614 research outputs found

    Infrared Emission from the Nearby Cool Core Cluster Abell 2597

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    We observed the brightest central galaxy (BCG) in the nearby (z=0.0821) cool core galaxy cluster Abell 2597 with the IRAC and MIPS instruments on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The BCG was clearly detected in all Spitzer bandpasses, including the 70 and 160 micron wavebands. We report aperture photometry of the BCG. The spectral energy distribution exhibits a clear excess in the FIR over a Rayleigh-Jeans stellar tail, indicating a star formation rate of ~4-5 solar masses per year, consistent with the estimates from the UV and its H-alpha luminosity. This large FIR luminosity is consistent with that of a starburst or a Luminous Infrared Galaxy (LIRG), but together with a very massive and old population of stars that dominate the energy output of the galaxy. If the dust is at one temperature, the ratio of 70 to 160 micron fluxes indicate that the dust emitting mid-IR in this source is somewhat hotter than the dust emitting mid-IR in two BCGs at higher-redshift (z~0.2-0.3) and higher FIR luminosities observed earlier by Spitzer, in clusters Abell 1835 and Zwicky 3146.Comment: Accepted at Ap

    Compact radio cores: from the first black holes to the last

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    One of the clearest signs of black hole activity is the presence of a compact radio core in the nuclei of galaxies. With the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) these cores can be used to study the evolution of black holes throughout the universe and even to detect the very first generation of supermassive black holes. We start by introducing some of the basic properties of compact radio cores and how they scale with accretion power. The relative contribution of jets and radio cores to the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) is strongest in sub-Eddington black holes but also present in the most luminous objects. Radio and X-rays are correlated as a function of black hole mass such that the most massive black holes are most suited for radio detections. We present a radio core luminosity function for the present universe down to the least luminous AGN. The SKA will essentially detect all dormant black holes in the local universe, such as that in our Milky Way, out to several tens of Megaparsecs. It will also be able to see black holes in the making at redshifts z>10 for black hole masses larger than 10^7 M_sun. Finally, we suggest that the first generation of black holes may have jets that are frustrated in their dense environment and thus appear as Gigahertz-Peaked-Spectrum (GPS) sources. Since their intrinsic size and peak frequency are related and angular size and frequency scale differently with redshift, there is a unique region in parameter space that should be occupied by emerging black holes in the epoch of reionization. This can be well probed by radio-only methods with the SKA. (abridged)Comment: latex, 16 pages, 11 figures, to appear in: "Science with the Square Kilometer Array," eds. C. Carilli and S. Rawlings, New Astronomy Reviews, (Elsevier: Amsterdam

    Optically Faint Radio Sources: Reborn AGN?

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    We have discovered a number of relatively strong radio sources in the field-of-view of SDSS galaxy clusters which present no optical counterparts down to the magnitude limits of the SDSS. The optically faint radio sources appear as double-lobed or core-jet objects on the FIRST radio images and have projected angular sizes ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 arcmin. We have followed-up these sources with near-infrared imaging using the wide-field imager HAWK-I on the VLT. K_s-band emitting regions, about 1.5 arcsec in size and coincident with the centers of the radio structures, were detected in all the sources, with magnitudes in the range 17-20 mag. We have used spectral modelling to characterize the sample sources. In general, the radio properties are similar to those observed in 3CRR sources but the optical-radio slopes are consistent with moderate to high redshift (z<4) gigahertz-peaked spectrum sources. Our results suggest that these unusual objects are galaxies whose black hole has been recently re-ignited but retain large-scale radio structures, signatures of previous AGN activity.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Research Weaving: Visualizing the Future of Research Synthesis

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    We propose a new framework for research synthesis of both evidence and influence, named research weaving. It summarizes and visualizes information content, history, and networks among a collection of documents on any given topic. Research weaving achieves this feat by combining the power of two methods: systematic mapping and bibliometrics. Systematic mapping provides a snapshot of the current state of knowledge, identifying areas needing more research attention and those ready for full synthesis. Bibliometrics enables researchers to see how pieces of evidence are connected, revealing the structure and development of a field. We explain how researchers can use some or all of these tools to gain a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the scientific literature

    Chandra Discovery of a 300 kpc X-ray Jet in the GPS Quasar PKS1127-145

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    We have discovered an X-ray jet with Chandra imaging of the z=1.187 radio-loud quasar PKS1127-145. In this paper we present the Chandra X-ray data, follow-up VLA observations, and optical imaging using the HST WFPC2. The X-ray jet contains 273+/-5 net counts in 27ksec and extends ~30 arcsec, from the quasar core, corresponding to a minimum projected linear size of ~330/h_50 kpc. The evaluation of the X-ray emission processes is complicated by the observed offsets between X-ray and radio brightness peaks. We discuss the problems posed by these observations to jet models. In addition, PKS1127-145 is a Giga-Hertz Peaked Spectrum radio source, a member of the class of radio sources suspected to be young or ``frustrated'' versions of FRI radio galaxies. However the discovery of an X-ray and radio jet extending well outside the host galaxy of PKS1127-145 suggests that activity in this and other GPS sources may be long-lived and complex.Comment: 22 pages, 11 ps figures, 1 figure in a JPG file, 3 tables. AASTEX. Accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    An optical-IR jet in 3C133

