586 research outputs found

    Recurrence quantification analysis of spatio-temporal chaotic transient in a closed unstirred Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

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    We analyse the transient spatio-temporal chaos that we observe in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction performed in a closed unstirred batch reactor by recurrence quantification analysis (RQA). We characterize the chaotic transient by measuring the Lyapunov exponent and the Kaplan-Yorke dimension. The latter shows the fractality of the attractor. The importance of the coupling between hydrodynamics and kinetics for the onset of chaos is also shown

    Sviluppo di flussi ETL per il calcolo delle componenti di rischio: Basilea 2 e calcolo dell'impairment

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    Quanto segue è il frutto del lavoro svolto in Reply Target nel corso della mia esperienza di stage. A seguito di un periodo formativo costituito da corsi e lezioni in aula, ho avuto il privilegio di essere collocato da subito in un contesto di progettazione, e di conseguenza la possibilità di misurarmi con problematiche del mondo reale. Obiettivo del progetto ed argomento del mio lavoro è stata la realizzazione di flussi ETL (Extract, transform and load) per uno studio di Business Intelligence in uno scenario complesso, costituito da un gruppo societario operante nel settore bancario; tale obiettivo è stato raggiunto con l'utilizzo di Sas Data Integration. Questo programma è in grado di gestire consistenti volumi di dati rendendoli affidabili e fruibili da tutte le realtà dipartimentali aziendali, secondo opportune e precise esigenze: dall’analisi qualitativa dei sistemi sorgente alla raccolta dei dati e loro bonifica, validazione e standardizzazione, alla trasformazione e movimentazione degli stessi

    “Handicap Removed”: An Alternative Path to the Social Model

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    This article identifies an expression of a social model of disability in a 1966 film promoting Hofstra University’s Program for the Higher Education of the Handicapped and traces that model back to books published by the pioneering rehabilitation physician Henry H. Kessler in 1935 and 1947, decades before the UPIAS (Union of the Physically Impaired against Segregation) Fundamental Principles of Disability (1976). In light of Kessler’s articulation of social and minority models, identification of contrasting religious, charity and medical models, and discussion of disability stigma, this article reassesses Ruth O’Brien’s critique, in Crippled Justice (2001), of Kessler and the twentieth-century rehabilitation movement. Contrary to O’Brien’s critique, Kessler does not simply expect people with disabilities to adapt themselves to the existing society; instead, he insists that the “general public” change its handicapping attitudes and accept the person living with impairments as a “natural unit of the common society.” Rather than, as O’Brien charges, embracing the norm, Kessler questions the concept “normal” and anticipates Rosemarie Garland-Thomson’s concept “normate.” Further, rather than stressing the psychological maladjustment of people with disabilities, Kessler attributes ableist prejudice to its own form of personality maladjustment. O’Brien’s critique better fits the career and writing of Howard A. Rusk whom she pairs with Kessler as founders and leaders of the rehabilitation movement. This article also proposes factors that prevented Kessler’s social-contextual model from spawning the social movement that UPIAS’s Fundamental Principles later would. Those factors include what David Pettinicchio identifies as an entrenched disability policy monopoly (Politics of Empowerment 2019), the absence of a cross-disability collective identity, and the absence of a civil rights frame for addressing discrimination against underprivileged minorities. The seeds of the later disability rights movement, though, appear in early articulations of social and minority models within the rehabilitation movement

    Reading Brendan Behan, John McCourt (dir.)

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    L’ouvrage de John McCourt, Reading Brendan Behan, ne peut qu’être salué avec enthousiasme car il constitue une nouvelle, très attendue, contribution sur l’œuvre de l’un des auteurs irlandais les plus éclectiques, mais aussi l’un des moins étudiés. En effet, exception faite pour la monographie publiée en 2002 par John Brannigan, Brendan Behan : Cultural Nationalism and the Revisionist Writer (Dublin, Four Courts Press), Behan n’a pas fait l’objet d’études approfondies depuis près de vingt ans...

