2,044 research outputs found

    Thermal energy storage material thermophysical property measurement and heat transfer impact

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    The thermophysical properties of salts having potential for thermal energy storage to provide peaking energy in conventional electric utility power plants were investigated. The power plants studied were the pressurized water reactor, boiling water reactor, supercritical steam reactor, and high temperature gas reactor. The salts considered were LiNO3, 63LiOH/37 LiCl eutectic, LiOH, and Na2B4O7. The thermal conductivity, specific heat (including latent heat of fusion), and density of each salt were measured for a temperature range of at least + or - 100 K of the measured melting point. Measurements were made with both reagent and commercial grades of each salt

    The Canadian Joint Replacement Registry—what have we learned?

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    The Canadian Joint Replacement Registry (CJRR) was launched in 2000 through the collaborative efforts of the Canadian Orthopedic Association and the Canadian Institutes for Health Information. Participation is voluntary, and data collected by participating surgeons in the operating room is linked to hospital stay information from administrative databases to compile yearly reports. In the fiscal year 2006–2007, there were 62,196 hospitalizations for hip and knee replacements in Canada, excluding Quebec. This represents a 10-year increase of 101% and a 1-year increase of 6%. Compared to men, Canadian women have higher age-adjusted rates per 105 for both TKA (148 vs. 110) and THA (86 vs. 76). There also exist substantial inter-provincial variations in both age-adjusted rates of arthroplasty and implant utilization that cannot be explained entirely on the basis of differing patient demographics. The reasons for these variations are unclear, but probably represent such factors as differences in provincial health expenditure, efforts to reduce waiting lists, and surgeon preference. The main challenge currently facing the CJRR is to increase procedure capture to > 90%. This is being pursued through a combination of efforts including simplification of the consent process, streamlining of the data collection form, and the production of customized reports with information that has direct clinical relevance for surgeons and administrators. As the CJRR continues to mature, we are optimistic that it will provide clinically important information on the wide range of factors that affect arthroplasty outcome

    Antibacterial mechanisms identified through structural systems pharmacology

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    Background: The growing discipline of structural systems pharmacology is applied prospectively in this study to predict pharmacological outcomes of antibacterial compounds in Escherichia coli K12. This work builds upon previously established methods for structural prediction of ligand binding pockets on protein molecules and utilizes and expands upon the previously developed genome scale model of metabolism integrated with protein structures (GEM-PRO) for E. coli, structurally accounting for protein complexes. Carefully selected case studies are demonstrated to display the potential for this structural systems pharmacology framework in discovery and development of antibacterial compounds. Results: The prediction framework for antibacterial activity of compounds was validated for a control set of well-studied compounds, recapitulating experimentally-determined protein binding interactions and deleterious growth phenotypes resulting from these interactions. The antibacterial activity of fosfomycin, sulfathiazole, and trimethoprim were accurately predicted, and as a negative control glucose was found to have no predicted antibacterial activity. Previously uncharacterized mechanisms of action were predicted for compounds with known antibacterial properties, including (1-hydroxyheptane-1,1-diyl)bis(phosphonic acid) and cholesteryl oleate. Five candidate inhibitors were predicted for a desirable target protein without any known inhibitors, tryptophan synthase β subunit (TrpB). In addition to the predictions presented, this effort also included significant expansion of the previously developed GEM-PRO to account for physiological assemblies of protein complex structures with activities included in the E. coli K12 metabolic network. Conclusions: The structural systems pharmacology framework presented in this study was shown to be effective in the prediction of molecular mechanisms of antibacterial compounds. The study provides a promising proof of principle for such an approach to antibacterial development and raises specific molecular and systemic hypotheses about antibacterials that are amenable to experimental testing. This framework, and perhaps also the specific predictions of antibacterials, is extensible to developing antibacterial treatments for pathogenic E. coli and other bacterial pathogens

    Automatic Camera Control:A Dynamic Multi-Objective Perspective

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    Expanding the palette of phenanthridinium cations

