179 research outputs found

    Importancia y propiedades físico química de la Rosa mosqueta (R. canina, R. rubiginosa): una revisión

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    Consumers increasingly demand products in their diets that not only provide the nutrients required for a healthy life, they are also preferably those that can complement with beneficial health properties. In recent decades it has been recognized rosehip, Rosa and Rosa canina the rubiginosa as fruits contain many nutraceutical properties. This paper reviews the research papers carried the Rosehip from the point of view of their importance of their consumption and their health benefits; describing the chemical, physical and biochemical characteristics such as content of phenolic compounds, fatty acids, linoleic acid, mineral; and other important also from an industrial point of view, such as antioxidants, pigments, among other compounds. According to the information collected, the Rosehip is a source of micronutrients including vitamin C and lycopene, also delivering a good nutritional value; by the above it should be considered a functional food. Although a species that grows wild on forest soils; still less fruit and herb its importance in the consumer must be considered.Los consumidores cada día exigen productos en sus dietas que no solo aporten los nutrientes requeridos para una vida sana, sino que además son de preferencia aquellos que puedan complementar con propiedades benéficas para la salud. En las últimas décadas se ha reconocido a la Rosa mosqueta, la Rosa canina y a la Rosa rubiginosa, como frutos que contienen muchas propiedades nutracéuticas. El presente trabajo hace una revisión de los artículos de investigación realizados a la Rosa mosqueta desde un punto de vista de su importancia de su consumo y sus beneficios para la salud; describiendo las características químicas, físicas y bioquímicas tales como el contenido de componentes fenólicos, ácidos grasos, ácido linoleico, minerales; y de otros compuestos importantes también desde el punto de vista industrial, tales como el contenido de antioxidantes, pigmentos, entre otros. De acuerdo a los antecedentes recopilados, la Rosa mosqueta es una fuente de micronutrientes incluyendo la vitamina c y el licopeno, entregando además un buen aporte nutricional; por lo anterior debe ser considerado como un alimento funcional. Aun siendo una especie que crece en estado salvaje, sobre suelos forestales; siendo un frutal menor y una planta medicinal su importancia en el consumo masivo debe ser considerad

    The discovery of WASP-151b, WASP-153b, WASP-156b: Insights on giant planet migration and the upper boundary of the Neptunian desert

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    To investigate the origin of the features discovered in the exoplanet population, the knowledge of exoplanets’ mass and radius with a good precision (≲10%) is essential. To achieve this purpose the discovery of transiting exoplanets around bright stars is of prime interest. In this paper, we report the discovery of three transiting exoplanets by the SuperWASP survey and the SOPHIE spectrograph with mass and radius determined with a precision better than 15%. WASP-151b and WASP-153b are two hot Saturns with masses, radii, densities and equilibrium temperatures of 0.31−0.03+0.04 MJ, 1.13−0.03+0.03 RJ, 0.22−0.02+0.03 ρJ and 1290−10+20 K, and 0.39−0.02+0.02 MJ, 1.55−0.08+0.10 RJ, 0.11−0.02+0.02 ρJ and 1700−40+40 K, respectively. Their host stars are early G type stars (with mag V ~ 13) and their orbital periods are 4.53 and 3.33 days, respectively. WASP-156b is a super-Neptune orbiting a K type star (mag V = 11.6). It has a mass of 0.128−0.009+0.010 MJ, a radius of 0.51−0.02+0.02 RJ, a density of 1.0−0.1+0.1 ρJ, an equilibrium temperature of 970−20+30 K and an orbital period of 3.83 days. The radius of WASP-151b appears to be only slightly inflated, while WASP-153b presents a significant radius anomaly compared to a recently published model. WASP-156b, being one of the few well characterized super-Neptunes, will help to constrain the still debated formation of Neptune size planets and the transition between gas and ice giants. The estimates of the age of these three stars confirms an already observed tendency for some stars to have gyrochronological ages significantly lower than their isochronal ages. We propose that high eccentricity migration could partially explain this behavior for stars hosting a short period planet. Finally, these three planets also lie close to (WASP-151b and WASP-153b) or below (WASP-156b) the upper boundary of the Neptunian desert. Their characteristics support that the ultra-violet irradiation plays an important role in this depletion of planets observed in the exoplanet population

    Very high energy particle acceleration powered by the jets of the microquasar SS 433

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    SS 433 is a binary system containing a supergiant star that is overflowing its Roche lobe with matter accreting onto a compact object (either a black hole or neutron star). Two jets of ionized matter with a bulk velocity of 0.26c\sim0.26c extend from the binary, perpendicular to the line of sight, and terminate inside W50, a supernova remnant that is being distorted by the jets. SS 433 differs from other microquasars in that the accretion is believed to be super-Eddington, and the luminosity of the system is 1040\sim10^{40} erg s1^{-1}. The lobes of W50 in which the jets terminate, about 40 pc from the central source, are expected to accelerate charged particles, and indeed radio and X-ray emission consistent with electron synchrotron emission in a magnetic field have been observed. At higher energies (>100 GeV), the particle fluxes of γ\gamma rays from X-ray hotspots around SS 433 have been reported as flux upper limits. In this energy regime, it has been unclear whether the emission is dominated by electrons that are interacting with photons from the cosmic microwave background through inverse-Compton scattering or by protons interacting with the ambient gas. Here we report TeV γ\gamma-ray observations of the SS 433/W50 system where the lobes are spatially resolved. The TeV emission is localized to structures in the lobes, far from the center of the system where the jets are formed. We have measured photon energies of at least 25 TeV, and these are certainly not Doppler boosted, because of the viewing geometry. We conclude that the emission from radio to TeV energies is consistent with a single population of electrons with energies extending to at least hundreds of TeV in a magnetic field of 16\sim16~micro-Gauss.Comment: Preprint version of Nature paper. Contacts: S. BenZvi, B. Dingus, K. Fang, C.D. Rho , H. Zhang, H. Zho

    Measurement of the Crab Nebula Spectrum Past 100 TeV with HAWC

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    We present TeV gamma-ray observations of the Crab Nebula, the standard reference source in ground-based gamma-ray astronomy, using data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma-Ray Observatory. In this analysis we use two independent energy-estimation methods that utilize extensive air shower variables such as the core position, shower angle, and shower lateral energy distribution. In contrast, the previously published HAWC energy spectrum roughly estimated the shower energy with only the number of photomultipliers triggered. This new methodology yields a much improved energy resolution over the previous analysis and extends HAWC's ability to accurately measure gamma-ray energies well beyond 100 TeV. The energy spectrum of the Crab Nebula is well fit to a log parabola shape (dNdE=ϕ0(E/7 TeV)αβln(E/7 TeV))\left(\frac{dN}{dE} = \phi_0 \left(E/\textrm{7 TeV}\right)^{-\alpha-\beta\ln\left(E/\textrm{7 TeV}\right)}\right) with emission up to at least 100 TeV. For the first estimator, a ground parameter that utilizes fits to the lateral distribution function to measure the charge density 40 meters from the shower axis, the best-fit values are ϕo\phi_o=(2.35±\pm0.040.21+0.20^{+0.20}_{-0.21})×\times1013^{-13} (TeV cm2^2 s)1^{-1}, α\alpha=2.79±\pm0.020.03+0.01^{+0.01}_{-0.03}, and β\beta=0.10±\pm0.010.03+0.01^{+0.01}_{-0.03}. For the second estimator, a neural network which uses the charge distribution in annuli around the core and other variables, these values are ϕo\phi_o=(2.31±\pm0.020.17+0.32^{+0.32}_{-0.17})×\times1013^{-13} (TeV cm2^2 s)1^{-1}, α\alpha=2.73±\pm0.020.02+0.03^{+0.03}_{-0.02}, and β\beta=0.06±\pm0.01±\pm0.02. The first set of uncertainties are statistical; the second set are systematic. Both methods yield compatible results. These measurements are the highest-energy observation of a gamma-ray source to date.Comment: published in Ap