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    We report the discovery of a new optical-IR synchrotron jet in the radio galaxy 3C133 from our HST/NICMOS snapshot survey. The jet and eastern hotspot are well resolved, and visible at both optical and IR wavelengths. The IR jet follows the morphology of the inner part of the radio jet, with three distinct knots identified with features in the radio. The radio-IR SED's of the knots are examined, along with those of two more distant hotspots at the eastern extreme of the radio feature. The detected emission appears to be synchrotron, with peaks in the NIR for all except one case, which exhibits a power-law spectrum throughout.Comment: ApJ accepted. 14 pages, 6 figure

    Radio spectra and polarisation properties of a bright sample of Radio-Loud Broad Absorption Line Quasars

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    The origin of broad-absorption-line quasars (BAL QSOs) is still an open issue. Accounting for ~20% of the QSO population, these objects present broad absorption lines in their optical spectra generated from outflows with velocities up to 0.2c. In this work we present the results of a multi-frequency study of a well-defined radio-loud BAL QSO sample, and a comparison sample of radio-loud non-BAL QSOs, both selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We aim to test which of the currently-popular models for the BAL phenomenon - `orientation' or 'evolutionary' - best accounts for the radio properties of BAL quasars. Observations from 1.4 to 43 GHz have been obtained with the VLA and Effelsberg telescopes, and data from 74 to 408 MHz have been compiled from the literature. The fractions of candidate GHz-peaked sources are similar in the two samples (36\pm12% vs 23\pm8%), suggesting that BAL QSOs are not generally younger than non-BAL QSOs. BAL and non-BAL QSOs show a large range of spectral indices, consistent with a broad range of orientations. There is weak evidence (91% confidence) that the spectral indices of the BAL QSOs are steeper than those of non-BAL QSOs, mildly favouring edge-on orientations. At a higher level of significance (\geq97%), the spectra of BAL QSOs are not flatter than those of non-BAL QSOs, which suggests that a polar orientation is not preferred.Comment: Accepted by A&

    A multiphase multiscale model for nutrient limited tissue growth

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    In this work, an effective macroscale description is derived for the growth of tissue on a porous scaffold. A multiphase model is employed to describe the tissue dynamics; linearisation to facilitate a multiple-scale homogenisation provides an effective macroscale description, which incorporates dependence on the microscale structure and dynamics. In particular, the resulting description admits both interstitial growth and active cell motion. This model comprises Darcy flow, and differential equations for the volume fraction of cells within the scaffold and the concentration of nutrient, required for growth. These are coupled to underlying Stokes-type cell problems that provide permeability tensors, with multiscale dependence incorporating active cell motion, with which to parameterise the macroscale flow. A subset of solutions are illustrated by numerical simulations

    Radio-Excess IRAS Galaxies: PMN/FSC Sample Selection

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    A sample of 178 extragalactic objects is defined by correlating the 60 micron IRAS FSC with the 5 GHz PMN catalog. Of these, 98 objects lie above the radio/far-infrared relation for radio-quiet objects. These radio-excess galaxies and quasars have a uniform distribution of radio excesses and appear to be a new population of active galaxies not present in previous radio/far-infrared samples. The radio-excess objects extend over the full range of far-infrared luminosities seen in extragalactic objects. Objects with small radio excesses are more likely to have far-infrared colors similar to starbursts, while objects with large radio excesses have far-infrared colors typical of pure AGN. Some of the most far-infrared luminous radio-excess objects have the highest far-infrared optical depths. These are good candidates to search for hidden broad line regions in polarized light or via near-infrared spectroscopy. Some low far-infrared luminosity radio-excess objects appear to derive a dominant fraction of their far-infrared emission from star formation, despite the dominance of the AGN at radio wavelengths. Many of the radio-excess objects have sizes likely to be smaller than the optical host, but show optically thin radio emission. We draw parallels between these objects and high radio luminosity Compact Steep-Spectrum (CSS) and GigaHertz Peaked-Spectrum (GPS) objects. Radio sources with these characteristics may be young AGN in which the radio activity has begun only recently. Alternatively, high central densities in the host galaxies may be confining the radio sources to compact sizes. We discuss future observations required to distinguish between these possibilities and determine the nature of radio-excess objects.Comment: Submitted to AJ. 44 pages, 11 figures. A version of the paper with higher quality figures is available from http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~cdrake/PMNFSC/paperI
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