9,699 research outputs found

    Are Muslims the New Catholics? Europe’s Headscarf Laws in Comparative Historical Perspective

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    In this paper a biologically-inspired model for partly occluded patterns is proposed. The model is based on the hypothesis that in human visual system occluding patterns play a key role in recognition as well as in reconstructing internal representation for a pattern’s occluding parts. The proposed model is realized with a bidirectional hierarchical neural network. In this network top-down cues, generated by direct connections from the lower to higher levels of hierarchy, interact with the bottom-up information, generated from the un-occluded parts, to recognize occluded patterns. Moreover, positional cues of the occluded as well as occluding patterns, that are computed separately but in the same network, modulate the top-down and bottom-up processing to reconstruct the occluded patterns. Simulation results support the presented hypothesis as well as effectiveness of the model in providing a solution to recognition of occluded patterns. The behavior of the model is in accordance to the known human behavior on the occluded patterns

    Determination of Allergen Levels, Isoforms, and Their Hydroxyproline Modifications Among Peanut Genotypes by Mass Spectrometry

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    The recently published reference genome of peanuts enables a detailed molecular description of the allergenic proteins of the seed. We used LC-MS/MS to investigate peanuts of different genotypes to assess variability and to better describe naturally occurring allergens and isoforms. Using relative quantification by mass spectrometry, minor variation of some allergenic proteins was observed, but total levels of Ara h 1, 2, 3, and 6 were relatively consistent among 20 genotypes. Previously published RPHPLC methodology was used for comparison. The abundance of three Ara h 3 isoforms were variable among the genotypes and contributed to a large proportion of total Ara h 3 where present. Previously unpublished hydroxyproline sites were identified in Ara h 1 and 3. Hydroxylation did not vary significantly where sites were present. Peanut allergen composition was largely stable, with only some isoforms displaying differences between genotypes. The resulting differences in allergenicity are of unknown clinical significance but are likely to be minor. The data presented herein allow for the design of targeted MS methodology to allow the quantitation and therefore control of peanut allergens of clinical relevance and observed variability

    Ocean acidification increases fatty acids levels of larval fish

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    Rising levels of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are acidifying the oceans and producing diverse and important effects on marine ecosystems, including the production of fatty acids (FAs) by primary producers and their transfer through food webs. FAs, particularly essential FAs, are necessary for normal structure and function in animals and influence composition and trophic structure of marine food webs. To test the effect of ocean acidification (OA) on the FA composition of fish, we conducted a replicated experiment in which larvae of the marine fish red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were reared under a climate change scenario of elevated CO levels (2100 matm) and under current control levels (400 matm). We found significantly higher whole-body levels of FAs, including nine of the 11 essential FAs, and altered relative proportions of FAs in the larvae reared under higher levels of CO. Consequences of this effect of OA could include alterations in performance and survival of fish larvae and transfer of FAs through food webs.CDG was funded by FPI‐INIA-2012, this manuscript was financed by the research project REC2  (grant#CTM2011‐23835). Contribution 1705 of the University of Texas Marine Science InstitutePeer Reviewe

    Regulation of surface architecture by symbiotic bacteria mediates host colonization

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    Microbes occupy countless ecological niches in nature. Sometimes these environments may be on or within another organism, as is the case in both microbial infections and symbiosis of mammals. Unlike pathogens that establish opportunistic infections, hundreds of human commensal bacterial species establish a lifelong cohabitation with their hosts. Although many virulence factors of infectious bacteria have been described, the molecular mechanisms used during beneficial host–symbiont colonization remain almost entirely unknown. The novel identification of multiple surface polysaccharides in the important human symbiont Bacteroides fragilis raised the critical question of how these molecules contribute to commensalism. To understand the function of the bacterial capsule during symbiotic colonization of mammals, we generated B. fragilis strains deleted in the global regulator of polysaccharide expression and isolated mutants with defects in capsule expression. Surprisingly, attempts to completely eliminate capsule production are not tolerated by the microorganism, which displays growth deficits and subsequent reversion to express capsular polysaccharides. We identify an alternative pathway by which B. fragilis is able to reestablish capsule production and modulate expression of surface structures. Most importantly, mutants expressing single, defined surface polysaccharides are defective for intestinal colonization compared with bacteria expressing a complete polysaccharide repertoire. Restoring the expression of multiple capsular polysaccharides rescues the inability of mutants to compete for commensalism. These findings suggest a model whereby display of multiple capsular polysaccharides provides essential functions for bacterial colonization during host–symbiont mutualism

