1,058 research outputs found

    Variation in fine-scale genetic structure and local dispersal patterns between peripheral populations of a South American passerine bird

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    Indexación: Scopus.The distribution of suitable habitat influences natal and breeding dispersal at small spatial scales, resulting in strong microgeographic genetic structure. Although environmental variation can promote interpopulation differences in dispersal behavior and local spatial patterns, the effects of distinct ecological conditions on within-species variation in dispersal strategies and in fine-scale genetic structure remain poorly understood. We studied local dispersal and fine-scale genetic structure in the thorn-tailed rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda), a South American bird that breeds along a wide latitudinal gradient. We combine capture-mark-recapture data from eight breeding seasons and molecular genetics to compare two peripheral populations with contrasting environments in Chile: Navarino Island, a continuous and low density habitat, and Fray Jorge National Park, a fragmented, densely populated and more stressful environment. Natal dispersal showed no sex bias in Navarino but was female-biased in the more dense population in Fray Jorge. In the latter, male movements were restricted, and some birds seemed to skip breeding in their first year, suggesting habitat saturation. Breeding dispersal was limited in both populations, with males being more philopatric than females. Spatial genetic autocorrelation analyzes using 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci confirmed the observed dispersal patterns: a fine-scale genetic structure was only detectable for males in Fray Jorge for distances up to 450 m. Furthermore, two-dimensional autocorrelation analyzes and estimates of genetic relatedness indicated that related males tended to be spatially clustered in this population. Our study shows evidence for context-dependent variation in natal dispersal and corresponding local genetic structure in peripheral populations of this bird. It seems likely that the costs of dispersal are higher in the fragmented and higher density environment in Fray Jorge, particularly for males. The observed differences in microgeographic genetic structure for rayaditos might reflect the genetic consequences of population-specific responses to contrasting environmental pressures near the range limits of its distribution.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.3342/epd

    Global scenarios of residential heating and cooling energy demand and CO2 emissions

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    Buildings account for 36% of global final energy demand and are key to mitigating climate change. Assessing the evolution of the global building stock and its energy demand is critical to support mitigation strategies. However, most global studies lack granularity and overlook heterogeneity in the building sector, limiting the evaluation of demand transformation scenarios. We develop global residential building scenarios along the shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) 1–3 and assess the evolution of building stock, energy demand, and CO2 emissions for space heating and cooling with MESSAGEix-Buildings, a modelling framework soft-linked to an integrated assessment framework. MESSAGEix-Buildings combines bottom-up modelling of energy demand, stock turnover, and discrete choice modelling for energy efficiency decisions, and accounts for heterogeneity in geographical contexts, socio-economics, and buildings characteristics. Global CO2 emissions for space heating are projected to decrease between 34.4 (SSP3) and 52.5% (SSP1) by 2050 under energy efficiency improvements and electrification. Space cooling demand starkly rises in developing countries, with CO2 emissions increasing globally by 58.2 (SSP1) to 85.2% (SSP3) by 2050. Scenarios substantially differ in the uptake of energy efficient new construction and renovations, generally higher for single-family homes, and in space cooling patterns across income levels and locations, with most of the demand in the global south driven by medium- and high-income urban households. This study contributes an advancement in the granularity of building sector knowledge to be assessed in integration with other sources of emissions in the context of global climate change mitigation and sustainable development

    Integrating energy access, efficiency and renewable energy policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: a model-based analysis

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    The role of energy in social and economic development is recognised by sustainable development goal 7 that targets three aspects of energy access: ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services, substantially increase the share of renewable energy, and double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. With the projected increase in population, income and energy access in Sub-Saharan Africa, demand for energy services is expected to increase. This increase can be met through increasing the supply while at the same time improving households' energy efficiency. In this paper, we explore the interactions between the three SDG7 targets by applying two Integrated Assessment Models, IMAGE and MESSAGE, that incorporate socio-economic heterogeneity of the end-user. The results of the study depict the synergistic relationships between the three SDG7 objectives. Relative to pursuing only the universal access target, integration of all three targets could i) reduce residential final energy consumption by up to 25%, enabling the use of mini-grid and stand-alone systems to provide better energy services, ii) cut annual energy-use-related residential emissions by a third, and iii) lower energy related investments by up to 30% to save scarce finance

