45 research outputs found

    Visión gerencial respecto a la formación del espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios - Caso: Unellez, Venezuela

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    The study of entrepreneurship in university students is a topic of important economic and academic interest that is based on various motivational theories that have been put forward in the field of psychology. Entrepreneurship studies have allowed an understanding of the reasons why people become creators and managers of their own companies. The aim of this paper is to analyse the managerial vision at Unellez with respect to the formation of the entrepreneurial spirit of students. In this sense, a documentary, field and descriptive design is proposed. For this reason, a bibliographic review, information gathering and data analysis were used. At the same time, Mendeley and Zotero were used to organise the bibliography and the advanced search was carried out in databases and open access research repositories in the main national and international universities, as well as other types of documents from journals and scientific publications that deal with the topic of study. In addition, two census samples were used, one consisting of 126 students and the other of 20 professors with managerial positions at Unellez Santa Bárbara. Google forms were used as a survey technique, Likert Scale type, which measure the Entrepreneurial Spirit in their respective synergies. The instruments were validated by Expert Judgement. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficient obtained for the instrument applied to students was 0.772 (with 15 items). The Alpha coefficient of the instrument applied to teachers was 0.778 (with 15 items). This reliability value is high according to Ruiz (2013). It is concluded that the formation of the entrepreneurial spirit of students at Unellez has been neglected.El estudio del espíritu emprendedor en los estudiantes universitarios es un tema de importante interés económico y académico que está basado en diversas teorías motivacionales que han sido planteadas en el campo de la Psicología. Los estudios de emprendimiento han permitido una comprensión de las razones por las cuales las personas se convierten en creadoras y administradoras de sus propias empresas. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la Visión gerencial en la Unellez respecto a la formación del espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes. En tal sentido, se plantea un diseño documental, de campo y descriptivo. Por esta razón se recurre a una revisión bibliográfica, recolección de información y análisis de los datos. Al mismo tiempo se emplearon los gestores Mendeley y Zotero para organizar la bibliografía y la búsqueda avanzada se ha efectuado en bases de datos y repositorios de investigación de acceso abierto en las principales universidades nacionales e internacionales, así como otros tipos de documentos provenientes de revistas y publicaciones científicas que abordan el tema de estudio. Asimismo, se recurrió a dos muestras censales una formada por 126 estudiantes y otra por 20 profesores con cargos gerenciales en la Unellez Santa Bárbara. Se emplearon los formularios Google como técnica de encuesta, tipo Escala de Likert que miden el Espíritu Emprendedor en sus sinergias respectivas. Los instrumentos se validaron por Juicio de Expertos. El coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach obtenido para el instrumento aplicado a los estudiantes resultó igual a 0,772 (con 15 ítems). El coeficiente Alpha del instrumento aplicado a docentes fue de 0,778 (con 15 ítems). Este valor de confiabilidad es alto según el criterio de Ruiz (2013). Se concluye que se ha descuidado la formación del espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes en la Unellez

