46 research outputs found

    Mediadoc: aplicacions multimèdia a assignatures tècniques

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    El programa MEDIADOC s’ha elaborat amb l’objectiu de poder preparar material multimèdia de forma àgil i senzilla per a qualsevol usuari familiaritzat en la utilització de programes habituals de processament de textos. La creació d’aquest tipus de material obliga al professor a un temps de dedicació elevat, i a conèixer un tipus de programes que impliquen un aprenentatge addicional, motiu pel qual en moltes ocasions es desestima aquesta possibilitat i s’utilitzen fitxers *.doc o *.pdf. Es tracta d’agilitar aquest procés i de poder aprofitar els apunts preparats amb processadors de text (WORD) i convertir-los en format multimèdia (FLASH), amb un entorn molt més agradable per a l’usuari, incorporant imatges i enllaços amb gràfics o connexions a pàgines d’internet. L’aplicació de MEDIADOC té tres vessants: producció de teoria, producció d’exercicis tipus test, i producció de demostracions matemàtiques o problemes resolts. En aquest treball es presentarà el resultat de la primera fase d’elaboració de MEDIADOC, mostrant majoritàriament la seva aplicació a la producció de textos teòrics i exercicis tipus test. L’objectiu és disposar d’una eina per a poder crear material multimèdia, de forma fàcil, per tal d’impartir assignatures tècniques de caràcter semipresencial, o crear materials interactius, més aptes per l’autoaprenentatge, segons indica la Declaració de Bolonia

    Desarrollo del cuestionario español para medir necesidades no cubiertas de supervivientes de cáncer (CESC)

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    Introducción: Según datos de la SEOM, existen en la actualidad más de un millón y medio de supervivientes de cáncer en España. El objetivo de este estudio es el desarrollo y evaluación de un cuestionario para medir las necesidades no cubiertas de supervivientes de cáncer. Método: Se desarrolló y evaluó un cuestionario auto-administrado para detectar las necesidades no cubiertas de supervivientes de cáncer. Durante la Fase 1 se definió el constructo, se revisó la literatura científica y se consideró un estudio cualitativo desarrollado previamente. La propuesta del Cuestionario Español para Medir Necesidades no Cubiertas de Supervivientes de Cáncer (CESC) se evaluó sucesivamente por un panel de expertos hasta obtener una versión que incluye las propuestas formuladas. En la Fase 2, el cuestionario fue completado por un total de 109 supervivientes de cáncer, a fin de analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Resultados: El cuestionario CESC incluyó un total de 25 ítems o necesidades relevantes, mostrando tener buenas propiedades de fiabilidad y validez. Como resultado del análisis estadístico se obtuvieron 3 Factores: físico, emocional y laboral-económico. Conclusiones: El cuestionario CESC es un primer instrumento disponible en español, para facilitar la detección de necesidades de servicios específicos dirigidos a la población de supervivientes de cáncer. Los resultados, si bien preliminares, son muy alentadoresBackground: To develop and evaluate a questionnaire to measure cancer survivors' unmet needs. Methods: A self-report measure of cancer survivors' unmet needs was developed. In Phase I, it was taken into consideration the construct definition, literature review and previous qualitative research that identified needs in survivors. Spanish Questionnaire of Cancer Survivors' Unmet Needs (CESC) was review by an expert panel up to the final version. In Phase 2, the measure was completed by 109 cancer survivors. Results: CESC questionnaire included 25 need items. Good acceptability, internal consistency and validity were demonstrated. Factor analysis identified three factors: Physical, Emotional and Employment/Economic. Conclusions: The CESC, first instrument in Spanish, will facilitate the evaluation of target services and generation of service delivery recommendations for cancer survivors. Even if it is a preliminary version, results are encouragin

    Clinico‐biological features and outcome of patients with splenic marginal zone lymphoma with histological transformation

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    We describe 36 patients with splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) with transformation (SMZL-T), including 15 from a series of 84 patients with SMZL diagnosed at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona (HCB) and 21 diagnosed with SMZL-T in other centres. In the HCB cohort, the cumulative incidence of transformation at 5 years was 15%. Predictors for transformation were cytopenias, hypoalbuminaemia, complex karyotype (CK) and both the Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi (ILL) and simplified Haemoglobin, Platelet count, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and extrahilar Lymphadenopathy (HPLL)/ABC scores (P < 0·05). The only independent predictor for transformation in multivariate analysis was CK [hazard ratio (HR) 4·025, P = 0·05]. Patients with SMZL-T had a significantly higher risk of death than the remainder (HR 3·89, P < 0·001). Of the 36 patients with SMZL-T, one developed Hodgkin lymphoma and 35 a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, 71% with a non-germinal centre phenotype. The main features were B symptoms, lymphadenopathy, and high serum LDH. CK was observed in 12/22 (55%) SMZL-T and fluorescence in situ hybridisation detected abnormalities of MYC proto-oncogene, basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor (MYC), B-cell leukaemia/lymphoma 2 (BCL2) and/or BCL6 in six of 14 (43%). In all, 21 patients received immunochemotherapy, six chemotherapy, one radiotherapy and three splenectomy. The complete response (CR) rate was 61% and the median survival from transformation was 4·92 years. Predictors for a worse survival in multivariate analysis were high-risk International Prognostic Index (HR 5·294, P = 0·016) and lack of CR (HR 2·67, P < 0·001)

    BCL3-rearrangements in B-cell lymphoid neoplasms occur in two breakpoint clusters associated with different diseases

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    The t(14;19)(q32;q13) often juxtaposes BCL3 with immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) resulting in overexpression of the gene. In contrast to other oncogenic translocations, BCL3 rearrangement (BCL3-R) has been associated with a broad spectrum of lymphoid neoplasms. Here we report an integrative whole-genome sequence, transcriptomic, and DNA methylation analysis of 13 lymphoid neoplasms with BCL3-R. The resolution of the breakpoints at single base-pair revealed that they occur in two clusters at 5' (n=9) and 3' (n=4) regions of BCL3 associated with two different biological and clinical entities. Both breakpoints were mediated by aberrant class switch recombination of the IGH locus. However, the 5' breakpoints (upstream) juxtaposed BCL3 next to an IGH enhancer leading to overexpression of the gene whereas the 3' breakpoints (downstream) positioned BCL3 outside the influence of the IGH and were not associated with its expression. Upstream BCL3-R tumors had unmutated IGHV, trisomy 12, and mutated genes frequently seen in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) but had an atypical CLL morphology, immunophenotype, DNA methylome, and expression profile that differ from conventional CLL. In contrast, downstream BCL3-R neoplasms were atypical splenic or nodal marginal zone lymphomas (MZL) with mutated IGHV, complex karyotypes and mutated genes typical of MZL. Two of the latter four tumors transformed to a large B-cell lymphoma. We designed a novel fluorescence in situ hybridization assay that recognizes the two different breakpoints and validated these findings in 17 independent tumors. Overall, upstream or downstream breakpoints of BCL3-R are mainly associated with two subtypes of lymphoid neoplasms with different (epi)genomic, expression, and clinicopathological features resembling atypical CLL and MZL, respectively

    BCL3-rearrangements in B-cell lymphoid neoplasms occur in two breakpoint clusters associated with different diseases

