8 research outputs found

    Železničko-drumski most u Novom Sadu - racionalnost konstrukcije mosta

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    The construction of Railway Road Bridge across the Danube in Novi Sad is in progress. The bridge is designed for two railway tracks, two road lanes and two footpaths, with total width of 31,440 m. The distances of the piers are 27+178,5+220,5+48 m and total bridge length is 474 m. On the cetral two spans are steel tied arches with network hangers and composite decks. In the article is presented the rationality of the bridge structure ā€“ main bearing systems, hangers and deck structures ā€“ according to steel material quantities and total construction costs.Železničko-drumski most preko Dunava u Novom Sadu je u toku gradnje. Most ima dva koloseka, dve drumske trake i dve peÅ”ačke staze i Å”irok je 31,440 m. Razmaci stubova su 27+178,5+220,5+ 48 m, pa je ukupna dužina mosta 474 m. Na dva centralna raspona su čelični lukovi sa zategom, dijagonalnim veÅ”aljkama i spregnutom kolovoznom konstrukcijom. Konstrukcija mosta (glavni noseći sistemi, veÅ”aljke i kolovozne konstrukcije) je vrlo racionalna po količini materijala i koÅ”tanju izgradnje

    Analiza trenda napotovanja na onkoloŔko genetsko obravnavo pri bolnicah z rakom jajčnikov, ki potrebujejo genetski izvid za načrtovanje zdravljenja in predstavitev novih kliničnih poti obravnave

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    Introduction: In the last few years, genetic services have faced increased referral rates of cancer patients for genetic counselling. The results of genetic testing in patients with epithelial non-mucinous ovarian / fallopian tube cancer / primary peritoneal serous carcinoma (PPSC) and in patients with metastatic prostate / pancreatic / breast cancer can be very important for planning treatment with poly adenosine diphosphate-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors. Because time is of the essence in such cases, we have developed two clinical pathways that allow these patients to receive priority treatment.Aim of study: The aim of the study was to determine whether the number of priority referrals for cancer patients who need a genetic test for treatment purposes has changed over time. For ovarian cancer patients, we wanted to assess the detection rate of pathogenic variants / likely pathogenic variants (PV/LPV) in genes, that were analysed and to investigate the differences between carriers of genetic defects and those who do not have germline PV/LPVs.Methods: At the Department of Oncological Clinical Genetics at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana (OIL), we analysed data on the number of all priority referrals for genetic counselling and testing from 2016 to 2020. We also analysed medical data of all referred patients with epithelial non-mucinous ovarian / fallopian tube / PPSC cancer, who were tested between 2016 and 2020. We used MS Excel, Joinpoint Regression and IBM SPSS programmes.Results: Our study showed that the number of priority referrals of patients, who need genetic testing for treatment planning is increasing over the years. The number of priority referrals of patients with epithelial non-mucinous ovarian / fallopian tube / PPSC cancer began to increase in March 2019 with a trend of 7.7% annual growth. Of all 772 patients with epithelial non-mucinous ovarian / fallopian tube / PPSC cancer referred between 2016 and 2020, 735 women were tested and a PV/LPV was detected using a gene panel in 206 (28%). The PV/LPV detection rate for BRCA1/2 genes was 23%. Of all diagnosed PV/LPV, those in BRCA1/2 genes account for 83%. Women, who are carriers of PV/LPV developed cancer at the average age of 56. 4, which is 4.4 years earlier than non-carriers (p < 0.001). 26.5% of patients with a negative family history would not have been detected in the past, before the introduction of testing for treatment purposes, as the guidelines recommended testing only in patients with a positive family history.Conclusion: The present analysis confirms the importance of priority genetic screening of patients who need a genetic test result for treatment planning. The new clinical pathways described in the article enable fast and high-quality assessment and timely and professional delivery of results. They also enable informed decision-making on genetic testing in cancer patients and co-decision-making on preventive measures in their blood relatives.IzhodiŔče: Zadnjih nekaj let se v genetskih ambulantah soočamo s pogostejŔimi napotitvami bolnikov z rakom na genetsko obravnavo. Izvid genetskega testiranja je namreč pri bolnicah z epitelijskim nemucinoznim rakom jajčnikov/jajcevodov/primarnim peritonealnim seroznim karcinomom (PPSC) in bolnikih z metastatskim rakom prostate/pankreasa/dojk lahko zelo pomemben za načrtovanje zdravljenja z zaviralci poli(ADP-riboza)-polimeraze (PARP). Ker se z obravnavo običajno mudi, smo izdelali dve klinični poti, ki omogočita tem bolnikom prednostno obravnavo.Namen: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali se Ŕtevilo prednostnih napotitev pri bolnikih z rakom, ki potrebujejo genetski izvid za načrtovanje zdravljenja, s časom spreminja. Na primeru raka jajčnikov smo želeli oceniti stopnjo odkrivanja patogenih različic/verjetno patogenih različic (PR/VPR) v pregledovanih genih in raziskati razlike med nosilkami genetskih okvar in tistimi, ki zarodnih PR/VPR nimajo.Metode: Na Oddelku za onkoloŔko klinično genetiko na OnkoloŔkem inŔtitutu Ljubljana (OIL) smo opravili analizo podatkov o Ŕtevilu vseh prednostnih napotitev na genetsko svetovanje in testiranje od leta 2016 do leta 2020. Analizirali smo tudi podatke vseh napotenih bolnic z epitelijskim nemucinoznim rakom jajčnikov/jajcevodov/PPSC, ki so bile testirane med letoma 2016 in 2020. Za analizo podatkov smo uporabili program MS Excel, Joinpoint Regression in IBM SPSS.Rezultati: Raziskava je pokazala, da Ŕtevilo prednostnih napotitev bolnikov, ki potrebujejo genetski izvid za načrtovanje zdravljenja, z leti naraŔča. Napotitve bolnic z epitelijskim nemucinoznim rakom jajčnikov/jajcevodov/PPSC so začele naraŔčati marca 2019 s trendom 7,7-odstotnega letnega prirastka. Od vseh 772 bolnic z epitelijskim nemucinoznim rakom jajčnikov/jajcevodov/PPSC, napotenih med letoma 2016 in 2020, smo testirali 735 žensk in pri 206 (28 %) odkrili PR/VPR v panelu pregledovanih genov. Stopnja detekcije PR/VPR, gledano le za gena BRCA1/2, je 23-odstotna. Med vsemi diagnosticiranimi PR/VPR predstavljajo okvare na genih BRCA1/2 83 % vseh najdb. Ženske, ki so nosilke PR/VPR, v povprečju zbolijo v starosti 56,4 leta in zbolijo povprečno 4,4 leta prej kot nenosilke (p < 0,001). V preteklosti, torej pred uvedbo testiranja za zdravljenje, 26,5 % nosilk z negativno družinsko anamnezo ne bi zaznali, saj so smernice testiranje priporočale le pri bolnicah s pozitivno družinsko anamnezo.Zaključek: Pričujoča analiza potrjuje pomen prednostnega genetskega presejanja bolnikov, ki potrebujejo izvid za načrtovanje zdravljenja. Nove klinične poti, ki jih opisujemo v članku, omogočajo hitro in kakovostno obravnavo ter pravočasno in strokovno predajo rezultatov. Prav tako pri bolnikih z rakom omogočajo informirano odločanje o genetskem testiranju in soodločanje o preventivnih ukrepih pri njihovih krvnih sorodnikih