    Divergent abiotic spectral pathways unravel pathogen stress signals across species

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    Abstract: Plant pathogens pose increasing threats to global food security, causing yield losses that exceed 30% in food-deficit regions. Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) represents the major transboundary plant pest and one of the world’s most damaging pathogens in terms of socioeconomic impact. Spectral screening methods are critical to detect non-visual symptoms of early infection and prevent spread. However, the subtle pathogen-induced physiological alterations that are spectrally detectable are entangled with the dynamics of abiotic stresses. Here, using airborne spectroscopy and thermal scanning of areas covering more than one million trees of different species, infections and water stress levels, we reveal the existence of divergent pathogen- and host-specific spectral pathways that can disentangle biotic-induced symptoms. We demonstrate that uncoupling this biotic–abiotic spectral dynamics diminishes the uncertainty in the Xf detection to below 6% across different hosts. Assessing these deviating pathways against another harmful vascular pathogen that produces analogous symptoms, Verticillium dahliae, the divergent routes remained pathogen- and host-specific, revealing detection accuracies exceeding 92% across pathosystems. These urgently needed hyperspectral methods advance early detection of devastating pathogens to reduce the billions in crop losses worldwide

    Well-posedness for degenerate third order equations with delay and applications to inverse problems

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    [EN] In this paper, we study well-posedness for the following third-order in time equation with delay <disp-formula idoperators defined on a Banach space X with domains D(A) and D(B) such that t)is the state function taking values in X and u(t): (-, 0] X defined as u(t)() = u(t+) for < 0 belongs to an appropriate phase space where F and G are bounded linear operators. Using operator-valued Fourier multiplier techniques we provide optimal conditions for well-posedness of equation (0.1) in periodic Lebesgue-Bochner spaces Lp(T,X), periodic Besov spaces Bp,qs(T,X) and periodic Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Fp,qs(T,X). A novel application to an inverse problem is given.The first, second and third authors have been supported by MEC, grant MTM2016-75963-P. The second author has been supported by AICO/2016/30. The fourth author has been supported by MEC, grant MTM2015-65825-P.Conejero, JA.; Lizama, C.; Murillo-Arcila, M.; Seoane Sepúlveda, JB. (2019). Well-posedness for degenerate third order equations with delay and applications to inverse problems. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 229(1):219-254. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11856-018-1796-8S2192542291K. Abbaoui and Y. Cherruault, New ideas for solving identification and optimal control problems related to biomedical systems, International Journal of Biomedical Computing 36 (1994), 181–186.M. Al Horani and A. Favini, Perturbation method for first- and complete second-order differential equations, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 166 (2015), 949–967.H. Amann, Operator-valued Fourier multipliers, vector-valued Besov spaces, and applications, Mathematische Nachrichten 186 (1997), 5–56.U. A. Anufrieva, A degenerate Cauchy problem for a second-order equation. A wellposedness criterion, Differentsial’nye Uravneniya 34 (1998), 1131–1133; English translation: Differential Equations 34 (1999), 1135–1137.W. Arendt and S. Bu, The operator-valued Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem and maximal regularity, Mathematische Zeitschrift 240 (2002), 311–343.W. Arendt and S. Bu, Operator-valued Fourier multipliers on periodic Besov spaces and applications, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 47 (2004), 15–33.W. Arendt, C. Batty and S. Bu, Fourier multipliers for Holder continuous functions and maximal regularity, Studia Mathematica 160 (2004), 23–51.V. Barbu and A. Favini, Periodic problems for degenerate differential equations, Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste 28 (1996), 29–57.A. Bátkai and S. Piazzera, Semigroups for Delay Equations, Research Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 10, A K Peters, Wellesley, MA, 2005.S. Bu, Well-posedness of second order degenerate differential equations in vector-valued function spaces, Studia Mathematica 214 (2013), 1–16.S. Bu and G. Cai, Periodic solutions of third-order degenerate differential equations in vector-valued functional spaces, Israel Journal of Mathematics 212 (2016), 163–188.S. Bu and G. Cai, Well-posedness of second-order degenerate differential equations with finite delay in vector-valued function spaces, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 288 (2017), 27–46.S. Bu and Y. Fang, Periodic