78 research outputs found

    On the Luminosities and Temperatures of Extended X-ray Emission from Planetary Nebulae

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    We examine mechanisms that may explain the luminosities and relatively low temperatures of extended X-ray emission in planetary nebulae. By building a simple flow structure for the wind from the central star during the proto, and early, planetary nebulae phase, we estimate the temperature of the X-ray emitting gas and its total X-ray luminosity. We conclude that in order to account for the X-ray temperature and luminosity, both the evolution of the wind from the central star and the adiabatic cooling of the post-shocked wind's material must be considered. The X-ray emitting gas results mainly from shocked wind segments that were expelled during the early planetary nebulae phase, when the wind speed was moderate. Alternatively, the X-ray emitting gas may result from a collimated fast wind blown by a companion to the central star. Heat conduction and mixing between hot and cool regions are likely to occur in some cases and may determine the detailed X-ray morphology of a nebula, but are not required to explain the basic properties of the X-ray emitting gas.Comment: ApJ, submitted; 16 page

    Physical Structure of Planetary Nebulae. I. The Owl Nebula

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    The Owl Nebula is a triple-shell planetary nebula with the outermost shell being a faint bow-shaped halo. We have obtained deep narrow-band images and high-dispersion echelle spectra in the H-alpha, [O III], and [N II] emission lines to determine the physical structure of each shell in the nebula. These spatio-kinematic data allow us to rule out hydrodynamic models that can reproduce only the nebular morphology. Our analysis shows that the inner shell of the main nebula is slightly elongated with a bipolar cavity along its major axis, the outer nebula is a filled envelope co-expanding with the inner shell at 40 km/s, and the halo has been braked by the interstellar medium as the Owl Nebula moves through it. To explain the morphology and kinematics of the Owl Nebula, we suggest the following scenario for its formation and evolution. The early mass loss at the TP-AGB phase forms the halo, and the superwind at the end of the AGB phase forms the main nebula. The subsequent fast stellar wind compressed the superwind to form the inner shell and excavated an elongated cavity at the center, but has ceased in the past. At the current old age, the inner shell is backfilling the central cavity.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Multiple and Precessing Collimated Outflows in the Planetary Nebula IC 4634

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    With its remarkable double-S shape, IC 4634 is an archetype of point-symmetric planetary nebulae (PN). In this paper, we present a detailed study of this PN using archival HST WFPC2 and ground-based narrow-band images to investigate its morphology, and long-slit spectroscopic observations to determine its kinematics and to derive its physical conditions and excitation. The data reveal new structural components, including a distant string of knots distributed along an arc-like feature 40"-60" from the center of the nebula, a skin of enhanced [O III]/H-alpha ratio enveloping the inner shell and the double-S feature, and a triple-shell structure. The spatio-kinematical study also finds an equatorial component of the main nebula that is kinematically independent from the bright inner S-shaped arc. We have investigated in detail the bow shock-like features in IC 4634 and found that their morphological, kinematical and emission properties are consistent with the interaction of a collimated outflow with surrounding material. Indeed, the morphology and kinematics of some of these features can be interpreted using a 3D numerical simulation of a collimated outflow precessing at a moderate, time-dependent velocity. Apparently, IC 4634 has experienced several episodes of point-symmetric ejections oriented at different directions with the outer S-shaped feature being related to an earlier point-symmetric ejection and the outermost arc-like string of knots being the relic of an even much earlier point-symmetric ejection. There is tantalizing evidence that the action of these collimated outflows has also taken part in the shaping of the innermost shell and inner S-shaped arc of IC 4634.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    A survey for water maser emission towards planetary nebulae. New detection in IRAS 17347-3139

