574 research outputs found

    Detection of a Corrugated Velocity Pattern in the Spiral Galaxy NGC 5427

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    Here we report the detection, in Halpha emission, of a radial corrugation in the velocity field of the spiral galaxy NGC 5427. The central velocity of the Halpha line displays coherent, wavy-like variations in the vicinity of the spiral arms. The spectra along three different arm segments show that the maximum amplitude of the sinusoidal line variations are displaced some 500 pc from the central part of the spiral arms. The peak blueshifted velocities appear some 500 pc upstream the arm, whereas the peak redshifted velocities are located some 500 pc downstream the arm. This kinematical behavior is similar to the one expected in a galactic bore generated by the interaction of a spiral density wave with a thick gaseous disk, as recently modeled by Martos & Cox (1998).Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    An X-ray Imaging Study of the Stellar Population in RCW49

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    We present the results of a high-resolution X-ray imaging study of the stellar population in the Galactic massive star-forming region RCW49 and its central OB association Westerlund 2. We obtained a 40 ks X-ray image of a 17'x17' field using the Chandra X-ray Observatory and deep NIR images using the Infrared Survey Facility in a concentric 8'3x8'3 region. We detected 468 X-ray sources and identified optical, NIR, and Spitzer Space Telescope MIR counterparts for 379 of them. The unprecedented spatial resolution and sensitivity of the X-ray image, enhanced by optical and infrared imaging data, yielded the following results: (1) The central OB association Westerlund 2 is resolved for the first time in the X-ray band. X-ray emission is detected from all spectroscopically-identified early-type stars in this region. (2) Most (86%) X-ray sources with optical or infrared identifications are cluster members in comparison with a control field in the Galactic Plane. (3) A loose constraint (2--5 kpc) for the distance to RCW49 is derived from the mean X-ray luminosity of T Tauri stars. (4) The cluster X-ray population consists of low-mass pre--main-sequence and early-type stars as obtained from X-ray and NIR photometry. About 30 new OB star candidates are identified. (5) We estimate a cluster radius of 6'--7' based on the X-ray surface number density profiles. (6) A large fraction (90%) of cluster members are identified individually using complimentary X-ray and MIR excess emission. (7) The brightest five X-ray sources, two Wolf-Rayet stars and three O stars, have hard thermal spectra.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables. ApJ in pres

    Genetic differentiation of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) populations in Serbia, based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analyses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The structure and diversity of grayling (<it>Thymallus thymallus</it>) populations have been well studied in most of its native habitat; however the southernmost populations of the Balkan Peninsula remain largely unexplored. The purpose of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of Serbian grayling populations, detect the impact of stocking and provide guidelines for conservation and management.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eighty grayling individuals were collected from four rivers (Ibar, Lim, Drina and Rzav). The mitochondrial DNA control region (CR; 595 bp of the 3'end and 74 bp of flanking tRNA) and the ATP6 gene (630 bp fragment) were sequenced for 20 individuals (five from each locality). In addition, all individuals were genotyped with 12 microsatellite loci. The diversity and structure of the populations as well as the recent and ancient population declines were studied using specialized software.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We detected three new haplotypes in the mtDNA CR and four haplotypes in the ATP6 gene of which three had not been described before. Previously, one CR haplotype and two ATP6 gene haplotypes had been identified as allochthonous, originating from Slovenia. Reconstruction of phylogenetic relations placed the remaining two CR haplotypes from the River Danube drainage of Serbia into a new clade, which is related to the previously described sister Slovenian clade. These two clades form a new Balkan clade. Microsatellite marker analysis showed that all four populations are genetically distinct from each other without any sign of intra-population structure, although stocking of the most diverse population (Drina River) was confirmed by mtDNA analysis. Recent and historical population declines of Serbian grayling do not differ from those of other European populations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study shows that (1) the Ibar, Lim and Drina Rivers grayling populations are genetically distinct from populations outside of Serbia and thus should be managed as native populations in spite of some introgression in the Drina River population and (2) the Rzav River population is not appropriate for further stocking activities since it originates from stocked Slovenian grayling. However, the Rzav River population does not represent an immediate danger to other populations because it is physically isolated from these.</p

