322 research outputs found

    Modeling RNA loops using sequence homology and geometric constraints

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    Summary: RNA loop regions are essential structural elements of RNA molecules influencing both their structural and functional properties. We developed RLooM, a web application for homology-based modeling of RNA loops utilizing template structures extracted from the PDB. RLooM allows the insertion and replacement of loop structures of a desired sequence into an existing RNA structure. Furthermore, a comprehensive database of loops in RNA structures can be accessed through the web interface

    Latent fingermark imaging by single-metal deposition of gold nanoparticles and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

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    In forensic science, there is a high demand for a technique that allows the revelation of fingermarks invisible to the naked eye as well as the chemical information they contain. Here, we present a feasibility study consisting of using both the luminescence enhanced by surface plasmon of gold nanoparticles, and the surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy signal of fingermark chemical components to image latent fingermarks. A latent fingermark deposited on a transparent glass substrate was visually revealed using single-metal deposition employing gold nanoparticles. The resulting enhanced luminescence was monitored over a developed area of the latent fingermark, displaying light regions of 200-400 μm, corresponding to the fingermark ridges. The Raman signal of the fingermark's chemical components was enhanced into a measurable signal. Imaging those Raman peaks revealed the ridges pattern, attesting to the potential of our method. Since SMD is an end-of-sequence revelation technique for which further enhancement techniques do not exist, this work aims at demonstrating the feasibility of the technique in order to apply it on different systems, able to illuminate a complete surface of a few cm, and thus capable of both detecting contaminants in LFM and imaging features of the size of a complete LFM

    Discovering RNA-Protein Interactome by Using Chemical Context Profiling of the RNA-Protein Interface

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    SummaryRNA-protein (RNP) interactions generally are required for RNA function. At least 5% of human genes code for RNA-binding proteins. Whereas many approaches can identify the RNA partners for a specific protein, finding the protein partners for a specific RNA is difficult. We present a machine-learning method that scores a protein’s binding potential for an RNA structure by utilizing the chemical context profiles of the interface from known RNP structures. Our approach is applicable even when only a single RNP structure is available. We examined 801 mammalian proteins and find that 37 (4.6%) potentially bind transfer RNA (tRNA). Most are enzymes involved in cellular processes unrelated to translation and were not known to interact with RNA. We experimentally tested six positive and three negative predictions for tRNA binding in vivo, and all nine predictions were correct. Our computational approach provides a powerful complement to experiments in discovering new RNPs

    Indigo Formation and Rapid NADPH Consumption Provide Robust Prediction of Raspberry Ketone Synthesis by Engineered Cytochrome P450 BM3

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    Natural raspberry ketone has a high value in the flavor, fragrance and pharmaceutical industries. Its extraction is costly, justifying the search for biosynthetic routes. We hypothesized that cytochrome P450 BM3 (P450 BM3) could be engineered to catalyze the hydroxylation of 4‐phenyl‐2‐butanone, a naturally sourceable precursor, to raspberry ketone. The synthesis of indigo by variants of P450 BM3 has previously served as a predictor of promiscuous oxidation reactions. To this end, we screened 53 active‐site variants of P450 BM3 using orthogonal high‐throughput workflows to identify the most streamlined route to all indigo‐forming variants. Among the three known and 13 new indigo‐forming variants, eight hydroxylated 4‐phenyl‐2‐butanone to raspberry ketone. Previously unreported variant A82Q displayed the highest initial rates and coupling efficiencies in synthesis of indigo and of raspberry ketone. It produced the highest total concentration of raspberry ketone despite producing less total indigo than previously reported variants. Its productivity, although modest, clearly demonstrates the potential for development of a biocatalytic route to raspberry ketone. In addition to validating indigo as a robust predictor of this promiscuous activity, we demonstrate that monitoring rapid NADPH consumption serves as an alternative predictor of a promiscuous reactivity in P450 BM3