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    We report on a water maser survey towards a sample of 27 planetary nebulae (PNe) using the Robledo de Chavela and Medicina single-dish antennas, as well as the Very Large Array (VLA). Two detections have been obtained: the already known water maser emission in K 3-35, and a new cluster of masers in IRAS 17347-3139. This low rate of detections is compatible with the short life-time of water molecules in PNe (~100 yr). The water maser cluster at IRAS 17347-3139 are distributed on a ellipse of size ~ 0.2" x 0.1", spatially associated with compact 1.3 cm continuum emission (simultaneously observed with the VLA). From archive VLA continuum data at 4.9, 8.4, and 14.9 GHz, a spectral index alpha = 0.76 +- 0.03 is derived for this radio source, which is consistent with either a partially optically thick ionized region or with an ionized wind. However, the latter scenario can be ruled out on mass-loss considerations, thus indicating that this source is probably a young PN. The spatial distribution and the radial velocities of the water masers are suggestive of a rotating and expanding maser ring, tracing the innermost regions of a torus formed at the end of the AGB phase. Given that the 1.3 cm continuum emission peak is located near one of the tips of the major axis of the ellipse of masers, we speculate on a possible binary nature of IRAS 17347-3139, where the radio continuum emission could belong to one of the components and the water masers would be associated with a companion.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal. 25 pages, 6 figure

    A collimated, ionized bipolar structure and a high density torus in the young planetary nebula IRAS 17347-3139

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    We present observations of continuum (lambda = 0.7, 1.3, 3.6 and 18 cm) and OH maser (lambda = 18 cm) emission toward the young planetary nebula IRAS 17347-3139, which is one of the three planetary nebulae that are known to harbor water maser emission. From the continuum observations we show that the ionized shell of IRAS 17347-3139 consists of two main structures: one extended (size ~1". 5) with bipolar morphology along PA=-30 degrees, elongated in the same direction as the lobes observed in the near-infrared images, and a central compact structure (size ~0". 25) elongated in the direction perpendicular to the bipolar axis, coinciding with the equatorial dark lane observed in the near-infrared images. Our image at 1.3 cm suggests the presence of dense walls in the ionized bipolar lobes. We estimate for the central compact structure a value of the electron density at least ~5 times higher than in the lobes. A high resolution image of this structure at 0.7 cm shows two peaks separated by about 0". 13 (corresponding to 100-780 AU, using a distance range of 0.8-6 kpc). This emission is interpreted as originating in an ionized equatorial torus-like structure, from whose edges the water maser emission might be arising. We have detected weak OH 1612 MHz maser emission at VLSR ~ -70 km/s associated with IRAS 17347-3139. We derive a 3 sigma upper limit of < 35% for the percentage of circularly polarized emission. Within our primary beam, we detected additional OH 1612 MHz maser emission in the LSR velocity ranges -5 to -24 and -90 to -123 km/s, associated with the sources 2MASS J17380406-3138387 and OH 356.65-0.15, respectively.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Spectral index of the H2O-maser emitting planetary nebula IRAS 17347-3139

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    We present radio continuum observations of the planetary nebula (PN) IRAS 17347-3139 (one of the only two known to harbour water maser emission), made to derive its spectral index and the turnover frequency of the emission. The spectrum of the source rises in the whole frequency range sampled, from 2.4 to 24.9 GHz, although the spectral index seems to decrease at the highest frequencies (0.79+-0.04 between 4.3 and 8.9 GHz, and 0.64+-0.06 between 16.1 and 24.9 GHz). This suggests a turnover frequency around 20 GHz (which is unusual among PNe, whose radio emission usually becomes optically thin at frequencies < 10 GHz), and a relatively high emission measure (1.5 x 10^9 cm^{-6} pc). The radio continuum emission has increased by a factor of ~1.26 at 8.4 GHz in 13 years, which can be explained as expansion of the ionized region by a factor of ~1.12 in radius with a dynamical age of ~120 yr and at an expansion velocity of ~5-40 km/s. These radio continuum characteristics, together with the presence of water maser emission and a strong optical extinction suggest that IRAS 17347-3139 is one of the youngest PNe known, with a relatively massive progenitor star.Comment: Five pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRA

    A far UV study of interstellar gas towards HD34078: high excitation H2 and small scale structure - Based on observations performed by the FUSE mission and at the CFHT telescope

