169 research outputs found

    Extremely Anisotropic Scintillations

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    A small number of quasars exhibit interstellar scintillation on time-scales less than an hour; their scintillation patterns are all known to be anisotropic. Here we consider a totally anisotropic model in which the scintillation pattern is effectively one-dimensional. For the persistent rapid scintillators J1819+3845 and PKS1257-326 we show that this model offers a good description of the two-station time-delay measurements and the annual cycle in the scintillation time-scale. Generalising the model to finite anisotropy yields a better match to the data but the improvement is not significant and the two additional parameters which are required to describe this model are not justified by the existing data. The extreme anisotropy we infer for the scintillation patterns must be attributed to the scattering medium rather than a highly elongated source. For J1819+3845 the totally anisotropic model predicts that the particular radio flux variations seen between mid July and late August should repeat between late August and mid November, and then again between mid November and late December as the Earth twice changes its direction of motion across the scintillation pattern. If this effect can be observed then the minor-axis velocity component of the screen and the orientation of that axis can both be precisely determined. In reality the axis ratio is finite, albeit large, and spatial decorrelation of the flux pattern along the major axis may be observable via differences in the pairwise fluxes within this overlap region; in this case we can also constrain both the major-axis velocity component of the screen and the magnitude of the anisotropy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, MNRAS submitte

    Asymmetry of jets, lobe size and spectral index in radio galaxies and quasars

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    We investigate the correlations between spectral index, jet side and extent of the radio lobes for a sample of nearby FRII radio galaxies. In Dennett-Thorpe et al. (1997) we studied a sample of quasars and found that the high surface brightness regions had flatter spectra on the jet side (explicable as a result of Doppler beaming) whilst the extended regions had spectral asymmetries dependent on lobe length. Unified schemes predict that asymmetries due to beaming will be much smaller in narrow-line radio galaxies than in quasars: we therefore investigate in a similar manner, a sample of radio galaxies with detected jets. We find that spectral asymmetries in these objects are uncorrelated with jet sidedness at all brightness levels, but depend on relative lobe volume. Our results are not in conflict with unified schemes, but suggest that the differences between the two samples are due primarily to power or redshift, rather than to orientation. We also show directly that hotspot spectra steepen as a function of radio power or redshift. Whilst a shift in observed frequency due to the redshift may account for some of the steepening, it cannot account for all of it, and a dependence on radio power is required.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 10 pages; typos/minor correctio

    Annual modulation in the scattering of J1819+3845: peculiar plasma velocity and anisotropy

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    We present two years of monitoring observations of the extremely variable quasar J1819+3845. We observe large yearly changes in the timescale of the variations (from ~ 1 hour to ~ 10 hours at 5GHz). This annual effect can only be explained if the variations are caused by a propagation effect, and thus affected by the Earth's relative speed through the projected intensity pattern. To account for this effect, the scattering plasma must have a transverse velocity with respect to the local standard of rest. The velocity calculated from these observations is in good agreement with that obtained from a two telescope delay experiment (Dennett-Thorpe & de Bruyn 2001). We also show that either the source itself is elongated, or that the scattering plasma is anisotropic, with an axial ratio of >6:1. As the source is extended on scales relevant to the scattering phenomenon, it seems plausible that the anisotropy is due to the source itself, but this remains to be investigated. From the scintillation characteristics we find that the scattering material is a very strong, thin scatterer within ~ten parsecs. We determine a source size at 5GHz of 100 to 900microarcsecs, and associated brightness temperatures of 10^{10} to 10^{12}K

    Relativistic and slowing down: the flow in the hotspots of powerful radio galaxies and quasars

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    Pairs of radio emitting jets with lengths up to several hundred kiloparsecs emanate from the central region (the `core') of radio loud active galaxies. In the most powerful of them, these jets terminate in the `hotspots', compact high brightness regions, where the jet flow collides with the intergalactic medium (IGM). Although it has long been established that in their inner (\simparsec) regions these jet flows are relativistic, it is still not clear if they remain so at their largest (hundreds of kiloparsec) scales. We argue that the X-ray, optical and radio data of the hotspots, despite their at-first-sight disparate properties, can be unified in a scheme involving a relativistic flow upstream of the hotspot that decelerates to the sub-relativistic speed of its inferred advance through the IGM and viewed at different angles to its direction of motion. This scheme, besides providing an account of the hotspot spectral properties with jet orientation, it also suggests that the large-scale jets remain relativistic all the way to the hotspots.Comment: to appear in ApJ