    Brendan Behan : les enjeux de la mémoire entre écriture et oralité

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    The topic of this doctoral dissertation was dictated by a need to address the lack of critical studies on Brendan Behan. Behan’s work appears as a very heterogeneous one, merging various genres and styles, mixing orality and writing, texts and images. Through an investigation of the author’s production (novel, recorded books, drama, radio-plays and features, poetry, short stories and sketches), this dissertation aims to show how the concept of memory underpins his literature. The title of the dissertation highlights the various aspects of the term “memory” explored in this volume. Memory is in fact a hazy concept that may refer to the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experiences and to the act of remembrance and the attempt at defining the individual’s identity, as well as to the duty of preserving and transmitting collective history and culture. As memory is never easy to define and implies many aspects, different approaches have been taken into account (philosophical, psychological, sociological, anthropological and linguistic). This project is framed by the larger field of Irish autobiographical studies which remains open to further investigations, and our aim has been to bring a modest contribution to it. In the dissertation, we explore above all the connections between memory and imagination. Although Behan’s literature may be considered as the author’s critical view on Irish society and, thus, brought in line with the realism of the 1920s and 1930s, we shall underline the importance of imagination in the process of recollection and the fictional aspect of autobiographical writing. Literature is for Behan the medium of a personal introspection through recollection and imagination. Telling his personal story is for the author a way of forgetting, hence healing, individual and collective trauma. But at the same time it is an attempt to guarantee the author’s infinite presence.Cette thèse de doctorat présente l’œuvre de Brendan Behan, dans le but d’apporter une contribution à la recherche sur un auteur qui n’a pas encore reçu toute l’attention qu’il mérite. L’œuvre de B. Behan est une œuvre très hétérogène qui mélange genres et styles différents, écriture et oralité, texte et images. A travers l’étude des publications de l’auteur (roman, théâtre, récits enregistrés, productions radiophoniques, poésie, nouvelles et articles) ce travail montre l’importance du thème de la mémoire dans la littérature de l’auteur. Le titre de la thèse souligne les différents aspects de la mémoire qui sont ici considérés. Le terme de « mémoire » implique en effet plusieurs notions telles que la faculté de conserver ou de ramener à l’esprit le passé, l’acte du recouvrement et de la recherche dans la définition de l’identité de l’individu, ainsi que le devoir de conservation et de transmission de l’histoire et de la culture collectives. Du fait des difficultés que l’on peut rencontrer dans la définition du concept de mémoire, il faut bien sûr prendre en compte diverses approches (philosophique, psychologique, sociologique, anthropologique et linguistique). Le projet s’inscrit dans le domaine plus vaste de la littérature autobiographique irlandaise, et il espère apporter une contribution à ce domaine de recherche qui reste largement ouvert à l’investigation. Nous explorons particulièrement le rapport qui existe entre mémoire et imagination. Bien que nous puissions considérer que l’œuvre de l’auteur s’inscrit dans le mouvement littéraire réaliste irlandais des années 1930 et 1940, nous essayons surtout de montrer l’importance de l’élément fictif de l’écriture autobiographique. La littérature est pour Behan un instrument d’introspection à travers le souvenir et l’imagination. Raconter son histoire personnelle est pour Behan un moyen d’oublier l’expérience traumatique, individuelle et collective. En même temps, l’écriture permet à l’auteur d’assurer sa présence éternelle

    Valutazione e azione migliorativa sulle attivita' a rischio per il personale tecnico sanitario della riabilitazione in AOUP