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    To investigate the presence of small scale structure in the spatial distribution of H2 molecules we have undertaken repeated FUSE UV observations of the runaway O9.5V star, HD34078. In this paper we present five spectra obtained between January 2000 and October 2002. These observations reveal an unexpectedly large amount of highly excited H2. Column densities for H2 levels from (v = 0, J = 0) up to (v = 0, J = 11) and for several v = 1 and v = 2 levels are determined. These results are interpreted in the frame of a model involving essentially two components: i) a foreground cloud (unaffected by HD34078) responsible for the H2 (J = 0, 1), CI, CH, CH+ and CO absorptions; ii) a dense layer of gas (n = 10E4 cm-3) close to the O star and strongly illuminated by its UV flux which accounts for the presence of highly excited H2. Our model successfully reproduces the H2 excitation, the CI fine-structure level populations as well as the CH, CH+ and CO column densities. We also examine the time variability of H2 absorption lines tracing each of these two components. From the stability of the J = 0, 1 and 2 damped H2 profiles we infer a 3 sigma upper limit on column density variations Delta(N(H2))/N(H2) of 5% over scales ranging from 5 to 50 AU. This result clearly rules out any pronounced ubiquitous small scale "density" structure of the kind apparently seen in HI. The lines from highly excited gas are also quite stable (equivalent to Delta(N)/N <= 30%) indicating i) that the ambient gas through which HD34078 is moving is relatively uniform and ii) that the gas flow along the shocked layer is not subject to marked instabilitie

    Physical properties of fullerene-containing Galactic planetary nebulae

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    We searched the Spitzer Space Telescope data archive for Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe), which show the characteristic 17.4 and 18.9 ”m features due to C60, also known as buckminsterfullerene. Out of 338 objects with Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph data, we found eleven C60-containing PNe, six of which (Hen2-68, IC2501, K3-62, M1-6, M1-9 and SaSt2-3) are new detections, not known to contain C60 prior to this work. The strongest 17.4 and 18.9 ”m C60 features are seen in Tc1 and SaSt2-3, and these two sources also prominently show the C60 resonances at 7.0 and 8.5 ”m. In the other nine sources, the 7.0 and 8.5 ”m features due to C60 are much weaker. We analysed the spectra, along with ancillary data, using the photoionization code CLOUDY to establish the atomic line fluxes, and determine the properties of the radiation field, as set by the effective temperature of the central star. In addition, we measured the infrared spectral features due to dust grains. We find that the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) profile over 6–9 ”m in these C60-bearing carbon-rich PNe is of the more chemically processed class A. The intensity ratio of 3.3 to 11.3 ”m PAH indicates that the number of C-atoms per PAH in C60-containing PNe is small compared to that in non-C60 PNe. The Spitzer spectra also show broad dust features around 11 and 30 ”m. Analysis of the 30 ”m feature shows that it is strongly correlated with the continuum, and we propose that a single carbon-based carrier is responsible for both the continuum and the feature. The strength of the 11 ”m feature is correlated to the temperature of the dust, suggesting that it is at least partially due to a solid-state carrier. The chemical abundances of C60-containing PNe can be explained by asymptotic giant branch nucleosynthesis models for initially 1.5–2.5 M⊙ stars with Z = 0.004. We plotted the locations of C60-containing PNe on a face-on map of the Milky Way and we found that most of these PNe are outside the solar circle, consistent with low metallicity values. Their metallicity suggests that the progenitors are an older population

    The star cluster Collinder 232 in the Carina complex and its relation to Trumpler 14/16

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    In this paper we present and analyze new CCD UBVRIUBVRI photometry down to V≈V \approx 21 in the region of the young open cluster Collinder 232, located in the Carina spiral arm, and discuss its relationship to Trumpler 14 and Trumpler 16, the two most prominent young open clusters located in the core of NGC 3372 (the Carina Nebula). First of all we study the extinction pattern in the region. We find that the total to selective absorption ratio RVR_V differs from cluster to cluster, being 3.48±0.113.48\pm0.11, 4.16±0.074.16\pm0.07 and 3.73±0.013.73\pm0.01 for Trumpler 16, Trumpler 14 and Collinder 232, respectively. Then we derive individual reddenings and intrinsic colours and magnitudes using the method devised by Romaniello et al. (2002). Ages, age spreads and distances are then estimated by comparing the Colour Magnitude Diagrams and the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram with post and pre-main sequence tracks and isochrones. We find that Trumpler 14 and Collinder 232 lie at the same distance from the Sun (about 2.5 kpc), whereas Trumpler 16 lies much further out, at about 4 kpc from the Sun. As for the age, we find that Trumpler 16 is older than both Trumpler 14 and Collinder 232. For all the clusters we indicate the existence of a significant age dispersion, whose precise value is hampered by our inability to properly distinguish members from non-members. We finally suggest that Collinder 232 is a physical aggregate and provide estimates of its basic parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 10 eps figure, accepted for publication in A&