solutions of delay equations in Besov spaces and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 13 (2009), 1063–1076.S. Bu and J. Kim, Operator-valued Fourier multipliers on periodic Triebel spaces, Acta Mathematica Sinica 21 (2005), 1049–1056.G. Cai and S. Bu, Well-posedness of second order degenerate integro-differential equations with infinite delay in vector-valued function spaces, Mathematische Nachrichten 289 (2016), 436–451.R. Chill and S. Srivastava, Lp-maximal regularity for second order Cauchy problems, Mathematische Zeitschrift 251 (2005), 751–781.R. Denk, M. Hieber and J. Prüss, R-boundedness, Fourier multipliers and problems of elliptic and parabolic type, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 166 (2003).O. Diekmann, S. A. van Giles, S. M. Verduyn Lunel and H.-O. Walther, Delay Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 110, Springer, New York, 1995.K. J. Engel and R. Nagel, One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 194, Springer, New York, 2000.M. Fabrizio, A. Favini and G. Marinoschi, An optimal control problem for a singular system of solid liquid phase-transition, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 31 (2010), 989–1022.A. Favini and G. Marinoschi, Periodic behavior for a degenerate fast diffusion equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 351 (2009), 509–521.A. Favini and G. Marinoschi, Identification of the time derivative coefficients in a fast diffusion degenerate equation, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 145 (2010), 249–269.A. Favini and A. Yagi, Degenerate differential equations in Banach spaces, Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 215, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1999.X. L. Fu and M. Li, Maximal regularity of second-order evolution equations with infinite delay in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica 224 (2014), 199–219.G. C. Gorain, Boundary stabilization of nonlinear vibrations of a flexible structure in a bounded domain in Rn, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 319 (2006), 635–650.P. Grisvard, Équations différentielles abstraites, Annales Scientifiques de l’école Normale Superieure 2 (1969), 311–395.J. K. Hale and W. Huang, Global geometry of the stable regions for two delay differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 178 (1993), 344–362.Y. Hino, S. Murakami and T. Naito, Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1473, Springer, Berlin, 1991.B. Kaltenbacher, I. Lasiecka and M. Pospieszalska, Well-posedness and exponential decay of the energy in the nonlinear Moore-Gibson-Thomson equation arising in high intensity ultrasound, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 22 (2012), 1250035.V. Keyantuo and C. Lizama, Fourier multipliers and integro-differential equations in Banach spaces, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 69 (2004), 737–750.V. Keyantuo and C. Lizama, Maximal regularity for a class of integro-differential equations with infinite delay in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica 168 (2005), 25–50.V. Keyantuo, C. Lizama and V. Poblete, Periodic solutions of integro-differential euations in vector-valued function spaces, Journal of Differential Equations 246 (2009), 1007–1037.C. Lizama, Fourier multipliers and periodic solutions of delay equations in Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 324 (2006), 921–933.C. Lizama and V. Poblete, Maximal regularity of delay equations in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica 175 (2006), 91–102.C. Lizama and R. Ponce, Periodic solutions of degenerate differential equations in vector valued function spaces, Studia Mathematica 202 (2011), 49–63.C. Lizama and R. Ponce, Maximal regularity for degenerate differential equations with infinite delay in periodic vector-valued function spaces, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 56 (2013), 853–871.R. Marchand, T. Mcdevitt and R. Triggiani, An abstract semigroup approach to the third-order Moore–Gibson–Thompson partial differential equation arising in highintensity ultrasound: structural decomposition, spectral analysis, exponential stability, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 35 (2012), 1896–1929.V. Poblete, Solutions of second-order integro-differential equations on periodic Besov spaces, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 50 (2007), 477–492.V. Poblete and J. C. Pozo, Periodic solutions of an abstract third-order differential equation, Studia Mathematica 215 (2013), 195–219.J. Prüss, Evolutionary Integral Equations and Applications, Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 87, Birkhäuser, Heidelberg, 1993.G. A. Sviridyuk and V. E. Fedorov, Linear Sobolev type Equations and Degenerate Semigroups of Operators, Inverse and Ill-posed Problems Series, VSP, Utrecht, 2003.L. Weis, Operator-valued Fourier multiplier theorems and maximal Lp-regularity, Mathematische Annalen 319 (2001), 735–758