    Lynx: A Programmatic SAT Solver for the RNA-folding Problem

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    15th International Conference, Trento, Italy, June 17-20, 2012. ProceedingsThis paper introduces Lynx, an incremental programmatic SAT solver that allows non-expert users to introduce domain-specific code into modern conflict-driven clause-learning (CDCL) SAT solvers, thus enabling users to guide the behavior of the solver. The key idea of Lynx is a callback interface that enables non-expert users to specialize the SAT solver to a class of Boolean instances. The user writes specialized code for a class of Boolean formulas, which is periodically called by Lynx’s search routine in its inner loop through the callback interface. The user-provided code is allowed to examine partial solutions generated by the solver during its search, and to respond by adding CNF clauses back to the solver dynamically and incrementally. Thus, the user-provided code can specialize and influence the solver’s search in a highly targeted fashion. While the power of incremental SAT solvers has been amply demonstrated in the SAT literature and in the context of DPLL(T), it has not been previously made available as a programmatic API that is easy to use for non-expert users. Lynx’s callback interface is a simple yet very effective strategy that addresses this need. We demonstrate the benefits of Lynx through a case-study from computational biology, namely, the RNA secondary structure prediction problem. The constraints that make up this problem fall into two categories: structural constraints, which describe properties of the biological structure of the solution, and energetic constraints, which encode quantitative requirements that the solution must satisfy. We show that by introducing structural constraints on-demand through user provided code we can achieve, in comparison with standard SAT approaches, upto 30x reduction in memory usage and upto 100x reduction in time

    Structural characterization of naturally occurring RNA single mismatches

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    RNA is known to be involved in several cellular processes; however, it is only active when it is folded into its correct 3D conformation. The folding, bending and twisting of an RNA molecule is dependent upon the multitude of canonical and non-canonical secondary structure motifs. These motifs contribute to the structural complexity of RNA but also serve important integral biological functions, such as serving as recognition and binding sites for other biomolecules or small ligands. One of the most prevalent types of RNA secondary structure motifs are single mismatches, which occur when two canonical pairs are separated by a single non-canonical pair. To determine sequence–structure relationships and to identify structural patterns, we have systematically located, annotated and compared all available occurrences of the 30 most frequently occurring single mismatch-nearest neighbor sequence combinations found in experimentally determined 3D structures of RNA-containing molecules deposited into the Protein Data Bank. Hydrogen bonding, stacking and interaction of nucleotide edges for the mismatched and nearest neighbor base pairs are described and compared, allowing for the identification of several structural patterns. Such a database and comparison will allow researchers to gain insight into the structural features of unstudied sequences and to quickly look-up studied sequences

    Reliability of race assessment based on the race of the ascendants: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Race is commonly described in epidemiological surveys based on phenotypic characteristics. Training of interviewers to identify race is time-consuming and self identification of race might be difficult to interpret. The aim of this study was to determine the agreement between race definition based on the number of ascendants with black skin colour, with the self-assessment and observer's assessment of the skin colour. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study of 50 women aged 14 years or older, from an outpatient clinic of an University affiliated hospital, race was assessed through observation and the self-assignment of the colour of skin and by the number of black ascendants including parents and grandparents. Reliability was measured through Kappa coefficient. RESULTS: Agreement beyond chance between self-assigned and observed skin colour was excellent for white (0.75 95% CI 0.72–0.78) and black women (0.89 95% CI 0.71–0.79), but only good for participants with mixed colour (0.61 95% CI 0.58–0.64), resulting in a global kappa of 0.75 (95% CI 0.71–0.79). However, only a good agreement for mixed women was obtained. The presence of 3 or more black ascendants was highly associated with observed and self-assessed black skin colour. Most women self-assigned or observed as white had no black ascendants. CONCLUSIONS: The assessment of race based on the race of ascendants showed reasonable agreement with the ascertainment done by trained interviewers and with the self-report of race. This method may be considered for evaluation of race in epidemiological surveys, since it is less time-consuming than the evaluation by interviewers

