156 research outputs found

    A Two-Axis Goniometric Sensor for Tracking Finger Motion

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    The study of finger kinematics has developed into an important research area. Various hand tracking systems are currently available; however, they all have limited functionality. Generally, the most commonly adopted sensors are limited to measurements with one degree of freedom, i.e., flexion/extension of fingers. More advanced measurements including finger abduction, adduction, and circumduction are much more difficult to achieve. To overcome these limitations, we propose a two-axis 3D printed optical sensor with a compact configuration for tracking finger motion. Based on Malus’ law, this sensor detects the angular changes by analyzing the attenuation of light transmitted through polarizing film. The sensor consists of two orthogonal axes each containing two pathways. The two readings from each axis are fused using a weighted average approach, enabling a measurement range up to 180 ∘ and an improvement in sensitivity. The sensor demonstrates high accuracy (±0.3 ∘ ), high repeatability, and low hysteresis error. Attaching the sensor to the index finger’s metacarpophalangeal joint, real-time movements consisting of flexion/extension, abduction/adduction and circumduction have been successfully recorded. The proposed two-axis sensor has demonstrated its capability for measuring finger movements with two degrees of freedom and can be potentially used to monitor other types of body motion

    Динаміка мітотичної активності клітин меристеми хвої модрини західної (Larix occidentalis Nutt.)

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    У результаті дослідження динаміки мітотичної активності клітин меристеми хвої модрини західної (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) визначено, що максимальна кількість клітин, які діляться, припадає на ранкові години доби (6 – 9 години). Графік динаміки має двовершинний характер з піками о 7-ій та о 9-ій годинах ранку.В результате исследований динамики митотической активности клеток меристемы хвои лиственницы западной (Larix occidentalis) установлено, что максимальное количество делящихся клеток обнаруживается в утренние часы суток (6 – 9 часов). График динамики имеет двухвершинный тип с пиками в 7 и 9 часов утра.Results of researches for dynamics of mitotic activity of merystem cells of Western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) needles show, that maximal amount of divided cells was found out at 6 – 9 o'clock in the morning. The graph of dynamics has bimodal type with the peaks at 7 and at 9 o'clock in the morning

    Horizontal force production and multi-segment foot kinematics during the acceleration phase of bend sprinting

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    This paper investigated horizontal force production, foot kinematics and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint push-off axis use during acceleration in bend (anti-clockwise) and straight-line sprinting. It was hypothesised that bend sprinting would cause the left step push-off to occur about the oblique axis, resulting in a decrease in propulsive force. Three-dimensional kinematic and ground reaction force data were collected from nine participants during sprinting on the bend (36.5 m radius) and straight. Anteroposterior force was reduced at 38-44% of stance during bend sprinting compared with the straight. This coincided with an increase in mediolateral force for the majority of the stance phase (3-96%) on the bend compared with the straight. In addition, a lower propulsive impulse was reported on the bend compared with the straight. Analysis of multi-segment foot kinematics provides insight into the possible mechanisms behind these changes in force production. Mean mediolateral centre of pressure position was more lateral in relation to the second metatarsal head in the left step on the bend compared with the straight, indicating the oblique axis was used for push-off at the MTP joint. Greater peak joint angles of the left foot were also reported, in particular, an increase in left step midfoot eversion and internal ankle rotation. It is possible these changes in joint kinematics are associated with the observed decrease in propulsive force. Therefore, practitioners should seek to strengthen muscles such as tibialis posterior in frontal and sagittal planes and ensure specificity of training which may aid in addressing these force reductions

    The Madagascar Bloom – a serendipitous study

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    The late austral summer (February-April) phytoplankton bloom that occurs east of Madagascar exhibits significant interannual variability and at its largest extent covers ~1% of the world’s ocean surface area. The bloom raises many intriguing questions about how it begins, is sustained, propagates to the east, exports carbon and ends. It has been observed and studied using satellite ocean color observations, but the lack of in situ data makes it difficult to address these questions. Here we describe observations that were made serendipitously on a cruise in February 2005. These show clearly for the first time the simultaneous existence of a deep chlorophyll maximum at ~70-110 m depths (seen in SeaSoar fluorimeter data) and a surface chlorophyll signature (seen in SeaWiFS satellite ocean color data). The observations also show the modulation of biological signature at the surface by the eddy field, but not of the deep chlorophyll maximum. Trichodesmium dominates the bloom nearer to Madagascar, while the diatom Rhizosolenia clevei (and its symbiont Richelia intracellularis) dominates further from the island. The surface bloom seen in the SeaWiFS data is confined to the shallow (~30 m) mixed layer. It is hypothesized that the interannual variability in bloom intensity may be due to variations in coastal upwelling and thus the supply of iron, which is a micronutrient that can limit diazotroph growth

    An exploratory study into the effects of a 20 minute crushed ice application on knee joint position sense during a small knee bend.

