41 research outputs found

    I requisiti di qualità ambientale nel progetto urbano

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    A partire dall’inizio degli anni Novanta si è manifestata un’attenzione crescente da parte della pianificazione urbanistica verso le problematiche dello sviluppo sostenibile e più in generale verso le problematiche ambientali ed ecologiche. I nuovi obiettivi della pianificazione sono il perseguimento della qualità nelle trasformazioni dello spazio fisico e dell’ambiente e la convergenza, attraverso la messa in atto di molteplici strategie d’azione pubbliche e private, tra le attese dei cittadini e degli attori economici e le politiche delle istituzioni pubbliche verso un progetto comune di futuro della città in termini di qualità urbana. Nel passato gli obiettivi delle amministrazioni locali si sono limitati al controllo delle quantità volumetriche e dell’applicazione quantitativa degli standard, senza alcuna attenzione ai problemi di contesto, di conservazione delle identità locali, e alle implicazioni che il progetto poteva avere alle varie scale e ai suoi effetti sull’ambiente. Ci si trova quindi di fronte ad un rinnovato bisogno di qualità della configurazione spaziale dei luoghi in cui si svolge la vita dell’uomo; una qualità che passi attraverso meccanismi capaci di garantire il controllo degli esiti finali in tutti quei processi decisionali che inducono modificazioni dello spazio territoriale e urbano. Il fine della ricerca è la definizione di tecniche che aiutino le amministrazioni locali a governare modi e tempi delle trasformazioni in corso e a indirizzare queste ultime verso il perseguimento degli obiettivi di qualità urbana, di sostenibilità paesistico-ambientale e di coesione sociale, attraverso l’attivazione di politiche di intervento basate sulla cooperazione tra gli attori e sulla visione partecipata dei processi di uso e trasformazione del territorio. L’applicazione delle norme tecniche ISO 9000, in merito ai sistemi di gestione della qualità, ha assunto un rilevante peso non soltanto nella gestione di imprese ed aziende operanti nei settori industriale e manifatturiero, ma in forma estensiva si vanno oggi sperimentando applicazioni alla gestione dei beni culturali e, più in generale, alla qualità del progetto ambientale. In quest’ottica l’obiettivo della la tesi è la definizione di protocolli e linee guida per il progetto urbanistico che consentano di passare da una conoscenza approfondita del contesto alla progettazione di un protocollo di verifica della qualità nel progetto urbano, attraverso la definizione di un indice di qualità e la verifica di standard qualitativi specifici mediante l’uso di check list di indagine orientate ad una lettura attenta delle problematiche del territorio, e la applicazione sperimentale del protocollo di verifica a due ambiti differenti del contesto cagliaritano, centro storico e periferia, al fine di fornire un contributo concreto in termini di tecniche di aiuto alla decisione, anche tramite l’utilizzo e la sperimentazione di supporti e procedure informatiche per la comunicazione online, orientati alla gestione della conoscenza e alla condivisione di informazioni, metodi di analisi e metodologie di gestione dei dati che, coinvolgendo le amministrazioni locali, i cittadini e le imprese, siano in grado di supportare azioni di recupero e riqualificazione conformi a prescrizioni e procedure di qualità

    A psicologia na produção científica nacional de enfermagem

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    This study aimed, through a review of Nursing periodicals, at identifying elements of interaction between Nursing and Psychology. Authors selected 317 articles that met the criterion of approaching psychological issues. The analysis included: 1. the focussed theme; 2.authors' position; 3. references to Psychology works; 4. Psychology's theoretical frameworks and 5. methodology. Authors concluded that this interaction is occurring through a theoretical-methodological dialogue. The contacts among professionals with different academic backgrounds were scarce.O presente trabalho buscou, através de consultas a periódicos da área de Enfermagem, identificar elementos de interação desta com a Psicologia. Foram selecionados 317 artigos que enquadraram-se no critério de incluir em sua abordagem questões psicológicas e sua análise compreendeu: 1. a temática focalizada; 2. a categoria profissional dos autores; 3. as referências a obras de Psicolologia; 4. modelos teóricos em Psicologia e 5. metodologia. Concluiu-se que a forma como essa interação vem operando, no contexto focalizado, é através do diálogo teórico-metodológico. O contato entre profissionais de diferentes formações apareceu em pequena proporção.El presente trabajo buscó identificar, en revistas de Enfermería, los elementos de interacción de ésta con la Psicología. Fueron seleccionados 317 artículos que se encuadraron en el criterio de incluir en su enfoque, cuestiones psicológicas y su análisis comprendió: 1. la temática enfocada: 2. la categoría profesional de los autores; 3. las referencias a las obras de Psicología; 4. Modelos teóricos de Psicología y 5. la metodología. Se concluyó que la forma como esa interacción ocurre en el contexto enfocado, es a través del diálogo teórico-metodológico. El contacto entre profesionales de diferentes formaciones apareció en pequeña proporción