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    5,6-Disubstituted phenanthridinium cations have a range of redox, fluorescence and biological properties. Some properties rely on phenanthridiniums intercalating into DNA, but the use of these cations as exomarkers for the reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide, and as inhibitors of acetylcholine esterase (AChE) do not require intercalation. A versatile modular synthesis of 5,6-disubstituted phenanthridiniums that introduces diversity by Suzuki–Miyaura coupling, imine formation and microwave-assisted cyclisation is presented. Computational modelling at the density functional theory (DFT) level reveals that the novel displacement of the aryl halide by an acyclic N-alkylimine proceeds by an SNAr mechanism rather than electrocyclisation. It is found that the displacement of halide is concerted and there is no stable Meisenheimer intermediate, provided the calculations consistently use a polarisable solvent model and a diffuse basis set

    Neutrophil polarization: Spatiotemporal dynamics of RhoA activity support a self-organizing mechanism

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    Chemoattractants like fMet-Leu-Phe (fMLP) induce neutrophils to polarize with phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) and protrusive F-actin at the front and actomyosin contraction at the sides and back. RhoA and its downstream effector, myosin II, mediate the “backness” response, which locally inhibits the “frontness” response and constrains its location to one part of the cell. In living HL-60 cells, we used a fluorescent PIP3 probe or a single-chain FRET biosensor for RhoA-GTP to assess spatial distribution of frontness or backness responses, respectively, during the first 3 min after exposure to a uniform concentration of fMLP. Increased PIP3 signal or RhoA activity initially localized randomly about the cell’s periphery but progressively redistributed to the front or to the back and sides, respectively. Cells rendered unable to mount the frontness response (by inhibiting actin polymerization or Gi, a trimeric G protein) responded to a micropipette source of attractant by localizing RhoA activity at the up-gradient edge. We infer that protrusive F-actin, induced by the frontness response, constrains the spatial distribution of backness by locally reducing activation of RhoA, thereby reducing its active form at the front. Mutual incompatibility of frontness and backness is responsible for self-organization of neutrophil polarity

    UK survey of occupational therapist’s and physiotherapist’s experiences and attitudes towards hip replacement precautions and equipment

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    Background: Total hip replacement (THR) is one of the most common orthopaedic procedures in the United Kingdom (UK). Historically, people following THR have been provided with hip precautions and equipment such as: raised toilet seats and furniture rises, in order to reduce the risks of dislocation post-operation. The purpose of this study was to determine current practices in the provision of these interventions in the UK for people following primary THR. Methods: A 27-question, self-administered online survey was developed and distributed to UK physiotherapists and occupational therapists involved in the management of people following primary THR (target respondents). The survey included questions regarding the current practices in the provision of equipment and hip precautions for THR patients, and physiotherapist’s and occupational therapist’s attitudes towards these practices. The survey was disseminated through print and web-based/social media channels. Results: 170 health professionals (87 physiotherapists and 83 occupational therapists), responded to the survey. Commonly prescribed equipment in respondent’s health trusts were raised toilet seats (95%), toilet frames and rails (88%), furniture raises (79%), helping hands/grabbers (77%), perching stools (75%) and long-handled shoe horns (75%). Hip precautions were routinely prescribed by 97% of respondents. Hip precautions were most frequently taught in a pre-operative group (52% of respondents). Similarly equipment was most frequently provided pre-operatively (61% respondents), and most commonly by occupational therapists (74% respondents). There was variability in the advice provided on the duration of hip precautions and equipment from up to six weeks post-operatively to life-time usage. Conclusions: Current practice on hip precautions and provision of equipment is not full representative of clinician’s perceptions of best care after THR. Future research is warranted to determine whether and to whom hip precautions and equipment should be prescribed post-THR as opposed to the current ‘blanket’ provision of equipment and movement restriction provided in UK practice

    A new perspective on the submillimetre galaxy MM 18423+5938 at redshift 3.9296 from radio continuum imaging

