18 research outputs found

    Short-term streambed drying events alter amphipod population structure in a central European stream

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    Temporary streams are becoming increasingly common, but ecological responses to streambed drying are poorly characterized in the temperate continental region of central Europe. In addition, global research has focused on community responses to drying, whereas effects on individual populations remain unknown. We explored the population structure of Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in a central European temporary stream. Benthic gammarids were sampled on five dates during a flow recession, one date between two drying events (of 10 and 20 days, respectively), and five dates after flow resumed. Additional benthic samples were taken from isolated pools and dry sediments during drying events, and freeze cores were collected to compare the vertical distribution of amphipods during wet and dry phases. Gammarids were measured, adults distinguished from juveniles, adults sexed, and female reproductive state determined. Densities increased during flow recession, potentially reflecting both a decline in submerged habitat availability and seasonal increases in juvenile abundance. Persistence within dry benthic sediments was minimal, whereas pools and saturated subsurface sediments supported high population densities. Juveniles comprised 80 % of the subsurface population, suggesting that their ability to inhabit small interstices promotes persistence within the dry reach. Juveniles also comprised 92 % of pool inhabitants, despite their potential exposure to predation. Adults dominated after flow resumed, and population structure was altered post-drying by the loss of spring-recruited juveniles and reproductive females. Our results suggest that streambed drying may have longer-term effects than typically characterized by community-level studies. We recommend management actions that support populations of ecologically important species as they adapt to changing flow regimes

    Biomonitoring of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in Europe: current practice and priorities to enhance ecological status assessments

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    Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) are common across Europe and dominate some Mediterranean river networks. In all climate zones, IRES support high biodiversity and provide ecosystem services. As dynamic ecosystems that transition between flowing, pool, and dry states, IRES are typically poorly represented in biomonitoring programmes implemented to characterize EU Water Framework Directive ecological status. We report the results of a survey completed by representatives from 20 European countries to identify current challenges to IRES status assessment, examples of best practice, and priorities for future research. We identify five major barriers to effective ecological status classification in IRES: 1. the exclusion of IRES from Water Framework Directive biomonitoring based on their small catchment size; 2. the lack of river typologies that distinguish between contrasting IRES; 3. difficulties in defining the ‘reference conditions’ that represent unimpacted dynamic ecosystems; 4. classification of IRES ecological status based on lotic communities sampled using methods developed for perennial rivers; and 5. a reliance on taxonomic characterization of local communities. Despite these challenges, we recognize examples of innovative practice that can inform modification of current biomonitoring activity to promote effective IRES status classification. Priorities for future research include reconceptualization of the reference condition approach to accommodate spatiotemporal fluctuations in community composition, and modification of indices of ecosystem health to recognize both taxon-specific sensitivities to intermittence and dispersal abilities, within a landscape context

    Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams (SMIRES)

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    More than half of the global river network is composed of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), which are expanding in response to climate change and increasing water demands. After years of obscurity, the science of IRES has bloomed recently and it is being recognised that IRES support a unique and high biodiversity, provide essential ecosystem services and are functionally part of river networks and groundwater systems. However, they still lack protective and adequate management, thereby jeopardizing water resources at the global scale. This Action brings together hydrologists, biogeochemists, ecologists, modellers, environmental economists, social researchers and stakeholders from 14 different countries to develop a research network for synthesising the fragmented, recent knowledge on IRES, improving our understanding of IRES and translating this into a science-based, sustainable management of river networks. Deliverables will be provided through i) research workshops synthesising and addressing key challenges in IRES science, supporting research exchange and educating young researchers, and ii) researcher-stakeholder workshops translating improved knowledge into tangible tools and guidelines for protecting IRES and raising awareness of their importance and value in societal and decision-maker spheres. This Action is organized within six Working Groups to address: (i) the occurrence, distribution and hydrological trends of IRES; (ii) the effects of flow alterations on IRES functions and services; (iii) the interaction of aquatic and terrestrial biogeochemical processes at catchment scale; (iv) the biomonitoring of the ecological status of IRES; (v) synergies in IRES research at the European scale, data assemblage and sharing; (vi) IRES management and advocacy training

    Europe-wide spatial trends in copper and imidacloprid sensitivity of macroinvertebrate assemblages

