) adimen emozionala hobetzeko programa baten efektuak ebaluatu; eta 2) programak eragindako efektuak genero eta maila sozioekonomikoaren arabera aldatzen diren aztertzea. Lagina, 148 nerabek osatu zuten (13-16 urte). Ikerketak pretest-postest neurri errepikatuko diseinu kuasi-esperimentala erabili zuen kontrol taldeekin. Hamabi ebaluazio tresna erabili ziren pretest eta postest faseetan, baita urtebete beranduago burutu zen segimendu fasean ere. Pretest-postest ANOVA emaitzek erakutsi zuten programak esanguratsuki hobetu zituela adimen emozionala, jokaera sozial positiboak, interakzio sozialetako estrategia kognitibo asertiboak, enpatia, amorruaren barne kontrola, sentimendu negatiboak aztertzeko gaitasuna eta aldaketaren hautemate subjetiboa. Gainera, esku-hartzeak sintoma psikosomatikoak gutxitu zituen. Aldi berean, emaitzek baieztatu zuten programak antzeko eragina izan zuela bi sexuetan eta maila sozioekonomiko desberdinetan. Emaitza hauek egonkor mantendu ziren segimendu fasean, jokaera sozial eta amorruaren barne kontrolaren salbuespenekin. Bestalde, postestean esanguratsuki hobetu ez ziren aldagai batzuk, jokaera sozial negatiboak, zoriontasuna, interakzio sozialetako estrategia kognitibo asertiboak,estresaren maneiua eta desoreka emozionala hain zuzen ere, nabarmenki hobetu ziren segimenduan. Orokorrean ez zen desberdintasun esanguratsurik aurkitu genero eta maila sozioekonomikoaren arabera. Eztabaidan garapen sozioemozionala hobetzeko programak ezartzearen garrantziaz hitz egiten da. EXTRACTO/RESUMEN Actualmente se está enfatizando la importancia de implementar programas psicoeducativos que fomenten el desarrollo socioemocional, las habilidades para la vida¿ con la finalidad de prevenir problemas actuales de nuestra sociedad (bullying, depresión, estrés¿) así como de potenciar factores protectores de la salud. CCon esta contextualización, este estudio tuvo dos objetivos: 1) evaluar los efectos de un programa que fomenta la inteligencia emocional; y 2) explorar si el programa afectó diferencialmente en función del género y el nivel socioeconómico. La muestra se configuró con 148 adolescentes (13-16 años). El estudio utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental de medidas repetidas pretest-postest con grupos de control. Se administraron 12 instrumentos de evaluación antes y después del programa así como en el seguimiento un año después de concluir la intervención. Los ANCOVAs pretest-postest evidenciaron que el programa significativamente aumentó en los participantes experimentales la inteligencia emocional, las conductas sociales positivas, las estrategias asertivas de interacción social, la empatía, el control interno de la ira, la capacidad de analizar sentimientos negativos y la percepción subjetiva del cambio, disminuyendo los síntomas psicosomáticos. Estos resultados se mantuvieron en la fase de seguimiento con la excepción de las conductas sociales y el control de la ira. Por otra parte, variables que no mejoraron significativamente en el postest como las conductas sociales negativas, la felicidad, las estrategias agresivas de interacción, el manejo del estrés y la inestabilidad emocional, mejoraron en la fase de seguimiento. En general no se encontraron diferencias significativas en función del género ni el nivel socioeconómico. El debate plantea la importancia de implementar programas para fomentar el desarrollo socioemocional

    The post-modern individual in Yorgos Lanthimos’ cinema

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    En el año 2018 Yorgos Lanthimos recibió diez nominaciones a los premios Oscar gracias a su película The Favourite. Además de eso, el autor también se ha convertido en un habitual en el Festival de Cannes. Estos premios suponen un gran reconocimiento, y más aún cuando hablamos de un director alternativo que proviene de una Grecia sumida en la más profunda crisis económica. El presente trabajo analiza las películas de Lanthimos y reflexiona sobre el retrato que hace el autor del individuo posmoderno. Identifica los rasgos y características comunes que se repiten a lo largo de su filmografía y a partir de su análisis invita a meditar sobre el individuo y el sistema capitalista actual. Entre los resultados, se destaca que en la sociedad contemporánea posmoderna el individuo ha sufrido un fuerte proceso de alienación. La identidad propia ha sido negada y las relaciones románticas han sido convertidas en una fuente de placer inmediata y desechable. El sexo se ha convertido en una mercancía. El lenguaje ha mostrado su inutilidad a la hora de crear lazos afectivos entre personas y de dar sentido a la realidad y se ha convertido en una herramienta con la que los poderosos mantienen a sus súbditos bajo control. Como consecuencia, los individuos no consiguen conectar entre ellos y a falta de un objetivo común se encuentran aislados y solos.In 2018, Yorgos Lanthimos’ film The Favourite received 10 Oscar nominations. The director also became a regular in Cannes. These awards are a great recognition of Lanthimos' success, and are even more poignant for an alternative filmmaker who started in crisis-hit Greece. This work analyses Lanthimos’ films and deliberates about the portrait the author makes of the post-modern individual. It identifies the common characteristics throughout its filmography and from those observations it invites meditation on the current capitalist system. It argues that in contemporary post-modern society individuals have suffered a strong alienating process in which subjectivity has been denied. Romantic relationships have become an immediate and disposable source of pleasure and sex has become a consumable good. Language has shown its inefficiency in creating emotional ties between people and also in its purpose of making sense of reality and it has become a tool for the powerful to keep their subjects under control. As a consequence, individuals are unable to connect with each other and in the absence of a common goal they find themselves completely isolated and alone