    Aptamer base: a collaborative knowledge base to describe aptamers and SELEX experiments

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    Over the past several decades, rapid developments in both molecular and information technology have collectively increased our ability to understand molecular recognition. One emerging area of interest in molecular recognition research includes the isolation of aptamers. Aptamers are single-stranded nucleic acid or amino acid polymers that recognize and bind to targets with high affinity and selectivity. While research has focused on collecting aptamers and their interactions, most of the information regarding experimental methods remains in the unstructured and textual format of peer reviewed publications. To address this, we present the Aptamer Base, a database that provides detailed, structured information about the experimental conditions under which aptamers were selected and their binding affinity quantified. The open collaborative nature of the Aptamer Base provides the community with a unique resource that can be updated and curated in a decentralized manner, thereby accommodating the ever evolving field of aptamer research

    Identification of DNA-Damage DNA-Binding Protein 1 as a Conditional Essential Factor for Cytomegalovirus Replication in Interferon-γ-Stimulated Cells

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    The mouse cytomegaloviral (MCMV) protein pM27 represents an indispensable factor for viral fitness in vivo selectively, antagonizing signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 (STAT2)-mediated interferon signal transduction. We wished to explore by which molecular mechanism pM27 accomplishes this effect. We demonstrate that pM27 is essential and sufficient to curtail the protein half-life of STAT2 molecules. Pharmacologic inhibition of the proteasome restored STAT2 amounts, leading to poly-ubiquitin-conjugated STAT2 forms. PM27 was found in complexes with an essential host ubiquitin ligase complex adaptor protein, DNA-damage DNA-binding protein (DDB) 1. Truncation mutants of pM27 showed a strict correlation between DDB1 interaction and their ability to degrade STAT2. SiRNA-mediated knock-down of DDB1 restored STAT2 in the presence of pM27 and strongly impaired viral replication in interferon conditioned cells, thus phenocopying the growth attenuation of M27-deficient virus. In a constructive process, pM27 recruits DDB1 to exploit ubiquitin ligase complexes catalyzing the obstruction of the STAT2-dependent antiviral state of cells to permit viral replication

    Characterization of the Trans Watson-Crick GU Base Pair Located in the Catalytic Core of the Antigenomic HDV Ribozyme

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    The HDV ribozyme’s folding pathway is, by far, the most complex folding pathway elucidated to date for a small ribozyme. It includes 6 different steps that have been shown to occur before the chemical cleavage. It is likely that other steps remain to be discovered. One of the most critical of these unknown steps is the formation of the trans Watson-Crick GU base pair within loop III. The U23 and G28 nucleotides that form this base pair are perfectly conserved in all natural variants of the HDV ribozyme, and therefore are considered as being part of the signature of HDV-like ribozymes. Both the formation and the transformation of this base pair have been studied mainly by crystal structure and by molecular dynamic simulations. In order to obtain physical support for the formation of this base pair in solution, a set of experiments, including direct mutagenesis, the site-specific substitution of chemical groups, kinetic studies, chemical probing and magnesium-induced cleavage, were performed with the specific goal of characterizing this trans Watson-Crick GU base pair in an antigenomic HDV ribozyme. Both U23 and G28 can be substituted for nucleotides that likely preserve some of the H-bond interactions present before and after the cleavage step. The formation of the more stable trans Watson-Crick base pair is shown to be a post-cleavage event, while a possibly weaker trans Watson-Crick/Hoogsteen interaction seems to form before the cleavage step. The formation of this unusually stable post-cleavage base pair may act as a driving force on the chemical cleavage by favouring the formation of a more stable ground state of the product-ribozyme complex. To our knowledge, this represents the first demonstration of a potential stabilising role of a post-cleavage conformational switch event in a ribozyme-catalyzed reaction