196 research outputs found

    Políticas de currículo para a educação do campo no Rio Grande do Sul: um estudo sobre o conhecimento escolar

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    This thesis presents a study of the meanings of school knowledge emerging from curriculum policies for Rural Education in Rio Grande do Sul, seeking to link the Curriculum Studies and the area of Rural Education. The constituent scenario of these themes points to marked historical trajectories mainly by the expansion of industrialization in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. This expansion led to intense transformation processes over time, regarding content selection and curriculum issues, as well as the involvement of the public and civil spheres bound to the rural context. In order to investigate the curriculum policy for Basic Education of schools in rural areas of Rio Grande do Sul and its relations with the development of school knowledge, we aim to: a) analyze the legal documents that guide these schools, investigating their connections with the curriculum organization; and b) identify and analyze which meanings of school knowledge are present in the documents. Therefore, the study presents the following guiding question: which meanings of school knowledge are privileged in curriculum policies for schools in rural areas of Rio Grande do Sul? This discussion, linked to the theoretical studies developed, reflects a study of qualitative approach. The guiding documents of the curricular policies for Basic Education Schools of rural areas of the Rio Grande do Sul state are used as empirical corpus. In order to support the theoretical arguments, we start from a pluralistic approach in order to consider different ideas and broaden our understanding of the subject. The study revealed the possibility of expanding learning opportunities for students through school knowledge, by providing curricula that create opportunities to transcend the experiential level. After detailed and attentive analysis, we found four meanings of school knowledge used in the documents’ discourse. Two of them were anchored in theories about social justice, especially by Nancy Fraser, indicating that the education processes of rural areas would need to be guided by the triad redistribution, recognition and participation, focusing its social aspect under the Curriculum Studies. The other two senses were supported in the conceptualizations produced around the notion of curriculum differentiation, directing the arguments to discussions that are contributing to the curriculum organization, considering the variety of educational purposes when compared to the cultural diversity.Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre os sentidos de conhecimento escolar que emergem das políticas curriculares para a Educação do Campo no Rio Grande do Sul, buscando interligar os Estudos Curriculares e o domínio da Educação do Campo. O cenário constituinte dessas temáticas aponta trajetórias históricas marcadas, principalmente, pela expansão da industrialização no final do século XIX e início do século XX. Tal expansão provocou processos de intensas transformações ao longo do tempo, tanto no que diz respeito à seleção de conteúdos e questões curriculares, quanto ao envolvimento das esferas pública e civil vinculadas ao contexto rural. No intuito de investigar as políticas de currículo para a Educação Básica das Escolas do Campo do Rio Grande do Sul e suas relações com a construção do conhecimento escolar, objetivamos: a) analisar os documentos legais que orientam as referidas escolas, investigando as suas articulações com a organização do currículo; e b) identificar e analisar quais sentidos de conhecimento escolar estão presentes nos documentos. Para tanto, o estudo apresenta a seguinte questão norteadora: quais sentidos de conhecimento escolar são privilegiados nas políticas curriculares para as Escolas do Campo no Rio Grande do Sul? Essa problematização, vinculada aos estudos teóricos desenvolvidos, reflete um estudo de abordagem qualitativa. Evidenciam-se como corpus empírico os documentos orientadores das políticas curriculares para as Escolas de Educação Básica do Campo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para sustentar os argumentos teóricos, partimos de uma abordagem pluralista, a fim de contemplar diferentes concepções e ampliar nosso entendimento sobre o assunto. O estudo revelou a possibilidade de o conhecimento escolar ampliar as oportunidades de aprendizagem para os estudantes, constituindo currículos que oportunizem transcenderem o âmbito experiencial. Após detalhada e atenciosa análise, constatamos quatro sentidos de conhecimento escolar privilegiados no discurso dos documentos. Dois deles estavam ancorados nas teorizações sobre justiça social, sobretudo através da leitura de Nancy Fraser, indicando que os processos de escolarização do Campo precisariam estar pautados na tríade redistribuição, reconhecimento e participação, focalizando seu caráter social no âmbito dos Estudos Curriculares. Os outros dois sentidos estavam amparados nas conceitualizações produzidas em torno da noção de diferenciação curricular, direcionando os argumentos para as discussões que vêm contribuindo para a organização do currículo, considerando a multiplicidade dos fins educacionais frente à diversidade cultural