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    Le malattie e disturbi muscolo scheletrici sono assai diffusi tra lavoratrici e lavoratori e costituiscono una delle principali cause di assenza per malattia in molte attività. In Italia almeno cinque milioni di lavoratori svolgono abitualmente attività lavorative che prevedono la movimentazione manuale dei carichi; fra questi lavoratori le malattie acute e croniche della schiena e degli arti superiori ed inferiori sono diffusi più che in altre collettività di lavoro . L'attività per gli operatori sanitari all'interno delle strutture sanitarie, siano esse Aziende Ospedaliere, RSA o simili, in special modo per le figure riabilitative ed infermieristiche, può risultare altamente rischiosa per l'insorgenza delle patologie da sovraccarico biomeccanico a carico del rachide lombo-sacrale ed altri distretti corporei, strettamente legate anche alla movimentazione dei pazienti in regime di ricovero, day hospital o in regime ambulatoriale. Il dirigente, facente veci del datore di lavoro, ha l'obbligo secondo legge di adottare nell’esercizio dell’impresa le misure che, secondo la particolarità del lavoro, l’esperienza e la tecnica, sono necessarie a tutelare l’integrità fisica e la personalità morale dei prestatori di lavoro (art. 2087 c.c.), infatti esso e' colui il quale, grazie a competenze professionali e poteri gerarchici e funzionali commisurati all’incarico svolto, mette in atto le direttive del datore di lavoro organizzando l’attività e vigilando sul suo corretto svolgimento. l' UO Medicina del Lavoro e il Dirigente delle Professioni Tecnico Sanitarie della Riabilitazione, hanno promosso la somministrazione di un questionario che andasse ad indagare il fenomeno della MMC negli operatori sanitari dell'area riabilitativa. In particolare siamo andati ad indagare la percezione delle ripercussioni della MMC sul corpo del dipendente nella quotidianità lavorativa e l'importanza del fenomeno per queste figure professionali. In seguito è stata eseguita una comparazione dei risultati statistici e analitici emersi dai questionari somministrati con gli scenari reali di lavoro all'interno dei quali i dipendenti operano, attraverso sopralluoghi nelle U.O. dove sono emerse condizioni di criticità, ed infine come compito proprio del dirigente si sono elaborate proposte migliorative per un abbattimento del rischio da MMC rilevato

    La legge anticorruzione e il sistema dei controlli nella P.A "Una politica di prevenzione" Legge n. 190 del 6 novembre 2012

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    In questa tesi è trattata la disciplina di prevenzione e controllo alla corruzione prevista dalla Legge n. 190 del 6 novembre 2012 con un breve sguardo alle novità anticorruzione negli appalti pubblici

    Training in High-Throughput Sequencing: Common Guidelines to Enable Material Sharing, Dissemination, and Reusability.

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by the Public Library of Science.The advancement of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies and the rapid development of numerous analysis algorithms and pipelines in this field has resulted in an unprecedentedly high demand for training scientists in HTS data analysis. Embarking on developing new training materials is challenging for many reasons. Trainers often do not have prior experience in preparing or delivering such materials and struggle to keep them up to date. A repository of curated HTS training materials would support trainers in materials preparation, reduce the duplication of effort by increasing the usage of existing materials, and allow for the sharing of teaching experience among the HTS trainers' community. To achieve this, we have developed a strategy for materials' curation and dissemination. Standards for describing training materials have been proposed and applied to the curation of existing materials. A Git repository has been set up for sharing annotated materials that can now be reused, modified, or incorporated into new courses. This repository uses Git; hence, it is decentralized and self-managed by the community and can be forked/built-upon by all users. The repository is accessible at http://bioinformatics.upsc.se/htmr.COST action SeqAhead (BM1006

    Bifurcations in spiral tip dynamics induced by natural convection in the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction

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    The transition to spatial-temporal complexity exhibited by spiral waves under the effect of gravitational field in the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction is numerically studied on the basis of spiral tip dynamics. Successive transformations in tip trajectories are characterized as a function of the hydrodynamical parameter and attributed to a Ruelle–Takens–Newhouse scenario to chaos. The analysis describes the emergence of complexity in terms of the interplay between the evolution of the velocity field and concentration waves. In particular, (i) by mapping the tip motion in relation to some hydrodynamical pseudopotentials, the general mechanism by which the velocity field affects the tip trajectory is pointed out, and, (ii) by comparing the dynamical evolutions of local and mean properties associated with the inhomogeneous structures and to the velocity field, a surprising correlation is found. The results suggest that the reaction-diffusion-convection (RDC) coupling addresses the system to some general regimes, whose nature is imposed by the hydrodynamical contribution. More generally, RDC coupling would be formalized as the phenomenon that governs the system and drives it to chaos
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