    Towards Low Energy Atrial Defibrillation

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    A wireless powered implantable atrial defibrillator consisting of a battery driven hand-held radio frequency (RF) power transmitter (ex vivo) and a passive (battery free) implantable power receiver (in vivo) that enables measurement of the intracardiac impedance (ICI) during internal atrial defibrillation is reported. The architecture is designed to operate in two modes: Cardiac sense mode (power-up, measure the impedance of the cardiac substrate and communicate data to the ex vivo power transmitter) and cardiac shock mode (delivery of a synchronised very low tilt rectilinear electrical shock waveform). An initial prototype was implemented and tested. In low-power (sense) mode, >5 W was delivered across a 2.5 cm air-skin gap to facilitate measurement of the impedance of the cardiac substrate. In high-power (shock) mode, >180 W (delivered as a 12 ms monophasic very-low-tilt-rectilinear (M-VLTR) or as a 12 ms biphasic very-low-tilt-rectilinear (B-VLTR) chronosymmetric (6ms/6ms) amplitude asymmetric (negative phase at 50% magnitude) shock was reliably and repeatedly delivered across the same interface; with >47% DC-to-DC (direct current to direct current) power transfer efficiency at a switching frequency of 185 kHz achieved. In an initial trial of the RF architecture developed, 30 patients with AF were randomised to therapy with an RF generated M-VLTR or B-VLTR shock using a step-up voltage protocol (50–300 V). Mean energy for successful cardioversion was 8.51 J ± 3.16 J. Subsequent analysis revealed that all patients who cardioverted exhibited a significant decrease in ICI between the first and third shocks (5.00 Ω (SD(σ) = 1.62 Ω), p < 0.01) while spectral analysis across frequency also revealed a significant variation in the impedance-amplitude-spectrum-area (IAMSA) within the same patient group (|∆(IAMSAS1-IAMSAS3)[1 Hz − 20 kHz] = 20.82 Ω-Hz (SD(σ) = 10.77 Ω-Hz), p < 0.01); both trends being absent in all patients that failed to cardiovert. Efficient transcutaneous power transfer and sensing of ICI during cardioversion are evidenced as key to the advancement of low-energy atrial defibrillation

    Design, construction and study of the efficiency of green panels with a monitoring system for physical variables

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    de un grupo de variables dentro de un prototipo a escala de un panel verde, las variables seleccionadas fueron; temperatura, humedad relativa, humedad del substrato, cantidad de luz, vibraciones mecánicas y telúricas, para luego estudiar el comportamiento de las variables mencionadas anteriormente. Para preparar el sistema para capturar y adquirir los datos y almacenarlos, se construyó un complejo electrónico que comprenda diversos sensores electrónicos acoplados a una tarjeta de hardware libre para elaborar prototipos denominada “Arduino Uno” y que mandara los datos a un ordenador vía alámbrica (cable USB) y creaba hojas de cálculo en Microsoft Excel, con un intervalo de tiempo definido por código abierto, creando inmensas bases de datos, después de 44 días de monitorización, para posteriormente, sus cifras fueran procesadas mediante software “R studio” de código de fuentes abiertas, obteniendo las medidas de tendencia central, gráficas, histogramas, curvas de densidad y se demostraron las relaciones entre variables con el coeficiente (R) de correlación se obtuvo mediante el método “Pearson”. El estudio de series de tiempo se logró desarrollar mediante ecuaciones lineales y no lineales; y se efectuó mediante el método de mínimos cuadrados y el método GARCH, corriendo una regresión simple que incluyó términos cuadráticos, logarítmicos, primeras diferencias, variables “dummy” o falsas y constantes, en este caso el software de elección fue E views, secundariamente Minitab, SPSS, SAS y STATA. Al terminar el análisis de regresión lineal, se obtuvieron resultados que confirmaron la eficiencia de los paneles verdes en el prototipo que se construyó, dando resultados que reforzaban la hipótesis del experimento, demostrando que las cubiertas vegetales instaladas en edificios reducen hasta en 8 °C la temperatura atmosférica y la humedad relativa del viento se potencializa hasta en 15 % más que en un edificio común y la disminución del efecto “Isla de Calor Urbana” por área verde determinada.The present work had some challenges such as to design and then construct an electronic system for monitoring the values of a select group of physical variables in a prototype of a green panel, the selected variables were temperature, relative humidity, soil humidity, mechanic and telluric vibrations and quantity of light, then study their behaviors of these variables mentioned before. To get the system ready for data acquisition and saving the data, it became necessary the construction of an electronically arrangement that understands; Open Source code, diverse types of electronic sensors and a free hardware device named “Arduino Uno board”. The prototype of a green panel in which we installed the electronic system with sensors that recorded the changes in an automatic way, then they were sent to a computer connected to the system with an USB wire for capturing data in Microsoft Excel, with an interval defined by Open Source Code, constructing a database, after 44 days of monitoring, for processing the data we occupied the software “R studio” of Open Source for continuing the study with a statistical analysis giving the central tendency measures, graphs, histograms, density curves and proving the correlation between variables with correlation coefficient (R) obtained by “Pearson” methodology. The study of time series and for developing linear and non-linear equations were done with the least squares’ methodology and GARCH method, running a simple regression, that included: logarithmic terms, quadratic terms, first differences, “dummies” and constants, in this case the statistical suites of choice were primarily E views, secondarily Minitab, SPSS, SAS and STATA. At the end of the regression, the results were in favor for the implementation of green panels in buildings, because they can bring several benefits to the environment. The conclusion was that the experiment generated atmospheric conditions that reduced in 8 °C of atmospheric temperature and the relative humidity in air is augmented in 15% and reduces carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and the diminution of the “Urban Heat Island” effect in weather for a determined green area.SIEA UAME