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    The t(14;19)(q32;q13) often juxtaposes BCL3 with IGH resulting in overexpression of the gene. In contrast to other oncogenic translocations, BCL3-rearrangement (BCL3-R) has been associated with a broad spectrum of lymphoid neoplasms. Here we report an integrative whole-genome sequence, transcriptomic, and DNA methylation analysis of 13 lymphoid neoplasms with BCL3-R. The resolution of the breakpoints at single base-pair revealed that they occur in two clusters at 5' (n=9) and 3' (n=4) regions of BCL3 associated with two different biological and clinical entities. Both breakpoints were mediated by aberrant class switch recombination of the IGH locus. However, the 5' breakpoints (upstream) juxtaposed BCL3 next to an IGH enhancer leading to overexpression of the gene whereas the 3' breakpoints (downstream) positioned BCL3 outside the influence of the IGH and were not associated with its expression. Upstream BCL3-R tumors had unmutated IGHV, trisomy 12, and mutated genes frequently seen in CLL but had an atypical CLL morphology, immunophenotype, DNA methylome, and expression profile that differ from conventional CLL. In contrast, downstream BCL3-R neoplasms were atypical splenic or nodal marginal zone lymphomas (MZL) with mutated IGHV, complex karyotypes and mutated genes typical of MZL. Two of the latter 4 tumors transformed to a large B-cell lymphoma. We designed a novel FISH assay that recognizes the two different breakpoints and validated these findings in 17 independent tumors. Overall, upstream or downstream breakpoints of BCL3-R are mainly associated with two subtypes of lymphoid neoplasms with different (epi)genomic, expression, and clinicopathological features resembling atypical CLL and MZL, respectively

    Guia clínica per a l'atenció de les persones amb símptomes persistents de COVID-19

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV-2; Símptomes persistents; Guia clínicaCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV-2; Síntomas persistentes; Guía clínicaCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV-2; Persistent symptoms; Clinical guideLes persones amb símptomes persistents de COVID-19 són majoritàriament dones d’edat mitjana i representen un problema de salut emergent, ja que aquests símptomes poden ocasionar un fort impacte sobre la qualitat de vida. Aquesta circumstància també pot afectar persones joves sense cap malaltia prèvia. El seu pronòstic a llarg termini és desconegut. Els símptomes persistents són molt variats i poden ser fluctuants i agrupar-se en una mateixa persona. Per a la gran majoria de persones amb símptomes de COVID-19 persistent ha de prevaldre l’atenció centrada exclusivament en l’equip d’atenció primària (AP), amb un abordatge integral i amb visió biopsicosocial, i amb el suport de professionals com els de salut mental, els dels serveis de rehabilitació i els de treball social quan sigui necessari. L’observació i l’abordatge de la simptomatologia persistent en aquestes persones representen una oportunitat per generar coneixement des de l’AP, juntament amb les persones afectades. La manca de símptomes patognomònics i/o proves específiques dificulta el diagnòstic i obliga a descartar altres malalties que poden tenir presentacions similars, sovint per arribar a un diagnòstic per exclusió. La manca d’un tractament específic fa que l’acompanyament d’aquestes persones tingui com a objectiu alleugerir el seu malestar i facilitar la seva reincorporació a l’activitat habitual.Las personas con síntomas persistentes de COVID-19 son mayoritariamente mujeres de edad media y representan un problema de salud emergente, ya que estos síntomas pueden ocasionar un fuerte impacto sobre la calidad de vida. Esta circunstancia también puede afectar a personas jóvenes sin enfermedad previa. Su pronóstico a largo plazo es desconocido. Los síntomas persistentes son muy variados y pueden ser fluctuantes y agruparse en una misma persona. Para la gran mayoría de personas con síntomas de COVID-19 persistente debe prevalecer la atención centrada exclusivamente en el equipo de atención primaria (AP), con un abordaje integral y con visión biopsicosocial, y con el apoyo de profesionales como los de salud mental, los de los servicios de rehabilitación y los de trabajo social cuando sea necesario. La observación y el abordaje de la sintomatología persistente en estas personas representan una oportunidad para generar conocimiento desde la AP, junto con las personas afectadas. La falta de síntomas patognomónicos y / o pruebas específicas dificulta el diagnóstico y obliga a descartar otras enfermedades que pueden tener presentaciones similares, a menudo para llegar a un diagnóstico por exclusión. La falta de un tratamiento específico hace que el acompañamiento de estas personas tenga como objetivo aliviar su malestar y facilitar su reincorporación a la actividad habitual.People with persistent symptoms of COVID-19 are mostly middle-aged women and represent an emerging health problem, as these symptoms can have a strong impact on quality of life. This circumstance can also affect young people without any previous illness. Its long-term prognosis is unknown. Persistent symptoms are very varied and can be fluctuating and grouped into a single person. For the vast majority of people with symptoms of persistent COVID-19, care focused exclusively on the primary care team (PA) should prevail, with a comprehensive approach and a biopsychosocial vision, and with the support of professionals such as those of mental health, those of rehabilitation services and those of social work when necessary. Observing and addressing the persistent symptomatology in these people represents an opportunity to generate knowledge from the PA, along with those affected. The lack of pathognomonic symptoms and / or specific tests makes diagnosis difficult and forces us to rule out other diseases that may have similar presentations, often to arrive at a diagnosis by exclusion. The lack of specific treatment means that the support of these people aims to alleviate their discomfort and facilitate their reintegration into the usual activity