    Reestructuración del portal web de Vectorial Estudios para potenciarlo como herramienta a favor de la comunicación externa de la compañía

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    Este trabajo se realizó en la empresa de tecnología Vectorial Studios Ltda. de la ciudad de Cali, empresa dedicada a los servicios web y multimedia con más de 9 años de trayectoria en el mercado. El proyecto de pasantía buscó dar soluciones a los problemas de comunicación encontrados en la previa investigación, reestructurar el portal web de la compañía en favor de la potenciación de la comunicación externa de la misma. Lo anterior, a través de la elaboración y ejecución de un plan estratégico de comunicación digital que incluyó a todos los miembros de la organizaciónPasantía (Comunicador Social-Periodista)-- Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, 2009PregradoComunicador(a) Social – Periodist

    Police Criminal Charging Decisions: An Examination of Post-Arrest Decision-Making

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    Scholars have encouraged studies of police decision-making to move beyond the arrest decision into research that broadens the understanding of police behavior. The criminal charge placed by officers against offenders is largely an untouched area of study. Examining criminal charging decisions goes beyond simple dichotomous decisions, such as arrest, but instead explores the area of police leniency or punitiveness. Randomly constructed vignettes describing a domestic violence incident were given to officers from four agencies. Officers indicated the criminal charges they would likely list against an offender if they were to make an arrest. Serious criminal charges were often supported by additional, but less serious, charges. Victim injury and an uncooperative offender were related to the decision to charge a misdemeanor offense. There was a significant negative relationship between the number of charges listed and more experienced officers and officers working in smaller agencies. The implications of this study and directions for future research are discussed

    Estado de arte : campo del educador especial en la educación para la sexualidad de personas con discapacidad intelectual en el periodo del 2015 – 2016

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    La presente investigación se abordará el campo del educador especial referente a la educación para la sexualidad en personas con discapacidad intelectual que convoca la investigación titulada “Estado de arte: campo del educador especial en la educación para la sexualidad de personas con discapacidad intelectual en el periodo del 2015 – 2016”. Las educadoras especiales en formación, tuvieron vacíos en cuanto a la información de educación para la sexualidad de personas con discapacidad intelectual en las diferentes practicas pedagógicas, reflejando confusión a la hora de abordar el tema con la familia y las personas con discapacidad intelectual, porque no se tuvieron las estrategias y herramientas necesarias para orientar y formar la educación para la sexualidad, por ello no se lograron resolver durante los periodos académicos (nueve (9) semestres), de cómo un educador especial aborda, orienta y forma la educación para la sexualidad en las personas con discapacidad intelectual, por esta razón, se decide indagar diversos documentos los cuales presentan datos e información donde se recolectaron tres (3) trabajos de grado sobre el tema de educación para la sexualidad de las personas con discapacidad intelectual, realizados por estudiantes de licenciatura en educación especial o énfasis en educación especial en formación, de dos (2) universidades del sector local

    Políticas curriculares para o Ensino Médio nas escolas do campo no Brasil

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    Neste estudo aborda-se uma reflexão de caráter empírico sobre as orientações legais e propostas educacionais para o Ensino Médio do Campo, considerando as políticas públicas que fazem parte do quadro governamental atual. Procurou-se elencar como foco analítico da pesquisa as teorizações sobre a constituição do conhecimento escolar na referida etapa da Educação Básica. Com base nas dimensões atuais que vêm caracterizando o Ensino Médio, em aproximação à Educação do Campo, compomos um diagnóstico sobre os princípios e fundamentos que norteiam o processo pedagógico e conduzem o sistema escolar no âmbito em questão. Para tanto, decidimos descrever, examinar e problematizar as concepções de conhecimento escolar em documentos de caráter nacional, a fim de verificar os sentidos e as tendências que influenciam os rumos do processo de decisão curricular nas escolas. A presente investigação revelou que, mesmo considerando os avanços que promoveram melhorias no Ensino Médio do Campo, as estratégias para a democratização e a qualificação do ensino são limitadas e insuficientes, já que as teorizações dos Estudos Curriculares indicam para uma educação comprometida com o conhecimento escolar e a consequente possibilidade de os estudantes intervirem no mundo de forma qualificada e crítica