    Nerabeeri gaitasun sozial eta emozionalak garatzeko programak: berrikusketa

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    Introduction: since the use of the term emotional intelligence (El) in 1990, this concept has gained ground by showing to be related to relevant aspects of life such as health, well-being and interpersonal relationships. The interest aroused by this construct has provoked the creation of several programs in arder to develop socioemotional abilities. Objectives: the main aim of this study has been to review the El programs' scientific literature. In particular, the review focuses on evidence-based programs. Method: bibliographic searches of books (ISBN) as well as searches in PsycINFO, ERIC, Scopus and Google Scholar have been conducted. These searches have focused on the material published until 2015 and the terms used have been emotional intelligence, sociallemotional skills, program and adolescence. Results: 32 programs have been found. 6 of them develop El. The other 26 are aimed to promote social and emotional skills. By analysing these programs, the following aspects have been taken into account: programs' denomination, authors, participants, objectives, components, study design, instruments and results. Such results show that the programs that develop El and/or socioemotional skills, in addition to improving these variables, also promote academic performance, empathy, self-esteem, behaviour self-control, conflict resolution, well-being and mental health; while decreasing delinquency, drug abuse, anxiety, stress and somatization tendency. Discussion: the aforementioned results obtained reveal the importance of implementing evidence-based intervention programs in arder to promote the social and emotional development of adolescents.; Introduction: depuis l'utilisation du terme intelligence émotionnelle (IE) en 1990, le concept afait son chemin et a montré étre lié a des facteurs aussi pertinents que la santé, le bien-étre et les relations interpersonnelles. L'intérêt suscité par cette variable a provoqué la création de nombreux programmes pour améliorer des compétences socio-émotionnelles. Objectifs: l'objectif de ce projet a été revoir la littérature scientifique des programmes pour développer les programmes d'IE. En particulier, la révision a porté sur les programmes qui l'ont fait évaluer. Méthode: des recherches bibliographiques (ISBN) ainsi que des recherches sur PsycINFO, ERJC, Scopus et Google Académico ont été réalisées. Ces recherches ont porté sur des documents publiés jusqu'en 2015 et les mots utilisés ont été l'intelligence émotionnelle, compétences sociales/émotionnelles, programme et adolescence.Résultats: 32 programmes ont été trouvés. 6 de ces programmes développent l'intelligence émotionnelle. Les autres 26 programmes ont pour finalité le développement de compétences émotionnelles. Enanalysant ces programmes, la dénomination du programme, les auteurs, les participants, les objectifs et les components du programme, la conception de recherche, les instruments et les résultats ont été pris en compte. Les résultats mettent en évidence que les programmes pour améliorer l'IE et les compétences socio émotionnelles, ainsi que leurs variables, améliorent aussi les résultats scolaires, l 'empathie, l 'estime de soi, l'autocontróle de la conduite, la résolution des problemes, le bien-être et la santé mentale; en même temps qu'ils diminuent la délinquance, la consommation de drogues, l'anxiété, le stress et la tendance pour la somatisation. Discussion: les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence l'importance d'implémenter des programmes d'intervention évalués pour promouvoir le développement social et émotionnel des adolescents.; Introducción: Desde la utilización del término de inteligencia emocional (IE) en 1990, el concepto se ha abierto camino demostrando estar relacionado con factores tan relevantes de la vida como la salud, el bienestar y las relaciones interpersonales. El interés suscitado por dicho constructo ha provocado la creación de numerosos programas para mejorar las competencias socioemocionales. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido revisar la literatura científica sobre los programas para mejorar la JE. En concreto, la revisión se ha centrado en programas que han sido evaluados. Método: Se han realizado búsquedas bibliográficas de libros (ISBN) así como búsquedas en las bases de datos PsycINFO, ERIC, Scopus y Google Académico. Estas búsquedas se han centrado en el material publicado hasta el 2015 y los términos utilizados en ellas han sido inteligencia emocional, habilidades sociales/emocionales, programa y adolescencia. Resultados: Se han encontrado 32 programas. 6 de estos programas desarrollan la IE. Otros 26 tienen como finalidad el desarrollo socioemocional. A la hora de analizar estos programas se han tenido en cuenta la denominación de los programas, sus autores, la muestra, los objetivos y componentes del programa, el diseño de investigación, los instrumentos y los resultados. Los resultados evidencian que los programas que desarrollan la IE y/o las competencias socioemocionales, además de mejorar estas variables también mejoran el rendimiento académico, la empatía, la autoestima, el autocontrol de las conductas, la resolución de conflictos, el bienestar y la salud mental, al mismo tiempo que disminuyen la delincuencia, el consumo de drogas, la ansiedad, el estrés y la tendencia a la somatización. Discusión: Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de implementar programas de intervención basados en la evidencia para fomentar el desarrollo social y emocional de los adolescentes