    BL LAC PKSB1144-379 an extreme scintillator

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    Rapid variability in the radio flux density of the BL Lac object PKSB1144-379 has been observed at four frequencies, ranging from 1.5 to 15 GHz, with the VLA and the University of Tasmania's Ceduna antenna. Intrinsic and line of sight effects were examined as possible causes of this variability, with interstellar scintillation best explaining the frequency dependence of the variability timescales and modulation indices. This scintillation is consistent with a compact source 20-40 microarcseconds, or 0.15-0.3 pc in size. The inferred brightness temperature for PKSB1144-379 (assuming that the observed variations are due to scintillation) is 6.2e12 K at 4.9 GHz, with approximately 10 percent of the total flux in the scintillating component. We show that scintillation surveys aimed at identifying variability timescales of days to weeks are an effective way to identify the AGN with the highest brightness temperatures.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    On rapid interstellar scintillation of quasars: PKS 1257-326 revisited

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    The line of sight towards the compact, radio loud quasar PKS 1257-326 passesthrough a patch of scattering plasma in the local Galactic ISM that causes large and rapid,intra-hour variations in the received flux density at centimetre wavelengths. This rapid interstellarscintillation (SS) has been occurring for at least 15 years, implying that the scattering“screen” is at least 100 AU in physical extent. Through observations of the ISS we have measuredmicroarcsecond-scale “core shifts” in PKS 1257-326, corresponding to changing opacityduring an intrinsic outburst. Recent analysis of VLA data of a sample of 128 quasars found 6sources scintillating with a characteristic time-scale of < 2 hours, suggesting that nearby scatteringscreens in the ISM may have a covering fraction of a few percent. That is an importantconsideration for proposed surveys of the transient and variable radio sk

    Detection of Six Rapidly Scintillating AGNs and the Diminished Variability of J1819+3845

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    The extreme, intra-hour and > 10% rms flux density scintillation observed in AGNs such as PKS 0405-385, J1819+3845 and PKS 1257-326 at cm wavelengths has been attributed to scattering in highly turbulent, nearby regions in the interstellar medium. Such behavior has been found to be rare. We searched for rapid scintillators among 128 flat spectrum AGNs and analyzed their properties to determine the origin of such rapid and large amplitude radio scintillation. The sources were observed at the VLA at 4.9 and 8.4 GHz simultaneously at two hour intervals over 11 days. We detected six rapid scintillators with characteristic time-scales of 10%. We found strong lines of evidence linking rapid scintillation to the presence of nearby scattering regions, estimated to be < 12 pc away for ~ 200 muas sources and < 250 pc away for ~ 10 muas sources. We attribute the scarcity of rapid and large amplitude scintillators to the requirement of additional constraints, including large source compact fractions. J1819+3845 was found to display ~ 2% rms variations at ~ 6 hour time-scales superposed on longer > 11 day variations, suggesting that the highly turbulent cloud responsible for its extreme scintillation has moved away, with its scintillation now caused by a more distant screen ~ 50 to 150 pc away.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Diffractive Interstellar Scintillation of the Quasar J1819+3845 at 21cm

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    We report the discovery of fast, frequency-dependent intensity variations from the scintillating intra-day variable quasar J1819+3845 at a wavelength of 21cm which resemble diffractive interstellar scintillations observed in pulsars. The timescale (down to 20 min) and the bandwidth (frequency decorrelation bandwidth of 160 MHz) of the observed variations jointly imply that the component of the source exhibiting this scintillation must possess a brightness temperature well in excess of the inverse Compton limit. A specific model in which both the source and scintillation pattern are isotropic implies a brightness temperature 0.5 x 10^13 z_{pc} K, where previous estimates place the distance to the scattering medium in the range z_{pc}=4-12pc, yielding a minimum brightness temperature >20 times the inverse Compton limit. An independent estimate of the screen distance using the 21cm scintillation properties alone indicates a minimum screen distance of z approx 40pc and a brightness temperature above 2 x 10^14 K. There is no evidence for anisotropy in the scattering medium or source from the scintillation characteristics, but these estimates may be reduced by a factor comparable to the axial ratio if the source is indeed elongated.Comment: A&A in press, 18 pages, 9 fig

    On the influence of the Sun on the rapid variability of compact extragalactic sources

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    Starting from December 2004, a program for the monitoring of intraday variable sources at a frequency of 5 GHz was performed at the Urumqi Observatory. The analysis of the variability characteristics of the flat-spectrum radio source AO 0235+164 revealed the existence of an annual cycle in the variability amplitude. This appears to correlate with the solar elongation of the source. A thorough analysis of the results of the MASIV IDV survey --- which provides the variability characteristics of a large sample of compact radio sources --- confirms that there is a small but detectable component of the observed fractional modulation which increases with decreasing solar elongation. We discuss the hypothesis that the phenomenon is related to interplanetary scintillation.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures and 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic