299 research outputs found

    Assessing the role of shape and label in the misleading packaging of food imitating products: from empirical evidence to policy recommendation

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    Food imitating products are chemical consumer items used frequently in the household for cleaning and personal hygiene (e.g., bleach, soap, and shampoo), which resemble food products. Their containers replicate elements of food package design such as possessing a shape close in style to drinking product containers or bearing labels that depict colorful fruits. In marketing, these incongruent forms are designed to increase the appeal of functional products, leading to chemical consumer product embellishment. However, due to the resulting visual ambiguity, food imitating products may expose consumers to the risk of being poisoned from ingestion. Thus, from a public health perspective, food imitating products are considered dangerous chemical products that should not be sold, and may merit being recalled for the safety of consumers. To help policymakers address the hazardous presence of food imitating products, the purpose of this article is to identify the specific design features that generate most ambiguity for the consumer, and therefore increase the likelihood of confusion with foodstuffs. Among the visual elements of food packaging, the two most important features (shape and label) are manipulated in a series of three lab studies combining six Implicit Association Tests (IATs) and two explicit measures on products' drinkability and safety. IATs were administered to assess consumers' implicit association of liquid products with tastiness in a within-subject design in which the participants (N = 122) were presented with two kinds of food imitating products with a drink shape or drink label compared with drinks (experiential products with congruent form) and classic chemical products (hygiene products) (functional products with congruent form). Results show that chemical consumer products with incongruent drink shapes (but not drink labels) as an element of food package design are both implicitly associated with tastiness and explicitly judged as safe and drinkable. These results require confirmation in other studies involving different shapes and labels. Notwithstanding, due to the misleading effect of this ambiguity, public health authorities are thus well advised to focus their market surveillance on chemical products emulating a food or drink shape

    Why people drink shampoo? Food imitating products are fooling brains and endangering consumers for marketing purposes

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    A Food Imitating Product (FIP) is a household cleaner or a personal care product that exhibits food attributes in order to enrich consumption experience. As revealed by many cases worldwide, such a marketing strategy led to unintentional self-poisonings and deaths. FIPs therefore constitute a very serious health and public policy issue. To understand why FIPs are a threat, we first conducted a qualitative analysis on real-life cases of household cleaners and personal care products-related phone calls at a poison control center followed by a behavioral experiment. Unintentional self-poisoning in the home following the accidental ingestion of a hygiene product by a healthy adult is very likely to result from these products being packaged like foodstuffs. Our hypothesis is that FIPs are non-verbal food metaphors that could fool the brain of consumers. We therefore conducted a subsequent functional neuroimaging (fMRI) experiment that revealed how visual processing of FIPs leads to cortical taste inferences. Considered in the grounded cognition perspective, the results of our studies reveal that healthy adults can unintentionally categorize a personal care product as something edible when a food-like package is employed to market nonedible and/or dangerous products. Our methodology combining field (qualitative) and laboratory (behavioral and functional neuroimaging) findings could be of particular relevance for policy makers, as it can help screening products prior to their market release – e.g. the way they are packaged and how they can potentially confuse the mind of consumers – and therefore save lives

    Cortical topography of intracortical inhibition influences the speed of decision making

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    The neocortex contains orderly topographic maps; however, their functional role remains controversial. Theoretical studies have suggested a role in minimizing computational costs, whereas empirical studies have focused on spatial localization. Using a tactile multiple-choice reaction time (RT) task before and after the induction of perceptual learning through repetitive sensory stimulation, we extend the framework of cortical topographies by demonstrating that the topographic arrangement of intracortical inhibition contributes to the speed of human perceptual decision-making processes. RTs differ among fingers, displaying an inverted U-shaped function. Simulations using neural fields show the inverted U-shaped RT distribution as an emergent consequence of lateral inhibition. Weakening inhibition through learning shortens RTs, which is modeled through topographically reorganized inhibition. Whereas changes in decision making are often regarded as an outcome of higher cortical areas, our data show that the spatial layout of interaction processes within representational maps contributes to selection and decision-making processes

    Some advances in constrained inference for ordered circular parameters in oscillatory systems

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    Constraints on parameters arise naturally in many applications. Statistical methods that honor the underlying constraints tend to be more powerful and result in better interpretation of the underlying scientific data. In the context of Euclidean space data, there exists over five decades of statistical literature on constrained statistical inference and at least four books on the subject (e.g. Robertson et al. 1988; Silvapulle and Sen 2005). However, it was not until recently that these methods have been used extensively in applied research. For example, constrained statistical inference is gaining considerable interest among applied researchers in a variety of fields, such as, for example, toxicology (Peddada et al. 2007), genomics (Hoenerhoff et al. 2013; Perdivara et al. 2011; Peddada et al. 2003), epidemiology (Cao et al. 2011; Peddada et al. 2005), clinical trials (Conaway et al. 2004), or cancer trials (Conde et al. 2012, 2013).Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn grant (MTM2012-37129)Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn, ConsejerĂ­a de EducaciĂłn and the European Social FundIntramural Research Program of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) [Z01 ES101744-04

    Development of Upper Body Coordination During Sitting in Typically Developing Infants