    Železničko-drumski most u Novom Sadu - racionalnost konstrukcije mosta

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    The construction of Railway Road Bridge across the Danube in Novi Sad is in progress. The bridge is designed for two railway tracks, two road lanes and two footpaths, with total width of 31,440 m. The distances of the piers are 27+178,5+220,5+48 m and total bridge length is 474 m. On the cetral two spans are steel tied arches with network hangers and composite decks. In the article is presented the rationality of the bridge structure ā€“ main bearing systems, hangers and deck structures ā€“ according to steel material quantities and total construction costs.Železničko-drumski most preko Dunava u Novom Sadu je u toku gradnje. Most ima dva koloseka, dve drumske trake i dve peÅ”ačke staze i Å”irok je 31,440 m. Razmaci stubova su 27+178,5+220,5+ 48 m, pa je ukupna dužina mosta 474 m. Na dva centralna raspona su čelični lukovi sa zategom, dijagonalnim veÅ”aljkama i spregnutom kolovoznom konstrukcijom. Konstrukcija mosta (glavni noseći sistemi, veÅ”aljke i kolovozne konstrukcije) je vrlo racionalna po količini materijala i koÅ”tanju izgradnje

    Epidemiology of nosocomial colonization/infection caused by Acinetobacter spp. in patients of six surgical clinics in war and peacetime

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    Background/Aim. Acinetobacter spp. has emerged as nosocomial pathogen during the past few decades in hospitals all over the world, but it has increasingly been implicated as a serious nosocomial pathogen in military hospitals. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the surveillance data on Acinetobacter nosocomial colonization/infection (NCI) collected during the wartime with the data collected in peacetime. Methods. We conducted a prospective study of incidence of Acinetobacter spp. colonization/ infection. Also, the two nested case-control studies were conducted. The patients with nosocomial infection (cases) were compared with those with nosocomial colonization (controls) during the two different periods, wartime and peacetime. The patients with NCI by Acinetobacter spp. were identified by the case-based surveillance. The surveillance covered all the patients in 6 surgical clinics. Results. During the study periods a total of 166 patients had cultures that grew Acinetobacter spp. and the pooled rates of Acinetobacter spp. colonization and infection were significantly higher in wartime. When patients with NCI in wartime were compared with those with NCI in peacetime significant differences were observed. In the war year, the patients were more significantly males (p < 0.000). In a period of peace, most of the colonization/infections were reported from patients with certain chronic diseases (p = 0.020) and the survival of patients was more significant (p = 0.049). During the peacetime, proportions of Acinetobacter isolates resistent to ciprofloksacin, imipenem and meropenem were significantly higher (p < 0.001). Conclusion. This study provides additional important information about the risk factors of nosocomial Acinetobacter spp. infections in a large cohort of surgical patients. This is also the first study that directly examines epidemiological differences between NCI caused by Acinetobacter spp. during the war and peace period

    From Media Systems to Media Cultures: Understanding Socialist Television

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    In From Media Systems to Media Cultures: Understanding Socialist Television, Sabina Mihelj and Simon Huxtable delve into the fascinating world of television under communism, using it to test a new framework for comparative media analysis. To understand the societal consequences of mass communication, the authors argue that we need to move beyond the analysis of media systems, and instead focus on the role of the media in shaping cultural ideals and narratives, everyday practices and routines. Drawing on a wealth of original data derived from archival sources, programme and schedule analysis, and oral history interviews, the authors show how communist authorities managed to harness the power of television to shape new habits and rituals, yet failed to inspire a deeper belief in communist ideals. This book and their analysis contains important implications for the understanding of mass communication in non-democratic settings, and provides tools for the analysis of media cultures globally