14 research outputs found

    Priority setting in health care: Lessons from the experiences of eight countries

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    All health care systems face problems of justice and efficiency related to setting priorities for allocating a limited pool of resources to a population. Because many of the central issues are the same in all systems, the United States and other countries can learn from the successes and failures of countries that have explicitly addressed the question of health care priorities

    Resource allocation and priority setting in health care: a multi-criteria decision analysis problem of value?

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    A methodological approach is needed for allocating health care resources in an efficient and fair way that gives legitimacy to decisions. Currently, most priority setting approaches tend to focus on single or limited benefit dimensions, even though the value of new health care interventions is multi-dimensional. Explicit elicitation of social value trade-offs is usually not possible and decision-makers often adopt intuitive or heuristic modes for simplification purposes as part of an ad hoc decision-making process which might diminish the reasonableness and credibility of the decisions. In this paper, we suggest that multi-criteria decision analysis could provide a more comprehensive and transparent approach in health care to systematically capture decision-makers’ concerns, compare value trade-offs and elicit their value preferences. We conclude that such methods could inform the development of a decision support system in health care, contributing towards more efficient, rational and legitimate resource allocation decisions

    A Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) for use by older people in community services

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    Background: intermediate care (IC) services operate between health and social care and are an essential component of integrated care for older people. Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) offer an objective measure of user experience and a practical way to measure person-centred, integrated care in IC settings. Objective: to describe the development of PREMs suitable for use in IC services and to examine their feasibility, acceptability and scaling properties. Setting: 131 bed-based and 143 home-based or re-ablement IC services in England. Methods: PREMs for each of home- and bed-based IC services were developed through consensus. These were incorporated into the 2013 NAIC and distributed to 50 consecutive users of each bed-based and 250 users of each home-based service. Return rates and patterns of missing data were examined. Scaling properties of the PREMs were examined with Mokken analysis. Results: 1,832 responses were received from users of bed-based and 4,627 from home-based services (return rates 28 and 13%, respectively). Missing data were infrequent. Mokken analysis of completed bed-based PREMs (1,398) revealed 8 items measuring the same construct and forming a medium strength (Loevinger H 0.44) scale with acceptable reliability (ρ{variant} = 0.76). Analysis of completed home-based PREMs (3,392 records) revealed a medium-strength scale of 12 items (Loevinger H 0.41) with acceptable reliability (ρ{variant}=0.81). Conclusions: the two PREMs offer a method to evaluate user experience of both bed- and home-based IC services. Each scale measures a single construct with moderate scaling properties, allowing summation of scores to give an overall measure of experience