    Evaluating Person-Centred Integrated Care to People with Complex Chronic Conditions: Early Implementation Results of the ProPCC Programme

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    Introduction: The evaluation of integrated care programmes for high-need high-cost older people is a challenge. We aim to share the early implementation results of the ProPCC programme in the North-Barcelona metropolitan area, in Catalonia, Spain. Methods: We analysed the intervention with retrospective data from May 2018 to December 2021 by describing the cohort complexity and by showing its 6-months pre-post impact on time spent at home and resources used: primary care visits, emergency department visits, hospital admissions and hospital stay. Findings: 264 cases were included (91% at home; 9% in nursing homes). 6-month pre vs. 6-months post results were (mean, p-value): primary care visits 8.2 vs. 11.5 (p < 0.05); emergency department visits 1.4 vs. 0.9 (p < 0.05); hospital admissions 0.7 vs. 0.5 (p < 0.05); hospital stay 12.8 vs. 7.9 days (p < 0.05). Time spent at home was 169.2 vs.174.2 days (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Early implementation of the ProPCC programme results in an increase in time spent at home (up to 3%) and significant reductions in emergency department attendance (–37.2%) and hospital stays (–38.3%). The increased use of primary care resources is compensated by the hospital resources savings, with a result in the average total cost of –46.3%

    Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 among individuals with recent respiratory symptoms

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    In a preregistered, cross-sectional study we investigated whether olfactory loss is a reliable predictor of COVID-19 using a crowdsourced questionnaire in 23 languages to assess symptoms in individuals self-reporting recent respiratory illness. We quantified changes in chemosensory abilities during the course of the respiratory illness using 0-100 visual analog scales (VAS) for participants reporting a positive (C19+; n=4148) or negative (C19-; n=546) COVID-19 laboratory test outcome. Logistic regression models identified univariate and multivariate predictors of COVID-19 status and post-COVID-19 olfactory recovery. Both C19+ and C19- groups exhibited smell loss, but it was significantly larger in C19+ participants (mean±SD, C19+: -82.5±27.2 points; C19-: -59.8±37.7). Smell loss during illness was the best predictor of COVID-19 in both univariate and multivariate models (ROC AUC=0.72). Additional variables provide negligible model improvement. VAS ratings of smell loss were more predictive than binary chemosensory yes/no-questions or other cardinal symptoms (e.g., fever). Olfactory recovery within 40 days of respiratory symptom onset was reported for ~50% of participants and was best predicted by time since respiratory symptom onset. We find that quantified smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 amongst those with symptoms of respiratory illness. To aid clinicians and contact tracers in identifying individuals with a high likelihood of having COVID-19, we propose a novel 0-10 scale to screen for recent olfactory loss, the ODoR-19. We find that numeric ratings ≤2 indicate high odds of symptomatic COVID-19 (4&lt;10). Once independently validated, this tool could be deployed when viral lab tests are impractical or unavailable

    More than smell - COVID-19 is associated with severe impairment of smell, taste, and chemesthesis