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    The bright submillimetre (sub-mm) galaxy MM 18423+5938 at redshift 3.9296 has been predicted from mid-infrared and millimetre photometry to have an exceptionally large total infrared (IR) luminosity. We present new radio imaging at 1.4 GHz with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope that is used to determine a radio-derived total IR luminosity for MM 18423+5938 via the well established radio-far-infrared correlation. The flux density is found to be S_1.4 GHz = 217 +/- 37 \mu Jy, which corresponds to a rest-frame luminosity density of L_1.4 GHz = 2.32 +/- 0.40 x 10^25 / u W / Hz, where u is the magnification from a probable gravitational lens. The radio-derived total IR luminosity and star-formation rate are L_8-1000 \mu m = 5.6^+4.1_-2.4 x 10^13 / u L_sol and SFR = 9.4^+7.4_-4.9 x 10^3 / u M_sol / yr, respectively, which are ~9 times smaller than those previously reported. These differences are attributed to the IR spectral energy distribution of MM 18423+5938 being poorly constrained by the limited number of reliable photometric data that are currently available, and from a previous misidentification of the object at 70 \mu m. Using the radio derived total IR luminosity as a constraint, the temperature of the cold dust component is found to be T ~ 24^+7_-5 K for a dust emissivity of \beta = 1.5 +/- 0.5. The radio-derived properties of this galaxy are still large given the low excitation temperature implied by the CO emission lines and the temperature of the cold dust. Therefore, we conclude that MM 18423+5938 is probably gravitationally lensed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Chemotaxis: a feedback-based computational model robustly predicts multiple aspects of real cell behaviour

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    The mechanism of eukaryotic chemotaxis remains unclear despite intensive study. The most frequently described mechanism acts through attractants causing actin polymerization, in turn leading to pseudopod formation and cell movement. We recently proposed an alternative mechanism, supported by several lines of data, in which pseudopods are made by a self-generated cycle. If chemoattractants are present, they modulate the cycle rather than directly causing actin polymerization. The aim of this work is to test the explanatory and predictive powers of such pseudopod-based models to predict the complex behaviour of cells in chemotaxis. We have now tested the effectiveness of this mechanism using a computational model of cell movement and chemotaxis based on pseudopod autocatalysis. The model reproduces a surprisingly wide range of existing data about cell movement and chemotaxis. It simulates cell polarization and persistence without stimuli and selection of accurate pseudopods when chemoattractant gradients are present. It predicts both bias of pseudopod position in low chemoattractant gradients and-unexpectedly-lateral pseudopod initiation in high gradients. To test the predictive ability of the model, we looked for untested and novel predictions. One prediction from the model is that the angle between successive pseudopods at the front of the cell will increase in proportion to the difference between the cell's direction and the direction of the gradient. We measured the angles between pseudopods in chemotaxing Dictyostelium cells under different conditions and found the results agreed with the model extremely well. Our model and data together suggest that in rapidly moving cells like Dictyostelium and neutrophils an intrinsic pseudopod cycle lies at the heart of cell motility. This implies that the mechanism behind chemotaxis relies on modification of intrinsic pseudopod behaviour, more than generation of new pseudopods or actin polymerization by chemoattractant

    Universality of Performance Indicators based on Citation and Reference Counts

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    We find evidence for the universality of two relative bibliometric indicators of the quality of individual scientific publications taken from different data sets. One of these is a new index that considers both citation and reference counts. We demonstrate this universality for relatively well cited publications from a single institute, grouped by year of publication and by faculty or by department. We show similar behaviour in publications submitted to the arXiv e-print archive, grouped by year of submission and by sub-archive. We also find that for reasonably well cited papers this distribution is well fitted by a lognormal with a variance of around 1.3 which is consistent with the results of Radicchi, Fortunato, and Castellano (2008). Our work demonstrates that comparisons can be made between publications from different disciplines and publication dates, regardless of their citation count and without expensive access to the whole world-wide citation graph. Further, it shows that averages of the logarithm of such relative bibliometric indices deal with the issue of long tails and avoid the need for statistics based on lengthy ranking procedures.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 11 pages of supplementary material. Submitted to Scientometric