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    La ingeniería industrial es una profesión encargada de planificar y establecer estrategias de optimización para los procesos productivos y logísticos y así lograr un máximo rendimiento en la creación de bienes y/o la prestación de servicios; en cuya formación es muy importante las matemáticas donde el cálculo permite el estudio de cómo cambian instantáneamente las funciones cuando sus variables cambian. La presente investigación muestra una alternativa didáctica para favorecer el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del cálculo diferencial, en la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí”, la cual está sustentada por la Teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo, usando el Asistente Matemático Derive. La investigación estuvo motivada por la necesidad de elevar a niveles superiores la motivación, y capacidades intelectuales para la resolución de ejercicios y problemas de esta temática del currículo de estudio, y con esto incidir favorablemente en la formación de un ingeniero competente. La misma ha sido aplicada en dos semestres de esta carrera en la ULEAM, donde se han obtenido muy buenos resultados en el aprendizaje de estos contenidos por los estudiantes

    PhysioSkin: Rapid Fabrication of Skin-Conformal Physiological Interfaces

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    Advances in rapid prototyping platforms have made physiological sensing accessible to a wide audience. However, off-the-shelf electrodes commonly used for capturing biosignals are typically thick, non-conformal and do not support customization. We present PhysioSkin, a rapid, do-it-yourself prototyping method for fabricating custom multi-modal physiological sensors, using commercial materials and a commodity desktop inkjet printer. It realizes ultrathin skin-conformal patches (~1μm) and interactive textiles that capture sEMG, EDA and ECG signals. It further supports fabricating devices with custom levels of thickness and stretchability. We present detailed fabrication explorations on multiple substrate materials, functional inks and skin adhesive materials. Informed from the literature, we also provide design recommendations for each of the modalities. Evaluation results show that the sensor patches achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio. Example applications demonstrate the functionality and versatility of our approach for prototyping a next generation of physiological devices that intimately couple with the human body

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Data-Driven ECG Denoising Techniques for Characterising Bipolar Lead Sets along the Left Arm in Wearable Long-Term Heart Rhythm Monitoring

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    Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) are a major cause of cardiovascular disease and death in Europe. Sudden cardiac death accounts for 50% of cardiac mortality in developed countries; ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation is the most common underlying arrhythmia. In the ambulatory population, atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia and is associated with an increased risk of stroke and heart failure, particularly in an aging population. Early detection of arrhythmias allows appropriate intervention, reducing disability and death. However, in the early stages of disease arrhythmias may be transient, lasting only a few seconds, and are thus difficult to detect. This work addresses the problem of extracting the far-field heart electrogram signal from noise components, as recorded in bipolar leads along the left arm, using a data driven ECG (electrocardiogram) denoising algorithm based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) methods to enable continuous non-invasive monitoring of heart rhythm for long periods of time using a wrist or arm wearable device with advanced biopotential sensors. Performance assessment against a control denoising method of signal averaging (SA) was implemented in a pilot study with 34 clinical cases. EEMD was found to be a reliable, low latency, data-driven denoising technique with respect to the control SA method, achieving signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) enhancement to a standard closer to the SA control method, particularly on the upper arm-ECG bipolar leads. Furthermore, the SNR performance of the EEMD was improved when assisted with an FFT (fast Fourier transform ) thresholding algorithm (EEMD-fft)