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    Recent anecdotal and scientific reports have provided evidence of a link between COVID-19 and chemosensory impairments such as anosmia. However, these reports have downplayed or failed to distinguish potential effects on taste, ignored chemesthesis, generally lacked quantitative measurements, were mostly restricted to data from single countries. Here, we report the development, implementation and initial results of a multi-lingual, international questionnaire to assess self-reported quantity and quality of perception in three distinct chemosensory modalities (smell, taste, and chemesthesis) before and during COVID-19. In the first 11 days after questionnaire launch, 4039 participants (2913 women, 1118 men, 8 other, ages 19-79) reported a COVID-19 diagnosis either via laboratory tests or clinical assessment. Importantly, smell, taste and chemesthetic function were each significantly reduced compared to their status before the disease. Difference scores (maximum possible change+/-100) revealed a mean reduction of smell (-79.7+/- 28.7, mean+/- SD), taste (-69.0+/- 32.6), and chemesthetic (-37.3+/- 36.2) function during COVID-19. Qualitative changes in olfactory ability (parosmia and phantosmia) were relatively rare and correlated with smell loss. Importantly, perceived nasal obstruction did not account for smell loss. Furthermore, chemosensory impairments were similar between participants in the laboratory test and clinical assessment groups. These results show that COVID-19-associated chemosensory impairment is not limited to smell, but also affects taste and chemesthesis. The multimodal impact of COVID-19 and lack of perceived nasal obstruction suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection may disrupt sensory-neural mechanisms.Additional co-authors: Veronica Pereda-Loth, Shannon B Olsson, Richard C Gerkin, Paloma Rohlfs Domínguez, Javier Albayay, Michael C. Farruggia, Surabhi Bhutani, Alexander W Fjaeldstad, Ritesh Kumar, Anna Menini, Moustafa Bensafi, Mari Sandell, Iordanis Konstantinidis, Antonella Di Pizio, Federica Genovese, Lina Öztürk, Thierry Thomas-Danguin, Johannes Frasnelli, Sanne Boesveldt, Özlem Saatci, Luis R. Saraiva, Cailu Lin, Jérôme Golebiowski, Liang-Dar Hwang, Mehmet Hakan Ozdener, Maria Dolors Guàrdia, Christophe Laudamiel, Marina Ritchie, Jan Havlícek, Denis Pierron, Eugeni Roura, Marta Navarro, Alissa A. Nolden, Juyun Lim, KL Whitcroft, Lauren R. Colquitt, Camille Ferdenzi, Evelyn V. Brindha, Aytug Altundag, Alberto Macchi, Alexia Nunez-Parra, Zara M. Patel, Sébastien Fiorucci, Carl M. Philpott, Barry C. Smith, Johan N Lundström, Carla Mucignat, Jane K. Parker, Mirjam van den Brink, Michael Schmuker, Florian Ph.S Fischmeister, Thomas Heinbockel, Vonnie D.C. Shields, Farhoud Faraji, Enrique Enrique Santamaría, William E.A. Fredborg, Gabriella Morini, Jonas K. Olofsson, Maryam Jalessi, Noam Karni, Anna D'Errico, Rafieh Alizadeh, Robert Pellegrino, Pablo Meyer, Caroline Huart, Ben Chen, Graciela M. Soler, Mohammed K. Alwashahi, Olagunju Abdulrahman, Antje Welge-Lüssen, Pamela Dalton, Jessica Freiherr, Carol H. Yan, Jasper H. B. de Groot, Vera V. Voznessenskaya, Hadar Klein, Jingguo Chen, Masako Okamoto, Elizabeth A. Sell, Preet Bano Singh, Julie Walsh-Messinger, Nicholas S. Archer, Sachiko Koyama, Vincent Deary, Hüseyin Yanik, Samet Albayrak, Lenka Martinec Novákov, Ilja Croijmans, Patricia Portillo Mazal, Shima T. Moein, Eitan Margulis, Coralie Mignot, Sajidxa Mariño, Dejan Georgiev, Pavan K. Kaushik, Bettina Malnic, Hong Wang, Shima Seyed-Allaei, Nur Yoluk, Sara Razzaghi, Jeb M. Justice, Diego Restrepo, Julien W Hsieh, Danielle R. Reed, Thomas Hummel, Steven D Munger, John E Haye

    Necesidades del paciente crónico en España

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