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    Exposure to synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides and pharmaceuticals, affects freshwater communities at broad spatial scales. This risk is commonly managed in a prospective environmental risk assessment (ERA). Relying on generic methods, a few standard test organisms, and safety factors to account for uncertainty, ERA determines concentrations that are assumed to pose low risks to ecosystems. Currently, this procedure neglects potential variation in assemblage sensitivity among ecosystem types and recommends a single low-risk concentration for each compound. Whether systematic differences in assemblage sensitivity among ecosystem types exist or their size, are currently unknown. Elucidating spatial patterns in sensitivity to chemicals could therefore enhance ERA precision and narrow a fundamental knowledge gap in ecology, the Hutchinsonian shortfall. We analyzed whether taxonomic turnover between field-sampled macroinvertebrate assemblages of different broad river types across Europe results in systematic differences in assemblage sensitivity to copper and imidacloprid. We used an extensive database of macroinvertebrate assemblage compositions throughout Europe and employed a hierarchical species sensitivity distribution model to predict the concentration that would be harmful to 5% of taxa (HC5) in each assemblage. Predicted HC5H{C}_{5} H C 5 values varied over several orders of magnitude. However, variation within the 95% highest density intervals remained within one order of magnitude. Differences between the river types were minor for imidacloprid and only slightly higher for copper. The largest difference between river-type-specific median HC5H{C}_{5} H C 5 values was a factor of 3.1. This level of variation is below the assessment factors recommended by the European Food Safety Authority and therefore would be captured in the current ERA for plant protection products. We conclude that the differences in taxonomic composition between broad river types translate into relatively small differences in macroinvertebrate assemblage sensitivity toward the evaluated chemicals at the European scale. However, systematic differences in bioavailability and multi-stressor context were not evaluated and might exacerbate the differences in the ecological effects of chemicals among broad river types in real-world ecosystems

    Sediment respiration pulses in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams

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    Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) may represent over half the global stream network, but their contribution to respiration and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is largely undetermined. In particular, little is known about the variability and drivers of respiration in IRES sediments upon rewetting, which could result in large pulses of CO2. We present a global study examining sediments from 200 dry IRES reaches spanning multiple biomes. Results from standardized assays show that mean respiration increased 32–66‐fold upon sediment rewetting. Structural equation modelling indicates that this response was driven by sediment texture and organic matter quantity and quality, which, in turn, were influenced by climate, land use and riparian plant cover. Our estimates suggest that respiration pulses resulting from rewetting of IRES sediments could contribute significantly to annual CO2 emissions from the global stream network, with a single respiration pulse potentially increasing emission by 0.2–0.7%. As the spatial and temporal extent of IRES increases globally, our results highlight the importance of recognizing the influence of wetting‐drying cycles on respiration and CO2 emissions in stream networks

    A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways

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    Perennial rivers and streams make a disproportionate contribution to global carbon (C) cycling. However, the contribution of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), which sometimes cease to flow and can dry completely, is largely ignored although they represent over half the global river network. Substantial amounts of terrestrial plant litter (TPL) accumulate in dry riverbeds and, upon rewetting, this material can undergo rapid microbial processing. We present the results of a global research collaboration that collected and analysed TPL from 212 dry riverbeds across major environmental gradients and climate zones. We assessed litter decomposability by quantifying the litter carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and oxygen (O2) consumption in standardized assays and estimated the potential short-term CO2 emissions during rewetting events. Aridity, cover of riparian vegetation, channel width and dry-phase duration explained most variability in the quantity and decomposability of plant litter in IRES. Our estimates indicate that a single pulse of CO2 emission upon litter rewetting contributes up to 10% of the daily CO2 emission from perennial rivers and stream, particularly in temperate climates. This indicates that the contributions of IRES should be included in global C-cycling assessments

    Parallels and contrasts between intermittently freezing and drying streams: from individual adaptations to biodiversity variation

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    International audienceIntermittently freezing and drying lotic systems are common in many parts of the world. These ecosystems provide dynamic habitats for biota, as both freezing and drying processes result in the loss of water flow along stream and river channels. However, research into the ecological effects of intermittent freezing on stream biota has remained relatively scarce compared to the recent increase in studies exploring the ecology of intermittent streams that dry. Climate change is predicted to alter the distribution and dynamics of intermittently freezing stream types. A better understanding of the responses of stream biota to intermittent freezing would inform predictions of the effects of ongoing climate change on these ecosystems. In this review, we compare the effects of both freezing and drying events on stream biota, ranging from individual-level adaptations to population effects, community-level biodiversity variation and food webs. Despite major contrasts in environmental conditions (e.g. the drying stream channels are exposed to a direct interaction with the riparian zone during the dry phases and the freezing stream channels are enclosed during the freezing phases), we show that both freezing and drying phenomena have pervasive effects on the structure and dynamics of aquatic stream biota. At the individual organism level, aquatic taxa use a range of physiological, morphological, life-history, and behavioural responses to persist despite changing habitat conditions in both freezing and drying streams. The variety of organisms' responses can result in both biodiversity increases and decreases, which may affect population and community dynamics in both ecosystem types. Future research should further explore the population and community-level effects of freezing in stream ecosystems. Due to the ecological parallels between intermittently drying and freezing streams, approaches developed in research into drying streams may also be applied in freezing stream ecosystems. This could improve our understanding of climate change effects on freezing stream ecosystems