    Analysis of polymerization time on abrasive wear of dental resins

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    An evaluation was made of the abrasive wear of six composite thermofixed dental resins subjected to different polymerization times. The method of evaluation was based on sharpness measurements to quantify the abrasive wear resistance of the resins. To this end, a test bench was built, consisting of a rotating porcelain cylinder that wears out a resin-coated cylinder placed above it, thus causing vertical displacement of the contact as the wear progresses. The values of vertical displacement, i.e., the input variables, were read and recorded by means of a computer program to obtain the sharpness values. These data indicated that the resins displayed different behaviors as a function of the polymerization times applied, reinforcing the importance of using a practical and rapid method of analysis in order to ensure that the behavior of new materials is fully understood before they are launched on the market.FAPES

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento del Cauca

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    No aplica.La violencia en Colombia generada por grupos armados lleva años de daño, terror, sufrimiento, dolor, sangre, pérdida, muerte y otros, que han generado en las personas un proceso difícil de elaborar. En el presente documento, se presenta inicialmente un análisis a partir de un relato de la Comisión de la Verdad, donde Shimaia relata su historia y la de su pueblo Barí, aquí se tiene en cuenta la narrativa, la posición de quien relata como víctima o sobreviviente, los emergentes psicosociales, los recursos de afrontamiento, los elementos resilientes y a partir de ello la construcción de preguntas circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas. Posterior a ello, se aborda el caso de la masacre de El Salado, en éste se analiza sobre los emergentes psicosociales, los impactos desde lo bio-psico-socio-cultural, la resiliencia y experiencias de transformación, se crea además 3 estrategias psicosociales. Finalmente, se agrega el paso 3 correspondiente al informe reflexivo y analítico de la experiencia sobre las imágenes y las narrativas teniendo en cuenta sitios como Piedra Sentada, Galíndez, El bordo y Popayán, pertenecientes al departamento del Cauca; todo el proceso permite la comprensión de diferentes contextos enmarcados en la violencia por el conflicto armado, las afectaciones pueden ser de manera individual y colectiva, con consecuencias, secuelas y procesos que son diferentes en cada uno.The violence in Colombia generated by armed groups takes years of damage, terror, suffering, pain, blood, loss, death and others, which have generated in people a process that is difficult to carry out. In this document, an analysis is initially presented based on a story from the Truth Commission, where Shimaia tells her story and that of her Barí people, here the narrative is taken into account, the position of the person telling the story as a victim or survivor, psychosocial emerging, coping resources, resilient elements and from this the construction of circular, reflective and strategic questions. After that, the case of the El Salado massacre is addressed, in which psychosocial emergencies are analyzed, the impacts from the bio-psycho-socio-cultural, resilience and transformation experiences, and 3 psychosocial strategies are also created. Finally, step 3 is added corresponding to the reflective and analytical report of the experience on the images and narratives, taking into account sites such as Piedra Sentada, Galindez, El Bordo and Popayán, belonging to the department of Cauca; The entire process allows the understanding of different contexts framed in violence due to the armed conflict, the effects can be individually and collectively, with consequences, consequences and processes that are different in each one

    The effect of HRM attributions on emotional exhaustion and the mediating roles of job involvement and work overload

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    Although some research suggests that perceptions of HRM practices are associated with lower levels of employee wellbeing, other research shows just the opposite. In the present study, we attempt to reconcile these discrepant findings by incorporating the role of HRM attributions. Our model posits that when employees perceive that their organisation’s HRM practices are intended to improve their job performance, they experience higher levels of job involvement, which leads to lower levels of emotional exhaustion. Conversely, when employees believe that their organisation’s HRM practices are intended to reduce organisational costs, they experience work overload, which translates into higher levels of emotional exhaustion. Parallel mediation analyses of survey data collected from employees of a construction and consultancy organisation at two time periods (n=180) supported this theoretical model