    Interstellar reddening towards six small areas in Puppis-Vela

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    We investigate the distribution of the interstellar dust towards six small volumes of the sky in the region of the Gum nebula. New high-quality four-colour uvby and H\beta\ Str\"omgren photometry obtained for 352 stars in six selected areas of Kapteyn, complemented with data obtained in a previous investigation for two of these areas, were used to estimate the colour excess and distance to these objects. The obtained colour excess versus distance diagrams, complemented with other information, when available, were analysed in order to infer the properties of the interstellar medium permeating the observed volumes. On the basis of the overall standard deviation in the photometric measurements, we estimate that colour excesses and distances are determined with an accuracy of 0.010 mag and better than 30%, respectively, for a sample of 520 stars. A comparison with 37 stars in common with the new Hipparcos catalogue attests to the high quality of the photometric distance determination. The obtained colour excess versus distance diagrams testify to the low density volume towards the observed lines-of-sight. Very few stars out to distances of 1 kpc from the Sun have colour excesses larger than E(b-y) = 0.1 mag. In spite of the low density character of the interstellar medium towards the Puppis-Vela direction, the obtained reddening as a function of the distance indicates that two or more interstellar structures are crossed towards the observed lines-of-sight. One of these structures may be associated with the very low density wall of the Local Cavity, which has a distance of 100-150 pc from the Sun. Another structure might be related to the Gum nebula, and if so, its front face would be located at about 350 pc from the Sun.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Epidural Hematoma Following Cervical Spine Surgery.

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    STUDY DESIGN: A multicentered retrospective case series. OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and circumstances surrounding the development of a symptomatic postoperative epidural hematoma in the cervical spine. METHODS: Patients who underwent cervical spine surgery between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2011, at 23 institutions were reviewed, and all patients who developed an epidural hematoma were identified. RESULTS: A total of 16 582 cervical spine surgeries were identified, and 15 patients developed a postoperative epidural hematoma, for a total incidence of 0.090%. Substantial variation between institutions was noted, with 11 sites reporting no epidural hematomas, and 1 site reporting an incidence of 0.76%. All patients initially presented with a neurologic deficit. Nine patients had complete resolution of the neurologic deficit after hematoma evacuation; however 2 of the 3 patients (66%) who had a delay in the diagnosis of the epidural hematoma had residual neurologic deficits compared to only 4 of the 12 patients (33%) who had no delay in the diagnosis or treatment (P = .53). Additionally, the patients who experienced a postoperative epidural hematoma did not experience any significant improvement in health-related quality-of-life metrics as a result of the index procedure at final follow-up evaluation. CONCLUSION: This is the largest series to date to analyze the incidence of an epidural hematoma following cervical spine surgery, and this study suggest that an epidural hematoma occurs in approximately 1 out of 1000 cervical spine surgeries. Prompt diagnosis and treatment may improve the chance of making a complete neurologic recovery, but patients who develop this complication do not show improvements in the health-related quality-of-life measurements

    A high-resolution radio survey of the Vela supernova remnant

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    This paper presents a high-resolution radio continuum (843 MHz) survey of the Vela supernova remnant. The contrast between the structures in the central pulsar-powered nebula of the remnant and the synchrotron radiation shell allows the remnant to be identified morphologically as a member of the composite class. The data are the first of a composite remnant at spatial scales comparable with those available for the Cygnus Loop and the Crab Nebula, and make possible a comparison of radio, optical and soft X-ray emission from the resolved shell filaments. The survey, made with the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope, covers an area of 50 square degrees at a resolution of 43'' x 60'', while imaging structures on scales up to 30'.Comment: 18 pages, 7 jpg figures (version with ps figures at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~dbock/papers/); AJ, in pres