    Implicit and explicit stigma towards mental health treatment

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    In order to better understand stigma associated with mental health treatment, 118 Clemson University students completed Implicit Association Tasks (IAT) and self-report surveys. The IAT presented terms associated with either medical or psychological treatments or patients, paired with additional positive or negative terms (e.g., good vs. bad). Survey items assessed attitudes towards mental health and medical treatment, as well as mental health and medical patients. Responses from the IAT and survey were compared regarding mental health versus medical treatments and mental health versus medical patients. The IAT results revealed a significant negative implicit bias toward mental health treatment and mental health patients. Explicit survey measures also showed more negative responses toward mental health treatment and patients. Our findings provide both implicit and explicit evidence of stigma associated with mental health treatment and patients. Through better understanding these biases, researchers can work to reduce the stigma associated with mental health treatment

    Scheduling and Separating Departures Crossing Arrival Flows in Shared Airspace

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    Flight efficiency and reduction of flight delays are among the primary goals of NextGen. In this paper, we propose a concept of shared airspace where departures fly across arrival flows, provided gaps are available in these flows. We have explored solutions to separate departures temporally from arrival traffic and pre-arranged procedures to support controllers' decisions. We conducted a Human-in-the-Loop simulation and assessed the efficiency and safety of 96 departures from the San Jose airport (SJC) climbing across the arrival airspace of the Oakland and San Francisco arrival flows. In our simulation, the SJC tower had a tool to schedule departures to fly across predicted gaps in the arrival flow. When departures were mistimed and separation could not be ensured, a safe but less efficient route was provided to the departures to fly under the arrival flows. A coordination using a point-out procedure allowed the arrival controller to control the SJC departures right after takeoff. We manipulated the accuracy of departure time (accurate vs. inaccurate) as well as which sector took control of the departures after takeoff (departure vs. arrival sector) in a 2x2 full factorial plan. Results show that coordination time decreased and climb efficiency increased when the arrival sector controlled the aircraft right after takeoff. Also, climb efficiency increased when the departure times were more accurate. Coordination was shown to be a critical component of tactical operations in shared airspace. Although workload, coordination, and safety were judged by controllers as acceptable in the simulation, it appears that in the field, controllers would need improved tools and coordination procedures to support this procedure

    Active cooling control of the CLEO detector using a hydrocarbon coolant farm

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    We describe a novel approach to particle-detector cooling in which a modular farm of active coolant-control platforms provides independent and regulated heat removal from four recently upgraded subsystems of the CLEO detector: the ring-imaging Cherenkov detector, the drift chamber, the silicon vertex detector, and the beryllium beam pipe. We report on several aspects of the system: the suitability of using the aliphatic-hydrocarbon solvent PF(TM)-200IG as a heat-transfer fluid, the sensor elements and the mechanical design of the farm platforms, a control system that is founded upon a commercial programmable logic controller employed in industrial process-control applications, and a diagnostic system based on virtual instrumentation. We summarize the system's performance and point out the potential application of the design to future high-energy physics apparatus.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 5 PostScript figures; version accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

    A close look at the Centaurus A group of galaxies III. Recent star formation histories of late-type dwarfs around M83