    Validity and Reliability of the Self-Care Activities Screening Scale (SASS-14) During COVID-19 Lockdown

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    Background In a context where there is no treatment for the current COVID-19 virus, the combination of self-care behaviours together with confinement, are strategies to decrease the risk of contagion and remain healthy. However, there are no self-care measures to screen self-care activities in general population and which, could be briefly in a lockdown situation. This research aims to build and validate a psychometric tool to screen self-care activities in general population. Methods Firstly, an exploratory factor analysis was performed in a sample of 226 participants to discover the underlying factorial structure and to reduce the number of items in the original tool into a significant pool of items related to self-care. Later a confirmatory factor analyses were performed in a new sample of 261 participants to test for the fit and goodness of factor solutions. Internal validity, reliability, and convergent validity between its score with perceived stress and psychological well-being measures were examined on this sample. Results The exploratory analyses suggested a four-factor solution, corresponding to health consciousness, nutrition and physical activity, sleep, and intra-personal and inter-personal coping skills (14 items). Then, the four-factor structure was confirmed as the best model fit for self-care activities. The tool demonstrated good reliability, predictive validity of individuals' perception of coping with COVID-19 lockdown, and convergent validity with well-being and perceived stress. Conclusions This screening tool could be helpful to address future evaluations and interventions to promote healthy behaviours. Likewise, this tool can be targeted to specific population self-care's needs during a scalable situation

    Do Trait Emotional Intelligence and Dispositional Mindfulness Have a Complementary Effect on the Children's and Adolescents' Emotional States?

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    Mindfulness is both a non-judgmental and present-centered awareness, which has been applied to reduce negative emotions. On the other hand, Trait Emotional Intelligence (TEI) is the way of how good people perceive their emotional intelligence abilities (perceiving, expressing, understanding, and regulating emotions), which are involved in people's social functioning. This empirical study was designed to analyze whether dispositional mindfulness (DM) and TEI have a potential combined role for children and adolescent's emotional states. In a sample of primary school students (N = 318), age ranged from 8 to 16 years old (M = 11.25, SD = 2.20), participants filled a TEI measure (ESCQ, Emotional skills and competence questionnaire) and two measures of DM (CAMM, Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure and AFQ-Y, Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth). Measures selected included: PANAS (Positive affect and negative affect schedule), White Bear Suppression Inventory (a thought suppression inventory), and STAIC (State-Trait Anxiety for Children). Findings pointed out that TEI measures (labeling and expression, understanding, and managing emotions) were positively and significantly related to positive emotional states (especially, positive affect and balance) and negatively with a lower association with state anxiety. However, DM measures were both negatively and strongly associated with negative emotional states (thought suppression, negative affect, and anxiety). Conclusions indicate that a combined effect of both TEI skills and DM based interventions would be more complete than each one separately for better social functioning of children and teenagers

    Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in Different Hispanic Countries: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach

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    Parental burnout is a unique and context-specific syndrome resulting from a chronic imbalance of risks over resources in the parenting domain. The current research aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) across Spanish-speaking countries with two consecutive studies. In Study 1, we analyzed the data through a bifactor model within an Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) on the pooled sample of participants (N = 1,979) obtaining good fit indices. We then attained measurement invariance across both gender and countries in a set of nested models with gradually increasing parameter constraints. Latent means comparisons across countries showed that among the participants' countries, Chile had the highest parental burnout score, likewise, comparisons across gender evidenced that mothers displayed higher scores than fathers, as shown in previous studies. Reliability coefficients were high. In Study 2 (N = 1,171), we tested the relations between parental burnout and three specific consequences, i.e., escape and suicidal ideations, parental neglect, and parental violence toward one's children. The medium to large associations found provided support for the PBA's predictive validity. Overall, we concluded that the Spanish version of the PBA has good psychometric properties. The results support its relevance for the assessment of parental burnout among Spanish-speaking parents, offering new opportunities for cross-cultural research in the parenting domain