    The Extension of the Transition Temperature Plasma into the Lower Galactic Halo

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    Column densities for H I, Al III, Si IV, C IV, and O VI toward 109 stars and 30 extragalactic objects have been assembled to study the extensions of these species away from the Galactic plane into the Galactic halo. H I and Al III mostly trace the warm neutral and warm ionized medium, respectively, while Si IV, C IV and O VI trace a combination of warm photoionized and collisionally ionized plasmas. The much larger object sample compared to previous studies allows us to consider and correct for the effects of the sample bias that has affected earlier but smaller surveys of the gas distributions. We find Si IV and C IV have similar exponential scale heights of 3.2(+1.0, -0.6) and 3.6(+1.0, -0.8) kpc. The scale height of O VI is marginally smaller with h = 2.6+/- 0.6 kpc. The transition temperature gas is ~3 times more extended than the warm ionized medium traced by Al III with h = 0.90(+0.62, -0.33) kpc and ~12 times more extended than the warm neutral medium traced by H I with h = 0.24 +/- 0.06 kpc. There is a factor of 2 decrease in the dispersion of the log of the column density ratios for transition temperature gas for lines of sight in the Galactic disk compared to extragalactic lines of sight through the entire halo. The observations are compared to the predictions of the various models for the production of the transition temperature gas in the halo. The appendix presents a revision to the electron scale height proposed by Gaensler et al. (2008) based on electron dispersion measures.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (63 pages including 6 figures and 5 tables

    The <i>Herschel</i> view of the massive star-forming region NGC 6334

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    Aims: Fundamental to any theory of high-mass star formation are gravity and turbulence. Their relative importance, which probably changes during cloud evolution, is not known. By investigating the spatial and density structure of the high-mass star-forming complex NGC 6334 we aim to disentangle the contributions of turbulence and gravity. Methods: We used Herschel PACS and SPIRE imaging observations from the HOBYS key programme at wavelengths of 160, 250, 350, and 500 μm to construct dust temperature and column density maps. Using probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the column density determined for the whole complex and for four distinct sub-regions (distinguished on the basis of differences in the column density, temperature, and radiation field), we characterize the density structure of the complex. We investigate the spatial structure using the Δ-variance, which probes the relative amount of structure on different size scales and traces possible energy injection mechanisms into the molecular cloud. Results: The Δ-variance analysis suggests that the significant scales of a few parsec that were found are caused by energy injection due to expanding HII regions, which are numerous, and by the lengths of filaments seen everywhere in the complex. The column density PDFs have a lognormal shape at low densities and a clearly defined power law at high densities for all sub-regions whose slope is linked to the exponent α of an equivalent spherical density distribution. In particular with α = 2.37, the central sub-region is largly dominated by gravity, caused by individual collapsing dense cores and global collapse of a larger region. The collapse is faster than free-fall (which would lead only to α = 2) and thus requires a more dynamic scenario (external compression, flows). The column density PDFs suggest that the different sub-regions are at different evolutionary stages, especially the central sub-region, which seems to be in a more evolved stage

    A community-integrated home based depression intervention for older African Americans: descripton of the Beat the Blues randomized trial and intervention costs

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Primary care is the principle setting for depression treatment; yet many older African Americans in the United States fail to report depressive symptoms or receive the recommended standard of care. Older African Americans are at high risk for depression due to elevated rates of chronic illness, disability and socioeconomic distress. There is an urgent need to develop and test new depression treatments that resonate with minority populations that are hard-to-reach and underserved and to evaluate their cost and cost-effectiveness. METHODS/DESIGN: Beat the Blues (BTB) is a single-blind parallel randomized trial to assess efficacy of a non-pharmacological intervention to reduce depressive symptoms and improve quality of life in 208 African Americans 55+ years old. It involves a collaboration with a senior center whose care management staff screen for depressive symptoms (telephone or in-person) using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Individuals screened positive (PHQ-9 ≥ 5) on two separate occasions over 2 weeks are referred to local mental health resources and BTB. Interested and eligible participants who consent receive a baseline home interview and then are randomly assigned to receive BTB immediately or 4 months later (wait-list control). All participants are interviewed at 4 (main study endpoint) and 8 months at home by assessors masked to study assignment. Licensed senior center social workers trained in BTB meet with participants at home for up to 10 sessions over 4 months to assess care needs, make referrals/linkages, provide depression education, instruct in stress reduction techniques, and use behavioral activation to identify goals and steps to achieve them. Key outcomes include reduced depressive symptoms (primary), reduced anxiety and functional disability, improved quality of life, and enhanced depression knowledge and behavioral activation (secondary). Fidelity is enhanced through procedure manuals and staff training and monitored by face-to-face supervision and review of taped sessions. Cost and cost effectiveness is being evaluated. DISCUSSION: BTB is designed to bridge gaps in mental health service access and treatments for older African Americans. Treatment components are tailored to specific care needs, depression knowledge, preference for stress reduction techniques, and personal activity goals. Total costs are 584.64/4months;or584.64/4 months; or 146.16 per participant/per month. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov #NCT00511680