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    We study the resolved stellar populations of dwarf galaxies in the nearby Centaurus A/M83 group of galaxies. Our goal is to characterize their evolutionary history and to investigate eventual similarities or differences with the dwarf population in other group environments. This work presents the analysis of five late-type (irregular) dwarfs found in the vicinity of the giant spiral M83. Using archival HST/ACS data, we perform synthetic color-magnitude diagram modeling to derive the star formation histories of these late-type dwarfs. The target objects show heterogeneous star formation histories, with average star formation rates of 0.08 to 0.70x10^{-2} M_odot/yr. Some of them present prolonged, global bursts of star formation (~300-500 Myr). The studied galaxies are all metal-poor ([Fe/H] ~-1.4). We further investigate the spatial extent of different stellar populations, finding that the young stars show a clumpy distribution, as opposed to the smooth, broad extent of the old ones. The actively star forming regions have sizes of ~100 pc and lifetimes of >~100 Myr, thus suggesting a stochastic star formation mode for the target dwarf irregular galaxies. The galaxies formed ~20% to 70% of their stars more than ~7 Gyr ago. The studied dwarfs have average star formation rates slightly higher than their analogues in the Local Group, but comparable to those in the M81 group. Our preliminary sample indicates that the neutral gas content of the target dwarfs does seem to be affected by the group environment: galaxies within a denser region have a much lower M_HI/ than the isolated ones, meaning that they will exhaust their gas reservoir more quickly.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    Cardiac myosin binding protein-C plays no regulatory role in skeletal muscle structure and function

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    Myosin binding protein-C (MyBP-C) exists in three major isoforms: slow skeletal, fast skeletal, and cardiac. While cardiac MyBP-C (cMyBP-C) expression is restricted to the heart in the adult, it is transiently expressed in neonatal stages of some skeletal muscles. However, it is unclear whether this expression is necessary for the proper development and function of skeletal muscle. Our aim was to determine whether the absence of cMyBP-C alters the structure, function, or MyBP-C isoform expression in adult skeletal muscle using a cMyBP-C null mouse model (cMyBP-C((t/t))). Slow MyBP-C was expressed in both slow and fast skeletal muscles, whereas fast MyBP-C was mostly restricted to fast skeletal muscles. Expression of these isoforms was unaffected in skeletal muscle from cMyBP-C((t/t)) mice. Slow and fast skeletal muscles in cMyBP-C((t/t)) mice showed no histological or ultrastructural changes in comparison to the wild-type control. In addition, slow muscle twitch, tetanus tension, and susceptibility to injury were all similar to the wild-type controls. Interestingly, fMyBP-C expression was significantly increased in the cMyBP-C((t/t)) hearts undergoing severe dilated cardiomyopathy, though this does not seem to prevent dysfunction. Additionally, expression of both slow and fast isoforms was increased in myopathic skeletal muscles. Our data demonstrate that i) MyBP-C isoforms are differentially regulated in both cardiac and skeletal muscles, ii) cMyBP-C is dispensable for the development of skeletal muscle with no functional or structural consequences in the adult myocyte, and iii) skeletal isoforms can transcomplement in the heart in the absence of cMyBP-C

    Salivary Testosterone and Sexual Function and Behavior in Men and Women: Findings from the Third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3)

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    Using data from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3) we examined associations between salivary testosterone (Sal-T) and sexual function and behavior. Single morning saliva samples were self-collected from a subsample of participants aged 18–74 years and analyzed using mass spectrometry. 1,599 men and 2,123 women were included in the analysis (40.6% of those invited to provide a sample). We adjusted for confounders in a stepwise manner: in model 1 we adjusted for age only; model 2 for age, season and relationship status, and model 3 we added BMI and self-reported health. In the fully adjusted models, among men, Sal-T was positively associated with both partnered sex (vaginal sex and concurrent partners) and masturbation. Among women, Sal-T was positively associated with masturbation, the only association with partnered sex was with ever experience of same-sex sex. We found no clear association between Sal-T and sexual function. Our study contributes toward addressing the sparsity of data outside the laboratory on the differences between men and women in the relationship between T and sexual function and behavior. To our knowledge, this is the first population study, among men and women, using a mass spectrometry Sal-T assay to do so