    Divergent abiotic spectral pathways unravel pathogen stress signals across species

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    Plant pathogens pose increasing threats to global food security, causing yield losses that exceed 30% in food-deficit regions. Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) represents the major transboundary plant pest and one of the world’s most damaging pathogens in terms of socioeconomic impact. Spectral screening methods are critical to detect non-visual symptoms of early infection and prevent spread. However, the subtle pathogen-induced physiological alterations that are spectrally detectable are entangled with the dynamics of abiotic stresses. Here, using airborne spectroscopy and thermal scanning of areas covering more than one million trees of different species, infections and water stress levels, we reveal the existence of divergent pathogen- and host-specific spectral pathways that can disentangle biotic-induced symptoms. We demonstrate that uncoupling this biotic–abiotic spectral dynamics diminishes the uncertainty in the Xf detection to below 6% across different hosts. Assessing these deviating pathways against another harmful vascular pathogen that produces analogous symptoms, Verticillium dahliae, the divergent routes remained pathogen- and host-specific, revealing detection accuracies exceeding 92% across pathosystems. These urgently needed hyperspectral methods advance early detection of devastating pathogens to reduce the billions in crop losses worldwide.The study was partially funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme through grant agreements POnTE (635646) and XF-ACTORS (727987), as well as by projects AGL2009-13105 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, P08-AGR-03528 from the Regional Government of Andalusia and the European Social Fund, project E-RTA2017-00004-02 from ‘Programa Estatal de I + D + I Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad’ of Spain and FEDER, Intramural Project 201840E111 from CSIC, and Project ITS2017-095 Consejeria de Medio Ambiente, Agricultura y Pesca de las Islas Baleares, Spain. The views expressed are purely those of the writers and may not in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission

    Towards a gendered political economy of water and tourism

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    In many holiday destinations, the tourism industry exerts an enormous strain on water supplies. This generates a range of social problems, not least because local inhabitants often have to compete with the tourism sector over the access, allocation and use of water for their personal and domestic needs. Nevertheless, there has been very little academic research on the link between tourism and the impact of water scarcity on destination populations in developing countries. While there is a wealth of literature on gender and tourism development, such research has tended to focus on employment relations and tourism policy and planning, neglecting ecological issues such as water. Drawing on original ethnographic research conducted in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, in 2013, this paper makes a preliminary attempt to address this gap in the literature by developing a gendered political economy approach to water in tourism development. Three key themes are identified from this research: the salience of intersectional inequalities of gender, class and nationality, in particular the different experiences of Nicaraguan women, Costa Rican women and women from the Global North; how the role of social reproduction is vital to understanding gender and water in Tamarindo due to enduring assumptions about women’s perceived responsibility for water; and the gendered dimensions of conflicts over water. Such conflicts are highly gendered and contribute to reshaping of power relations in this international tourism destination. In the conclusions, we argue that our findings demonstrate the need to pay attention to both intersectionality and social reproduction, as well as to identify a future research agenda for developing a gendered political economy approach to tourism and water