    A psicologia na produção científica nacional de enfermagem

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    This study aimed, through a review of Nursing periodicals, at identifying elements of interaction between Nursing and Psychology. Authors selected 317 articles that met the criterion of approaching psychological issues. The analysis included: 1. the focussed theme; 2.authors' position; 3. references to Psychology works; 4. Psychology's theoretical frameworks and 5. methodology. Authors concluded that this interaction is occurring through a theoretical-methodological dialogue. The contacts among professionals with different academic backgrounds were scarce.O presente trabalho buscou, através de consultas a periódicos da área de Enfermagem, identificar elementos de interação desta com a Psicologia. Foram selecionados 317 artigos que enquadraram-se no critério de incluir em sua abordagem questões psicológicas e sua análise compreendeu: 1. a temática focalizada; 2. a categoria profissional dos autores; 3. as referências a obras de Psicolologia; 4. modelos teóricos em Psicologia e 5. metodologia. Concluiu-se que a forma como essa interação vem operando, no contexto focalizado, é através do diálogo teórico-metodológico. O contato entre profissionais de diferentes formações apareceu em pequena proporção.El presente trabajo buscó identificar, en revistas de Enfermería, los elementos de interacción de ésta con la Psicología. Fueron seleccionados 317 artículos que se encuadraron en el criterio de incluir en su enfoque, cuestiones psicológicas y su análisis comprendió: 1. la temática enfocada: 2. la categoría profesional de los autores; 3. las referencias a las obras de Psicología; 4. Modelos teóricos de Psicología y 5. la metodología. Se concluyó que la forma como esa interacción ocurre en el contexto enfocado, es a través del diálogo teórico-metodológico. El contacto entre profesionales de diferentes formaciones apareció en pequeña proporción

    Targeted activation of the SHP-1/PP2A signaling axis elicits apoptosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells

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    Lyn, a member of the Src family of kinases, is a key factor in the dys-regulation of survival and apoptotic pathways of malignant B cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. One of the effects of Lyn's action is spatial and functional segregation of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 into two pools, one beneath the plasma membrane in an active state promoting pro-survival signals, the other in the cytosol in an inhibited conformation and unable to counter the elevated level of cytosolic tyrosine phosphorylation. We herein show that SHP-1 activity can be elicited directly by nintedanib, an agent also known as a triple angiokinase inhibitor, circumventing the phospho-S591-dependent inhibition of the phosphatase, leading to the dephosphorylation of pro-apoptotic players such as procaspase-8 and serine/threonine phosphatase 2A, eventually triggering apoptosis. Furthermore, the activation of PP2A by using MP07-66, a novel FTY720 analog, stimulated SHP-1 activity via dephosphorylation of phospho-S591, which unveiled the existence of a positive feedback signaling loop involving the two phosphatases. In addition to providing further insights into the molecular basis of this disease, our findings indicate that the PP2A/SHP-1 axis may emerge as an attractive, novel target for the development of alternative strategies in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Lyn sustains oncogenic signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by strengthening SET-mediated inhibition of PP2A.

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    Aberrant protein kinase activities, and the consequent dramatic increase of Ser/Thr and -Tyr phosphorylation, promote the deregulation of the survival pathways in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which is crucial to the pathogenesis and progression of the disease. In this study, we show that the tumor suppressor Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A), one of the major Ser/Thr phosphatase, is in an inhibited form due to the synergistic contribution of two events, the interaction with its physiological inhibitor SET and the phosphorylation of Y307 of the catalytic subunit of PP2A. The latter event is mediated by Lyn, a Src family kinase previously found to be overexpressed, delocalized and constitutively active in CLL cells. This Lyn/PP2A axis accounts for the persistent high level of phosphorylation of the phosphatase's targets and represents a key connection linking phosphotyrosine- and phosphoserine/threonine-mediated oncogenic signals. The data herein presented show that the disruption of the SET/PP2A complex by a novel FTY720-analogue (MP07-66) devoid of immunosuppressive effects leads to the reactivation of PP2A, which in turn triggers apoptosis of CLL cells. When used in combination with SFK inhibitors, the action of MP07-66 is synergistically amplified, providing a new option in the therapeutic strategy for CLL patients