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    Our goal was to determine how the actions of the thorax and the pelvis are organized and coordinated to achieve independent sitting posture in typically developing infants. The participants were 10 typically developing infants who were evaluated longitudinally from first onset of sitting until sitting independence. Each infant underwent nine testing sessions. The first session included motor evaluation with the Peabody test. The other eight sessions occurred over a period of 4 mo where sitting behavior was evaluated by angular kinematics of the thorax and the pelvis. A physical therapist evaluated sitting behavior in each session and categorized it according to five stages. The phasing relationship of the thorax and the pelvis was calculated and evaluated longitudinally using a one-way analysis of variance. With development, the infants progressed from an in-phase (moving in the same direction) to an out-of-phase (moving in an opposite direction) coordinative relationship between the thorax and the pelvis segments. This change was significant for both sagittal and frontal planes of motion. Clinically, this relationship is important because it provides a method to quantify infant sitting postural development, and can be used to assess efficacy of early interventions for pediatric populations with developmental motor delays

    Tau expression and phosphorylation in enteroendocrine cells

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    Background and objectiveThere is mounting evidence to suggest that the gut-brain axis is involved in the development of Parkinson’s disease (PD). In this regard, the enteroendocrine cells (EEC), which faces the gut lumen and are connected with both enteric neurons and glial cells have received growing attention. The recent observation showing that these cells express alpha-synuclein, a presynaptic neuronal protein genetically and neuropathologically linked to PD came to reinforce the assumption that EEC might be a key component of the neural circuit between the gut lumen and the brain for the bottom-up propagation of PD pathology. Besides alpha-synuclein, tau is another key protein involved in neurodegeneration and converging evidences indicate that there is an interplay between these two proteins at both molecular and pathological levels. There are no existing studies on tau in EEC and therefore we set out to examine the isoform profile and phosphorylation state of tau in these cells.MethodsSurgical specimens of human colon from control subjects were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using a panel of anti-tau antibodies together with chromogranin A and Glucagon-like peptide-1 (two EEC markers) antibodies. To investigate tau expression further, two EEC lines, namely GLUTag and NCI-H716 were analyzed by Western blot with pan-tau and tau isoform specific antibodies and by RT-PCR. Lambda phosphatase treatment was used to study tau phosphorylation in both cell lines. Eventually, GLUTag were treated with propionate and butyrate, two short chain fatty acids known to sense EEC, and analyzed at different time points by Western blot with an antibody specific for tau phosphorylated at Thr205.ResultsWe found that tau is expressed and phosphorylated in EEC in adult human colon and that both EEC lines mainly express two tau isoforms that are phosphorylated under basal condition. Both propionate and butyrate regulated tau phosphorylation state by decreasing its phosphorylation at Thr205.Conclusion and inferenceOur study is the first to characterize tau in human EEC and in EEC lines. As a whole, our findings provide a basis to unravel the functions of tau in EEC and to further investigate the possibility of pathological changes in tauopathies and synucleinopathies

    Virtual Partner Interaction (VPI): Exploring Novel Behaviors via Coordination Dynamics

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    Inspired by the dynamic clamp of cellular neuroscience, this paper introduces VPI—Virtual Partner Interaction—a coupled dynamical system for studying real time interaction between a human and a machine. In this proof of concept study, human subjects coordinate hand movements with a virtual partner, an avatar of a hand whose movements are driven by a computerized version of the Haken-Kelso-Bunz (HKB) equations that have been shown to govern basic forms of human coordination. As a surrogate system for human social coordination, VPI allows one to examine regions of the parameter space not typically explored during live interactions. A number of novel behaviors never previously observed are uncovered and accounted for. Having its basis in an empirically derived theory of human coordination, VPI offers a principled approach to human-machine interaction and opens up new ways to understand how humans interact with human-like machines including identification of underlying neural mechanisms

    Characteristics of Serve, Reception and Set That Determine the Setting Efficacy in Men’s Volleyball

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    This study belongs to the doctoral thesis called Analysis of the variables that affect the reception and the setting in volleyball, made by JG-S at the University of Extremadura (González-Silva, 2019). This study was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Consejería de Economía e Infraestructuras de la Junta de Extremadura (Spain) through the European Regional Development fund: A way to make Europe (GR18129).The aim of this investigation was to establish the criteria of service, reception and set that determine setting efficacy in world-class top-level volleyball. The study sample consisted of 4.113 gaming actions (1.371 serve actions, 1.371 reception actions, and 1.371 set actions), corresponding to the observation of four matches for each of the 12 best ranked teams in the Volleyball World Championship - a total of 23 matches. The criteria were: in-game role of the server, serve zone, type of serve, striking technique and serve direction; receiver player, reception zone, and reception efficacy; setting zone, type of set, setting technique, setting efficacy, a set’s area, and set tempo. Multinomial logistic regression showed that criteria related to reception (reception efficacy) and to set (setting zone, type of set, a set’s area, and set tempo) determined set efficacy. Specifically, positive and negative receptions and settings from acceptable and nonacceptable zones reduced perfect setting. In contrast, the jump set toward zones three and six and the first and second tempo increased perfect setting. Serve criteria did not determine set efficacy. This study can guide trainers and players in the training process.Contribution of the Consejería de Economía e Infraestructuras de la Junta de Extremadura (Spain) through the European Regional Development fund: A way to make Europe (GR18129)
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