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    Objectives The effect of cryotherapy on joint positioning presents conflicting debates as to whether individuals are at an increased risk of injury when returning to play or activity immediately following cryotherapy application at the knee. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a 20 minute application of crushed ice at the knee immediately affects knee joint position sense during a small knee bend. Design Pre and post-intervention. Setting University movement analysis laboratory. Participants Eleven healthy male participants. Main Outcome Measures Kinematics of the knee were measured during a weight bearing functional task pre and post cryotherapy intervention using three-dimensional motion analysis (Qualisys Medical AB Gothenburg, Sweden). Tissue cooling was measured via a digital thermometer at the knee. Results Results demonstrated significant reductions in the ability to accurately replicate knee joint positioning in both sagittal (P=.035) and coronal (P=.011) planes during the descent phase of a small knee bend following cryotherapy. Conclusion In conclusion a twenty minute application of crushed ice to the knee has an adverse effect on knee joint repositioning. Team doctors, clinicians, therapists and athletes should consider these findings when deciding to return an athlete to functional weight bearing tasks immediately following ice application at the knee, due to the potential increase risk of injury

    Force production during maximal effort bend sprinting : theory versus reality

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    This study investigated whether the ‘constant limb force hypothesis’ can be applied to bend sprinting on an athletics track and to understand how force production influences performance on the bend compared with the straight. Force and three-dimensional video analyses were conducted on seven competitive athletes during maximal effort sprinting on the bend (radius 37.72 m) and straight. Left step mean peak vertical and resultant force decreased significantly by 0.37 BW and 0.21 BW, respectively, on the bend compared with the straight. Right step force production was not compromised in the same way, and some athletes demonstrated substantial increases in these variables on the bend. More inward impulse during left (39.9 ± 6.5 Ns) than right foot contact (24.7 ± 5.8 Ns) resulted in 1.6° more turning during the left step on the bend. There was a 2.3% decrease in velocity from straight to bend for both steps. The constant limb force hypothesis is not entirely valid for maximal effort sprinting on the bend. Also, the force requirements of bend sprinting are considerably different to straight-line sprinting and are asymmetrical in nature. Overall, bend-specific strength and technique training may improve performance during this portion of 200 m and 400 m races

    Modes of the southern extension of the East Madagascar Current

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    Data sets from satellite observations and a nested high-resolution model are used to study a source region of the Agulhas Current. Altimeter-derived geostrophic surface currents are averaged over varying periods, providing evidence of the persistence of flow patterns in the extension of the southern branch of the East Madagascar Current (SEMC). South of Madagascar, the SEMC separates into one branch toward the Agulhas Current and into a second branch retroflecting and connecting to the Subtropical Indian Ocean Countercurrent (SICC). Good agreement is found between long-term mean patterns of observational and model dynamic heights. Two basic modes are identified in the SEMC extension, with anticyclonic motion favoring retroflection in the northern Mozambique Basin when the extension is in a southwestward direction and cyclonic motion occurring in the case of the SEMC flowing westward along the southern Madagascar slope. A cross-correlation sequence between model SEMC transports and the modal changes in the extension region displays a correlation at about 1-month lag which agrees with eddy propagation time from the SEMC to the outflow region. Mean model SEMC transports are determined using floats released at 21 degrees S, and the contribution of the SEMC to the SICC is obtained using floats injected at 55 degrees E with the model running backward. Almost half of the SEMC volume transport contributes to the Agulhas system, and about 40% of SICC water originates from the SEMC

    Estimating upper limb discomfort level due to intermittent isometric pronation torque with various combinations of elbow angles, forearm rotation angles, force and frequency with upper arm at 90 degrees abduction

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    peer-reviewedIndustrial jobs involving upper arm abduction have a strong association with musculoskeletal disorders and injury. But there is still paucity of data on the different risk factors that are responsible for the genesis of such disorders or injuries. The current laboratory study is an attempt in that direction. Thirty-six right-handed male university students participated in a full factorial model of three forearm rotation angles (60% prone and supine and neutral range of motion), three elbow angles (45 degrees, 90 degrees and 135 degrees), two exertion frequencies (10 and 20/min) and two levels of pronation torque (10% and 20% MVC). Discomfort rating after each five-minute treatment was recorded on a visual analogue scale. Repeated measures ANCOVA with grip endurance time as a covariate indicated that forearm rotation angle (p = 0.001), elbow flexion angle (p = 0.016), MVC torque (p = 0.001) and frequency (p = 0.049) were significant. Grip endurance time was not significant (p = 0.74). EMG activity of the Pronator Teres (PT) and the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB) revealed that both muscles were affected by forearm rotation and level of MVC torque. A supplementary experiment in which MVC pronation torque at different articulations was measured showed that some of the increased discomfort appeared to be due to increased relative NIVC at some of the extreme articulations. The findings indicated that, with the upper arm in abduction, an elbow angle of 45 degrees and forearm prone, are a posture vulnerable to injury and should be avoided. Grip endurance time as a covariate warrants further investigation. Relevance to industry There is still a paucity of data on risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders for upper arm articulations typical of industrial jobs, especially postures involving upper arm abduction. Industrial jobs involving upper arm abduction have a strong association with injury as operators must often maintain static upper arm abduction while performing tasks for long durations. This study presents discomfort and pronation torque MVC data at different upper arm articulations to identify and control high-risk tasks in industry well before they develop into Musculoskeletal Disorders, especially at the design stage when using biomechanical models. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.ACCEPTEDpeer-reviewe