    Precise masses for the transiting planetary system HD 106315 with HARPS

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    Funding: UK Science and Tecnology Facilities Council STFC ST/M001296/1 (ACC)Context. The multi-planetary system HD 106315 was recently found in K2 data. The planets have periods of Pb ~ 9.55 and Pc ~ 21.06 days, and radii of rb = 2.44 ± 0.17 R⊕ and rc = 4.35 ± 0.23 R⊕ . The brightness of the host star (V = 9.0 mag) makes it an excellent target for transmission spectroscopy. However, to interpret transmission spectra it is crucial to measure the planetary masses. Aims. We obtained high precision radial velocities for HD 106315 to determine the mass of the two transiting planets discovered with Kepler K2. Our successful observation strategy was carefully tailored to mitigate the effect of stellar variability. Methods. We modelled the new radial velocity data together with the K2 transit photometry and a new ground-based partial transit of HD 106315c to derive system parameters. Results. We estimate the mass of HD 106315b to be 12.6 ± 3.2 M⊕ and the density to be 4.7 ± 1.7 g cm-3, while for HD 106315c we estimate a mass of 15.2 ± 3.7 M⊕ and a density of 1.01 ± 0.29 g cm-3. Hence, despite planet c having a radius almost twice as large as planet b, their masses are consistent with one another. Conclusions. We conclude that HD 106315c has a thick hydrogen-helium gaseous envelope. A detailed investigation of HD 106315b using a planetary interior model constrains the core mass fraction to be 5–29%, and the water mass fraction to be 10–50%. An alternative, not considered by our model, is that HD 106315b is composed of a large rocky core with a thick H–He envelope. Transmission spectroscopy of these planets will give insight into their atmospheric compositions and also help constrain their core compositions.PostprintPeer reviewe

    First LIGO search for gravitational wave bursts from cosmic (super)strings

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    We report on a matched-filter search for gravitational wave bursts from cosmic string cusps using LIGO data from the fourth science run (S4) which took place in February and March 2005. No gravitational waves were detected in 14.9 days of data from times when all three LIGO detectors were operating. We interpret the result in terms of a frequentist upper limit on the rate of gravitational wave bursts and use the limits on the rate to constrain the parameter space (string tension, reconnection probability, and loop sizes) of cosmic string models.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Replaced with version submitted to PR

    Stacked Search for Gravitational Waves from the 2006 SGR 1900+14 Storm

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    We present the results of a LIGO search for short-duration gravitational waves (GWs) associated with the 2006 March 29 SGR 1900+14 storm. A new search method is used, "stacking'' the GW data around the times of individual soft-gamma bursts in the storm to enhance sensitivity for models in which multiple bursts are accompanied by GW emission. We assume that variation in the time difference between burst electromagnetic emission and potential burst GW emission is small relative to the GW signal duration, and we time-align GW excess power time-frequency tilings containing individual burst triggers to their corresponding electromagnetic emissions. We use two GW emission models in our search: a fluence-weighted model and a flat (unweighted) model for the most electromagnetically energetic bursts. We find no evidence of GWs associated with either model. Model-dependent GW strain, isotropic GW emission energy E_GW, and \gamma = E_GW / E_EM upper limits are estimated using a variety of assumed waveforms. The stacking method allows us to set the most stringent model-dependent limits on transient GW strain published to date. We find E_GW upper limit estimates (at a nominal distance of 10 kpc) of between 2x10^45 erg and 6x10^50 erg depending on waveform type. These limits are an order of magnitude lower than upper limits published previously for this storm and overlap with the range of electromagnetic energies emitted in SGR giant flares.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with 39 Gamma-Ray Bursts Using Data from the Second, Third, and Fourth LIGO Runs

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    We present the results of a search for short-duration gravitational-wave bursts associated with 39 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by gamma-ray satellite experiments during LIGO's S2, S3, and S4 science runs. The search involves calculating the crosscorrelation between two interferometer data streams surrounding the GRB trigger time. We search for associated gravitational radiation from single GRBs, and also apply statistical tests to search for a gravitational-wave signature associated with the whole sample. For the sample examined, we find no evidence for the association of gravitational radiation with GRBs, either on a single-GRB basis or on a statistical basis. Simulating gravitational-wave bursts with sine-gaussian waveforms, we set upper limits on the root-sum-square of the gravitational-wave strain amplitude of such waveforms at the times of the GRB triggers. We also demonstrate how a sample of several GRBs can be used collectively to set constraints on population models. The small number of GRBs and the significant change in sensitivity of the detectors over the three runs, however, limits the usefulness of a population study for the S2, S3, and S4 runs. Finally, we discuss prospects for the search sensitivity for the ongoing S5 run, and beyond for the next generation of detectors.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, 14 tables; minor changes to text and Fig. 2; accepted by Phys. Rev.