    Facing Anxiety, Growing Up. Trait Emotional Intelligence as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and University Anxiety

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    The current study analyzed how trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) mediates the relationship between self-esteem and state anxiety and trait anxiety. The sample was composed of 153 undergraduate students from the University of Cádiz, Spain (71.9% women and 28.1% men). Students completed measures of self-esteem, state anxiety, trait anxiety, and trait EI. Mediation analyses were completed with three trait EI dimensions (EA, emotional attention; EC, emotional clarity; and MR, mood repair) as mediating variables, self-esteem as the independent variable, and state anxiety and trait anxiety as the dependent ones. Our results confirmed that self-esteem scores explained and predicted both, state and trait anxiety values (13% for state and 21% for trait anxiety). This explanatory capacity is increased by 8% when accounting for all trait EI dimensions. Considering state anxiety, the results of the direct effects showed that a decrease in their levels is predicted through the increases in the levels of both, self-esteem and MR. Regarding trait anxiety, the results of the direct effects showed that a decrease in their levels is predicted, in addition to an increment of self-esteem and MR values, by an increase of EC and a decrease of EA. Conversely, indirect effects revealed that higher levels of self-esteem were associated with worse scores in EA and worse MR, which in turn would enhance both state and trait anxiety levels. Moreover, regarding trait anxiety higher levels of self-esteem were associated with worse scores in EA and worse EC, therefore increasing trait anxiety levels. As shown, the negative association found between self-esteem and EA becomes a key element. The effect of self-esteem on EA and the influence that the latter had on EC and MR exerts an indirect mediated effect with the power to invert the influence that self-esteem wields on both types of anxiety. In this sense, the apparent protective role of self-esteem changed, turning into a risk factor that promotes higher anxiety values

    The Three Models of Emotional Intelligence and Performance in a Hot and Cool go/no-go Task in Undergraduate Students

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    Emotional intelligence (EI), or the ability to perceive, use, understand and regulate emotions, appears to be helpful in the performance of “hot” (i.e., emotionally laden) cognitive tasks when using performance-based ability models, but not when using self-report EI models. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between EI (as measured through a performance-based ability test, a self-report mixed test and a self-report ability test) and cognitive control ability during the performance of hot and “cool” (i.e., non-emotionally laden) “go/no-go” tasks. An experimental design was used for this study in which 187 undergraduate students (25% men) with a mean age of 21.93 years (standard deviation [SD] = 3.8) completed the three EI tests of interest (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test [MSCEIT], Trait Meta-Mood Scale [TMMS] and Emotional Quotient Inventory–Short Form [EQi:S]) as well as go/no-go tasks using faces and geometric figures as stimuli. The results provide evidence for negative associations between the “managing” branch of EI measured through the performance-based ability test of EI and the cognitive control index of the hot go/no-go task, although similar evidence was not found when using the cool task. Further, the present study failed to observe consistent results when using the self-report EI instruments. These findings are discussed in terms of both the validity and implications of the various EI models.This research was supported in part by the projects Innovation and Development Agency of Andalusia, Spain (SEJ-07325), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy (PSI2012-37490)

    Putting ‘Emotional Intelligences’ in their place: Introducing the Integrated Model of Affect-related Individual Differences

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    Numerous individual differences, models, and measures have been associated with the ‘emotional intelligence’ (EI) label. This paper discusses one of the most pervasive problems regarding EI-related individual differences, namely, the lack of a meaningful theoretical framework. First, drawing upon existing theoretical frameworks, we argue that EI-related characteristics can be considered constituents of existing models of cognitive ability (ability EI), personality (trait EI), and emotion regulation (EI competencies). Second, having differentiated between these perspectives (ability, personality, and emotion regulation), we draw upon existing theory and research to build the Integrated Model of Affect-related Individual Differences (IMAID), which provides an initial mechanistic representation that explains how the different EI-related constructs are likely to interrelate and coalesce to influence affective outcomes. In essence, the IMAID is an integrated mediation model in which emotion regulation mediates the effects of ability EI and affect-related personality traits upon outcomes. Viewing EI-related constructs as interrelated extensions of well-established individual difference frameworks clarifies some pervasive misconceptions regarding EI-related characteristics and provides scholars and practitioners with a clear and useful theoretical framework ripe for exploration. We conclude by using the IMAID to suggest a theoretically driven agenda for future research