    NEMO-SN1 Abyssal Cabled Observatory in the Western Ionian Sea

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    The NEutrinoMediterranean Observatory—Submarine Network 1 (NEMO-SN1) seafloor observatory is located in the central Mediterranean Sea, Western Ionian Sea, off Eastern Sicily (Southern Italy) at 2100-m water depth, 25 km from the harbor of the city of Catania. It is a prototype of a cabled deep-sea multiparameter observatory and the first one operating with real-time data transmission in Europe since 2005. NEMO-SN1 is also the first-established node of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory (EMSO), one of the incoming European large-scale research infrastructures included in the Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) since 2006. EMSO will specifically address long-term monitoring of environmental processes related to marine ecosystems, marine mammals, climate change, and geohazards

    Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 among individuals with recent respiratory symptoms

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    In a preregistered, cross-sectional study we investigated whether olfactory loss is a reliable predictor of COVID-19 using a crowdsourced questionnaire in 23 languages to assess symptoms in individuals self-reporting recent respiratory illness. We quantified changes in chemosensory abilities during the course of the respiratory illness using 0-100 visual analog scales (VAS) for participants reporting a positive (C19+; n=4148) or negative (C19-; n=546) COVID-19 laboratory test outcome. Logistic regression models identified univariate and multivariate predictors of COVID-19 status and post-COVID-19 olfactory recovery. Both C19+ and C19- groups exhibited smell loss, but it was significantly larger in C19+ participants (mean±SD, C19+: -82.5±27.2 points; C19-: -59.8±37.7). Smell loss during illness was the best predictor of COVID-19 in both univariate and multivariate models (ROC AUC=0.72). Additional variables provide negligible model improvement. VAS ratings of smell loss were more predictive than binary chemosensory yes/no-questions or other cardinal symptoms (e.g., fever). Olfactory recovery within 40 days of respiratory symptom onset was reported for ~50% of participants and was best predicted by time since respiratory symptom onset. We find that quantified smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 amongst those with symptoms of respiratory illness. To aid clinicians and contact tracers in identifying individuals with a high likelihood of having COVID-19, we propose a novel 0-10 scale to screen for recent olfactory loss, the ODoR-19. We find that numeric ratings ≤2 indicate high odds of symptomatic COVID-19 (4<10). Once independently validated, this tool could be deployed when viral lab tests are impractical or unavailable

    Results from the Cuore Experiment

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    The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay that has been able to reach the 1-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a cylindrical compact structure of 19 towers, each of them made of 52 crystals. The construction of the experiment was completed in August 2016 and the data taking started in spring 2017 after a period of commissioning and tests. In this work we present the neutrinoless double beta decay results of CUORE from examining a total TeO2 exposure of 86.3kg yr, characterized by an effective energy resolution of 7.7 keV FWHM and a background in the region of interest of 0.014 counts/ (keV kg yr). In this physics run, CUORE placed a lower limit on the decay half- life of neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te > 1.3.1025 yr (90% C. L.). Moreover, an analysis of the background of the experiment is presented as well as the measurement of the 130Te 2vo3p decay with a resulting half- life of T2 2. [7.9 :- 0.1 (stat.) :- 0.2 (syst.)] x 10(20) yr which is the most precise measurement of the half- life and compatible with previous results

    The commissioning of the CUORE experiment: the mini-tower run

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    CUORE is a ton-scale experiment approaching the data taking phase in Gran Sasso National Laboratory. Its primary goal is to search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay in 130Te using 988 crystals of tellurim dioxide. The crystals are operated as bolometers at about 10 mK taking advantage of one of the largest dilution cryostat ever built. Concluded in March 2016, the cryostat commissioning consisted in a sequence of cool down runs each one integrating new parts of the apparatus. The last run was performed with the fully configured cryostat and the thermal load at 4 K reached the impressive mass of about 14 tons. During that run the base temperature of 6.3 mK was reached and maintained for more than 70 days. An array of 8 crystals, called mini-tower, was used to check bolometers operation, readout electronics and DAQ. Results will be presented in terms of cooling power, electronic noise, energy resolution and preliminary background measurements

    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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