    Original Article Higher than expected frequencies of non-ovarian cancers within a large familial ovarian cancer registry

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    Abstract: Our objective was to determine whether the frequencies of non-ovarian cancers (NOC) within families in a large Familial Ovarian Cancer Registry (FOCR) are significantly different from the frequencies listed in the SEER database. The FOCR was established in 1981. Registry members are families with two or more first degree relatives who have a diagnosis of ovarian cancer, three or more cases of cancer on one side of the family with at least one being ovarian, at least one female with two or more primary cancers in which one is ovary, or a history of two or more cancers in the family with at least one being ovarian cancer diagnosed before the age of 45. The data was analyzed to find relative rates of 10 of the most common cancers found within the database, with the exception of ovarian and breast. These include bladder, CNS, cervical, colorectal, liver, lung, pancreas, prostate, stomach, and uterine. Cancers were further stratified by age at diagnosis, and compared to information in the SEER database. There are 2,671 pedigrees and a total of 50,454 individuals within the FOCR. There are 1,938 families with two or more relatives with ovarian cancer, accounting for 4,816 individuals with ovarian cancer. The total number of individuals with ovarian cancer is 5,421. Of these individuals with ovarian cancer, 2,249 have been verified with testing or physician correspondence. The frequencies of the NOCs within the registry were higher than that of the general population as described in the SEER database. In particular, the overall frequencies of cancers of the bladder, cervix, prostate, and uterus were higher within the FOCR at 2.3, 7.4, 25.2, and 11.9 per 1,000 respectively. Furthermore, diagnoses of both cervical and uterine cancers tended to occur at an earlier age within the FOCR. The overall frequencies of cancers of the bladder, cervix, prostate, and uterus are higher in the FOCR compared with a general population database. Future studies on segregation analysis and genome-wide linkage studies are warranted on families with NOC within the Familial Ovarian Cancer Registry

    Progress and achievements on the early detection of Xylella fastidiosa infection and symptom development with hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing imagery

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    Trabajo presentado en la 3rd European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa (Building knowledge, protecting plant health), celebrada online el 29 y 30 de abril de 2021.Remote sensing efforts made as part of European initiatives via POnTE, XF-ACTORS and the JRC, as well as through regional programs, have focused, among others, on the development of algorithms for the early detection of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf)-induced symptoms. Airborne campaigns carried out between 2016 and 2019 collected high-resolution hyperspectral and thermal images from infected areas in the Apulia region (Italy), in the province of Alicante and on the island of Mallorca (Spain). The remote sensing imagery collections were performed alongside field surveys and laboratory analyses to assess the presence of Xf, and the severity and incidence of disease in olive and almond trees. Radiative transfer models and machine learning algorithms were used to quantify spectral plant traits for each individual infected tree, assessing their importance as pre visual indicators of Xf-induced stress. These studies conducted across species have demonstrated that specific spectral plant traits successfully revealed Xf induced symptoms at early stages, i.e., before visual symptoms appear. The results show that spectral plant traits contribute differently to symptom detection across host species (olive vs. almond), and that abiotic-induced stress affects the performance of the algorithms used for detecting infected trees. Together, the different European initiatives studying the use of remote sensing to support the monitoring of landscapes for Xylella fastidiosa detection lead us to conclude that the early detection of Xf-induced symptoms is feasible when high-resolution hyperspectral imagery and physically-based plant trait retrievals are used, obtaining accuracies exceeding 92% (kappa>0.8). These results are essential to enable the implementation of effective control and management of plant diseases using airborne- droneand satellite-based remote sensing technologies. Moreover, these large-scale hyperspectral and thermal imaging methods greatly contribute to the future operational monitoring of infected areas at large scales, well beyond what is possible from field surveys and laboratory analyses alone